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20032455 No.20032455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you have gamerbrain? is he correct, should I just stay vidya free after not having played games for a long time now?
also what's biz opinion on this phaggt called Alex Becker?

VID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=868BlSS8Wg0

Bonus question, what do you niggas think about nofap nightmare mode? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwqYWNCUnUs

>> No.20032520

give me a run down on gamer brains

>> No.20032687

>dopamine hits
>brain focused on solving your gayme problems even when you are not gayming
>need to use your brain and obsess to solve your real world/biz problems instead of having your brain hijacked by the game (because of the superior dopamine hits from gayming)
>everything other than gayming will be less dopamine hits than gayming
>gayming hijacks your subconcious
>gayming will give you nothing in return (inb4 ninja n shroud)
guess that's it after viewing it in 2x again

>> No.20032697

I don’t even have to watch the video to know this dude is undeniably a faggot and probably does stupid shit in his free time like watch Netflix or watch other YouTube content creators with stupid clickbait titles

>> No.20032720

This could be applied to movies, shows, music, books and literally anything else that isn’t directly making you money but still takes up time.

>> No.20032742

Stop watching talking heads on YouTube. You're not on good footing if this is your source of information and opinion.

>> No.20032771

Says the loser wasting time on YouTube and 4chan. Everyone has their vices and forms of entertainment. EVERYONE. Anyone talking shit about what other people choose to do in their free time are just insecure.

>> No.20032778

that's why this phaggot literally sold everything in his overpriced flat and all he has is a desk and his pc and does everything minimalism

>This could be applied
to a lesser degree, gaming is even worse as it hijacks your thinking for longer periods of time. the other ones atleast when you are done with it you are done

dis nigga sippin espressos and gaming wow off cam bruh

im addicted to watching yt clowns tho

>> No.20032856

I disagree with that desu. When I finish a really good movie or show I’m usually thinking about it for days after in my free time, same thing happens with a good game of course but it isn’t exclusive with just games. The same thing even happens with good music, a really good song will be stuck in my head and I’ll start hearing it randomly when I should be thinking about other stuff

>> No.20032878

can you stop using this stupid term? just call it gaming. its like feminists using the word womyn.

>> No.20032922

not comparable reflecting on a movie, book or catchy song to constantly obsessing and trying to solve in game problems when not gaming.
really nigga? not even comparable

why are you gay?

>> No.20032947

You know what, I don't believe any "addiction" or dopamine-whatever can be comparable to actual drug use when drug use involves an external chemical interacting with your neurochemistry. All the other shit is internal, endogenous - the only external factor is sensory input.

>> No.20032955

>why are you gay?
no but coming up with pet names for things you don't like is really cringy. i agree with most of these points but i dont want to be seen along weirdos like you.

>> No.20032990

so like anything else, sugar is the same, or heroin

did you know that in a study on mice, if they could choose between heroin and sugar, the mice would select sugar? chuck that chocolate down goyim

>> No.20033008


>external chemical

>> No.20033025

Why are they not comparable? What problems are you thinking about solving when not playing when you mainly play stuff like shooters? You run and shoot when you play, that’s it. Doesn’t require any extra thinking when you’re not playing and I would argue a really great show will have you thinking about it more than someone who plays shit like Apex Legends because there is obviously more substance to digest in a show with a deep plot. It’s not like people are out here solving algebra in their games dude, you’re making it sound like gaming has all these puzzles and problems you constantly need to think about just to justify your opinion

>> No.20033033
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It could be worse.
You can have a 4chanbrain

>> No.20033057

Sugar is a chemical introduced to your system. There's still a better case to be made for that than vidya.

>> No.20033096

I've recently quit playing WoW classic after playing it since launch. Thank God I'm free from this cancerous life-wasting game

>> No.20033103

This assumes you are still a wagie trying to make more and more fiat shekels to survive. If you were a wealthy millionaire you could enjoy vidya all you want and it wouldn’t fucking matter. Self deprivation is only for the poors

>> No.20033118

>so like anything else
no. you didn't even watch it

you are gay.

>What problems are you thinking about solving when not playing when you mainly play stuff like shooters? You run and shoot when you play, that’s it.
have you ever played a competitive shooter with tactics? maybe if you go full casual
either way I'm not confirming or denying his thesis.
however based on prior own experience I would agree that he is atleast somewhat right

guess it's already over

>> No.20033128

>Self deprivation is only for the poors
Excuse for weakness. Dopamine hits rot the brain same as sugar rots the body.

>> No.20033133

Great video, I figured this out already by analyzing myself but this guy lays it out perfectly.
Childhood memory, I found a graphic glitch that allowed me to pass through an obstacle that couldn't be removed conventionally like developers have intended because the game was bugged.

>> No.20033181

Some studies have suggested video games boost reaction time and cognitive performance

But wait I forgot—in 4Chan world everything is black and white.

Its so hard for you people to fathom you can make good money, have a hot gf and active social life, and still enjoy the modern marvel that is video games.

Cue the seething virgins.

>> No.20033185
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well that's his entire point, he's tryna optimize his businesses and his shekels...

>Self deprivation is only for the poors
or people trying to excel in a specific task without necessarily being poor?

>> No.20033202

Okay time for some real science

Study 1:

>The study, conducted over four years at the University of Montreal, recorded brain scans of players before and after they played first-person shooters for 90 (non-consecutive) hours. It found a reduction in gray matter in every participant who navigated games like Call of Duty and Medal of Honor using memorized directions, or “non-spatial memory.” In participants who navigated using landmark-based spatial memory, however, the researchers found an increase in gray matter. The researchers determined how people navigated by sending them through several versions of a maze in virtual reality, then asking them how they managed to get to the end.
>First-person action games were the only types of games that sometimes led to gray matter reductions. When participants played 3D platformer games like Super Mario 64, as opposed to first-person shooters, their gray matter increased regardless of how they navigated.
>The gray matter changes occurred in the hippocampus, the part of the brain believed to be central to memory. It is “a structure important for healthy cognition across people’s lifespan,” the study says, and is “centrally involved in many functions including spatial navigation, episodic memory and stress regulation.”

Study 2:

>Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults

In short, play some fucking 3D platformers instead of FPS game which may rot your brain.

>> No.20033203

>Excuse for weakness.

Your idea of "strength" came from a Jocko Willink podcast, shut the fuck up.

>> No.20033205

this nigga is salty because I'm getting rich of buying a fucking meme cube for cents and he had to do ''real business''

>> No.20033256

>Its so hard for you people to fathom you can make good money, have a hot gf and active social life, and still enjoy the modern marvel that is video games.
no. and i never suggested this in the slightest. you said self deprivation is for the weak. not only a pathetic sentiment, but also a "black and white" statement which you just condemned.
Also you are advocating for video games but use the term virgin as an insult - I'd bet my entire net worth that virginity is more prevalent among gamers than non-gamers. What a mess of a post lmao.

>> No.20033268
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wake up at 4am and abstain from dopamine hits

>> No.20033270

degree and duration of stimulation is manifold higher with gaming

>> No.20033278

>or people trying to excel in a specific task

"Excelling" and "dominating" at being bourgeoisie. That's what gets sold as masculinity nowadays. Fuck me, do I hate Tim Ferris and Tony Robbins and the like.

>> No.20033301
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>Video games bad
>Must make more money
>Must be rich
This is literally the best result of being stuck in a rat race. Sometimes I convinced that people don't actually think death is real. If people took the time to actually understand that you as a person will not be on this planet within the next 80 years. They would do something they enjoy more. I like to refer to this as a the movie effect. People watch their live through a lens and not actually participate in it. I don't know what I'm say is making sense, but I've come to notice that more as I've gotten older. It's strange to think that I'm 26 years old when I can clearly remember my thinking process when I was 16. Looking back, those 10 years don't feel real at all. It strange to think in the present and remember how you thought years ago. Don't know, maybe I'm crazy.

>> No.20033323
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I do hate these bazillionare money making gurus but also wanna be like them at the same time sometime's it gets tiring

>> No.20033326
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I only play historical war games and I learned soooo much about weapons, history, vehicles and ammo but still he is kinda right. Before playing I was very focused on making it and stopped after month of playing and never cared since.
Shit trade off to be honest.

>> No.20033368

The irony is you can become a millionaire and get hit by a bus the next day. You can’t take it with you folks, although satanists like the Rockefellers wish they could because of all the fucked up shit they did in the earthly realm

>> No.20033381

with those eyes, clearly a reptile wearing a human skin.
however, any repetitive action will engrain itself into your psyche. just like you can git gud at games you can get good at anything you want. instead of playing vidya there are better games to play irl but they involve true risk.

>> No.20033401
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>They would do something they enjoy more.
you acting like most have a choice at that.
isn't the biz mantra to make it and be neet with a lambo? to escape the rat race one must first embrace it to it's fullest

>> No.20033440

Alex Becker is a dime a dozen self help guru that amassed a following of impressionable young men by selling them the idea that if you follow his advice/buy his services, you will be as successful as him. It's an easily exploitable revenue generating strategy where you regurgitate basic contrarian-flavored ideas about work ethic and time management, with the added sprinkle of "social proofing" envy that makes the whole shtick work. He made his money with the tech boom, now makes his money shilling bullshit to the gullible.

Sounds like the point of gaming is to present the user difficult challenges to solve while providing entertainment. There's literally nothing wrong with this, unless like everything else, you over-indulge. Of course, idiots like Becker will shit on anything, especially leisure activities, that doesn't provide the user money because that's the whole point of his shallow brand.

>> No.20033451

>to escape the rat race one must first embrace it to it's fullest

Says who? Says people who jabber on podcasts and TedX and consulting gigs for a living.

Says people who missed crypto and continue to miss it.

>> No.20033497

>get hit by a bus the next day.

While I know it's just an expression, that phrase inflames my autism so much

Nobody gets hit by a goddamn bus! There is nothing harder in a city to get hit by than a bus. It's the biggest thing on the street. It's the slowest thing on the street, and it's the loudest thing on the street. There's schedules posted everywhere so you know where it's going to be.

Honestly, anyone who manages to get themselves hit by a bus deserved it, and probably had to work pretty hard to make it happen.

>> No.20033517

This. I have a good social life, hot girlfriend, graduated from college, started my own business and still never stopped playing video games throughout it all. I even turned pro in bodybuilding which took more dedication with my diet and training day in and day out than most people show in their entire lives, all the while still playing video games every night kek. Why do people act like you have to work 24/7 and can never enjoy anything? What’s even the point of making it then? Work smarter, not harder. I do the same in the bodybuilding world where I laugh at all the people who work out twice a day and eat extremely restrictive meal plans yet still look subpar.

>> No.20033548

Didn't watch. I enjoy playing vidya and as long as I'm taking care of my basic needs (money, sex, social life, etc) I don't have a problem with it

>> No.20033619
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well he's an extreme tryhard minimalist selfhelpguruphaggot so there's that

>nooooooo you don't have to do any work just invest in memecoins with your neetbucks it's a foolproof guaranteed way of making it
kys and wake me up when you make it

>> No.20033620
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Games today are engineered to give you strong highs and lows making you want more, especially online ones where there is this concept of virtual hierarchy to climb (MOBA and MMO are the best examples but multiplayer FPS caught up during the last decades).

I don't remember a very popular online game that wasn't a skinner box since Minecraft.
Back when I played WoW in college and high school I was pretty much obsessed about arena and min maxing stuff, then I stopped playing for a while and it came again when I tried Dota 2.

4chan is awful, it's cheap easy social interaction and a wide range of topics to discuss.
That and the youtube algo are really my biggest time/energy waster.
Only good side I would say is that I'm not easily worked up by hostility anymore, in a way it teaches you how to not giving too much fuck.

>> No.20033629

imagine getting life advice from pua/self help scammers, you're totally an entrepreneur alpha dog now that you've watched 10 videos of this guy now watch more

if something is free you are the product

>> No.20033714

Retarded pseudoscience. nofap, novidya, and all the other nomemes all make people feel like theyre accomplishing something while doing nothing. I guess quitting porn is good, and you have an addiction to vidya moderating yourself is good too, but whats even better is working toward something specific such as gaining/losing a set amount of weight, becoming comfortable talking to strangers, or learning to code in java.

>> No.20033787
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It depends on what life style you want. If you want that a lambo, big house, surrounded big tit whores and to be known. Then go all for it, but at the end of your life. Will it be worth it? I personally don't think so. My ultimate goal is to live off grid and enjoy the world as it is. That's the only time I ever feel peaceful and free. Anytime I'm in the city, I am surrounded with people who are constantly angry, worried about what might happen, wanting to be known, food that fucks with your hormones, and having to live by an intangible standard. It's too much stimulus for me. Again, it's probably me, maybe I'm retarded.

>> No.20034080


he's absolutely right

>> No.20034219

Nice, using a video by the same person to support another one of his videos. This is definitely unbiased and makes me convinced, thanks anon!

>> No.20034274
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somethings not right here

>> No.20034325

what does it matter who made the video, retard? if einstein made a youtube video about general theory of relativity and then referenced it later in another video, should you not trust the information in the video because they were made by the same person and because they are biased?

the author is irrelevant. the logic is what matters.

>> No.20034357

Lmao imagine falling for the dopamine meme when YouTubers obviously just use it as a clickbait title to get gullible to people to watch them who are unironically already scrolling YouTube for dopamine hits when they come across it. Meanwhile the YouTubers who shilled the meme in the first place are getting dopamine releases from their view counts while simultaneously telling people how bad it is to release dopamine

>> No.20034454
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>states opinion
>”oh you don’t agree with my opinion? check out my other video then where I give another opinion, my opinion there proves my opinion here”
>”dude trust me”

>> No.20034541

Bullshit we give the elderly video games to play in retirement now because it keeps their brains sharp and they like it.

A 80 year old person can ward off cognitive decline by playing first person shooting games.

>> No.20034790

This guy is a fuckin nutcase right?

>> No.20035000

>I do hate these bazillionare money making gurus but also wanna be like them at the same time sometime's it gets tiring

Your dopamine hits clearly come from shitting on other people's past times and constantly fantasizing about "making it" with materialistic possessions. The most obvious mistake in the Game of Life. You're pathetic and much worse off than anyone here playing some vidya at night to unwind after their wage slaving.

>> No.20035124

WoW classic is like intentionally designed to hijack your dopamine system and spend all your fucking time accomplishing literally nothing. Everything is so SLOW, and the reward system is made in a way that it's worth it. Long term goals gives you great rewards. The result is, you spend thousands of hours doing fucking irrelevant tasks just to boost your character a tiny bit.

It's almost demonic how that game was designed.

>> No.20035184

I do. Why would i care what some random youtuber's opinion is on something like that to actually change something I do for FUN?

>> No.20035187


He's right you know

>> No.20035219

No, i'm heterosexual.

>> No.20035281

i love the rush you get when hitting a nice shot in csgo, it's addictive tbqhwyf

>> No.20035362

wasn't it already proven that strategic games (like RTS or MOBAs) are healthy for your brain?
pure action games like shooters have no benefit though, but doesn't hurt you either

>> No.20035402
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Had a dream where I was in a large wilderness. A prairie or plains woth lots of grains growing. My families home a tiny little place. Mountains in the distance and a forest. Sun setting and a breeze rolling across the grain tops from across the fields. Close my eyes (pic related) and feel that sensation. Amazing. I want it back!!!!!! The bliss i felt there i dont think ive ever felt that calm, relaxed, and happy in my life and I want it nowwwww Ive tried so much to get that dream to happen again with no success for nearly a year now!!!

>> No.20035413


You can't do "Dopamin Detox" and make money at the same time.

You know how much Dopamine I release when I success in trading?!? I literally associate the color Green with dopamine.

I was playing cities skyline to relax and all I could think about was the cities finances!!!
I spend more time on budget engineering than building the fucking city!

And this guy comes here talking about making money but nor dopamine?!??


>> No.20035445

is this why cod kids were chads growing up that played sports and gamecube / Wii faggots ended up being introverted autists?