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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1079x1077, 1567536276246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19994397 No.19994397 [Reply] [Original]

Guys - I'm one of the OG link guys who had access to the pre-sale and put the link up here to give a chance for everyone to make it.

Why can't we go back to helping each other out instead of shilling pump and dump schemes?

>> No.19994469

what a piss of shit infograpgh
these are all the things that successufl bankers do
>blame others for their failure
>fear change
>take all the credit of their victories
and you have to be a speical tard to dont know that all rich people
>hoard information and data
thats why they are fucking rich
also shout out to the pajeet who wrote this, cant even spell hoard correctly

>> No.19994477

i am freak of both sides

>> No.19994540
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C'mon - seriously guys, biz has turned into shit, we gotta fix this.

>> No.19994630
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>Why can't we go back to helping each other out instead of shilling pump and dump schemes?
>I'm one of the OG link guys
If this were actually true you would know that Link was actively pumped and dumped between $0.20 and $0.40 throughout 2018

>> No.19994660

i am just saying. thinking that rich people are rich because they dont HOARD information is just retarded
wont you agree?

>> No.19994707

100%; proprietary information augments their competitive advantage

but that is not the focus here - biz is literally filled with pump and dumps now

>> No.19994726

I know, but the fundamentals were always there; the swing linkers were playing with falling knives, which I get to some extent - given their myopic viewpoint on the asset at the time. I made the same mistake with ETH, won't make it again

>> No.19994738

sorry fren. but this board is finished.
its cycle through coin shillings, pmgs, trannies, and scat porn.

>> No.19994764

>I know,
no. you don't, because you're a larper

>> No.19994817
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1592488463737s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see myself 100% in the left, thanks for posting this anon, made me feel good.

>> No.19994829
File: 76 KB, 862x678, 8l2pbtin9kl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that chart
>nothing about looks
Into the trash it goes

>> No.19994833

You skepticism is welcome. I would also find it hard to believe someone on an anonymous image board without proof.

That being said, I have nothing to prove on an anonymous image board - and nothing to gain, really from Larping as someone who claims to have participated in the LINK presale and spread the love amongst his fellow biz frens

>> No.19994845

And here you are on 4chan on a weekend witht he rest of the losers. Looks like things worked out great for you!

>> No.19994872

As a thanks, i have to projects that van turn out good.
First project is unibright, it had done a 10x, but i van see it grow to 500 mil marketcap atleast, which is another 12x
Second project is WeOwn, when they finish their product it had allot of room to grow, currently 1-2mil marketcap, i myself am still accumulating WeOwn (chx)

>> No.19994881

I don't see biz like you do, it is a community that sees the world from a different lens.

>> No.19994894

>Niggers and leftists contain all the traits of unsuccessful people


>> No.19994902

somebody shared the dmg presale password

>> No.19994920

>I'll just re-define what it is so I don't seem like a loser!
Cope detected.

>> No.19994940

Would any anons be interested in starting a sub community around assessing projects as they come out?

We can make some sort of framework for evaluating the promise of a project, with metrics and apply a value investing approach to crypto. Kinda like a crypto Hedgefund?

>> No.19994968

fren, it seems like you are projecting your attributes to the community as a whole. I understand, I really do. I hope things will improve for you soon.

>> No.19995007

I want newfags to leave.

>> No.19995020

Also, thank you for pointing out those projects - upon first glance, they do seem to merit promise,

>> No.19995033

then leave

>> No.19995189

I miss 2017 biz - but I don't think the problem is with the newfags necessarily.

I think it is more along the lines of:

people who made it no longer frequent biz, the ones who didn't make it are still here -

the reasons why they didn't make it - possibly due to short term vision, margin trading, falling for a PnD, greed (what have you) have led to a sense of bitterness and despair that now lay the foundation upon which biz lays.

This is why they are more pnd schemes and general bitterness that resembles pol more and more.

There is still a chance for all of us to make it, and perhaps learn something in the process.

Perhaps I'm a bit of an idealist but I think there are a lot of smart people here - we just need to stop working against each other and start working together.

>> No.19995230

This isn't necessarily true. If you have filled your bags to some desired %, isn't it perfectly rational to start shilling it? I'm currently hoping/waiting for DMG to moon. Afterwards I have 2-3 bags I want to top off. And once I'm done accumulating them, I'll start shilling them here and/or on some other crypto boards.

I've done so in the past, too. In particular UBT. But I got called a pajeet for drawing my funny half-assed paint TA after it mooned to 10 cent. Then it went to 50 cent and I sold my entire stack. I might consider buying in back later with DMG gains, for example. And then shill one of the other two projects if they haven't taken off yet.

I think good projects are still being shilled here (although not exclusively) after people have filled their bags and want them to move. Even if they have "made it." But IDK whether actually hanging around here is a thing most people will still do. Some might because 4chan is their life. Who knows. Kek.

>> No.19995253

>mixing cause and effect

>> No.19995257

*Of course the pajeet insult was probably fud because others wanted to buy in cheaper. Kek. Just saying...

>> No.19995478

You raise good points anon, I guess if you are optimizing for a burgeoning bank account - you want to keep quiet and accumulate, and start to tell people about it once you have secured your position.

Indeed, it is how traditional financial institutions operate (Hedge funds and Private Equity come to mind.) However, if you look at the numbers - many end up going out of business and under performing the stock market.

I don't really have a problem with it. It is a natural part of the economic cycle. But when people are shilling shit projects with plagiarized whitepapers unknowingly funding a cocaine addicts spending habits, I am saddened.

I don't know if this will change, and if it will it won't be soon. Anyway, If anyone is interested in working together to assess projects and help each other - shoot me a message booz_allen_hamilton_2000@protonmail.com

>> No.19995528

i think you made the last thread also. too many anons in there being selfish and nasty as fuck.

>> No.19995584

>survivorship bias.jpg

>> No.19995873

What thread was that anon? This is the first one I've made in a while

>> No.19995967

Self help infographic for NPCs how to stay in your NPC lane like a good little NPC

>> No.19996034

Hey fren, I made a discord server dedicated to your idea. A place where we can talk about new projects without all the shills.

discord gg /mp78Vc

>> No.19996113

the whole self help movement is a fucking joke and a scam for naive people

>> No.19996171

thread yesterday some anon asked the same "why can't we all help each other make it" thing and a bunch of nasty anons were getting on there saying the typical toxic "muh selfish greed over all" shit.

>> No.19996178

i hope many people believe in this.
more poor retards to dab on.

>> No.19996217
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>I'm currently hoping/waiting for DMG to moon.
We are literally going to make it anon

>> No.19996219
File: 44 KB, 500x483, 1592828701850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, lose your shitty 200 year old philosophy to specifically give poor people hope and yet keep them poor from the elites.

Of course it takes work to become successful, but you have to slit a few throats along the way to reach that real money.

>> No.19996244

>link OG
>doesn’t know about ids

>> No.19996271

Damn, I meant to reply to another thread - thanks for pointing that out anon

>> No.19996398

>but you have to slit a few throats along the way to reach that real money.
no, you really don't. you're just trying to justify being a cunt. even if it was true, you're saying you'd sell out your morality for some fleeting materialistic bullshit. you're a punk.

>> No.19996465
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>> No.19997278
File: 254 KB, 1467x968, ss discord group shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would any anons be interested in starting a sub community around assessing projects as they come out?
>We can make some sort of framework for evaluating the promise of a project, with metrics and apply a value investing approach to crypto. Kinda like a crypto Hedgefund?

hey fren, you are not the first that thought of that. I made a discord group thinking exactly of that. However, in the end TA and DEFI hijacked most of the shitcoin, but we still discuss a few shitcoins/new projects. Thanks to a few fags in the group I managed to invest a bit early on DMM/DMG for example. if you are interested server id is mf2V9MD. see you there!

>> No.19997308

>If anyone is interested in working together to assess projects and help each other - shoot me a message booz_allen_hamilton_2000@protonmail.com

are you mckinsey_bro#8779?