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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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195362 No.195362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want money?
What do you spend it on?
What are you saving up for?

>> No.195368

>for crack
>for crack
The blackness in me is tingling.

>> No.195375

To make more money
More Money
More Money

>> No.195377

>fun stuff
>fun stuff
>fun stuff

>> No.195385

So I can floss on them bitches
>740i Rick Ross on them bitches

>> No.195395

The only thing I spend my money on, is traveling. Even if I was a billionaire, it would be the only major expense I would have. I would just live from one 5 star hotel room to the next, seeing cities, going camping, and lots of flying and driving. Only other thing I might spend money on might be prostitutes.

>> No.195398

>house in london

>> No.195418

>Why do you want money?
To live securely.
>What do you spend it on?
Car, house, girlfriend, in that order. It's been implied I'd have a girlfriend if I had a car...
>What are you saving up for?
A car.

>> No.195448


as well as making enough so i can tell my parents they dont need to work anymore

>> No.195446

> I don't, it just accumulates
> I don't spend it
> nothing

>> No.195450

Early retirement for all 3. Imagine doing whatever the fuck you want before 40 instead of when you're late 60 and need pills just to get an erection.

>> No.195475

I don't understand what it is that's important to you, and I don't mean that in an anti materialistic way. I mean it in both a materialistic and non materialistic way. For instance, >>195450, what are you going to spend your money on once you retire. Do you plan to just live off of shelter, food, and the internet? What are your wants and passions?

>> No.195477

Because it's a game, and my bank account is the score.

>> No.195489

I dislike consumerism and todays wastefull society, and don't get any gratification from participating in it.

> What are your wants
None, because I have enough money to buy almost everything I want. That just happens to be very few things.

> passions
Jogging, hiking biking, learning japanese, among other things. None of which require require much money to spend on.

Also this: >>195477

>> No.195491
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Money is materialised peoples' lifes basically. It puts you over anyone. Once you get enough you can live like a modern day king, riding a big Escalade blasting some 2CHAINZ in dis mothafucka, poppin Crystal, burning dolla billz and just generally enjoy the feeling of the world being yours. Money is liberation from other people, from society. It just raises you over everyone else.

>> No.195508

Money is the scoreboard for most people under 50

>> No.195516

>to feel financially secure
>superfluous tech bullshit
>nothing (way to go amirite)/a house

>> No.195517

Financial indipendence, I don't care about being the richest man in the world. I just want to own my house, and be able to be self employed.

>> No.195552

so I can afford to extend my lifespan and possibly fund research towards achieving biological immortality

>> No.195561
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>Why do you want money?
To bring me security, stability, and happiness
>What do you spend it on?
Food and bills
>What are you saving up for?
Sex change/transition

>> No.195610

Why do people just put their emails on 4chan randomly without context?

>> No.195619

>Sex change/transition
Like that freaky social media dude on cnbc?

>> No.195682

he's looking for some crack

>> No.196024

are you me?

>> No.196078

>Why do you want money?
Money buys me freedom. I pretty much do what I want because I'm not chained to chasing more and more of the stuff. As long as I have what I need coming in my time is my own.
>What do you spend it on?
Food, wine, a reasonably nice apartment, investments, travel and small luxuries like an inexpensive car, a night out once in a while and media.
>What are you saving up for?
I'm socking some away in investments because you never know what will happen. My business is pretty good now, but I've been broke before. Rather not be broke again. So if I have a big pile of money working for me maybe I could live off it if business goes to shit. Or I get old. That's the plan, at least.

>> No.196086

Security and happiness isn't found in money or external things. It's a state of mind.

Typical retarded tranny faggot. Once you castrate yourself you'll just start being anxious about some other petty difference.

>> No.196094
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because kiyosaki promised me the feeling of grandiosity if I was rich

>> No.196112

Why do you want money?
>dont want to work
>get way more pussy
What do you spend it on?
>mostly travel
>fancy restaurants
>high end escorts
>crazy baller shit like throwing a personal party in a night club
What are you saving up for?
>investments I can make even more money from

so much this

>> No.196132

>So I can eventually work less, and maybe retire early.
>I don't have any money yet
>I'll probably travel a lot, maybe live in SE Asia for half the year to cut down on living costs when I'm retired.

>> No.196279

>Why do you want money?
Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
>What do you spend it on?
Food, water, shelter, electricity, internets. Not much else.
>What are you saving up for?
Retirement. I do need a new car soon (mine is on its last legs), but I have more than enough to pay cash for it if I wanted.

Thing is, I have a job I enjoy and get paid good money for. I would keep doing it even if it didn't pay well. The things outside of work I enjoy don't cost much, so I end up accumulating a bunch of money without really trying.

>> No.196998

>For instance, >>195450, what are you going to spend your money on once you retire. Do you plan to just live off of shelter, food, and the internet? What are your wants and passions?

I want to travel, live comfortably, have adventures, etc. But the point isn't money, the point is time. Most people retire in their mid to late 60s now. By then your body is breaking down and you're old. I don't want to be old when i finally am free from going to work every week. I want to live.

So there's your answer, I want to make as much money as I can before I'm too old to enjoy it

>> No.197002

>Why do you want money?

So I can trade with people.

>What do you spend it on?

Cigarettes and booze, I don't make it enough to spend on anything else.

>What are you saving up for?

Nothing, I don't make enough for it to be worth saving. he only reason I bother working is because my Mum will kick me out if I don't.

>> No.197012

To be self sustaining
To avoid everyone forever. Fuck people

>> No.197017

>Why do you want money?
So I can have the things I desire, which are: a comfy home, a custom battle station, good food to eat. and some other misc things I might like to have,but not much more than that.
>What do you spend it on?
Impulse. I don't buy very, other than food.
>What are you saving up for?
At the moment some long term things for me: custom battle station, another trombone, retirment

>> No.197040


personally, i want to create enough wealth so I can become free and independent. No longer have to worry about bills, about loans, about that one bad day that happens to everyone where you lose everything.

I need it as a resource, a war chest if you will. My coffers are empty and my enemies and trials numerous.

>> No.197057

To be happier
3 TB external hard drive

>> No.197073

>To be financially secure
>Same shit as everyone else, retirement, a decent car, eating out and vacations
>Saving up for retirement, so delayed spending. I honestly can't tell you what my desires will be in 30-40 years because I doubt things like 'A new corvette' will be relevant since we'll all have self-driving cars.

>> No.197081

For my financial freedom.
Education for my children, and a nice boat.
For my children to inherit and to start a new generation in my family of not being poor.

>> No.197352

>Why do you want money?
To eat it. ...more money = greater financial security, what possible other reason could you have?
>What do you spend it on?
Living expenses, mostly. I'm not a miser, but I don't have particularly expensive tastes; my only significant expense is rent.
>What are you saving up for?
Ostensibly, downpayment on a house. However, I've pretty much accepted that I'll never own property: and at 27, my options for a mortgage aren't going to be so good. So for now, I'm extending my three-month emergency fund to six months instead. Once that's done, I'm pushing the rest into my pension.

>> No.197353

This. Time != money, Time > money. You're not getting a valuable return on your investment if you have to work the better part of your healthy life to be rich later when you're possibly hindered by physical impairment, assuming you make it that far. My goal is to have enough money to retire by 40, even if that means living in a shithole apartment with two roommates so I can save and invest 80%+ of my paycheck.

>> No.197355


>Cool shit and hookers

>> No.197379

Finally, someone gets it.

>> No.197396
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>Why do you want money?
Because the guy who said money can't buy happiness was wrong.

>What do you spend it on?
Living expenses, further investments, and general entertainment.

>What are you saving up for?
Retiring to a life of doing w/e I want.

>> No.197405

>Because the guy who said money can't buy happiness was wrong.
I feel like whoever said that was bitter, poor, and probably french

>> No.197409

Money doesn't buy happiness, it just makes getting there less of a struggle. Somehow people still manage to kill themselves over it though.

Getting more money doesn't make you happy. But achieving happiness when you can't guarantee you security in the future is a stressful hindrance to happiness.

>> No.197412

Main goal right now is to pay off my student loans so I can start saving for a house.

>> No.197444
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>money doesn't buy happiness

Short list of things money does buy (in no particular order):
1. Drugs
2. Women
3. Solid gold hot-tub

Sounds like happiness to me.

>> No.197456

So you're only happy as long as you're able to maintain contact with material goods? Seems pretty fragile to me. Less happiness, more distraction from your otherwise shitty life.

>> No.197460

Maybe he found fulfillment as a person in something other than a cavernous echoey palace and consumer electronics?

>> No.197465

Define happiness for us then. Lets see how little of it requires money to properly enjoy it.

Considering how old the phrase is, I was imagining more an extremely poor french guy at the guillotine killing rich people

>> No.197470

So you're making it about semantics then? Sorry, not going to bother.

>> No.197479

>Why do you want money?
So I can be free from working
>What do you spend it on?
>What are you saving up for?
Maybe invest in stuff if I knew what I was doing.

>> No.197474

>Define happiness for us then.

>implying 'happiness' can be quantitatively defined
>beep boop parameters undefined, please insert currency boop beep

>> No.197488

So I can rub it in the faces of all the shit heads I've had to grow up with
To compensate for crippling insecurities

Livin' the American dream ;_;

>> No.197489

No, I'm making it about reality. What do you consider happiness? At what point do you look at a man's life and decide 'that guy is happy'? My point is you need money for a great deal of things, and while this jackass here >>197474
only understand black and white, the rest of us realize money isn't a direct correlation to happiness, but it certainly makes happiness obtainable.

>> No.197487
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Not ONLY. Just because money can buy happiness doesn't mean you can't be happy without money.

>> No.197497
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>> No.197505

>Why do you want money?
I want enough money that I can earn a living from investments, and then focus on my hobbies and interesting projects.

>What do you spend it on?
Nothing much, I'm saving.

>What are you saving up for?
See above.

>> No.197510

He's not trying to make it about semantics. It's actually a good question to ask.

How do you define happiness for Man? In your opinion.

Personally, I define happiness by virtue, as Aristotle defined it. To be virtuous in oneself, to have a passionate joy for learning, to be wise, etc. But my opinion is just one of many. Your version of happiness possibly differs from mine.

I've heard many people say that happiness is found in relationships/having someone to grow old with or whatever. I've never found it reasonable to dictate happiness based on a companionship, but others disagree with this notion. Companionship, to them, is the total epitome of pure happiness.

>> No.197513

>but it certainly makes happiness more easily obtainable.
ftfy, this is exactly what I said. Maybe you should read a book or something.

>correlation equals causation
Jesus Christ are you serious? Maybe it has less to do with money and more to do with oppressive governments or overpopulation. Otherwise how would mexico and Brazil nearly equal us in happiness while Japan falls so low?
>I'll post a chart in place of an argument, am I intelligent yet?

>> No.197523 [DELETED] 

Note I don't mean to say Japan has oppressive government or overpop. They're low rate probably has more to do with social pressure and feelings of inadequacy toward westerners.

>> No.197524

>Your version of happiness possibly differs from mine
Exactly. So no, money can't buy happiness, but it depends what makes you happy in the first place.

More money doesn't automatically mean more happiness, Christ almighty

>> No.197527

Note I don't mean to say Japan has oppressive government or overpop. Their low rate probably has more to do with social pressure and feelings of inadequacy toward westerners.

>> No.197532

I want money at this age so I can buy things that will bring me money later in life so I can work because I want too and not have too.
When I finally have my stable income coming in I'll like to buy myself a big lot of land up north and build a nice house.
Just a place that I could go into the wilderness whenever I want and shoot my guns.

>> No.197551
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>it depends what makes you happy in the first place

'money can't buy happiness - ha ha as if!' implies that it is impossible to find fulfilment in something other than a cavernous, echoey palace surrounded by used syringes and consumer electronics
like, there's never been a janitor somewhere or a garbage man that honestly, truly enjoys their work. or an artist, or something else

>> No.197553

>More money doesn't automatically mean more happiness, Christ almighty

If his happiness is predicated on certain materialistic objects, then more money does imply more happiness. He's already implied that his happiness is partially predicated on drugs, women and a solid gold hot-tub. To him, that really is happiness. For him to acquire that, the BEST of those things, he needs what? Money.

More money, better quality of drugs.
More money, better quality of prostitutes/women.
More money, a solid gold hot-tub. Maybe even two.

So yes, to him more money does automatically mean more happiness. I'm trying to be as clear as possible and not condescending either in this post, too.

>> No.197572

He's saying that if there's no universal origin of happiness, the statement "money buys happiness" is wrong because it only applies to some people. Therefore criticizing whoever made the statement in the first place is fallacious.

>> No.197577

But he implied earlier in this thread that happiness can't be found in materialistic objects. At worst, he cast doubt upon that idea. This was his previous post:
>So you're only happy as long as you're able to maintain contact with material goods? Seems pretty fragile to me. Less happiness, more distraction from your otherwise shitty life.

Both have conflicting ideologies of happiness; that's the root of the entire disagreement.

>> No.197581

Well obviously you need to interpret the statistics.

2 equally happy people might rank themselves 6 and 9, depending on the culture they were brought up in, however clearly there is the same pattern wherever you go, more money means more happiness.

Money may not be the pure essence of happiness but it certainly helps facilitate it.

Furthermore the idea that no one needs money to be happy would mean that it is justified for some bureaucracy or elite to handle all the money that they decide everyone else doesn't need.

>> No.197586

I feel like you're the one with the most narrow view right now and you need to take the blinders off to realize it. Nobody save maybe one or two people, have said large amounts of money = happiness. However, my point still is you need money to achieve the things that make you happy. I'm this guy >>196998 btw, in case the IDs aren't standing out enough. Never once have I said 'mad stacks' is the only way to be happy. However, my happiness is to be free from responsibility and do all the things I want to do. I realize I could quit my job, be poor, and hobo it on trains and shit just as well but I would feel like a failure and wouldn't be happy. I need the feeling of success first and success in my instance is measured by being financially free from worry. Money is required for that.

Sure you can romanticize the starving artist or the janitor and say 'that guy seems lighter than air, he doesn't need money!' but you don't live his life. You don't know what he considers happiness, he might go home and curse out his boss with a few beers till he passes out in front of his TV.

So to go back what I asked you earlier before you became a pretentious ass, what makes you happy? Because you can bet if you don't know, you'll never be happy.

>> No.197592

That was me, and I agree it's just my opinion. I'm willing to leave it at that if the other party also acknowledges.

>> No.197617

to spite my parents
the future

>> No.197630

>Why do you want money?

I don't know.

>What do you spend it on?

I don't know.

>What are you saving up for?

I don't know.

All I know, is I want money.

>> No.197742

Money doesn't buy happiness but it rents it.

>> No.198228

>Why do you want money?
So I don't need to personally produce what I need.
>What do you spend it on?
Living expenses and hobbies.
>What are you saving up for?
Retiring as early as possible.

>> No.198238

>To buy an island and a compound.
>An island.
>An island.

>> No.198241

For independence and freedom.
Plus making money in equities is fun and rewarding.

>> No.198248

I end up spending most of my money on clothes and going out

>> No.198276

I want lots of money to buy lots of clothes

>> No.198334

Why do you want money?

I don't really, I just want to acquire it
What do you spend it on?

I don't spend much, try to save a lot. If I do spend it's on food

What are you saving up for?
nothing in particular, i just like saving

>> No.198697

>Why do you want money?
I'm tired of dealing with my co-workers, I'm tired of pretending to be a normalfag and going to company events and having conversations with people I don't care about. I'm tired of having to make up lies about my beliefs, opinions and lifestyle just to 'fit in'. I want money to be free.

>What do you spend it on?
Most of my money goes into a bank account that pays 1.8% annually, the rest is in Indian govt. bonds (I feel this was a mistake, as Indian currency probably gets devalued faster than Western currency). I have no living expenses, I live with my parents, they even pay for my transit fare.

>What are you saving up for?
The only reason I work is that my parents want me to. I just want to stay at home all day. I always thought I would become normal by getting a job and interacting with people, but it's been almost 8 months and I hate getting up in the morning,

>> No.198743

Abnormal people never become normal. We can only act the part.

Save up, buy a boat, live on it, come to port for supplies once a month. A place in the woods is also an option.

>> No.198790

>Why do you want money?
I grew up poor, and I never want to be in that position again. I never want anyone associated with me to be in that position, and most of all, I don't want my god damn kids to be in that position.

>What do you spend it on?
Honestly... all I want is to live comfortably and within my means for the rest of my life. Having an abundance of money would be nice though.

>What are you saving up for?
Nothing right now. I'm just trying to make my way through college.

>> No.198837

pretty funny how libertarians have a fetish for labor almost as much as communists

>> No.198840

So i can have a big house, fast cars, and set up a trust fund for my kids.

>> No.198861

Need money to afford a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders, specifically SA and OCD. I just want to get this shit over with and live a healthy adult life. Also need money to pay bills and not have to worry about my car even reaching E whenever I head out.

>> No.198971

In what world do you live?

>> No.198980

To pay the bills, the house, to eat.
To pay the bills, the house, to eat.
To survive without working.

>> No.198983


>> No.198984

Immortality. I want to be able to afford it once it becomes available.

>> No.198993


Why do you want money?
>Power and freedom.
What do you spend it on?
>People and tools.
What are you saving up for?
>Better people and better tools.

If everything went right, I'd like to either have a boat or a home in Colorado.

>> No.199007

A gun for a clean easy suicide.

>> No.199521

If you mysteriously stopped posting- would we even know :<

>> No.199590
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> travel
> house
> invest and make more money
> die comfortable knowing my family will have power to do what they want and will eat exotic lobster and caviar for 3 generations
> philanthropy and shit

>> No.199732

>living forever
sounds awful

>> No.200043

Financial security and develop expensive hobbies that bring a sense of fulfillment to my life.

>> No.200081
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>tfw when no two floor log cabin somewhere in New Hampshire where I sit in the balcony overlooking a snow covered pine forest as I'm cleaning muh gunz in the bench with a cup of hot chocolate and my two trusty Norwegian Elkounds laying on the floor by my sides.

>> No.200243

For living a happy life
For living a happy life
I will invest on penny stocks in case of make more money.

>> No.200344

>Why do you want money?
so I can live comfortably
>What do you spend it on?
basic living expenses, technology/toys, entertainment (mostly games I can't pirate), occasionally good food (though I mostly cook at home), very rarely live events like concerts
>What are you saving up for?
I just paid off all my student loans, so I'm happy.
short term: To move out of my parent's house and move in with friends. I want to build up a buffer so I can last at least a few months in case of a job loss/rainy day situation.
long term: to be completely financially independent. Bonus points if I'm so wealthy (and relatively low expense) that I can live off investment income alone.

>> No.200386

freedom, I want to work on my own terms without being at the mercy of a boss or the need for a paycheck