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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19973635 No.19973635 [Reply] [Original]

pls go up ty

>> No.19973670

I made so much money with BSV, cashed out everything paid off my mortgage and bought a new car.
Being debt free is the best thing there is, thank you CSW!

>> No.19974396

you sold put way too early $1200 before eoy 2019!!

>> No.19974474

Better safe than sorry. Could have done the same, but instead I held.

>> No.19974481
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>> No.19974631

Same. I rode both pumps. Thankfully I did most of my buying after the Binance delist, but still goddamn I want some action.

>> No.19974792

there are no sporting events going on, so no betting and therefore no money to launder on Antigua
BSV is on hold

>> No.19974952

i think the market is about cliffdive again
don't tell the corecucks or linkies

>> No.19975744
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that was one hell of a comfy swing trade bros

>> No.19976060

It’s over

>> No.19976114

ahahah btc down 3% BSV down 13% LMFAO
GET SCAMMED, that's what happens when you worship a literal schizophrenic autistisc homosexual. AHAHAHAHAHA my sides!

>> No.19976766

You should really sell now, even if you're at a loss. It's going sub 100 july, maybe sub 80 in august. Court date was pushed to 31 august but I don't think moon mission will happen until october. bottom is probably in august though

>> No.19976817

agreed. I've never swung before this but it just seems so obvious. I'm going to make over 100 bsv on this trade

>> No.19977478

>I don't think moon mission will happen
at all

>> No.19977504

imagine not selling after the exit pump in january

>> No.19977748

yea reminds me of when i bought at 109 earlier in march, saw the price drop and was on a flight so i couldnt buy, has to pay for wifi on the plane to place my order but it was totally worth it

>> No.19977883
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Then you aren't paying attention. BSV's value isn't as an alternative currency, at least in the short term. It's going to be a platform for fiat tokens. China already launched their digital yuan in four cities. Putting fiat tokens on the blockchain virtually eliminates the cost and time of moving money. The US and EU will have to do the same to compete with China. This has been planned for a long time.

>> No.19977911

what a load of bollocks
don't you understand anything about crypto?

>> No.19978001
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Apparently not. Please enlighten me.


>> No.19978038

the most important thing to understand is any data you put on bitcoin (or a copycat) blockchain aside from the bitcoin ledger does not benefit one bit from the nakamoto consensus. at all.

so if you are bullish on sv because you think other coins transactions will be recorded on it you are beyond retarded.

>> No.19978099

The nakamoto consensus has nothing to do with what's on top of bitcoin. I don't even know why you bring that up. Look at the coronavirus payments that went were distributed earlier in the year. It cost $10 billion in bank fees and took two weeks to deliver. Those payments could be made instantly for less than $100k if they were in token form on bitcoin

>> No.19978193

imagine unironically believing that central banks, when they go to digitize currency, will choose to use Bitcoin: Scam Version

the absolute level of delusion

>> No.19978249

Of course they will. It's the only chain that can scale. As soon as I found the Israeli connection I went all in.

>> No.19978264

>The nakamoto consensus has nothing to do with what's on top of bitcoin.
if that's true then there is absolutely o point in putting anything on top of bitcoin. because that is absolutely all it brings to the table.

see where this is going? you shitcoin is ultimately useless becasue everything it claims to be doing could be dine better and cheaper without it.

>> No.19978274

dunno where this delusion came from but absolutely hilarious.

>> No.19978294

>It's the only chain that can scale.
you are so fucked in the head if you truly believe that crap

>> No.19978318

Consensus deals only with the ledger. "DAPPs" are a meme, dude. There are advantages to using Bitcoin over other methods because its more efficient. Data that is posted to a ledger that is then monetized and arrives in an instant is the breakthrough.

It's literally the truth.

>> No.19978324

wtf did you just post? the nakamoto consensus secures the network itself. It only concerns the bitcoin tokens.

>everything it claims to be doing could be dine better and cheaper without it
how? with what? if its possible for central banks to save trillions in transaction costs then why aren't they doing it?

>> No.19978374

>It's literally the truth.
no there is no innovation in sv that makes it scale magically any better than it's competitors let alone traditional payment systems which are about a billion times more efficient and scale a trillion times better.

>> No.19978411

>no there is no innovation in sv that makes it scale magically any better than it's competitors
Correct, it just follows the original scaling plan of Bitcoin. SV's scaling is an open secret.

>> No.19978418

this has to be bait. mircopayments obliterate traditional payment systems.

>> No.19978432

>It only concerns the bitcoin tokens.
aside from bitcoins not being 'tokens'...
that's my point. the nakamoto consensus is the consensus mechanism of bitcoin it's the only thing that makes a valid distributed ledger possible. nothing else you put on the blockchain is validated or even checked. it's literal worthless garbage. if you start tokenizing fiat currencies on top of the sv blockchain you are back to square one. you threw away a decade of innovation and development for some shitty memes.

>> No.19978462

not really. you are just making shit up. the thing is centralized is more efficient always. you can't beat an rdbms like sql server or oracle cluster at the tx/sec game.

>> No.19978528

>if you start tokenizing fiat currencies on top of the sv blockchain you are back to square one
Yes, which is why despite them doing that people will just end up holding Bitcoin instead. Or maybe they won't. People are stupid and many don't look beyond the front end. Same reason many aren't holding Bitcoin now. As far as most are concerned Federal Reserve Notes are money, but I think most of us here know that couldn't be further from the truth.

As for other things on the the blockchain, you're right. It isn't secured like Bitcoin, but that isn't the point. If I publish data to the chain, I own that data, have the evidence of ownership and can easily monetize it. That's what you're missing.

>> No.19978534

Are you not reading the answers you're receiving?

See >>19978318
>Data that is posted to a ledger that is then monetized and arrives in an instant is the breakthrough.

Each individual satoshi can be called a token. If $1000 is moved from one address to another on top of say 50 satoshis, that transaction on the ledger will be a record of that fiat payment.

Bitcoin is a centralized and miners will be relegated to handful of large farms. As block sizes and transaction volume increase, micropayments get smaller and smaller. Try sending 1/100th of a cent on paypal or venmo. I can only be done on bitcoin

>> No.19978600

nobody will hold you worthless non-consensus shitfork. even in the off chance bitcoin goes big blocks in it's scaling don't think for a second one of the cash forks will be adopted. dead branches.
>Are you not reading the answers you're receiving?
it's more likely you are not capable of mentally following the discussion and points made which is not surprising you being a cashie and all.
>Bitcoin is a centralized
only in your retarded fantasy

>> No.19978614
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I hope you livestream your suicide

>> No.19978632

You don't sound very confident in BTC's current trajectory as far as scalability. Being hostile us isn't going to change that.

>> No.19978642

>I can only be done on bitcoin
that's the biggest bullshit ever btw i mean any traditional payment provider could easily scale up to a world level service for micro-payments. their servers would still eat less than the smallest bitcoin miner.
it's not a limit of technology. it's just a limit on the imagination of the business owners.
there is not a single thing that can't be done better without bitcoin than with it except: transacting btc in a trustless permissionless and secure manner with no counterparty or custodial risk whatsoever.

that's bitcoins use case pretty much the only one.

>> No.19978647
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>11 posts by this id

>> No.19978656

>You don't sound very confident in BTC's current trajectory as far as scalability.
it looks uncertain what path it will take exactly. big blocks look unlikely at this point. i just know the shitforks are fundamentally worthless because they ignore what bitcoin was made to do and how completely.

>> No.19978657

You talk like someone that hasn't read the BitCoin whitepaper very many times

>> No.19978668

This is simply untrue.

>> No.19978691

BTC has rejected the scaling path laid out by the Bitcoin creator himself. Which means they aren't pursing growth in the way that will give them the network effect of a global settlement, payment processor or data monetizer. It's only real appeal is gambling on price appreciation.

>> No.19978714

rofl you newfags always amaze me with your confidence.
hold on to whatever delusion helps you sleep at night. see if i care...

nobody needs shitcoin sv for anything. it' snot bitcoin it's not secure it's not even byzantine fault tolerant. spv doesn't work on it, 0-conf is a huge joke. you are all literal stiffs. you have been conned duped deceived stiffed swindled tricked hoodwinked fooled... so on by a semi tech illiterate drunken baboon.

>> No.19978733

>BTC has rejected the scaling path laid out by the Bitcoin creator himself
not exactly how it went you fags are just way too impatient. also very active imagination of the tinfoil hat variety.

>> No.19978763

Your impotent rage isn't an argument.

>> No.19979059


You sound desperate lol

>> No.19979322

rage? lol it's called gloating little pepe

>> No.19979977

imagine being this assblasted.

You are a loser, and everything you said is incorrect.

>> No.19979993

What is that a logo for ants?

>> No.19980018

kek three faggots getting triggered

>> No.19980077
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>> No.19981232
