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19966947 No.19966947 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, a hard-working software/game dev
>an autistic high school acquaintance from 10 years ago is now literally retired from mining/buying BTC back in 2011 or something
>i spent years putting up with his unbearable social presence, affirming his existence when hardly anyone else would bother to acknowledge him, sharing my food with his stupid fat ass (he'd literally sit and stare at my lunch until I was done to share the leftovers)
>i even went to his stupid-ass birthday party
>he's fucked off in florida or coast of texas or some bullshit wasting away all that cash
>i wagecuck as a software engineer day in and day out while I have dreams of great projects (I have a small following so far), meanwhile he does nothing but fuck around with luck money

explain to me how this is an ethical system, I am legitimately fucking seething

>> No.19966960

You fucked up son, work smart not hard

>> No.19966966

Realize that by being a software dev u have already made it. Just earn 6 figs and 10x it in the next bullrun and you are done.

>> No.19966968

why don't you just ask him for money?

>> No.19967000

Never. I will not destroy my honor for that fat fuck to own me.

>> No.19967836

he mined/bought BTC, which you didn't because you were feeling too smart to do that.
Now you cope, because in your lame system of values the skilled smart ones (among which there is of course you) shall inherit the world.
It doesn't work like that.

>> No.19967891


Also OP it's not too late you can buy Cardano and Vechain before Coinbase listing. But you won't

>> No.19967940

>t. crypto faggots
what have you ever contributed to the world?
I'll wait

>> No.19967953

A child

Also I retired last year after scamming people. I'm in my 20's. And hes 5 with college paid for

I never went to a university. But if you buy Cardano you'll make it you fag

>> No.19967959

I was just kidding I'm larping I have 6 mansions and hire top of the line escorts twice a week, sundays and thursdays

>> No.19967964

You have skills and he doesn't. Being able to create things is the only thing that. matters in this world.

>> No.19967977

>a hard-working software/game dev

Just dude......just buy Cardano. You actually think you're intelligent because you "work hard". Listen here faggot you aren't SHIT!!!!!!! Matter fact don't buy any crypto its a scam

>> No.19967984


Imagine being this much of resentful little bitch. How about you are happy for him?

>> No.19968014

>I retired last year after scamming people
>buy Cardano
Story checks out

>> No.19968016

Take a look at this guy

Just look at him. Imagine being such a faggot you actually believe the world is cupcakes and rainbows.

How about creating a fat bank account? How about that?

>> No.19968019

what kind great projects you dream about anon

>> No.19968021


>> No.19968036

Talkig about who "contributed to the world" and you are a game dev?

>> No.19968041

Money is completely worthless by itself. Only being able to make things can distract you from what a shitheap this world is. Most people don't have to think about this because they're constantly wagecucking but once they retire it will become immediately obvious.

>> No.19968043

in short, i have a grand idea for a storm chasing game (there is a huge community around storm chasing that would be into this), and a massive lineup of Lovecraftian horror games, I'm in the process of making one currently, hopefully will be finished by this Halloween but with wagecucking may be until next year, which is fine as long as I can polish and hire the right artists to do it etc.

>> No.19968054

>what is art

>> No.19968066

Buying Cardano right now at $0.08 cents is like buying ChainLink at $0.17 cents.

You wont listen till its too late and start buying my bags at $4.

>You wont listen till its too late and start buying my bags at $4.

>> No.19968076

>not all games are art
For what we know he can be a candy crush clones developer

>> No.19968078

You will never make it

Fat, lazy fuck neets who have worked 0 days in their life are literally getting rich off Chainlink as we speak, some of them might be multimillionaires in few years

You are a wagecuck and doomed for that existence, better deal with it wagie. You are not neet master race and never will be

>> No.19968091

The takeaway here is that you need to be investing and saving. Get your money working for you so you can reclaim your time and get to doing the things you want to be doing. Your friend should inspire you.

>> No.19968092

Like you do with ChainLink right now

I'm not buying that shit at $4 you had your fucking chance.

Retirement is really boring just raise kids. Money just opens up your time. I swear to God it's like buying your freedom

>> No.19968117

Actually, buying Cardano at $0.08 is like buying Chainlink at $6.59 (which would be a new ATH) because Cardano is 1.4x the mcap of LINK already

>> No.19968125

No shit. I'm just bitching about the pure luck component when it comes to something like BTC. He wasn't proclaiming it was some grand new tech, he merely discussed it as a "cool new technology", nothing less. Choosing to invest PC power or money into it for long term is nothing but pure luck and nothing, NO ONE, can convince me otherwise.

>> No.19968127

Marketcap doesn't mean shit dont be a faggot its 4 am newfags are asleep

>> No.19968140

Raising kids is for pleb animals

>> No.19968152

>Marketcap doesn't mean shit
Thinking like that is why you're holding vaporware bags at a 2bn valuation

>> No.19968166

It's not luck stupid idiot. I was a NEET when I bought Chainlink @ 10 cents

You have like fucking 7000 crypto projects to choose from. I've never invested in any other project than Chainlink

You will never, ever be Neet master race. Mere fucking $10k invested is like 200k at the moment

It's not luck, it's literal neet master race insight

>> No.19968188

Penumbra is one of my favorite games and I believe it's a Lovecraftian horror, it's atmosphere is so intense and I love that there are no jumpscares, are you developing something similar?

>> No.19968190

Great digits, good advice, nobody will pay heed to it tho

>> No.19968197

Its the only purpose of being alive...busting a nut inside of a vagina is the reason for your existing.

You're right, I'm sorry its a scam dont buy any


>> No.19968202

>HL2 isn't art because it's a doom clone
Seriously, FPS games used to be reffered to as "doom clones" back in my day.

>> No.19968230

You're not just a seething faggot, you're also a hater. People with your attitude never make it far in life. The dude who told you you should look up to your friend was right. Instead of being a loser, call your friend, have him set you up at his place for a couple weeks, take a vacation (all inclusive) with him paying your board, food, drinks and drugs and let loose.

You reconnect with a dude that was your friend, have fun and maybe get some insights. Also as a fellow gamedev I can tell you that peace of mind and the chance to chill out for a while is paramount. You are obviously an indie (small following), so you don't need to work from a basement... Might as well take a vacay

>> No.19968242

The good thing about idiots like you is that you're removing your lot from the genepool without any external input from the rest of us. Good riddance!

>> No.19968261
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Checked, based and WAF. Have an old one

>> No.19968267
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>a fellow gamedev
yeah like a useless fat fuck gives a fuck about gamedev or art in general

>> No.19968273
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he spent his last moments in my company beggging for programming knowledge, and I gave him everything bu the never bothered to learn

>> No.19968282

OP is proud of having a job holy fuckkkk

>> No.19968283

No ya fucking doof, I'm the fellow gamedev and giving you advice as such.

Your friend won't give a shit about your artsy fartsy shit, he'll give a shit about you because you were his friend when he had none. Wake the fuck up, you need a vacation. Call your friend and have him set you up with all the honours of a former lunch sharer

>> No.19968291

Absolute COPE

Fat fuck NEETs will continue to make it. You will never make it, talentless fat fucks who never left their basement will be millionaires and you will be left behind trying to sell your stupid indie games on steam and barely surviving another month

>> No.19968295
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anyway, like the other anon said, I've already made it and will overrun this fat bitch in a couple of years, you can keep coping with whatever weird get rich crypto fantasy you have you fucking absolute faggot

>> No.19968323

LOL what a snarky little cunt you are. Have fun boiling in a pool of your own seething excrement. I was making LINK memes back in 2017 faggot, I'll be ok. Was just trying to give you the advice you need, but you are obviously too fucking stupid to get it.

>> No.19968334

You havent made shit and you had to make a whole thread just to LIE to yourself

Just put money into the cheapest shitcoin on Coinbase or top 50 on Coinmarketcap I promise you'll make money.

>> No.19968369

XRP, XLM . A fag i know bought 5k each. Is she making it?

>> No.19968375

That bitch making it

>> No.19968411

You are MAD my friend, welcome to the world of the have and have-nots.

>> No.19968426

>link FAGS bloat while I actually hold immense amounts of link currently, LOL

>> No.19968438
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imagine missing out again.

>> No.19968458

Stand in the ashes on a trillion dead and ask the ghosts if honor matters
Go get a small loan of a million dollars you retard

>> No.19968483

>sharing my food with his stupid fat ass (he'd literally sit and stare at my lunch until I was done to share the leftovers)
damn I'm not the only one

>> No.19968567

>my friend made it with btc, he's lazy
>i hodl immense amounts of link

>> No.19968751

Ahaha your moral system is totally fucked you are slave that expects something in return for begin ((good))

>> No.19968774

shouldve been nicer to him maybe if you ACTUALLY had cared about him as a human being, you would have listened to what he was into and he would have tipped you off about BTC and now you could be rich.
but instead you just "put up" with his "unbearable" presence to virtue signal to yourself and others
tl;dr OP is a shitty human bean, this is karma

>> No.19968917

OP was a complete and utter fag in this thread, let's beat this dead horse to bolivia