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19979832 No.19979832 [Reply] [Original]

>Be 30 years old
>Life sucks. No job, no friends, no savings.
>Everything sucks. Addicted to heroin and meth.
>Lost my cashier job at the Quick Chek
>Parents want to kick me out.
>thinking about ending it all.
Guys I'm so sad and demoralized. Post some really depressing things in my thread. God I'm so sad.

>> No.19979869

Stop doing drugs. Rehab if necessary. That is 100% of what is holding you back from happiness. Don’t even think that we’ll my life sucks and drugs are the one good... NO STOP FUCKING QUIT DOING DRUGS YOU FUCKING MORON DEGENERATE

>> No.19979903
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>Tfw 19
>Tfw 750k net worth

>> No.19979910

Do the replies to these really help you feel better about the guy who slept with your girlfriend or whatever?
Anyway if it's real and you can't get laid then it might be time to give up. 30 is pretty advanced, if you don't have even a single piece of the puzzle in place by then chances are good you never will.

>> No.19979918

reminder that when you bleach your toilet you exterminate life on a scale much larger than when the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs. reminder that the same scale of destruction will happen to us eventually

>> No.19979943

Try the modafinil/adderall combo. I can’t sleep anymore and stopped eating, but at least my bags are 55% down from my total investment and if I had a gram of fentanyl to mainline so I could go into respiratory failure and stop living this second I would go for it in a heartbeat.

Fuck you.

>> No.19979965

listen to me OP, when i was 25, I was a complete loser. Stuck in my parents house, no job, fired from Mcdonalds because I was a sperg loser. I had not talked to a single woman since high school. But you know what? I stopped playing video games. I stopped jacking off so much. I started exercising and lifting weights at my local gym. That was 8 years ago, and when I look back I laugh. Because I'm that same loser, probably even fatter, and more addicted to porn/vidya than ever. Life truly is a living hell and I pray that god kills me in my sleep every day

>> No.19980024 [DELETED] 

the difference between 25 and 30 may as well be a lifetime

>> No.19980025

Crypto fag?

>> No.19980248

Damn that was depressing.

>> No.19980303



my sides

>> No.19980312

Honestly if I was in your situation, I would go all in on trying to make the most out of crypto at the moment. Do everything you can to make money, everything is easier from then, Get rich, move out, travel, get connections, study what you would like at school or by yourself etc. You're still young I'd say as a 23 year old.

>> No.19980518

I used to be a depressed opiate addict. Got hooked on pills from doctors then I got cut off and started really using. I ended up on the street a lot. Not because I didn’t have my own place to live but because I wanted to be high and alone, no one would see me. Then the pandemic happened and strangely things started looking up for once. Finally I thought, I’m going to get this virus and die, I’ll finally get out of this living hell. Months pass and I’m still alive, didn’t never get it. I’m such a pathetic loser I couldn’t even do that right, couldn’t even get the corona and die.

>> No.19980534

kill yourself loser

>> No.19980554

Hey you guys should try smoking live resin butane hash oil. It hits hard, not as hard as the junk you’re using, but I imagine it’ll help you ween off the bad shit and get your life together.

>> No.19980588

That's rough buddy.

>> No.19980632
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>be me, 25
>finally feel myself growing as a person, not great, but not terrible
>tons of debt, but making good enough money to catch up the short term debt and no trouble paying student loans
>April 1st, dad dies
>later find out the reason is because my father died of autoerotic asphyxiation
>apparently was cheating on my mom, doing drugs, was generally just being a POS
>this 60 year old boomer getting involved in such shit
>leaves behind a ton of debt, but has real estate problems
>my mom is struggling and really can't work
>undiagnosed bpd more or less, so dealing with her taking a toll on my mental health
>still spending all my time at home with her dealing with the estate
>but because of my mom's nature, just won't move on and is causing problems especially with this woman who was my dad's mistress
>find life insurance
>but he named her as a beneficiary
>what the fuck
>feel like the lawyer isn't moving fast enough on important issues
>entire life is on hold, feel myself regressing hard.

Kinda just ready for it to be fucking over lads. thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.19980653

>Addicted to heroin and meth.
You know what you have to do brah

>> No.19980687

Set some simple goals, and set a hard deadline.

Like, in 6 months I'll be clean and have a full time job. Mark the date. Make that date mean something.
That's your do or die date. You either do a few simple important things by then, or you kill yourself without hesitation.

Once you pass your first deadline. Set goals for the same day the next year. Same rules. Succeed or die.

Not an emotional, urge driven suicide randomly. One of exacting planning on a fixed schedule.

That day is your death day.
You can kill yourself for failing on that day, but every other day you must wait, and try, because your death is scheduled like a doctor's appointment.

The day will come and you'll have accomplished your goals or something where you'll believe you can make it another year of doing more.

>> No.19980769

Also, learn to code. Start by being super strict, and practice one hour a day. Use CodeCombat to learn.

>> No.19980800

that feel when you ate too many mushrooms and now instead of fearing death you embrace that day
>t. dharma bum

>> No.19981096

My fucking sides

>> No.19981142

Sorry, man. All I can say is I feel you. I'm turning 28 and pretty sure I am an alcoholic. I'd say small steps first. Try to kick the drugs, get another job to keep you occupied, find positive hobbies such as an instrument, or the gym. Honestly, I don't see video games as bad if it keeps you clean off drugs, etc. Others will shit on you, but I feel you friend.

>> No.19981157

how often do you fap? I'm conducting a research.

>> No.19981180

>Addicted to heroin and meth.

lost my sympathy there, dumbass

>> No.19981224
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>> No.19981237

go to treatment. it’s your only way out.

I managed for years as an opiate addict until cocaine and ultimately crack addiction cost me my job, my car and my apartment

it took a year of staying clean, praying and working shitty jobs, but I got a car and moved out of the sober living house

life can get so much better anon, but you have to get some time away from the drugs to even begin to think clearly

>> No.19981238
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>> No.19981288

Why do zoomers lie so much?

>> No.19981997


>> No.19982437

>couldn't even get corona and die
Get out there and go lick some door knobs or something you fucking low energy Jeb!

>> No.19982448

buy silver coins with the payout
also what the fak death by jerking off
what a kink

>> No.19982475
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>tfw 15
>tfw 3mm networth

>> No.19983061

Holy fucking kek

>> No.19983121

Do some Uber eats job and making some savings for 1500 dollars minimun, and then leave parents house, if not they ll make your life a hell ...

>> No.19983123
File: 5 KB, 225x225, EPIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move. Seriously. Go somewhere else. Start over. Or dump everything and go travel when Corona is over.

...or just focus on making money with EPIC while it's under a $500k cap and then do above.

>> No.19983387

I stopped reading halfway but thank you, I needed to hear this.

>> No.19984397

I'm in for some EPIC desu

>> No.19984640

Look up the jackass guy. Brandon Novak. He got his shit together. Do not look up Bam Margera, he went the other way sadly

>> No.19984772

The money fucked him up. He s so rich he can afford to be strung up and hide his problems

>> No.19984844

i am early 20s no job and incomplete education who gambles with his savings

>> No.19984875

last video he uploaded before dying

>> No.19985303

holy kek anon you're the man

>> No.19985329
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Lmao wasn't expecting that

>> No.19985363
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>> No.19985364

I think everyone missed the joke. The whole point of this thread was to make fun of people that post these kinds of threads.

>> No.19985382

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/58851397