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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20004732 No.20004732 [Reply] [Original]

And this is despite new lockdowns and rising cases...Every percentage rise in the price kills me inside. I'm already down $53,000. If SPY reaches 310 again I will livestream my sudoko blaming JPOW.

>> No.20004751

good, we need more live streams here

>> No.20004772

If the current lockdown isn’t going to dump the market, what makes you retards think another one will work?

>> No.20004818
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So many reasons for another dump:
>Hong kong
>Wirecard fraud
>Deutsche bank
>Trump or Biden catching covid
I am just completely flabbergasted how this market keeps defying reality. I bought puts at the bottom back in march and have been bagholding them ever since. They expire this July...

>> No.20004967

why do you guys keep going against the flow, do you think there is some honor in that or what?
game is rigged and everyone willing to give in and go with the flow will make free money by just going long on any major us index.

>> No.20005019

Imagine betting against the fed. Retards

>> No.20005054

I just can’t bring myself to “go with the flow”. It makes me feel sick that fucking Robin Hood zoomers are cashing in on millions of people suffering due to this hoax virus

>> No.20005275

We were supposed to live in a free market capitalist system but instead what they are doing is pure corporate socialism. So fuck the fed and fuck your 401k

>> No.20005332

You bought puts during a panic crash yet feel disgusted that others are "cashing in on millions of people suffering"? Take a look in the mirror faggot. You get what you deserve.

>> No.20005367

Because when you print money, the first thing people are going to do is to NOT BE IN CASH for inflationary reasons. The value of stocks are not going up per se, cash is going down and thus, you need more of it to buy the same asset.

>> No.20005392

we're also supposed to fuck our trade wife everyday, have children and a home we own by just having a job.
Instead we get buttfucked left and right, cant change that in an instant can we

>> No.20005398

I got in late because my stupid fucking broker delayed the open of my account because of the lockdown. This market still has room to fall and this pump is fake as fuck. Even CFTC reports confirm that whales are positioning themselves to short the ever living fuck of this fake ass market you fags keep buying into

>> No.20005446

The fucking magical federal reserve money printer goes fucking brrrrrrr OP, just what the fuck is so hard for you idiots to understand about that?

>> No.20005468

Printers don’t print jobs you dumb fuck. These corps ain’t gonna have any customers even if they pump their stock prices

>> No.20005586

Nice reading comprehension. I didn't take a stance one way or another on where the market is going. Just pointed out that you're claiming to he disgusted over the exact thing you're doing.

>> No.20005968

Are you betting on their earnings or are you betting on their share price?

(You’re betting on their share price, so why are you surprised that, when offered infinite money through alternative means (corporate bond purchases from the fed at 0%) they haven’t tanked?)

>> No.20005981

Or maybe nonessential workers just aren't all that important after all. Whodathunkit?

>> No.20006004

Or perhaps the market is not the economy and does not reflect the true state of affairs. You dumb nigger

>> No.20006028


>> No.20007936

c it from da brite side

>> No.20007943

What part of don’t fight the fed don’t you faggots get?