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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19992772 No.19992772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19992800
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>> No.19992846
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>> No.19992858


>> No.19992863


>> No.19992885

Wear the mask retard

>> No.19992917


>> No.19992931

I am because I'm not a selfish anti-science conspiracy theorist.

>> No.19992934


>> No.19992965
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>wear the mask

>> No.19992972
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>be ching ching ding dong winnie the pooh
>larp online as trump supporters
>"if you wear a mask you're supporting hillary!!!!"
>us gets rekt by coronachan
>china numba 1
Prove to me that this isn't exactly what's happening right now. Protip: you can't.

>> No.19992993

dont forget about 69 genders and global warming, cuck
''science'' my ass

>> No.19993000

Waring mask makes me look retarded.
It doesn't even work

>> No.19993063


>> No.19993085

>some things do not align with my political beliefs so throw it all out the window

>> No.19993365


>> No.19993391


>> No.19993409

>caring so much about US "politics" that you internalize it as part of your very identity, not only (pointless) voting along party lines but literally BELIEVING along party linse
YOU are the NPC

>> No.19993411

Science is the new religion. It's absolutely genius what the evil pedos have done. I'd love to curb stomp their skulls, but I have to admire what they've managed to pull off.

>> No.19993438
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good goy, did you read the label?

>> No.19993495

the point of the mask isn't to stop yourself from getting it, it's to prevent the spread from yourself to others
what's the actual argument behind not wearing a mask?

>> No.19993498

their answer to this is that you're wearing the mask to protect others, because EVERYONE IS AN ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER, A WALKING VIRUS BREEDER, YOU'RE KILLING GRANDMA BY NOT WEARING THE MASK

isn't that so convenient bro? The super deadly, super contagious virus, 99% of people have no symptoms at all whatsoever, but they can still spread it... FOREVER, you must wear a mask FOREVER because you are forever doomed to be Covid Mary, until you take Bill Gates upcoming vaccine which will solve all of our problems

>> No.19993505

the argument against wearing the mask is that by wearing it you prove you're a fucking NPC retard

>> No.19993526

those who dont wear a mask are the NPC retards. they think they're cool and woke, they're juste fucking morons

>> No.19993528

it's symbolic

>> No.19993529

tf? do you not cover your mouth while coughing/sneezing? dw about looks senpai you are retarded :-)

>> No.19993537

you sound like a lunatic. take some medicine. see a therapist.

>> No.19993543

you can't refute anything I said

>> No.19993564

I have to admit I do feel pretty superior to fucking retards like you who actually wear one, lmao

>> No.19993586

nah, I just don't see the big issue with wearing one when I go out to get groceries
every time I see one of these threads nobody can explain exactly why we shouldn't be wearing masks without using "NPC"
if you're going out without a mask you're likely an attention whore and you're pretty much the equivalent of a teenage atheist

>> No.19993590

are you aware the vast majority of people don't wear masks? the vast majority of people = NPC.

>> No.19993592

There's literaly proof that you can give yourself lung infections by wearing a mask for too long. What would I rather have, a virus that kills 0.4% of boomers who are already on their death bed, or a fucking lung infection.

>> No.19993621

No, you are a selfish anti-rights enforcer.

>> No.19993632

These are the people who are proud not to wear masks. Literal low IQ trash

>> No.19993642

I can kind of understand anti-vaxx. Like sure, evil scientists and doctors could maybe put some bullshit into shit they inject into you. But wearing a mask! How fucking retarded do you have to be to not be able to buy a $1 piece of fabric from ANYWHERE to cover your face? Are the world's entirety of mask manufacturers in on the scam?
People who talk about being patriots and yet can't even bring themselves to do what must be the least invasive, least inconvenient, least expensive thing ever. Basically saying "My country has asked me to do the easiest thing in history and I still won't do it. But oh yeah I would have totally stormed Omaha beach, no problem".

>> No.19993673

It provoked stress in the masses.
Is it a pure coincidence that after being locked in quarantine forever and muzzled that people are stressed the fuck out and burning down cities?
Yeaaa shouldnt have stressed everyone out with unorthodox control levels.
Don't give a fuck what commie countries do. In USA we have the freedom to do stupid risky shit. And we love it.
Buy guns everyone.

>> No.19993683

Why do others lose their shit over what other people are doing? If you want to be safe, then wear a mask. How is me wearing a mask helping you? Are you going to get covid from me breathing in your vicinity? Buy a fucking plastic bubble while you're at it to enforce social distancing.

>> No.19993708

Lmao stfu.
Some buzzfeed article isnt proof, you sound like the antivaxxer whos proof is facebook articles.
Healthcare workers and other ppl in the risk zone wear them allday and dont complain just to save retards like you who literally kill people because of stupidity

>> No.19993722

>How is me wearing a mask helping you?
The whole point of masks is that they are way more effective on the infectious person than they are as protection from infectious people. Have you been paying any attention at all?

>> No.19993728

>If you want to be safe, then wear a mask. How is me wearing a mask helping you?
because a mask isn't for self protection, it's to stop you from spreading the virus if you have it
you can call the virus bullshit, but if you don't even understand why people are freaking out about masks then you're retarded. If you could protect yourself with a mask then nobody would give a fuck if you didn't wear it because that would be your own health

>> No.19993730
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"genders" have nothing to do with science. Gender is a word for describing your identity and its not linked to your biology. You are thinking of sex. Don't worry, it's a common mistake. I just expected better from a Mongolian basket weaving tribe.

>> No.19993732

You have zeri idea how this works do you you retard

>> No.19993737

>How is me wearing a mask helping you?
the low IQ is showing.
this mask thing made me realize how people in general are fucking dumb. it's really depressing.

>> No.19993747

Dude. You are the poster boy for anti-truth propaganda working. You know nobody “peddles” science? There are scientific journals with strict and transparent processes, you literally can’t make the shit up. But what are you reading? Conservative news sites telling you “science bad, science hoax!” and you choose to believe that. Absolute state. World is fucked.

>> No.19993752

based umineko poster laying down the law

>> No.19993762

>I cherry pick whatever supports my narrative and ignore whatever contradicts me, then call my opponents anti science.

>> No.19993785

In my country a lot of businesses switched to mask production, from textile factories to closed retails shops, even within households people started sewing masks, kind of weird desu
My neighbor somehow got like 5 million masks (N95, KN95 and simple ones) which he seems to have sold completely, a shitload of profit for him since he was a high school dropout minimum wage worker
I do wear the mask, I don't want to break the NAP by coofing on people, I do worry about the effects of it on my long and middle term immunity to common colds since I hate common colds
Literally fake news, even the WHO admits now that asymptomatic transmission is insignificant and extremely rare
Oh shit did I just respond to b8?

>> No.19993801

You realize that science needs to be constantly questioned because it's conducted by fallible humans and retards like you who treat it as infallible are turning "science" into a religion.

>> No.19993808

mask threads have made me realize that /biz/ is shit and has reached the point of no return, the decline has been clear over the past year and a half but now it's just embarrassing
not one person can come up with a valid argument as to why they don't want to deal with the inconvenience of wearing a mask for the 5 minutes people ask you to so that you don't spread your germs from a coof
the government can go fuck themselves, and no you shouldn't take everything at face value, but it's literally just a piece of cloth over your mouth that you'll wear for a few minutes a day
the only argument I can even think of is that the government is trying to normalize this and will force us to wear one from now on

>> No.19993841

>he does not know about the replication crisis
ngmi or an elsevier shill

>> No.19993849

Simple. If you're scared, stay inside. I'll continue to live my life freely. If you feel as though going outside is an imminent threat to your health, don't go outside. I wont miss you.

>> No.19993874

Someone link one peer reviewed study that shows masks prevent the spreading of coronaviruses plz

>> No.19993885
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It's the actual idiots believing they're in good company because all the OG's larp as idiots for fun.
Same thing happening across many boards, /pol/ seems to be the worst with literal Q-tards and lefties while /a/ seems to be the least affected because their jannies go nuclear way more often.

>> No.19993886

if it doesn't protect you, logic dictates it's not going to stop the spread either
you need to be wearing a gas mask
the paper masks are for arterial blood spray or for workmen grinding metal / cutting wood to limit breathing in dust, it doesn't prevent microscopic agents IN OR OUT
someone post the low iq and high iq shaking hands with the mid level brainlets being npcs meme
because that's you

>> No.19993899

Why would neets or schizos not want to wear the mask? You literally get to hide your face in public

>> No.19993915

Literally wearing a piece of fabric over your face is to stop the spread of a virus that kills the elderly is too much to ask of you. Too much of an imposition on your freedom. That is the epitome of spoiled brat behavior. "No, I refuse to do ANYTHING for society at large, not even the smallest, easiest thing. I refuse because of freedom."

>> No.19993917

it's usually /pol/tards coming here but where I live maybe only 5% of people cover their mouth with something in public transports, it's not a /biz/ thing. The majority of people in our society are fucking dumb, that's the sad truth.

>> No.19993921

>If you could protect yourself with a mask then nobody would give a fuck if you didn't wear it because that would be your own health
I'd like to introduce you to something called a vaccine.

>> No.19993938

>not one person can come up with a valid argument as to why they don't want to deal with the inconvenience of wearing a mask

I don't wear one because I'm not sick

>you could be completely asymptomatic! You have no symptoms but you're killing people and you don't even know it!

I literally don't believe you. I don't believe your "scientists" anymore. I have 0 faith whatsoever in the "scientific community" anymore. The things I read online are not reflected at ALL, WHATSOEVER, in my day to day life. If all the things we've read and seen online were true then people would be falling ill and dying in droves, and yet they have to inflate the kill count by counting literally anyone who dies who happens to test positive as a "covid death". Absolute fucking joke.

I'm done playing along with the total farce that is the "coronavirus pandemic"

>> No.19993943

My source on the lung infection is literally a nurse crying on twitter how she got her lungs infected after wearing a mask 24/7. Before you spout doghit at least do a google search.

>> No.19993948
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Anything that makes retarded normies and boomers seethe is great in my book. Keking at this mask drama and the nigger chimpouts.

>> No.19993955

this karen meme is ded m8

>> No.19993959

This is not bait. I'm actually curious how wearing a mask will not protect me yet will protect others. Maybe I'll join the 'wear your mask' camp

>> No.19993972
File: 157 KB, 1024x727, holyfuckyouretards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus is contained in droplets of saliva that are projected when you cough or sneeze. Those droplets are easily caught by a mask. It's not about catching individual virus particles.
Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you literally just completely ignorant of even the absolute basics?

>> No.19993974

Remember when everyone who is now ordering us to wear masks was saying not to wear masks because they don't do anything earlier in the pandemic?

>> No.19993980

At this point I'd not wear a mask even if I was sick. I'd coof all over the fucking place. These commie cucks deserve to die if their immune system is fucked from all the zoylent consumption.

>> No.19993987

someone in my family got it. 55 year old, never sick, was doing sport every week. He and his wife got it at the same time. She had almost no symptoms, he spent 1 month in the intensive unit and almost died from it.

>> No.19994013

They were saying not to buy up all the masks because they needed to prioritize health care workers, and were also making the point that the mask is less likely to protect you if you are the non-infected person. The whole point is that masks are effective on infected people as they reduce the ability of that person to infect others.

>> No.19994029

Yeah it’s because (((they))) didn’t want to be held accountable for more people dying due to their lack of preparation for something like this happening. So they said at the beginning that it wouldn’t help so they could reserve them, but now that masks are easier to buy, they’ll say they’re effective again and blame it on “not knowing”

>> No.19994034

>people would be falling ill and dying in droves
The world has passed 10 million cases and half a million deaths. You are beyond reason.

>> No.19994044

>I'd like to introduce you to something called a vaccine.
and the purpose of a vaccine is to not only protect yourself but to protect others, try again faggot
yeah look at all the replies to my post, they're either actually retarded or they're just trolling
back in April governments were saying masks weren't needed and everyone on here was showing off their masks and saying it was important to buy one because it was a conspiracy that the government didn't want you to have one
now that the government is recommending it everyone has done a complete 180
there's tons of evidence that shows that wearing a mask greatly dampens the amount of germs spread and the distance they're spread
if you weren't retarded you could find this info out yourself
not everything is a conspiracy

>> No.19994047

Well no, I follow the laws (in my state) that say you must wear a mask when entering grocery stores, restaurants, pretty much any private place of business, but wear a mask when I'm out in a public area? Yeah no thank you. Stay 6 feet away from me and you'll be alright. Elderly and immunocompromised populations should not be out and about. I keep my distance if they must grocery shop (plus I'm already having to wear a mask in grocery stores anyway) but I see no reason they should be mingling and mixing around in public spaces if they're concerned about their health

>> No.19994055

it's in your breath
you can cough or sneeze into your hand
mask is pointless

>> No.19994070

coughing and sneezing into your hand isn't nearly as effective as just wearing the stupid piece of cloth on your face

>> No.19994079

You're still just making the case that you refuse to do what most other people are completely happy to do because they know it's an absolutely minor imposition on them. But for whatever reason you consider yourself too important, special or otherwise superior to do the easiest, most painless, cheapest thing.

>> No.19994086

the masks also collect condensation from your breath which eventually drips
t.worked in food production

>> No.19994113

>back in April governments were saying masks weren't needed and everyone on here was showing off their masks and saying it was important to buy one because it was a conspiracy that the government didn't want you to have one
yeah now i want to see all those fucking NPC die from it. Either from the virus or an economic crisis. We deserve a 2nd wave, we deserve a fucking mutation. I want to see those low IQs wiped out from society.

>> No.19994118
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>> No.19994135

go back.

>> No.19994139

But you accept that masks aren't for filtering out individual virus particles, right? You did learn something today, didn't you?

>> No.19994151

Inbred low IQ trash proud not to wear masks. It's always the dumbest of people.

>> No.19994154

Nobody dies from this hoax retard

>> No.19994168

what pisses me off about the anti mask crowd is that tons of other developed nations sucked it up, wore the masks, and are now at the levels where they don't have to worry about wearing a mask nearly as much anymore and are starting to return to life as normal
we have documented cases of it working
anyone that thinks that this is an infringement on their rights and not anything more than a minor inconvenience is fucking retarded and deserves to be wiped from the gene pool
christ these faggots are so soft, couldn't deal with the "hardship" of wearing a piece of cloth for a few minutes a week because they're totally not the NPCs, everyone else is, and now we're seeing cases start back up here in the US

>> No.19994171

You guys realize that this isn't the first pandemic the world has faced, right? Never before have we quarantined people who are not sick or at risk of dying from the virus.
If you're not a complete brainlet what you do is allow those who are healthy to build herd immunity, while quarantining those who can't. In no time the virus is fucking defeated.

>inb4 YoU CaN gEt ThE vIrUs MuLtiPlE TiMeS I nEeD GaTe'S vAcCiNe
Look up vaccine stats, they do jack shit for rate of infections, most viruses go away on their own

>> No.19994182

A fucking papaya, a dead quail, and a goat tested positive for it. Must be real. Kys

>> No.19994194

no, they are zero improvement on just using my hand
just a scam so antifa can riot anonymously

>> No.19994215

I know that any information where people did actual research, and you have to read more than 10 words, is kike propaganda to you, but maybe just give it a go for once in your life.

>> No.19994219

Do you see how there is subjectivity in your argument? What if the minor inconvenience to you is a bit more than a minor inconvenience to me? I dont want to wear it amongst my friends in a public place, while I'm hiking, running. And I still stand by, if you're scared for your well being, stay inside.

>> No.19994235

Here's the tl;dr because I have very low expectations of you reading anything:
>All the assessed cough etiquette maneuvers, performed as recommended, do not block droplets expelled as aerosol when coughing.

>> No.19994243

>What if the minor inconvenience to you is a bit more than a minor inconvenience to me?
Then you're a fucking pussy. Imagine not being able to wear a mask because it's too hard.

>> No.19994260

>while I'm hiking, running
that's not what they're asking you to do retard
jesus christ people are just asking you to wear one if you know you're going to be coming into close contact with other people, most likely in a closed environment
they already think that it's difficult to spread if you're outdoors
also like >>19994243 said you're a pussy

>> No.19994275

It's also not the first time the NPC population is against masks because muh freedom and low IQ.
In 1918 there was an anti mask league with retards like you refusing to wear masks.

>> No.19994314
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almost the same like i said, they are pointless you npc

>> No.19994327

>Photos show how San Francisco emerged from a lockdown too soon during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, leading to an even deadlier second wave
lmao they're reusing the same script

>> No.19994330

Like I said that's already a law in my state, to wear a mask when entering a private business, which I follow. Seems like we're in agreeance here. Masks on if you're in a closed environment and free to choose otherwise. Glad we could reach consensus.

>> No.19994439
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>sleeve better than the mask
every soicuck in this thread blown out

>> No.19994444


It's amazing how little people know about pathology. You can't cure a fucking virus. The best you can do is to give medication that helps ease the suffering:

"No specific anti-viral therapies were available during the 1918 flu. That’s still largely true today, where most medical care for the flu aims to support patients, rather than cure them"

>> No.19994456

check those eyes senpai

>> No.19994459

are you walking around breathing into your sleeve constantly?

>> No.19994485

I know taking Tyrone's fat loads directly on your face impedes vision, so perhaps look at the chart again.

>> No.19994531
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>t. retard

>> No.19994545

found the vid without media comment. proud inbred retards. everybody united by their low IQ. bootlickers congratulating the 80IQ police officer who's king of the retards because he's the most clever of them all:

>> No.19994562

>Protip: you can't.

>> No.19994573

anon are you trolling

>> No.19994593

Id like to think that but occams razor suggests that conservatives are in fact dumb enough to shriek about muh freedoms absent some 4d chink chess.

>> No.19994608

You aren't reading the comment on the figure, right? Are you functionally literate?

>> No.19994616
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>healthy people wearing a mask because of a mild respiratory cold with 99.99% survival rate for everyone who is younger than the average human life expectancy

>> No.19994621


>> No.19994657

>You can't cure a fucking virus.
Your immune system can retard

>> No.19994672

I'm not the anon you were arguing with but yeah I read the data wrong

>> No.19994674

You think vegan libtards have functioning immune systems?

>> No.19994721
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>coughing or sneezing into your hand
Who taught you this, anon?

>> No.19994741

my elders

>> No.19994762

Corona isn't even seasonal flu for the healthy, US would be much improved if we let it run its course

>> No.19994816

Wearing a mask helps prevent you spreading the virus to unhealthy people you colossal retard

I wish I could stamp on your neck

>> No.19994890

You just proved your a retard leftist

>> No.19994893

healthy people spreading the virus is highly unlikely, retard.

>> No.19994944

Imagine believing there is a virus how fucked up are retards like you

>> No.19994945

You can be asymptomatic and spread the virus, I agree with him there. But you shouldn't force healthy people who can build immunity to do the opposite. Quarantine those who are immunocompromised and old/weak, not the healthy ones.

>> No.19994962

its the primary mode of transmission you dimwit

>> No.19994972
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>> No.19994980

"Gender" is a property of nouns, smooth brain. When English speakers say "gender" they mean sex, as English doesn't have gendered nouns

>> No.19994995

Imagine arguing with simulations on a mongolian throat singing board.

>> No.19995011
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No it's fucking not moron

>> No.19995032


>> No.19995044
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i wear my gas mask at all times. this is my only opportunity to LARP as a STALKER without getting weird looks from every normalfag in sight

>> No.19995076

The two people I've encountered in person who refuse to wear a mask and make a big deal about not wearing one were both extremely fat and stupid.

>> No.19995093
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I can’t breathe

>> No.19995111


>> No.19995147
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>A M E R I M U T T E D U C A T I O N

>> No.19995149
File: 507 KB, 750x951, 61DA33B0-E98A-4D0B-9108-1DED78082EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korona virus deaths 0.0003 %
Yeah sure I will cover my face with a stupid mask

>> No.19995155

Nigger pls. Chem PhD student, chem is head-and-shoulders the easiest to reproduce science, and yet the quality of modern peer-reviewed chem journals is TRASH, what isn't 100% fabrication is so heavily massaged that it might as well be

>> No.19995157
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In the words of George Carlin, "[the masks] are just a way of making White people feel safe"

>> No.19995201


>> No.19995314

>Wants unhealthy parasites to live
Found the species traitor

>> No.19995317

/pol/tards think wearing a surgical mask is some leftist conspiracy lmao



>> No.19995330

That's a fair old piss, public toilets shut I suppose?

>> No.19995420

You stupid shit. How the fuck did you let the concept of doing the bare minimum to keep your fellow humans from fucking dying turn into a partisan issue in your head? Do you realize who is really being brainwashed here?

>> No.19995461

the point is that you can’t tell me what to do you fucking kikes. Don’t wanna wear a mask? THATS MY RIGHT. wear a mask? THATS MY RIGHT.
stupid fucking idiots letting the whip crack down on you while you smile and ask for more.

WHAT IS NATURAL SELECTION???? Just follow the heard, sheep. You will be slaughtered in due time.

>> No.19995483

I was no one, until I put on the mask.

>> No.19995575
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