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1996083 No.1996083 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW fell for the "live with your parents instead of becoming an adult" meme

It's not worth the savings anymore, lads.

>> No.1996095

Living on your own isn't expensive. Move away from big cities and don't worry a bunch of stupid shit, and you can survive on a part-time job.

It is worth the freedom. Parents smother out your individuality and inhibit your growth towards self-actualization.

>> No.1996101

don't worry = don't buy

>> No.1996127
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>It is worth the freedom. Parents smother out your individuality and inhibit your growth towards self-actualization.

Why the fuck didn't you tell me this years ago?

I hate living with my parents. They only try to harm me and we ALWAYS get into arguments and fights. It's not worth it.

>> No.1996200


>> No.1996234

The mother, fore-seeing this danger, has carefully inculcated into him the virtues of faithfulness, devotion, loyalty, so as to protect him from the moral disruption which is the risk of every life adventure. He has learnt these lessons only too well, and remains true to his mother. This naturally causes her the deepest anxiety (when, to her greater glory, he turns out to be a homosexual, for example).

>> No.1996260
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>> No.1996972

>essentially, OP is a fag
top kek

>> No.1997653

It's not like you lost anything retard, you haven't got PTSD and can move out now if you so choose

>> No.1997673

Maybe if you stopped wanking to lolis and pretending like you're a wall street trader your parents will be nicer to you. Also, maybe you should get a real job.

> They only try to harm me and we ALWAYS get into arguments


If you live at home, you wash the fucking dishes. Stop being a NEET loser

>> No.1997695

i live with my niggas too
>work full time
>pay 50% of the bills
>still look around for a studio/1bed apartment
>they all require nearly 75% or more of my monthly earnings
>even if i got a studio, i would still need basic shit like lights, utilities, insurance, internet that would go over my budget.
>still would have to pay for car insurance, car maint. and gas.
how the fuck are you suppose to live on your own in todays economy?

>> No.1997707

You live in a big city, don't you? Move someplace smaller and cheaper.

>> No.1997737

room mate

>> No.1998753

it's always either vague wishy washy bullshit like this that doesn't mean anything or
>hurr durr muh dick

I get along with my parents
I also make $75k/yr
absolutely no reason to move out

>> No.1998796

>just get a part-time job in meth country where nothing happens and you will never amount to something and never leave and all around you the other people your age are dropping like flies due to oxycodone abuse
wew senpai

>> No.1999304


almost the same situation here.

why the fuck should i move out and squander my wealth on rent, utilities, etc?

I figure if I save and invest a few more years at home, I will set myself up for life. Compound interest and saving money is where it's at.

>> No.1999340

there there, it'll get better after you inherit shit lol
but seriously, living under someone else's roof - even your own parents' - puts you in a subordinate position that is mentally healthy only if you're a woman; ironically, women have no difficulties moving out after pussy-locking some poor bastard to give them a free ride

>> No.1999345

If u r a lazy person, moving out will teach u to take initiative

>> No.1999623

like will it help me spell out the word "you"?