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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19971332 No.19971332 [Reply] [Original]

increased amount of cryptic tweets

anons know anything?

>> No.19971341

3 days lads, are we excited?

>> No.19971344

bullshit upon bullshit upon bullshit from the devs while the price AND volume drops to chink scam shitcoin post exit pump levels

so nothing new happening really

>> No.19971382

Excited for what?

>> No.19971404

some yet another bullshit memedate or something, like there hasn't been 138 of them already. Lo and behold - all proved to be fuck all happening

>> No.19971422


this is about US digital dollar tho
will they mention zerpees?

>> No.19971437

100% no, just like a thousand times before. Why do you retards still keep conflating anything and everything with XRP?
I guess when reality sucks you have to make up some fantasy to make those bags seem less heavy

>> No.19971465

Holder here. I've been buying for 2years. I've lost a lot. But I'm stubborn so I will continue. But god damn. Fuck xrp

>> No.19971479

I'm sure the devs must love the likes of you

>> No.19971517

They probably like the youtubers more

>> No.19971541

I don't know why I still hold this. Even if the treasury minted a digital dollar and used the Ripple ledger, the price wouldn't increase.

>> No.19971555

I'm sure they like money more

however, they do invite youtubers to their ostensibly serious money Swell conference, really makes you wonder why. I guess you can afford to pay Clinton or Bernanke only when your poniz is still growing.

>> No.19971585

ask yourself - why on Earth would the FED or whoever entrust their foolproof racket to anyone else? You reckon they can't just copy paste whatever and make their own instead? It's beyond retarded to think some SanFran startup will just replace the centuries old crony banker scheme, and these guys will just let go willingly and happily, because Ripple has got "better tech". Yeah, right.

>> No.19971606

What cryptic tweets? I can’t see any

>> No.19972093

Cryptic tweets? Regarding xrp!? WOAH that hasn't happened every day for the past 3 years while price continuously crashed to new lows. I guess something good must be happening!

>> No.19972124

Can't wait for this superman of a token to absolutely take off. faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap shite tokens in a single bound! its ripple!

>> No.19972348

>he doesnt know

>> No.19972411

I know, but I'm not telling.

>> No.19972454

Who created ripple in 2004? Why was an og bitcoin dev brought on board ripple in cryptos infancy? Why was that dev in particular chosen? Could it be that he worked for the govt since the 70s on this stuff? If you think those in power aren't in control of this then you are fooling yourself.

>> No.19973274
File: 71 KB, 2364x2001, 6E3B2A54-EC11-4E00-8C17-A5F19064203E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt buy the real ripples
Convert your holdings asap if you want to make it

>> No.19973285

When will the lawsuits be dropped?

>> No.19973732
File: 216 KB, 871x1024, clown_farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuds are paid
>lawsuit is theater
>price is suppressed
to keep out riff raff. to the moon and beyond, boys

>> No.19973807
File: 655 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200627-133839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad about to buy 10k now

If this isn't a buy signal I don't know what is

Thanks for holding all this time. Capitulation at it's finest thanks fags!

>> No.19973831

XRP holders are the funniest shit lmfao imagine holding this shitcoin

>> No.19973844
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, XRP ARMY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19973870

Ripple and BSV are the most hated cryptos. BSV got so much hate by CZ he delisted. It's like the most mined coin on his mining pool RIGHT NOW. Look between the lines this bullshit is mooning.

>> No.19974035

I'll happily take the bitcoins shadow rise of this coin. It's probably going to hit $4 when bitcoin flies

>> No.19974443


Lol. They won't be "dropped"
They will either be won or lost. Uncertainty of outcome is currently priced in. XRP can't move until ripple wins or loses.

Either back to #2 marketcap or literally $0.0

>> No.19974551


keep buying more bags guys!

>> No.19974603
File: 3.21 MB, 6483x2650, XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
