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20013018 No.20013018 [Reply] [Original]

DMM being compared to Compound. backed by billionaire Tim Draper’s venture firm Draper Goren Holm and in Partnership with Chainlink, Coinbase & Huobi.

It’s only a matter of time before we still some big exchange listings. DeFi is a HUGE trend right now.

>> No.20013057

>It’s only a matter of time before we still some big exchange listings. DeFi is a HUGE trend right now.
new /bizcoin/
early linkies are in on it, and they know what holding means

>> No.20013061

A $50/DMG puts the market cap at HALF of what the Compound market cap run is. So about a 48x from here. If I'm wrong and we only see $250mm market cap, that is still a 10x. You're early.

>> No.20013115

why buy a car loan scam?

>> No.20013116

If it dips below $1 again I'm gonna put 1k into this and try to get myself a suicide stack

>> No.20013144

>why buy a car loan scam?
Shut the fuck up faggot. You kept saying this shit the other day when it was $0.70 and I didn't buy because of you.

>> No.20013183

The king of the CIA at the helm said they're "going for a trillion-dollar market" on their Q&A with Chainlink
This is unironically a much bigger deal than Compound. It's reliant on real-world assets, though, so it will take longer to grow.

>> No.20013187

Where’s your proof of a scam ?

>> No.20013207

>DMM being compared to Compound
by who
>Partnership with Chainlink
proven fake
also fake
>all assets are used cars depreciating at a constant rate
oh sorry op you forgot to mention this
>the cars are each overvalued by $2000
just a little something for your next thread
>totaled together all assets add up to significantly less than the current token value
not fudding just helping add some facts to the thread for any newfrens taking a peak
>there is no defense against this just deflection
keep going on about how the real value is the loan which is backed by rapidly depreciating cars
>adding new asset classes is easy
and yet they haven’t done it. you’re buying into a literally worthless ecosystem fueled by loans backed by literally nothing. it’s a centralized finance solution at its core and can’t even do that right

>t. literally never held dmg/dmm i just think the bird’s ugly and the shills are annoying brainlets

>> No.20013284

you do sound like a 2017 nolinker
you .... you're aware of that, right ?

>> No.20013333

Just wait until the copyright strike from twitter comes.

>> No.20013358

chainlink comparison and spaces before your punctuation? nice post dude

>> No.20013391

This is partially speculative, anon, depends on your risk management.

Huge upside if this project sticks to what it says. They don’t need to have it figured out on day one

>> No.20013407
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FUD working as expected

>> No.20013420

>Partnership with Chainlink
proven fake
It's assholes like you that stopped me buying sooner. I was on your side and thought this was another uniswap scam with fake partnerships,

Somebody here posted this video up yesterday with Rory from Chainlink talking with the CEO of DGM about the partnership.


Stop spreading lies.

>> No.20013447

But they don’t use a smart contract. Wich defeats the whole purpose

>> No.20013492

anon. this is a multi billion market cap project

>> No.20013581

>DMM being compared to Compound by who
Chainlinkgod, official Chainlink community ambassador on Twitter, made a direct comparison
>Partnership with Chainlink proven fake
>Coinbase also fake
A bloomberg verified journo aggressively emailed coinbase customer support asking about the partnership, managed to get a "don't know sir" response from an outsourced pajeet and rushed out a hit-piece so her bosses could buy
>all assets are used cars depreciating at a constant rate
Loans are given with cars as collateral, they are importing an existing business that's already highly profitable and that's what banks already do.
>the cars are each overvalued by $2000
They are using the Black Book which is the reference used by banks for debtor's auctions. You can see cherry-picked exceptions in online listing screenshots because there is a condition grading, so you're comparing cars in bad condition to those in good.
>totaled together all assets add up to significantly less than the current token value
Do you think any company is worth anywhere near the same as its physical infrastructure?
>adding new asset classes is easy and yet they haven’t done it. you’re buying into a literally worthless ecosystem fueled by loans backed by literally nothing. it’s a centralized finance solution at its core and can’t even do that right
You will either buy it when they do at $5 or when you see that your fudding is not working and FOMO in earlier than that.

>> No.20013661

> i'm based
based !

>> No.20013802

Nowhere in that video does it say the Partnership is a scam

>> No.20013880

I know.. People kept screaming scam here and I got worried, I wanted to buy at $0.70 but didn't because people said the Chainlink partnership wasn't real. I fell for it and did not see the video till yesterday after I could have got a better price. I'm annoyed with the fud because I just wanted to make some money and realise I'm more priced out now.

>> No.20013908

These people saying these Partnerships are scams just wont to load their bags

>> No.20013938


>> No.20014392

Can someone give me a quick rundown on UniSwap? Never used it.

>> No.20014412


Lop u noob. Biz fud = buy.

>> No.20014616

You just put in what token you want to pay and what token you want to receive and it finds you the easiest sequence of exchanges to get there telling you the fees/slippage along the way. You authorize the transaction with your wallet and it does the rest. This is Coinbase levels of ease of use. Though do keep in mind the devs have added lots of liquidity to the ETH pair, so that's the best way to pay.

>> No.20014684

lmao you can't even get this shitcoin anywhere.

>> No.20014714

Thats the interesting part you stupid cocksucker, you should invest BEFORE this hits binance.

>> No.20014728

>>20013115 car loan coin......yes...anon

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Consumer Lending

>> No.20014740

I panic sold my bags on the bottom 0.71 still made about 40% profit but seeing as this shit almost doubled the price since then making me boil hard and wish panic spreaders niggerfaggots the most painful death.

>> No.20014764

>Hurrr durrr get coin before hit market
that's the thing, you can't get it. Fucking retard. None of the markets have it.

>> No.20014769
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Where and what time is the AMA tomorrow?

>> No.20014834

Why should I buy this instead of LINK?

>> No.20014852

And how much do you think a suicide stack is

>> No.20014864

I just bought more on uniswap you brainlet

>> No.20014867

>None of the markets have it.
shit, biz is dumber than I thought

>> No.20014868

>wish panic spreaders niggerfaggots the most painful death
They serve a useful purpose. Similar to a gatekeeper, they keep money out of the hands of emotional idiots.

>> No.20014884


>> No.20014975

You’re early here and late there

Get 1k link then forget about it

>> No.20014998

How the fuck are you going to get 15k with a thousand dollars retard

>> No.20015035

You shouldn't buy it instead of LINK, you should hold it alongside LINK. If you believe in Chainlink you most likely believe in this and vice-versa, as it's the use case Sergey has been selling LINK on ever since its inception.

>> No.20015081

For anyone who doesn’t understand Uniswap or can’t find the link it’s because DMG has been manually added. Use this link which has the DMG contract address < https://uniswap.exchange/swap?outputCurrency=0xed91879919b71bb6905f23af0a68d231ecf87b14 >

Connect your wallet, I.e - trustwallet, Coinbase wallet or Metamask and make a straight swap

>> No.20015101

Lol they’re not even the same project, the solve two different purposes. No-one is saying buy this over link

>> No.20015120

Chainlink is just the data feed that allows off chain data to be brought on chain

>> No.20015543
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So i got 600 @ $0.38
Now I have 600 @ $1.20.
In 1 week $230 has turned in to $720 and it will keep going up.

Its still early just get a small stack this is going to $10 in the near future for sure.

I made $800 on dxd
I made $1500 on mkr
I made $1100 on comp
I was not in early on any of them and have sold them all so thats real profit.

I am not making the same mistake with dmg it will moon on first major listing news. De-fi is hot right now.
Just stick 1 eth on it and wait.

Make money before the de-fi bubble bursts.

>> No.20015797


>> No.20015809

How does Uniswap work? I swapped ETH for DMG with my Coinbbase Wallet, but once the transfer is complete where can I see my DMG? Its not on my coinbase wallet, it just seems to be disappeared?

>> No.20015845

charts dont lie faggut

>> No.20015894

Post txt of transaction, but look down in cbw dmg doesn't yet register a price but it should still be on the list.
Also to check you have got them look on uniswap again on dmg it should show your balance.

>> No.20015928

How much DMG is Make it stack? What’s the 10k equivalent?

>> No.20015952

Probably 2,500.

>> No.20015958

Ah yeah, its there, thanks

>> No.20015963

I'm slowly shaving down my position every 10c after $1.20

The chart looked like it would break out today, and with the AMA upcoming I expect it to go up

But afterward I expect a bit of a dip

Tryin' the good old "sell the news" idea without fully exiting my position

>> No.20015981

Nooooooo don’t bully the FUDers that got out early! You can’t just get rich without us!

>> No.20015990

Where would I sell later? At what market would you recommend?

>> No.20015991

I can't find it on uniswap.
am I retarded?

>> No.20016021

I love and believe in this project. It’s my #2 behind LINK. However, one concern of my mine is how the current circulating supply is such a small fraction of the total supply. How will they introduce the currently locked tokens sustainably? Just do it super super slowly? I’m probably missing something, but would appreciate an anon extinguishing my doubts.

>> No.20016024


click the "DMG/ETH" link at Uniswap

>> No.20016061

I think they mentioned they have plans for a big release in November but so far it’s been a slow release. We started at 24 million after public, two days later they released 3 mil, today or yesterday they released another 2 mil bringing us to 29mil

>> No.20016091

God I hope they announce Binance tomorrow. I’m so tired of unishit

>> No.20016301

Thats an awesome shill! Can you post it on the other two DMM shill threads as well. I think this will really convince people to buy

>> No.20016308

Depends where they get listed the big one is coinbase but doubt it will be there anytime soon. Dxd,mkr i sold on coinbase pro comp i sold on coinbase the comp release was a scam and manipulated to fuck. Could of got $60 a coin more if I had sold before lisitng.
The prices on uniswap pretty much have matched the coinbase pro prices up and down so is not really worth sending them over like I did unless you want to trade for $$$. For crypto to crypto just stay with uniswap slightly higher fees but meh whats a few $ when you are making 100's

>> No.20016401

how do i 'cash out' when it picks? would i swap DMG for USDC on uniswap and then send USDC to Coinbase, or swap dmg for eth then send to coinbase? wat do. noob here

>> No.20016425

800? 1500? lmao thats literally nothing wtf. Are you unironically Ranjeet? thats shit tier gains.

>> No.20016488
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Plenty of people requested it on the binance twitter post so there maybe some hope in the not so distant future!


>> No.20016532

See below the other DMM shill threads. Just connecting all of them together. This will convince to buy at ATH for sure


>> No.20016742
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A gain is a gain bud its not a brag. I don't care about any of the shitcoins just happy to make money.
I had link @$0.18 and sold for $2.50 but that took 2 years to make $4k so these de-fi gains are pretty solid in my book!!
Although I am sure you have done much better and I am happy for you

>> No.20017020

Can’t tell if this reddit language is ironic or real considering the amount of redditfugees 4chan got today

>> No.20017058

You could do either, but if you plan on throwing it into another crypto then no need to go through USDC. Simply do a direct swap for whatever your next investment coin is. Then send to Coinbase wallet (make sure it is a supported coin first)

>> No.20017079

i had a public sale order for about 3k at .36 early enough where it would have went through. i cancelled it to buy stonk. im seething and dilating rn guys. but also happy for dmg holders. i hope it goes to 10. please send positive energy for stonk moon

>> No.20017080

honestly guys. how do you know they're using DMM to buy loans. Something sounds too good to be true, i can't put my finger on it.

>> No.20017147

they arent. finova financial serviced the loans and because greg owns finova, you have to trust that he is laundering everything kosher

>> No.20017359

I would take a 10x for a few grand. I bought at $0.40

>> No.20017389

I bought on Uniswap when it was like $0.40 you fucking nog.

>> No.20017396

I heard Coinbase listing is on cards. This coin would hit double digits and beyond in no time

>> No.20017522

too hyper-centralized desu. 2 man team changing the way the world works, pretty admirably audacious.

>> No.20017574
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>Chainlink JUST allows verifiably true and accurate data from off-chain to be brought on-chain
>This Philosophers Stone JUST transmutes lead into gold

Imagine being this fucking braindead. I’ve been swayed to start picking up some DMG, but there is literally no more important project in all of Crypto than Chainlink.

It makes a real use out of what was basically a cute toy.

>> No.20017635
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I don't see a coinbase listing anytime soon the only reason mkr got a listing is so they could list comp which they have a stake in. Lend is much more likely to be one of the next cb listings.
Dmg has a chance at a binance listing if the shrillers made a mark but again small chance of it being soon. With any luck a few medium sized exchanges will list in the near future which will push the price up nicely.
As the chap said above expect adjustments especially if there is no listing news but its still a good buy. Just grab a bag and hodl till there is news and ignore the fud.

>> No.20017854


>> No.20017896

dmg gains into your link bags is ultimate chad maxi

>> No.20018118


I’m picking up about 1500 DMG just because, might make it my new steady purchase instead of further stacking LINK.

LINK is the future but to say its manipulated is an extreme understatement. Should be top 3 by now easily.

>> No.20018126


>> No.20018187

>adding new asset classes is easy and yet they haven’t done it.


>> No.20018211

Anyone who says "partnership" with Chainlink is a customer of. There is literally no reason to lie

>> No.20018222

Super easy. Just go look

>> No.20018232
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Up 10% in 4 hours.
No sign of stopping. It hit some resistance at 1.30 but has blown that away now.

Next test $1.50???

Still a long way off to its actual high though.

>> No.20018361

The admin in the telegram pretty much put it to bed saying don’t expect coinbase anytime soon. Said best case scenario maybe end of year. But followed that up with other big exchanges taking on dmg within the week

>> No.20018364

very curious. what made you not jump in with the 36c crowd?

>> No.20018388

It’s not even safe to gamble any amount because it just keeps rising. I saw 1.33 10 minutes ago now 1.38

>> No.20018714

Then how did I get it?
>Shithead made like $.50 off Al these replies

>> No.20018744

This is the best advice of your life. Life changing really
That's troublesome. I bought with the CB wallet and it just shows up in the wallet. It doesn't have an icon though, just grey bubble

>> No.20018746

Got a 1,000 suicide stack

>> No.20018777

That doesn't seem so slow

>> No.20018904
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Is still nice to see the upward trend without any actual news!
If it can do this with zero news then when we actually get some real news its going to fly.
I am thinking take some profit now and buy back in the next dip but normally when I try that I end up buying back for more than i have sold! Link btc comp being a few examples but still managed to make a profit still just not as much as if I had held.

>> No.20018955

That's a village stack
10k is suicide stack

>> No.20018972

1k is bangalaru stack
need 1.2k for mumbai stack sir

>> No.20019025
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600 for a Filipino stack!

>> No.20019237
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>DMM being compared to Compound
Almost all of these defi projects are cookie cutter copies of one another, but that's fine for now
>backed by billionaire Tim Draper’s venture firm Draper Goren Holm
True, checks out
>in Partnership with Chainlink, Coinbase & Huobi.
Anyone and everyone seems to be partnered with ChainLink these days, doesn't mean much. Coinbase and Huobi? Has yet to be seen.
>DeFi is a HUGE trend right now.
True, this may be the ICO of the next bull run

Here are my thoughts
1.) Lots (a shit ton) of room for growth
2.) Has yet to be added to etherscan value trackers, uniswap vision, etc. Metrics are a bit opaque right now
3.) I see a lot of big sells and a lot of tiny buys right now. That means distribution. This is a long term game and We likely retest $0.70 before three or four dollars. We have lots of time

Conclusion: project looks great, chart does not. This is the time to sell DMG if you accumulated it before the pump. Buy the pullbacks. We've got 12-18 months to make money from these shitcoins.

>> No.20020219


buy both

>> No.20021133

does anyone want to sell BZRX at 3x of their ICO price? i know their tokens will not be unlocked for a few weeks but if you are interested then you get 3x guaranteed instead of potentially getting worried about it dumping

just a small amount, i am willing to purchase 10k worth

>> No.20021374

Where are you drawing your support levels and why?

I haven’t really found much

>> No.20021401
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that bird ate too much mcdees
imagine trying to swing trade dmg instead of just dcaing and holding

>> No.20021554

I’m only seeing a bullish engulfing on four hour, which is encouraging enough to me

>> No.20021562
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>> No.20021583

> based jeetism
in other news, dmglowie is pumping again

>> No.20021605

Just bought some. Y'all can dump it now. I'm not meant to attain any wealth :(

>> No.20021708

Hold and be patient friend
Don’t let the market show you out

Although, in the future, it is a better idea to buy on red days and not into pumps

Today will likely correct and be a red day, but that’s typically not the best thing to do. Chasing pumps usually means you buy the top or middle area where you won’t make significant gains. You’re more likely to hold it for longer because by the time you buy, the market will correct and you’re bag holding

Buying before it pumps lowers this

>> No.20021843

Oh I know, I've learned that time and time again in my younger crypto days. I just bought a small amount god forbid it doesn't correct. I'm wholly welcoming a retrace so I can buy more cheaper. I've been looking to diversify into DeFi, especially after I missed out on COMP. I've got my comfy link stack, now want something else to entertain my portfolio while Link crabs for eternity

>> No.20021997

Fucking just. I'm almost convinced this is bait, no one is that dumb to buy stonks over literally any defi project let alone dmg.

>> No.20022639


>> No.20023350

It is bait

>> No.20024083

It's PUMPING!!!!