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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20033663 No.20033663 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of partnership is this?

>> No.20033684


>> No.20033724

This has nothing to do with chainlink.

>> No.20033749

It’s literally their tweet you retsrd

>> No.20033760
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>fast gas
imagine the smell

>> No.20034149

Chainlink has just partnered with ETHEREUM!

>> No.20034168

go back

>> No.20034188

>Fast Gas
Literally me after burrito night.

>> No.20034348

I thought this was going to be a blog post.

>> No.20034399


>> No.20034481

Something you plebs don’t understand because you stay at home and have no careers

It’s called a developer utility, and at that a massive one I’ve needed for a while in my contracts.

>> No.20034509

Sure thing, Rory you cuck !

>> No.20034540

please, shill

>> No.20034554

Elaborate please
And make it extra larpy and optimistic please
I need some hopium

>> No.20034562

There have been a few overpayments and if you are running automated contracts you need every variable known before execution so you don’t overpay. Its especially important if you are running lots of transactions or do them in batches and want to wait until gas is cheap

>> No.20034695
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>fast gas

>> No.20034712

Take your meds

>> No.20034782

Lmfao you fags are so bullish on smart contracts but have no idea about gas usage and price reference needs


>> No.20034827

This is massively useful actually. It would have probably prevented the epic crash in March when Maker/Dai fucked up, if they had this reference Oracle ticking.

It would have prevented the feed from using old gas prices.

>> No.20034833

No this board is bullish on chainlink because of the memes. I bet you 90% of the people here don’t know how a smart contract actually works on ethereum

>> No.20035188

Lol partnered with gwey, thats gay af

>> No.20035630

Anons are bullish on LINK because of the gaslighting shill tactics from frog memes, never sell spam, $1K eoy spam, “fren” spam when the community is fake as fuck and all these fake breadcrumbs.

LINK holders are gaslighted to the core

>> No.20035695

>LINK holders are gaslighted to the core
Yeah, and so are Google, Oracle, the Chinese government, ...

>> No.20035745

Demonstration. Never been mentioned again outside of a repost LINK paid for
Q3 rapidly approaching and I can’t wait to see how you niggerfaggots push the goal post back this time
Shell company that could land STINK in hot water in the US. Think of it as the fake ass money laundering shell sites that were startups. Announced 50 and produced 20 fake shell sites yet to be updated or heard from.

Enjoy that gaslighted delusion.

>> No.20035772

Came here to say this.

>> No.20035784

You esl fuck

>> No.20035799

>It’s called a developer utility, and at that a massive one I’ve needed for a while in my contracts.

> I'm totally innocent! I didn't mean to overpay in gas fees!

BULLSHIT. No one is falling for your schemes bro.


>> No.20035800

Imagine being this emotionally invested in something you don't even like.

>> No.20035819


>> No.20035823

Just noticed my dump ID. Insanely based

Like most, all the memes and shilling got to me so I did my research before investing in your shittoken. Best decision I ever made.

>> No.20035840

At least LINK is working with tons of companies. How many partnerships has BTC?

>> No.20035844

And yet here you still are, obsessing over Link.

>> No.20036063

Nah, just here to laugh at your delusions


>> No.20036094

You wrote all this shit in the blink of an eye: >>20035745

You're more passionate about Link than me.

>> No.20036102

>did my research
>didn't invest
>he's proud of missing out on an easy x10
It's confirmed that not only do I share this board with pajeets, but sub 50 IQ apes as well. Just go back to the xrp subreddit or wherever it is that trash like you comes from.

>> No.20036131

look at the faggot desperately trying to accumulate. bet your pen0r is as small as your linkie stack.

>> No.20036151

Not everyone types at 40 wpm Anon.

Not interested in buying whale bags and biweekly 500k dumps at these prices. Maybe if I got in earlier I’d swing but anyone buying LINK at these prices are retarded.

You won’t come close to making it buying LINK at these prices. The cancer you faggots spread to this board is worse than all the Uniswap Jeets combined.

Good luck tho faggots.

>> No.20036170

ID have spoken
I just dumped mate

>> No.20036182

>and at that a massive one
price dumped sirs, is that how massive it is?

>> No.20036271

>i-i'm smart for not listening
Yes, just like the retards who didn't listen at sub 50c.
The next time you look in the mirror, imagine a smug retard who proudly points at the wet spot after he pisses his pants. That's you as a person, kek.

>> No.20036413
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>> No.20036940

Vitalik must be pissed

>> No.20036963


>> No.20037234
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This is great. Another step towards easier contract development and processing. Before, devs didn't have reliable ways to guess a fast executing gas price without risking centralized sources.

>> No.20038111


>> No.20038128

Dump matey.

>> No.20039283
File: 2.60 MB, 1099x8585, 1592020058731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter Harmony ONE.