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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19986025 No.19986025 [Reply] [Original]

how many cardano to get a qt gf that will convincingly pretend to listen to me talk about finance and crypto for hours?

>> No.19986039

about 100000000 ada

>> No.19986069

Are you shilling for free? If not please recruit me. I am experienced at Linux, Windows and Mac. I also have 142GB of react picture which 60% of it is orginal. And everyday I hone my bant skill at /pol/ as Colored Muslim Trans so I will never run out of argument.

>> No.19986078

My portfolio
BTC 2100
ETH 10.000
ADA 45.000.000

>> No.19986093

had a feeling she would be out of my price range...
no nigger i am just tired of american women and seeing this one with no plastic injections and sitting silently and listening for an hour and smiling makes me long for such a woman

>> No.19986152

post proof and i will worship you

>> No.19986514

tfw you realize she is ICX man's whore

>> No.19986551

would you guys want charles' fortune if it meant you also had to look like him?

>> No.19986560

depends on how much money he really has

>> No.19987526

Yep. Charles could hit keto and the gym hard, get Lasek, and shave his head and beard and pull a Bezos if he wanted to. He still might not be traditionally attractive, but he could have a distinctive look that would be better than reddit face.

>> No.19987628

10.000 ADA for a life long qt likr this.

>> No.19987687
File: 512 KB, 1478x558, biz is dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. HIV isn't that big of a deal anymore.

>> No.19987935

What is that, like $3.50?

>> No.19988362

That's a man.

>> No.19988477

Just lift weights and be attractive retards. I've ranted at chicks I've picked up at bars about crypto and told them to leave afterwards. It's really not that hard.

>> No.19988495

1300 ADA
When do I sell?

>> No.19989421

2 years ago

>> No.19989580

I have 20k so I’m getting 2.

>> No.19990047

Got 150k tryin to up my stack more. Its eth vs ada for the future of blockchain. I'm loading up on both.