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File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, 105943093_904798703334051_4493339150173018646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20036546 No.20036546 [Reply] [Original]

Things you can't help but blow money on. Hobbies, drugs, travel, women?

>> No.20036569


>> No.20036570

right now alcohol

>> No.20036592

modular synths. it's a fucking moneypit

>> No.20036627

Which synths? I’m a classical/jazz player myself, but recently been jamming on my buddy’s Moog. Not too well versed in em. Any recommendations?

>> No.20036675
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Not really into insects but these bitches are sexy

>> No.20036710

everyone loves moogs but after a while the fixed architecture gets a little tiresome.

look at mutable instruments or make noise, they're pretty beginner friendly. industrial music electronics has the best sounding shit though.

buy a mutable instruments clouds and braids and jam out. they're open source so clones can be bought pretty cheap on reverb.

>> No.20036724

I wonder what they smell like

>> No.20036745

cocaine and pc parts 2bqwhwy senpai.

>> No.20036766

I like to lather myself with strawberry jelly and watch star trek

>> No.20036780

Food. I'm a fat fuck.

>> No.20036924
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why are you posting miss pun? who are you?

>> No.20036928

Hypothetically, where would you find two women who look like this? /trv/ makes Thailand sound great but the pictures you see of Thai bargirls are gross.

Where do you find hotties like this? Assuming you bought link early so you don't need to save money.

>> No.20036994

where do I buy this pepe plush

>> No.20037036

I wanna be rich so I can have a nice eleiko homegym.

>> No.20037077
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It's a cheap knock off, not the original one
Real one is at Hashtag Collectibles

>> No.20037115
File: 66 KB, 791x540, 35q26426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks yeah I have the og one. I want the other versions too.
Also I looked and could not find the hashtag collectibles one anymore

>> No.20037122

not really
as someone clinically diagnosed with yellow fever, i can reliably assure you, that you are wrong.

>> No.20037151


>> No.20037179

I've been using omnisphere for years instead of actual analog synths and finally bought myself a prophet 08, now I've got the gear bug. If I'm looking to spend about a grand for a couple starter modular synths what would you recommend?

>> No.20037238
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"sad frog" on aliexpress
it's ugly as fuck if you ask me


>> No.20037244

Expensive sushi and wagyu

>> No.20037268

mutable instruments plaits is pretty great, it has tons of different alogos built in. ALMs pams new workout is a great modulation source, 8 independent channels of whatever you need, lfos, triggers, quanitzed notes.. make noise rene v1 can be found for around $200, and that's one of the most fun sequencers out there. check out modulargrid.com and find yourself a filter and you'll be good to go.

also, get a tiptop happy ending kit or mantis for case with built in power supply. have fun, they are a blast!

>> No.20037269


>> No.20037279
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>> No.20037294
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pepes weren't meant to be beautiful
look at this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000585502702.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.30b97929Xtxz64

>> No.20037332
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>> No.20037334


>> No.20037335

Get your eyes checked, coomer

>> No.20037352

Thanks anon I'll check it all out

>> No.20037353

I buy underwear. I want to have a pair in every material.

>> No.20037374
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I hope that doesn't give you leukemia in 5 years
maybe don't be a coomsumer and save your money or buy LINK?

>> No.20037385
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, FBAD4C05-9E81-4183-B02C-39F37263026B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love motorcycles and I hate cars
I have never owned a car in my life and my license is for motorcycles only
I currently own a triumph Daytona but I feel like getting a Ducati soon

>> No.20037422

I buy chinkshit off eBay for less than $5 and I'm usually too lazy to scam them and get a refund

>> No.20037444
File: 606 KB, 768x1024, 1486448497356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian massage parlors
i dont want to live a life where I can't go to those so its worth the money for me
unfortuantely they're all closed now though so life is pretty rough

>> No.20037472


>> No.20037613
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nice blonde asians and trips
haha. I wasn't thinking about that, right now getting stuff from aliexpress is risky from the wuflu

>> No.20037627

whoa, now thats what yellow fever is all about

>> No.20037642

40k models mostly

>> No.20037649
File: 198 KB, 1080x1350, 104495650_614879992772079_8131046833157401774_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the most comically Photoshopped pic I've seen. Look at the shorts, esp the left ass cheek.

>> No.20037688
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Nice catch anon. She has pretty eyes.

>> No.20037690

gimme the sauce

>> No.20037912
File: 133 KB, 1080x1350, 101787428_567011860676069_2280400851167361070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of mine and some more Asian posting
tires for track days, detailing products, and just buying cars and shitboxes for projects.

>Gyms (Not so much now)
Weight gym, rock climbing gym, and Boxing gym memberships before COVID

>Violins and Pianos
Played since 4 and I collect, restore, and resale vintage and newer instruments. Protip: Guaranteed sex if you take her home and she notices them. Play decently and its game over.

Big reseller but I get high on my own supply way too often.

Just starting out and going mega autist with buying supplies.

>who are you?
The single biggest thot poster on the board.

>> No.20038213
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to answer thread quesiton, buying vitamins and nootropics

>> No.20038372
File: 104 KB, 1080x1098, 106038467_981821588928802_495519941694978583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying vitamins and nootropics
Started buying a few vitamins and minerals lately myself. Whats a few you take?

>> No.20038418

Eating out.

>> No.20038444
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1471957733648s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who you're posting, stop posting this man

>> No.20038482

wheres the pic where he crushes pepe?

>> No.20038532
File: 123 KB, 1080x1350, 95595355_531451170872756_2341973382968531392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and itsamanpilled

>> No.20038702

Seething tranny posters

>> No.20038767
File: 70 KB, 600x600, cap maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luxury Watches. I've spent $50k on them and I know I should be spending it on a house or further investing the money. With the beer virus I feel like it's fine to indulge because I could die any day and not enjoy the good things in life. Also I have a perfectly good life and don't live in poverty.

>> No.20038861 [DELETED] 


>> No.20038913
File: 88 KB, 819x1024, A88A3D92-0B5A-4AF1-921C-794723D19361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Rolex?

You’re unbanned, congrats Anon.

>> No.20038985
File: 85 KB, 811x811, qp paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Rolex and AP. Thinking about dumping AP since a service costs like $1.2k and getting one re-finished costs upwards of $2K. At that point it's no different than buying a car (not quite but you get the idea).

>> No.20039000

Ordering takeout. I get all sorts delivered from McDonald's to high end sushi. I just can't be fucked cooking/cleaning half the time and love good fucking food but it adds up.

I burn it up anyway w/gym, but not been going became it's shut for Kung Flu

>> No.20039179


>> No.20039233

Coomers find everything with a hole sexy. Reddit thinks porn causes "unrealistic standards". 4chan proves porn lowers or totally obliterates standards.

>> No.20039424

what the fuck is this goblin

>> No.20039440

Moog matriarch

>> No.20039450

Violin recommendations GO

>> No.20039533

You haven't taken the East Asian pill yet?
Those are Chinese or Japanese girls
You can fast forward your way there by trying to understand why ARPA is gonna lead the next bubble. Start with JD.com.

>> No.20039562

tools for diy. just bought a welder i shouldntve bought.

>> No.20039611
File: 172 KB, 1080x1350, 106008103_597331147863464_5876707280179957197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For resale? Collecting? Restoring? Learning to play? I'm full blown autist about violins so let me know what you're looking to do because I can post for days discussing them.

Great taste.

Just posting whatever random Asians I come across. I have TBs of them so not all will be winners.

>> No.20039625


You use crypto.com for those spicy Grubhub gift cards? 20% back in CRO I already spent 300$ on gift cards when it pumps, got $60 back, and invested it in more shitcoins. Eating like a proper NEET over here.

>> No.20039630

I've spent far too much time and money on Thai women. Totally worth it though.

>> No.20040736

> https://streamable.com/g11924
Saw this clip of Asians before and after makeup in another thread. Seems fitting here and I renounce my coomer ways.