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20005062 No.20005062 [Reply] [Original]

frens, i'm beginning to think we aren't going to make it.

>> No.20005167
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You’re probably right in all honesty fren. I know it’s melodramatic and it’s been repeated to death but it’s hard not to feel like we were born into one of the most unfortunate periods in recent human history.

>> No.20005393

You know how it goes, you're the one preventing the market from pumping. We're all waiting for you to sell.

>> No.20005435

I’ve switched to stocks. I’m australian so it’s ASX and I’ve literally just bought a NASDAQ stock recently. No more crypto for me. Been burned too many times and even blue chip shares are up a fuckload more than shitcoins in the past year

>> No.20005464

This gentlemen is what we call textbook FOMO

>> No.20005512

FOMO? Maybe being burned was a bit because of FOMO. But the crypto markets are too risky and infantile. SEE: defi and Statera

>> No.20005749

dude, if you just make a portfolio of 60% bitcoin, 40% eth, and set it and forget it, you will make it in three years. fuck trying to follow all these scam coins. just DCA in and you will be fine.

>> No.20005773
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fren, it's already been 3 years for me

My expiry date is in 2 years already, after that it will be too late to have made it, because the best years of my life will be gone

>> No.20005778

Have you heard of Chainlink? What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.20005812

How old are you bro?

>> No.20005847


>> No.20005862

This boring period is the best time ever to accumulate, you should be excited

You do realize that every $50 you DCA in is going to be worth $500+ in 2 years, if that doesn't excite you then you must already be rich

>> No.20005869

It’s definitely fomo. Markets are going to shit the bed hard in the leadup to the election. Screen it

>> No.20005871


The idea was to be a millionaire by 30. If I can't do that I will have to get serious about becoming a wageslave for the rest of my life

>> No.20005887

Fuck you're right I gotta short the asx quick

>> No.20005890


>> No.20005935

Yep I feel you brother. I'm much younger but I fear wageslaving too. I can only hope that it takes off soon enough because I too am tired of waiting.

>> No.20005940

>Bullish signal

>> No.20005966

>t. inveterate gamblers
Yes I would like fries with that

>> No.20005997

holy fuck you fucking faggot. do what i said here >>20005749
and you can be a millionaire at 31. fuck you are pathetic.

>> No.20006170
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>> No.20006284

>becoming a wageslave
>for the rest of my life

Ever heard of suicide, eh?

>> No.20006306


How much do you invest each month?

>> No.20006369

you are not going to make it with Eth and BTC you stupid retard
At best they will do a x10 in that time, that's barely enough for me and probably not enough for you.

>> No.20006403

>put more money in shit that has already mooned.

no thanks.

>> No.20006415
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We really won’t know until Fall.

>> No.20006434

Oh oh do the smug anime bitch one

>> No.20006723

BTC will 10x. ETH will probably 40x. I have enough invested that I would make it at those returns. Put more into the market.

>> No.20006775

somewhere between 500-1500, depending on the market. so i invested more when bitcoin was tanking in march than i am now. have 50k total in right now. hoping to be 100k in 12 months. i've got money on the sidelines in case another downside move due to corona shit.

>> No.20006837

okay man. good luck finding moonshots in a sea of pajeet scams.

>> No.20006954

Some of us will, but you won't because you're a frenposter.

Frenposters do not make it

>> No.20008335

Buy unibright, 40mil marketcap, easy a 500 mil marketcap in a short time, and then go all in on btc and eth

>> No.20008461
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>A person born in 1898 might have fought in two World Wars, the Spanish Flu and the Great Depression.
>Your chainlink did not go to $1000 EOY.

Yeah, I agree. You had it rough desu.

>> No.20009277

You mean the worst waifu?

>> No.20010392

>becoming a wageslave for the rest of my life
Join the rest of the humanity, bro
t. 40yo wagie

>> No.20010410
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How come?