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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 225x225, VIDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19963183 No.19963183 [Reply] [Original]

It's up 30% in the last week. This will hit $1 soon, and continue to $30 within the next year or two.

- Top 50 whale

>> No.19963208

I lost 50% of my investment because of the binance listing failure so I’m a little uneasy about this garbage

>> No.19963218

You must be up more than 50% now unless you sold for a loss like a dumbass?

>> No.19963235

Made more than that by selling and buying into other shit

>> No.19963284

we didnt listen

>> No.19963285
File: 447 KB, 600x600, we-moon-now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to miss posting all the FUD, but it's true. This coin is indeed now going past ATH. It is a solid product and has an advantage of Acronis, as long as the business customer does not have a dedicated IT department (which should still use Acronis). But V-ID corners the small business sector.

>> No.19963349

You faggots convinced me. I market bought a small stack again

>> No.19963357

Im all in on this gem since 900 sats. top 100 wallet :)

>> No.19963369
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>> No.19963381

bahaha, it peaked at $0.25 you didn't lose anything

>> No.19963384

Same. 30% what a joke.

>> No.19963405

Dude, vidt datalink - launching 1. july - will enable enterprise software linkable to the VIDT Blockchain. This is fucking huge and def not targeted at small businesses. It is a high quality mass data validation solution for huge ass enterprises in logistics, engeneering, pharma eg eg eg

>> No.19963440
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As far as how much of multiple you can expect from the very bottom? At the minimum 5X (in terms of BTC, not USD).

Yes, that's exactly what made me change my opinion on V-ID. An IT department that already uses Acronis won't need this. All Fortune 500 companies use Acronis. But so what? There are millions of companies that don't. V-ID will be huge, as long as they go after clients and showcase the power of the API!

>> No.19963447

What do you gain by publishing fud?

>> No.19963494

OmG 1 YeAr foR 2x

lmao you bag holders are hilarious. here I am 25x up on the month lol

>> No.19963505

Preventing anons from having their money tied up. Or trolling. The FUD was real research, but became irrelevant with the new direction V-ID is taking.

>> No.19963582

all the crypto that is in range of hundreds of milions and bilions market cap is based on empty promises, vidt at least has a real revenue, it should reach few $ price with ease

>> No.19963593

VIDT or QNT if you arent going to look for 5 years?

>> No.19963653

You cannot validate real-world items on the blockchain. No artworks, no photographs, and no photographs of real world items. You can only validate binary and lossless documents, such as PDFs, Powerpoint projects, executables, and audio files. The Rembrandt etching on the blockchain was a marketing ploy to boost the credibility of the project. Good one at that. Fooled me as well. In the end you would still need a third-party examiner painstakingly verifying every single inch of the artwork and play "spot the difference" between a real Rembrandt and a fraudulent one to see whether you have pulled a switcheroo, rendering V-ID's validation process pointless. The artwork is going to be validated by an art examiner, not a blockchain solution. V-ID is as useful as a certificate of authenticity. Both can be forged enough to fool a notary.

Taking photos of a rental car and then uploading to V-ID is also pointless, because your car rental service would first need to recognize V-ID's services as legitimate before you have signed the contract. Said contract would also need to mention V-ID. You cannot escape a charge/fine by pulling up your phone to show that some no-name website says the photo hasn't been altered.

You can validate a scanned document and save it as a PDF and then validate against that same exact scanned PDF, but you could not validate against the original document. Medical and government documents are often printed out, scribbled on, then scanned back in. But even if nothing was scribbled on, a duplicate scan would not match. You would need to verify with eyes.

>> No.19963666

Dubious marketing strategy encouraging mass spamming and washtrading. Scam tokenomics. Useless worthless token. No unique tech. Operating at a loss. Partnered with LTO. Small side project of another company.

Let's look at the white paper and do some math. They will need 1,500,000 files validated to break even. One file validation costs as much as $2.20, $1.65 on the middle plan, and even less on the bulk volume plan. Let's go with an average of $2 per file validation.
>1,500,000 Files X $2 = $3,000,000
>$3,000,000 / 5 Years = $600,000
$600,000 is their estimated annual revenue as file validations are a one-time fee and not reoccurring. The verifications are free. V-ID sold $3,400,000 worth of tokens in the ICO with a white paper outlining a plan for five years, so the numbers so far are reasonable.

V-ID is a tech company with no unique tech or first mover advantage. Supposedly uses algorithms that cannot be patented, according to bagholders. Multiple competition exists, including Acronis Notary, IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity, and Bitcoin.com Notary to name a few. V-ID's potential advantage is a user-friendly design, which can be had for $10,000. V-ID is in the software industry, so let's value the business at an incredibly generous and delusionally optimistic 3X revenue. In which case the company can be estimated to be worth $1,800,000 as of today.

If VIDT will convert to VIDS, which represent shares in the company and the total supply is 62,391,039 VIDT, then one VIDT is realistically worth 2 cents today. 5 cents if we only use the circulating supply (30,800,318). Of course that's with the 3X multiple. At 2X annual revenue (and only looking at circulating supply), one VIDT is worth one penny. And currently, it's even worth less.

Will the largest VIDT whale with his tokens locked up in a smart contract want to sell or convert to VIDS next year? Will "he" also do cursory math before making his decision? Coin is overvalued and worthless.

>> No.19963684

Show proof that all 32 clients V-ID has are paying customers and the team didn't offer a free or discounted trial run to boost their numbers to make VIDT more appealing to investors. Validating a file on a blockchain costs no more than 1 VIDT (less than 10 cents), but the team is supposedly charging 10-16 VIDT for clients for essentially doing fuckall but providing an interface to interact with a blockchain. That's 10X profit per file. If you had a company, ready to validate 100,000 files a month, would you want to pay $10,000 or $165,000? All you have to do is a five minute research to save over $100,000 a year.

Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right, motherfuckers. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service. Large companies that do thousands of verifications a month and don't need a backup solution only pay mere cents per validation. Cents. You can contact Acronis support and get the pricing structure, if you don't believe me.

>VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

>> No.19963701

Airbus is a customer of Acronis, FYI. Airbus Defence & Space is a division and has an even smaller division in Netherlands. And V-ID hasn't fully rolled it out yet, even though supposedly they have been a client for over a year. Uh oh. Show one single proof that Airbus has collaborated with V-ID on a large scale or let alone name-dropped them.

>Allows customers to notarize files of any type via a web console or API, generating a certificate that provides publicly verifiable proof of its timestamp, integrity, and authenticity.
>Easy to sell, upsell or bundle: Universal service that fits business of any size and industry
>Key improvements in the Acronis Notary Cloud service will allow service providers to easily enable data verification via a new public webpage – eliminating the need to use the Acronis Notary Cloud user-interface to verify files.

Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right, motherfuckers. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service. Large companies that do thousands of verifications a month and don't need a backup solution only pay mere cents per validation. Cents.

Why would any company choose V-ID over Acronis is beyond me. Not only is it cheaper, but Acronis also works with over a hundred Fortune 500 companies and has millions of customers.

>> No.19963707

Validating your whole god damn hard drive with Acronis Notary takes less than 70 minutes. V-ID validations take over a day (sometimes there are days with no validations at all) and bagholders watch over Etherscan like a hawk to calculate the number of validations.

Here's a quote from the Acronis Notary user manual:
>The notarization process can take up to 70 minutes. To reduce the cost of each notarization, the notary service collects hashes throughout an hour, then builds a hash tree based on these hashes and sends the hash tree root to the blockchain database. After that, the notary service waits for the transaction to become confirmed in the blockchain database, and then changes the statuses of the files to Notarized.
$99 for a yearly subscription, as opposed to $600 a year. No nickel and diming like with V-ID, charging you over $2 per file. Imagine how much it would cost to validate a 100 files with V-ID, as opposed to using Acronis.

Acronis also owns the patent for blockchain validation technology in the United States (and it is enforceable if V-ID does any business in the United States, regardless of bagholder claims): https://patents.google.com/patent/US10114980B2/

>> No.19963718

The project is overpriced and worthless. Customers cannot validate files in bulk, there is no software, and the team has to come to your place of business to validate or you have to upload all your sensitive files to the server of a small Dutch startup ran out of a shared office, next to a Subway sandwich shop. Pic related. To be a reseller of V-ID, you need to pay for tokens upfront, bought on exchanges, and hope to move it by roping in customers. Meaning the more tokens you need, the more you have to pay. Does that sound reasonable? Having to pay a company to sell their product? The tokens are worthless on their own. MLM pyramid scheme scam.

Validating 50,000 documents a month, like AmSpec is doing, means it costs nearly one million dollars a year with V-ID to validate hashes on the blockchain versus $99 a year with Acronis (or less than $1000 if you use a server). And you only need one copy of Acronis per office: https://notary.acronis.com/

Here's one of the Acronis wallets: https://etherscan.io/address/0x00472c1e4275230354dbe5007a5976053f12610a

One customer can notarize once every 70 minutes (files gets batched to reduce costs for Acronis and make it virtually free for the customer). Now refresh that page and you will see a different client notarizing at least once every minute. It costs less than 2 pennies for Acronis to validate a hard drive. You can validate 20 times a day or 600 times a month. Costs less than $12 a month for Acronis if you do nothing but validate 24/7. V-ID charges a minimum of $54 for a subscription alone, not counting a $2.22 charge per file.

>> No.19963723

there is this guy again. Posting 5 posts, copy paste, super old, all debunked. you can go to sleep now, ty

>> No.19963729

Acronis owns the patent for blockchain validation technology in the United States (and it is enforceable if V-ID does any business in the United States, regardless of bagholder claims): https://patents.google.com/patent/US10114980B2/

V-ID has partnered with HOWDOO UDOO, FTM, and LTO. All pump and dump scams. The reseller partners are either shell companies or outright scams.

Validating 50,000 documents a month, like AmSpec is doing, means it costs nearly one million dollars a year with V-ID to validate hashes on the blockchain versus $99 a year with Acronis (or less than $1000 if you use a server). And you only need one copy of Acronis per office: https://notary.acronis.com/

Make a clone of V-ID and own 100% of the token supply: https://www.udacity.com/course/blockchain-developer-nanodegree--nd1309
>Learn to identify fundamental transaction types, build a web service and API, and secure digital assets with your blockchain identity. Create a private blockchain, and a notarization web service. Use your blockchain identity to secure digital assets on the Ethereum platform with a smart contract.

>> No.19963767
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>You cannot validate real-world items on the blockchain. No artworks, no photographs
Some of this FUD still holds up, except you wouldn't validate real-world items due to covid-19. Everyone that deals with important data is working from home and no one is printing any papers. Since everyone is working from home, you'd have no access to Acronis license either unless your IT department purchased their Cyber File Sharing solution and trained everyone. In other words, you're a Fortune 500 company.

CO-VID-19 saved V-ID.

>> No.19963911

That fud is so fucking stupid. even the comparison is fucking ridiculous - one of the many things VIDT can do compared with ALL of what acronis notary can do :D

What about the latest Demo with IBM and the use case in the sensor-data segment? Just fuck off pajeesh

>> No.19963949

And 90% of the shit is just made up out of nothing. Even the "calculations" are on kindergarden level dude, you should stop just copying and pasting what clearly other people than you wrote and stop being salty because you took a fucking loss and you're to fucking stupid to do the simple actions of buying low and selling high :D