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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20007872 No.20007872 [Reply] [Original]

How many link do I need to achieve this?

>> No.20007893


>> No.20007986

fuck I want that so bad. Really need in vitro for that.

>> No.20008001

As a black guy I feel good looking at white people having babies.
IDK maybe I'm on /pol/ to much

>> No.20008009

I wonder what her belly looks like now

>> No.20008027


>> No.20008087
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>I just now realized, fucking 10 years after the fact, that Octodad was a riff on Octomom
>all because this thread brought it to mind

>> No.20008104

Even if you're black, more whites and less blacks in the world is good for your life.

>> No.20008148
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Humans evolved for quality over quantity. One mothers nutrients and oxygen is divided among 4 fetuses instead of one. Twins are shown to have lower IQs. I wouldn't want this. 4 substandard dupes as children. I'd force my wife to get them aborted. Even twins are shown to have lower IQs on average.

>> No.20008154

The fuck is octodad?

>> No.20008196

Exactly 0.
No woman wants to procreate with a bagholder.

>> No.20008205

Based , just kill three of them. Easy peaszy

>> No.20008249
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This is true. Consider Whites a resource that you can benefit from. But if there are too many blacks, you kill the golden goose. And if you kill the golden goose, its back to cannibalizing babies and 20-year life expectancy if you survive that.

>> No.20008415

like shit and her pussy too

>> No.20008520

From the thumbnail, it looks like she gave birth to the Teletubbies.

>> No.20008588

underrated comment

>> No.20008699

You really don't

>> No.20008724


>> No.20008788

I've had 2 really cutie blondes after me (one was an Instagram model, the other looks like Cinderella and many other attractive girls but these two were my very favorite and all I ever dreamed) and I never managed to do anything due to anxiety and lack of confidence.

So it's not link and wealth that will save you although I must admit it probably helps a lot

>> No.20008856

10 years from now, those poor little cunts will be blacked, if male, cucked.

>> No.20008894


>> No.20009101

Nigger im white and male and i get BLACKED all the time

>> No.20010583

Without it your chances are about 1 in 700,000. I'd have to impregnate 700,000 women to have it happen. Even at a rate of 3 women per day, that's 233,333 days or 639 years. Even at a rate of impregnating 30 women per day, I'd be 100 by the time it happens, and wouldn't get to sire them. What are the odds of impregnating 30 women per day? Next to zero.

>You really don't

Fuck off.

>> No.20010657

The nigger kike copes as he sees white children

>> No.20010712

do you think those fetuses had sex while being so cramped in there?

>> No.20010952

what jewish author told you that?

>> No.20010998

>Implying she didn't get a tummy tuck immediately like most post-pregnant women in the 21st century.

>> No.20011240

who the fuck would want to have 4 kids, and why? that looks like a nightmare

>> No.20011337

Spoken like someone who has no kids. There is literally nothing better in this world than raising children. I would love a huge family, but the only way I could do it rationally would be a situation like this where I'm forced to. I can't imagine voluntarily making myself poor, which is what 4 kids would do to me.

>> No.20011626

well, yeah, I've never had kids, though I want to (kinda late at my age, but that's another topic...)
but I don't know how I'd deal with 4 kids. I imagine I wouldn't even be able to sleep with 1 or 2, how the fuck do you manage 4 at once?

>> No.20011768

Winklevoss twins and also...

BZZ BZZZ pick up your phone, the other twins are calling

>> No.20011819

how did she not explode

>> No.20011844

I'm not who you're responding to but I have 1 kid. I'm considering a second, but I can kind of agree with this. Also, despite a lot of savings I'm currently unemployed so that really wouldn't be responsible of me. Anyway I love my son regardless, even if he might be an only child.

>> No.20011851

>There is literally nothing better in this world than raising children.
Spoken like a true primate. You do realize that you're just following your base biological desires to reproduce and that's why you think it feels so good? Also, as someone who has watched their friend's and family member's lives fall apart after having kids I don't think most people consider all of the negatives. On top of that, why do you feel that YOUR genes are worth passing on? Will they actually help the planet or are you just satisfying your egotistical desires to "continue muh bloodline"?

>> No.20012096

I have both read and heard from friends anecdotally that after 3 it really stops feeling like the struggle increases, and the gap from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 are both smaller then the first. Essentially, if you can do 1, you can probably do 3 (financial problems aside), and if you can do 3 you can do 20. Raising a kid, even 1, is NOT easy, but it is incredibly rewarding, and even just having 1 kid you start to feel like having a house full of kids laughter and little brats running around arguing and playing with each other all day long is the real version of making it.

Yep, I feel you. Also depending on how you manage your family there's some trade-off for the parent that maybe becomes untenable. My wife is a stay at home mom but she eventually wants to start a business. Going 1 kid after another after another means she'll probably never get to pursue that dream if she continues as a stay at home mom (which I think she wants to do with her children), so she wants to limit it to 2 mainly to get some of her time back for that. Another reason why twins+ works out well, they all go off to school at the same time.

You are a childless degenerate, you really have no valid opinions here. I didn't actually want kids, so your theory is already BTFO. If your family's members lives fall apart after having kids that probably means they're either degenerates or they were fiscally irresponsible and couldn't afford to have the kid and lead a comfortable lifestyle.

Get fucking rekt, childless leech. Your entire bloodline is worthless.

>> No.20012120


holy shit... dem quads

>> No.20012225

mutt's law

>> No.20012276

Seethe more, arrogant naive faggot. The rest of the world isn't degenerate for not wanting to pass on their shitty genes and pop-out as many welfare babies as possible, and you started talking shit here first to the people who don't have kids as if you're morally superior for wanting a large number of kids. Fuck off with your third world conquest of spreading your seed far and wide.

>> No.20012440
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>she eventually wants to start a business.
What do do about the high IQ woman problem. I want my woman to be smart, and to have these opportunities, yet all high IQ women are choosing to not have kids, becuase kids reduce their opportunities in life. How to convince them to stay at home?

>> No.20012686

breed A LOT of children. make her care for them.

>> No.20012859

Be a man of high value who can offer her a good life

>> No.20012863

For my wife she went back to work after month 3 but she doesn’t make much money at her job and economically it was a wash. By month 6 when I couldn’t both work and watch the kid because their needs were too great, we had to make the decision about getting a nanny or her staying at home. It was a hard decision for her because she really liked her job. One day at dinner with the baby just doing baby things I stopped and said “I’m not trying to influence your decision, but if I could hang out with the baby all day that seems like the greatest job ever to me, don’t you think?” The next day she made up her mind to stay at home. I think it took her realizing that being a stay at home mom wasn’t giving up on a career, it was a career change. Her job is MUCH harder than mine, I couldn’t do it I don’t think if I’m being honest. I have a lot of respect for stay at home mothers after seeing what goes into the job when you actually want to be good at it. You are on for 12 hours of the day with no breaks, and you need to be constantly challenging yourself to do better for the sake of your kid. Most corporate jobs you can cruise for a lot of your time. Not here.

>> No.20012875
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>> No.20013034
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>> No.20013086

Jesus dude you're not even OP stop using biz as your diary to preach about how nothing else matters except having kids.

Here, I found a place for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/