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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 345 KB, 1482x797, hexprime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19984278 No.19984278 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19984349

Tron is the next 20x

>> No.19984679


>> No.19984955

Btt is the next 10x

>> No.19984991

tron could moon in next week with marketing from tron4

>> No.19985024


>> No.19985098



>> No.19985176

Here. Just look at the interest that is shown for the project. Disc: sNvaXZ

>> No.19985178

$473k pooled liquidity!-----------MIND STONE is BACK !!

>What is STA?
A decentralized and trustless deflationary Index Fund token:
https://stateratoken.com/ is the official website with the official medium, twitter, telegram and github links at the bottom of the main page.
THANOS the balancer: https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
Contract: 0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>How does it work?

Carefully read the links above to understand the project and the several medium articles and twitter announcements.

>Where can I buy?

https://balancer.exchange/ (paste the contract)

>Where do I see the price?

>How do I add/remove liquidity to the balancer?
EASY WAY: on the pools.balancer.exchange: Add liquidity -> Single Asset -> choose WETH
alternative: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/providing-liquidity-for-sta-with-one-token-on-balancer-lp-53356297a1ea

>Is it safe?
Audit: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/statera-audit-8d4cb94e9b32

Some tips on how to pool liquidity and help the project grow while collecting BAL + fees and enjoying passive income:
>use ETH or one of the other coins to pool (NOT STA), the excess of these coins is sold and STA is bought to balance it: STA price goes up
>when pulling out, pull out in STA, the balancer will sell the other 4 coins and buy STA to make up the missing amount: STA price goes up
You can use the EASY WAY of adding/removing liquidity to do this.

>> No.19985187

Okay boomer strap in and prepare. TRUEChain is the future. Why? Volume picking up. You brainlets are missing the easiest 95x of the year in Q2. It is a chink coin but it doesn't matter. You can find it on OKeX, and some decentralized exchanges. I'm only posting this cock sucker because I am feeling generous -
You can find OKeX by your self since it's pretty easy. If you're even remotely intelligent you'll find out that the decentralized exchange above has TRUE for 0.000009 eth / TRUE. Still with me? Check OKeX - Price is going for 0.0012 eth / TRUE. Can you do math? No well I'm sorry you won't make it. Yes? Then you're rich bitch! I'm only ruining this easy money chance because FUCK AWOOO and his gang of furry losers they've gained enough, and invited the wrong person to their 'secret club'. Don't say you didn't have a chance to make it in 2020!

>> No.19985198

Im trying to Understand this. I’ve never added liquidity to anything so how do I actually profit, other than the reward tokens? I don’t want to sit and guess when to pull out and re enter STA. I’m not a day trader
Decent chance
This is literally free money thanks

>> No.19985217

I always see good news about Ripple, but xrp has been dumping for 2 years straight. Some are predicting that xrp will dump for most of 2021. Is it just a scam coin to finance Ripple? Or will this shitcoin moon? Ripple as a company has partnered with many banks, 80% of Japan's banks are partner with them. Brad Garlinghouse is always on mainstream media and financial panels in front of important audiences on the regular. What is the date of xrp?
>Inb4 $2000 by September conspiracy

>> No.19985228

Based and redpilled.

>> No.19985255

Good find mate
The fact that Ripple is making a ton of deals with banks and companies world wide.

Even if you don't buy into the new gold standart/economic reset deal of each coin being worth 2000$-10 000$, I think it's highly likely XRP will rise to around 5$ at the very least within the next couple of years, which is still over 20x times growth, if you'd buy now at least.

>> No.19985273

This small crash made a lot of people scared that altseason is over,
that might be true for some alts but some are just getting started.

What alts are gonna come out strong after we bounce back?

I personally love what SYLO is doing

> Low Market Cap
> Around 300k users
> Coca Cola partnership 700% increase in user registrations since partnership
> First that made use of direct crypto payments through Centrapay

Err...not sure about that anon
Wish you didn't leak this anon!
Honestly you're probably right kek

>> No.19985292

Already up 3 eth lmao.

>> No.19985314

Crickettclub on Uniswap.

Stop buying multi hundred k mcap already pumped uniswap projects and get in on the ground floor on a project that will be real registered company. Nice organic community.

Top 100 exchange listing already confirmed. 2 exchanges lined up in the next week or two. Website/platform demo goes like tomorrow.

If you don't think this wont reach at least a 200k mcap you deserve to not make serious gains.

One mil cap upon exchange listing is easily doable. Twitter shillers are already on board for this and dev gets his company's registration papers any day.

Non anon team led by Prateek Gambhir, a well know Crickett enthusiast.


Trading is here:


>> No.19985336

Agreed on the other anon. Why ruin this by sharing? Whatever once in a life time arbtriage lmao.
Taken from the white paper:
Fantasy cricket involves playing cricket with no physical actions like bowling nor batting
involved, all you need is knowledge in cricket and cricketing strategy.
So basically what you have to do is build your own fantasy team of 11 best players from
both the competing teams & you will earn points when player in your squad scores runs
or takes wicket in a live match and based on your points, you will earn some real money.
The leader of the scoreboard wins the biggest share of the Pot.
*Details on more features of the game will be released in whitepaper.V2.
Broadband and mobile connectivity have literally put betting in the hands of millions of people
around the globe. But centralized, conventional betting suffers from serious structural shortcomings
like recovery of funds to overcome that one can switch to an online platforms but by using them
users expose their identity, financial footprints and location on a centralized server.
Crypto Cricket Club is looking forward to develop a social betting platform with its focus on Cricket ,
allowing users to bet on matches with other players without going through a “middle man” (e.g., a
bookie or betting provider or betting websites). It operates as a fully decentralized Escrow- solution
built on Ethereum-based Smart Contracts and thus ensuring speed and privacy hand in hand.
All bets are carried out using 3Cs an Erc20 token specifically generated to keep its utility in mind.
Crypto Cricket Club is the first Blockchain Based Cricket Betting Platform which will provide its users with impeccable products designed to tackle the key challenges of conventional betting and disrupt the highly un-organized Cricket Betting Industry. The illegal gross betting and revenue market.

>> No.19985345

Only retards will sleep on this one

>> No.19985359


This is the pajeet flippening anon. Can’t you see you are witnessing history here? This is where the tables are turned. Pajeets will make us rich. Kek.

>> No.19985372


>> No.19985381


>> No.19985385

Kek in your dreams mate

>> No.19985390


>> No.19985565




>> No.19985620

Reminder suicide stack of XCM is 50k

10x until EOY


>> No.19985644

>Crickettclub on Uniswap.
>Stop buying multi hundred k mcap already pumped uniswap projects and get in on the ground floor on a project that will be real registered company. Nice organic community.
>Top 100 exchange listing already confirmed. 2 exchanges lined up in the next week or two. Website/platform demo goes like tomorrow.
>If you don't think this wont reach at least a 200k mcap you deserve to not make serious gains.
>One mil cap upon exchange listing is easily doable. Twitter shillers are already on board for this and dev gets his company's registration papers any day.
>Non anon team led by Prateek Gambhir, a well know Crickett enthusiast.
>Trading is here:
Quoted for my Indian brethren

>> No.19985663

I went all in on brap and lost my home

>> No.19985673


>> No.19985680


>> No.19985979

Buy under a $500K marketcap, and if you wanna swing, wait until a 10x if you must (swingies always get the rope, but i get it, taking initial+ is always a good idea)

Even as a speculatory buy, you're talking $500k cap, so it WILL moon regardless of what you think. Epic is a return to the roots, a p2p electronic Cash system like Satoshi wrote in the wp. Grin has suicidal emission 60 per minute forever, no halving. Devs are literal communists. They don't want people to profit from the coins, I shit you not Beam is an Israeli for profit company that takes 20% dev tax to dump on ebs Plebs, and Israel is not known for privacy, if you know what I mean. Rumors of actual mossad involvement there. Stop fucking around, get a bag, and forget it exists, and I'm p much guaranteeing you a 50x by the true blue 2021-2022 mega alt szn we all know is cooming.
Honestly STA js just not good looking
Easy fucking money here
Ripple is a shit coin controlled by banks
Pajeet shitcoin

>> No.19985991

1. You ignore the post
2. You believe some FUD tranny
3. You are too much of a pussy to buy the presale
4. Uni price goes 10x
5. You fomo in at the top
6. You lose

Be smart, be early. Join the disco at kWq jHz 4

>> No.19986005

Bro I’m going all in, 10 eth, but biz always buys the top and sells the bottom. Don’t expect these faggots to show up until all the gains are over. Then I’ll dump my bags on them.

Gg no re you bunch of retards.
Kek I lost so much with STA

>> No.19986012


>> No.19986021

Kek trannycord no ty

>> No.19986035


>> No.19986042

Discord is for losers

>> No.19986065
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, epicdogesbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19986482


>> No.19986830

Meridian Network

>> No.19987446

Ok old man I guess you use Facebook message then right=]?

>> No.19987940

Thanks picked up a stack if sta

>> No.19988310


>> No.19988573


>> No.19988731


>> No.19989128
File: 159 KB, 990x900, PRIME-HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% scam and they will run off with the OTC money.

>> No.19989954


>> No.19990413

be carefull the dev is a well known scammer

>> No.19990499


True! Watch out for him! Beaver is scam and his Hexprime a scam project.

HEX2T becoming HEX2X is legit.

>> No.19990626

I would like to reiterate that this is 100% a scam with proof. I am not one of those people that scream scam at every post. But, I do want prevent people from getting hurt on this one. 100% Grade A SCAM.

>> No.19990679

how to buy hexprime?

>> No.19990981

You can't even, it's an exitscam waiting to happen

>> No.19990993

Not a scam, join the discord you'll see. They will beat HEX2T to market.

>> No.19991144
File: 192 KB, 794x607, hexprimescam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah keep talking bitch. Scammers. This shit can't be trusted.

>> No.19991227

Just bought 5k hex

>> No.19991819

What make a scam

>> No.19991915

HEXit is better than HexPrime : )

>> No.19992496

Trx obviously

>> No.19993695


>> No.19993714

Thanks just bought 100k HEX

>> No.19994164


>> No.19994706

Buy tron its obvious

>> No.19994823

Someone tell me why this wont work.

>> No.19994853

It will work but if you're poor dont bother arbitraging with little amounts is tedious and slow for a dex like fd.


>> No.19994863


>> No.19994891

Well if it's all gone by the time you decide to do it then it wont work otherwise it's just simple arbtirage and knowing how to work a decentralized exchange my man.
I dont understand the massive stigma discord has woth transgenders. Explain.
Pajeet coin kind of stinks desu

>> No.19994926


>> No.19994936


>> No.19994946

Do ya understand arbitrage anon ?

>> No.19994955

>Crickettclub on Uniswap.
>Stop buying multi hundred k mcap already pumped uniswap projects and get in on the ground floor on a project that will be real registered company. Nice organic community.
>Top 100 exchange listing already confirmed. 2 exchanges lined up in the next week or two. Website/platform demo goes like tomorrow.
>If you don't think this wont reach at least a 200k mcap you deserve to not make serious gains.
>One mil cap upon exchange listing is easily doable. Twitter shillers are already on board for this and dev gets his company's registration papers any day.
>Non anon team led by Prateek Gambhir, a well know Crickett enthusiast.
>Trading is here:

>> No.19994974


>> No.19994984

>>Crickettclub on Uniswap.
>>Stop buying multi hundred k mcap already pumped uniswap projects and get in on the ground floor on a project that will be real registered company. Nice organic community.
>>Top 100 exchange listing already confirmed. 2 exchanges lined up in the next week or two. Website/platform demo goes like tomorrow.
>>If you don't think this wont reach at least a 200k mcap you deserve to not make serious gains.
>>One mil cap upon exchange listing is easily doable. Twitter shillers are already on board for this and dev gets his company's registration papers any day.
>>Non anon team led by Prateek Gambhir, a well know Crickett enthusiast.
>>Trading is here:

>> No.19994997


>> No.19995009

Hot or fun I reckon partner ;>

>> No.19995055

I'd wait because okex actually suspended withdrawals for true until noon tomorrow itd be smart to stock up while you still can though I assume this will be gone within the day.

>> No.19995064

Tellor or trx or brap!

>> No.19995082

Nothing will 10x it's only downhill from here

>> No.19995098

This okex is shit. Your deposits wont be lost but they'll be locked until it's open again tomorrow I highly doubt the price drops below the fd prices though. It's crazy lower

>> No.19995115

Need KYC to withdraw from Okex?

>> No.19995123

I'm starting to believe these quant niggers might be onto something, its mooning like fuck lately.

Are these claims true? Why isnt it already bigger? If that SEPA shit is true this should be 10x XRPs cap already.

Shill me Quant and tell me why the fuck it isnt already at 10b mCap.

>> No.19995143

Just use a Google image of a koreans Id it's what everyone does and okex knows it but doesn't give a shit kek. Deposits are fucked for true chain though until noon tomorrow. Pdt so...9am est

>> No.19995156

>I'm starting to believe these quant niggers might be onto something, its mooning like fuck lately.

Imagine basing your opinion of a project's potential entirely on its current price movement.

How sad. This is why most people never make it.

Red candles: QUANT IS A SCAM
Google one mate.

>> No.19995172

It's only listed on IDEX, Bittrex, Coinmetro and most of biz fell for the dumb fud. They thought QNT was a scam, but enterprise integration takes time. The fact that the team hasn't paid a huge amount of money for a listing yet and actually delivered SIAchain integration alongside other things is mind blowing.

>> No.19995178


>> No.19995187

Brapper or kleros dog

>> No.19995206


>> No.19995215

Stocks pay dividends

>> No.19995234

People actually do this shit lmao my fucking sides.
hopefully someone doesn't have the same generic korean i'm uploading

>> No.19995302

Kek old news anon but gl arbbing unless ya got at least a couple ethers.

How would one go about borrowing money with the express intention of disregarding his credit score and never paying back the funds? How do i get highest amount of shekels? I live in the USA.

>> No.19995318

>How would one go about borrowing money with the express intention of [ ... ] never paying back the funds?
That's illegal unless you imply your intent is to pay it all back

>> No.19995352

Home loan. Can get approved for several hundred thousands if you're in his credit standing with decent income and equity for a down payment, get approved, cash out on crypto, then do your thing whether it's to disappear or file bankruptcy. Knew a few guys who did this several years ago and are already more than halfway through the 7 year waiting period to have their credit restored. Meanwhile they more than quadrupled their initial loan. I asked if in hindsight they would've chosen to simply pay it back but all said no, fuck the feds and jews with their bullshit interest rates.
Cheat the system with a fake one. They wont give a shit if they're making money on your trades. Also okex is notorious for the shit they pulled today. True deposits halted till 9am est tomorrow. Sucks because I was arbbing this shit before work made some good money and they shit deposits down due to a backend issue they have. Lol.

>> No.19995365

1.) Be a thot
2.) ask dudes for help you've fallen on hard times
3.) accept no less than $15 for sucking a dick. Tell him your pimp will kill him if he chokes or assfucks you dry
4.) just have fun! Bee yourself

>> No.19995378

Unironically follow this advice. Won't be "free" but by far the best and cheapest way to get 10K+


>> No.19995398


>> No.19995411

Kek tron is hot atm if you know you know

>> No.19995423


>> No.19995787


>> No.19996321


>> No.19997123


>> No.19997705


>> No.19998265


>> No.19998756

kleros or brap is the consensus

>> No.19999219

I'd go all in on icx

>> No.19999988


>> No.20000550

Kek why shitcoins op?

>> No.20000956


>> No.20001255


>> No.20001669


>> No.20002301


>> No.20002921

You need some neo op =)

>> No.20003498


>> No.20003912
