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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 45 KB, 1435x770, dmmlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20019619 No.20019619 [Reply] [Original]

The top 25 DMG wallets not controlled by the team/devs hold at least 100,000+ DMG tokens. Out of those 25 wallets, only 2 wallets have sold any DMG tokens in the past 48 hours.

DMG holders:

The only Top 25 wallets that have sold DMG tokens the last 48 hours.

1) Only 11,040 DMG tokens sold:

2) Less than 10,000 DMG tokens sold in the last couple days:

All other DMG holders with 100,000+ stacks are holding. What does that tell you? Follow the smart money.
Those who are selling now will regret it later

>> No.20019634

*top 25 wallets not controlled by the team/devs and not counting exchange wallets or tokens locked in smart contracts

>> No.20019673

Those are big institutional investors. They're not in it for short term gains.

>> No.20019707


>> No.20019716

unlike poorfags trying to time DMG, the top wallets just wait it out... like they did for LINK
imagine trying to time DMG and getting so much anxiety instead of just being coomfy lol

>> No.20019803


Exactly. Those who made it with comfy LINK stacks had to hold for almost 2 years since the ICO launched. This crypto game requires patience and balls of steel to not sell during the downswings or even small pumps compared to what's to come.

If you hold a token for a project that actually has potential, has very little to no competition, and good tokenomics...you're better off letting the project play out, especially when the CEO is legit like Sergey Nazarov or Greg Keough (former CIA agent).

Those who bought into the Chainlink ICO for $0.11 and sold after a 5x regret it right now.

>> No.20019807

should i sell my 1k link stack for dmg?

>> No.20019834

no. get a job and use it to get 1k dmg

>> No.20019982


I would try to find a way to buy DMG without having to sell my LINK

>> No.20020028
File: 3.09 MB, 960x960, 7E617A81-2345-4CD8-9573-9E88E66DFCFE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10K LINKER here what’s the suicide and make it stacks, break it down for me boys.

>> No.20020110


Not sure the numbers buy im guessing

Suicide stack: 10,000 dmg
Make it stack 100,000 dmg

>> No.20020194

I'd say 5K and 50K

>> No.20020243


That sounds good to me.

>> No.20020453


long term gains (40x) > short term gains

>> No.20021035

Stop posting this shit everywhere cunt

>> No.20021100

Okay fine I'm in. how do I buy this? How do I store it? Is it an ERC token?

>> No.20021109

Uniswap. Yeah it's erc20

>> No.20021123

Uniswap, got it I just send ETH there and change it to DMG or something simple like that? I got a few hundred bucks I won't be afraid to lose if this shits the bed. Have anons decided suicide stack sizes yet?

>> No.20021328

no, noggo
you missed out

>> No.20021353

People split there stacks

>> No.20021411

Okay just bought some. commence the dump

>> No.20021417

suicide really is 5k

>> No.20021615

Fug, can't risk that right now on a coin that just pumped 40%

>> No.20021685
File: 81 KB, 500x616, A4884AB5-F8A1-45F7-9BCD-71C14C137998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DUUUUDE. Are you kidding me right now? I've been here since the beggining.
You ever heard of bitcoin? I started mining HARD at $0.82. Took out a loan for $5k and look at me now, baby.
Guess how much I pay on that loan? $345? Nope. $200 monthly? LOWER! $11? BINGO. You wanna know why? BECAUSE I'M SMARTER THAN YOU.
I rented a warehouse till about 2018 - I own it now. LOL. And yeah. It's temperature controlled. To be frank, I don't know whats cooler: the temp or the sound of my money machine.
Just bought some new solar panels too; 18,000ft so far, got another 4,000ft coming in Thursday (shout out to the sun, you big beautiful bastard).
You wouldn't even dare try to afford my electric bills. I GUARAUNTEE they double your rent.
It's no sweat though; the power company will be paying me soon.

Ethereum? I stay rollin' with the punches on Ethereum. Chainlink? Call me Muhammed Ali.
All you LOSER LINKIES don't have a trigger finger like me, and it's HOT right now.
Who am I kiddin, IT'S BEEN HOT FOR 10 YEARS!!
All these other tokens. I should just move to California the way I get in and out so much.
And Don't even get me started on Pivvr--actually, I'm drinking a bang energy drink and feelin' pretty good right now, so I'll give you some advizice, kid.


You still feeling sorry for yourself, huh? Knock Knock! Who's there?! REDEMPTION.
Get a grip, chump. Wisen up. I eat STEAK with EVERY. MEAL. And I ain't talking that cheap stuff either. Steaks that would make Trump blush. Trust me, I got a guy.
I'm riding this rocket STRAIGHT to the moon. You miss out? That's cool. Have fun basement surfing for the rest of your life.
You mad? Heh, stay mad. Don't say I didn't warn ya bud.

MAN do I feel bad for you... You'll never know what it's like do be me.
Oh, and I'm typing this from my Puerta Vallarta Villa (I own that too).

https // dis cord gg/ kW qj Hz4

>> No.20022027

how dumb do you have to be?
team holds 80% of tokens

>> No.20022377

Team appears to be competent at least. Would rather they had control of the votes until the ecosystem is fleshed out honestly.

>> No.20022389


Stolen liens from a BK company. Look into it, awaiting the damage control.

>> No.20022421

Just got pushed out of the top 100 with my 47k, from rank 85 to 104 in less than a week.

>> No.20023311

same shit keeps happening to me
Why does this happen
are whales buying DMG?

>> No.20023403

yes, now 48500 is the threshold for the top 100