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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20020459 No.20020459 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, what are some ways to make money with a 3d printer?
lve seen people on ebay and etsy sell ps4/ xbox controller racing accessories, mailbox flags, and COVID 19 respirator shit but most of those ideas are already taken.
It's not like l can pull any random thing off 3d printing websites like thingiverse, print them, and sell them as my own because most of that stuff is under a creative commons license. So the best thing to do is to come up with something completely original within solidworks or something like that.
What would be something that your average CONSOOMER would buy that normally isn't available and would appeal to them?

>> No.20020475

print gold dumbass.

>> No.20020492

I use it for prototyping products, there isn't much of a commercial use beyond printing services and niche low volume products.

>> No.20020525

nothing you cant make cheaper eith chinese molding

>> No.20020531
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bruh just stick to low cap shit. unironically the best way to make it. your overhead on this bullshit will lead to like 5-10% profit at best. you can get more than that in a day or two of holding or swinging in the upcoming EPIC moon.

>> No.20020924

I don't think making the base object itself is where you'll make a profit, considering most of the plastic stuff you're making is being made en mass for pennies in China. If you have any skill in painting or design you could make custom order widgets, and make your profit on the 'custom' part.

>> No.20020957

Be careful anon, I've seen videos of this machine on 4chan. It cuts your skin off with lasers and then dildos your organs out.

>> No.20020975

3d printed pussys/assholes that onlygirls users can sell to their "subscribers"

>> No.20020976

A guy I know literally 3d prints baby yoda figurines and he sells them, and people buy them, and he makes money, and its weird.

>> No.20021056

Print money.

>> No.20021325

Unironically print dildos

>> No.20021399

I'm would've said that since you can't fuck it (being made of a thermoset plastic) there would be no money in it, but in the era of hot-gluing and and gamer girl bathwater that may actually be an option. You'd have to take a latex mold, then get it mapped, but after that it would be pure profit. The only hurdle would be getting partnerships worked out with the 'talent'. It would be an awkward proposal. Maybe have them ship with a signed and numbered 'certificate of authenticity', and start with a limited run to make them exclusive.

If you could print in silicone, maybe. Even if some people liked the feel of this plastic, the toy would need to use a lot of polymer just to maintain shape, and you'd need to carefully debur every piece you made. Not sure this competes.

>> No.20021427
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In Korea they take your photo and can make a figurine of you. Its mainly popular for newborn babies. That's where a 3D printer would shine. Set it up in markets to show people. You might need some painting skills so u might need to hire an artist. Best place is to go to mother and baby fairs for that. Rich people will happily throw money at stuff for their babies.

>> No.20021447

Also partner with local family photographer studios. You can give them a commission for showing examples and passing details to you.

>> No.20021473

That's more of Asian culture though, I know of Chinese girls who take photo shoots around 18, including lewd shit. I guess as a way to "preserve" their former beauty, and the same thing is done with babies from what I was told.

>> No.20022314

Penis molds.
A lot of millionaires would like their penis as a sculpture on their desk or shelf. especially in gold or silver filament.
So, advertise in wealthy forums like 'superyachts' or Lambo monthly for 'Have your Penis preserved forever for the glory of gnerations.
Your great grand children will be able to markvel, play and fondle the image of their great grand fathers dick.
(of course you may need to enlarge the model for some customers so that they feel more important.. after all bigger is better.
So you scam the penis and then print it.
Easy money. You want an .STL of my cock to start you off?

>> No.20022330


>> No.20022334

Thanks just bought some EPIC

>> No.20022527

Dont be silly. Every parent would love a small version of their baby.

>> No.20022569
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>> No.20022625

Its less about their longterm health and more about selling a product that deforms or crushes under load.

>> No.20022684

I would sell the ability to use my 3d laser printer. Not a lot of people have them, but a lot want to be able to print using one. Advertise your printer for use, accept submissions, receive payment for cost of goods + ads + markup, print and ship! Let the customer tell you what they want.

>> No.20022730

Counterfeit animal crossing amibos. With some villagers selling for over a hundred bucks a pop you can get your self a stack of pogramable RFID stickers and print out the more popular characters in 3D with the sticker embedded inside.

>> No.20022735

print guns and sell them to the mentally unstable people on this board

>> No.20022917

Literally this

>> No.20022927

This guy gets it. Based and Venezuela-pilled

>> No.20023423

You could also try making inefficient and 'quirky' kitchen gadgets. Like a set of measuring spoons where you have 1 square shaped table spoon, and you put smaller inserts into the spoon to reduce its volume to 1/2 tbs, 1tsp, 1/2tsp, etc... Its dumb and I'd never use it, but people eat that shit up. Look at how many 'strawberry slicers' and 'meat shredding wolverine claws' there are in the world

>> No.20023688
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>> No.20023735

University students will pay you to print prototypes for them. Just advertise to near by schools etc that you have one available for rent.

>> No.20023752

It costs around 3c an hour to run a printer and cheap PLA is $15 for 1KG. Overheads on 3D printing is near zero. The issue is never cost, it's time. A 6 hour print might only cost a dollar but it's 6 hours where the device is in use. You could charge $20 and still bring in less than sweatshop workers on the hour.

>> No.20023874

Browse around /toy/ and you'll get a sense for what kind of things are in demand from hobbyists.
There's huge potential in scale model accessories and mini figures. Pokemon, pokemon fans etc. want figures that scale with already existing collections.

>> No.20023899

That's true, I would say $20 avg for decent PLA though. I had to buy more PLA the other day and the prices were fucking expensive due to the china lock down BS.

>> No.20023912

Meant to add digimon, since the merch is so expensive. Could print models from the ps1 games since there's really nothing like that.

>> No.20024069

Custom mini drones with 4chan meme faces on them. I would buy a Pepe drone with chainlink balls swinging it off balance that’d be dank.