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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 241 KB, 1315x807, fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19952025 No.19952025 [Reply] [Original]

Fudders want you to believe these guys are out to scam people. Just lol.
One of these guys is "One of the few living recipients of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) Intelligence Star Medal for extraordinary courage in the line of duty."
Imagine thinking these people conspired to scam you. Lol. Imagine the level of confusion you must reach in order to think such a thing.

>> No.19952052

anyone can buy stock photos and create fake profiles


>> No.19952055

im sure people didn't think companies like Enron were scamming them either. Means literally zero. The project is fundamentally shady

>> No.19952070
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can buy stock photos and create fake profiles

>> No.19952094

This is a 100% scam project and bag holders are trying best to pump it back. Repeat after me " I'm not going to buy your bags"

>> No.19952100

The fact here is Mesa. Have you tried to use it? Its trash. Trash trash. No one will use this when there are way better options.

>> No.19952121

Why does an ex CIA guy mean this crypto has value?

>> No.19952190

The truth is that DMG is a governance token. It has no use.
The price is rising because of speculation and hype, but the token doesn't give you anything.

Furthermore their company plan is unstable at best. There is no way they can maintain the promise 6.25% back on ETH with their used car liens without selling the lien unless ETH is stable or they don't use the ETH.

If they aren't using the ETH in the pool it is just a waste of their returns giving money for 0 reason. Literal CIA agents show up selling you shitcoins and you give up your link for this? Fucking get real you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.19952192

I think there's a few things going on with the fud on this project. of course there's the retards who just like to fud everything they don't have. they exist in every thread and are easy enough to ignore.
second type are the jeets who bought in and are pissed that this didn't 10x overnight. those fags either sold already or are even in the red on this and fud cause they're legit retarded.
third type is the ironic fudder, who fuds because he likes this project as a long term accumulate and hold token. that's the type of guy who photoshops images of loan documents to try and get you to sell. there's more ironic fudders in DMM than most other coins on biz right now, so it's something to be aware of. same shit happened with link for the first few years. anons with the biggest bags spent a lot of effort trying to convince everyone else that it was a scam.

>> No.19952193
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lol... everything looks shady for poorfags
only poorfags think in these terms
every single corporation out there is shady as fuck
look at google, at amazon, at apple, at microsoft
Imagine the level of retardation.
I'm screencaping all fudders lol.

>> No.19952207

FUD will not work my fren. Go somewhere else

>> No.19952223
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it has more uses than COMP that's for sure

>> No.19952227
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He has a lot of dirt on high-ranking people he can use for blackmail, Anon. And odds are he has no qualms making use of it. Just think for a minute... Why was he so successful as Agent and CEO? By playing fair? Hell no. Money is a dirty business, Anon. Just look at that smug face... Wouldn't surprise me if we were to see a few "accidents" involving the founders of rivaling crypto projects, either. There's no way we will lose.

>> No.19952234

I guess the forth type of fud would be anons who looked into it, but don't like it or actually do think its a scam. they're retarded too though and misunderstand the project so I don't give a fuck about them either

>> No.19952245

This project has insane value if it manages to perform the function it intends to. It's a crypto bank. Having a glowie at the top implies
1. this is not going to be regulated away, which otherwise would be the main concern.
2. this is going to be used by the CIA to destabilize US enemies with negative interest rates by making dollars at 6.25% interest available to the entire planet. It makes sense that they would start small to keep the charade of this being an organic startup and we are able to make money off that sure growth

>> No.19952279

Well they arent in it to necessarily scam us but they also dont care about us. They want to make their own money and we're just along for the ride

>> No.19952290

for poorfags, any profit opportunity is shady
they prefer wageslaving
that's "not shady" to their poorfag eyes
stay the same, poorfags
wage slaves for eternity

>> No.19952310

Cool but where are the minority and women employees?

As a chainlink holder I refuse to invest in a project unless at least 90% of the team is token minority hires.

>> No.19952353

99% projects on /biz/ are outright scams
look at fucking FTM, look at all these scams with shitty clip art web sites and logos
all the uniscam tokens
DMG is unironically the ONLY new token that's got long term potential being shilled here

>> No.19952383

yeah yeah buy fucking GHOST, FANTOM and shiiiiiiet instead of DMG' poorfags

>> No.19952480

>excess revenue
There will be no revenue, especially not excess. You think these guys are going to outcompete the entire ETH network with used car loans at 6.25% during a global economic collapse? Ok sweetie.
>token burn
Have you heard about req? Burning token is not a use case
>voting on tech changes!
These will be unanimous anyway and the glowing CIA fren will be leading them.
They aren't staking for block generation and aren't staking for service agreements so what is the stake? Or maybe just buzzwords from the glowing nigger because staking has been the only thing everyone wants for the last 2 years.
>but its better than shitcoin Y
I'm all in chainlink buddy and have been since before you were born.

>> No.19952529

>the entire planet is going to be able to make +6.25% off $7M in used car loans

>> No.19952550


you serious right now? I can't tell if this is 4d FUD or not

>> No.19952586

Jesus christ dude it's fucking week 1, more assets are coming.

>> No.19952603
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>There will be no revenue, especially not excess.
What a profound and well thought out statement to make. Surely you have citations to support your claims.
Or is it that you are talking out of your ass and didn't even take 15 seconds to look at the assets currently generating revenue today? And the $2 million already in DMM today, that is generating revenue for people... wait for it... today

>> No.19952606
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>> No.19952657
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As a follow up, you could quite literally test this within 5 minutes by depositing $1 into DMM and waiting exactly 1 ETH block to get paid.

If you can't handle taking 5 minutes of your time, and risking $1 to see that they are LITERALLY paying people by the block as I type this message to your dumb ass, then you are no longer allowed in this discussion.

>> No.19952699

what is factually wrong in my statement?

>> No.19952718
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>> No.19952763

The interest rate is modifiable if revenue is not high enough. There is always an excess of reserve to pay for the currently active interest. The asset base is already generating enough to pay the current rate as we speak, and the system is already functional. As I said, more assets will be gradually acquired to keep an illusion of enterprise.

>> No.19952800

Dide like I said before the read fud is just trying to use Mesa. It sucks.

>> No.19952827

Oh I've seen the used car loans all $7m worth.

So what DMM is going to do is take the ETH that people locked in for their 6.25% and sell that for some retarded asset like more used cars. Then ETH does a 10x because this is crypto and now DMM must sell their cars to pay for the ETH. When asked about this they say >oh we have a system so that we don't miss out on the price fluctuation. Which means they aren't using the ETH or they don't believe it moves? At the end of the day you're the one buying a shitcoin from the CIA.

So glad that this space is ending up in a centralized mess with the government pawing at every opening. Even more glad retards like you will end up scammed. Quite sad that CIA niggers win again.

>> No.19952839

there is no information that the loans are actually generating income. They do not have any public data showing % of loans at risk of default, in default, avg # of payments behind, dollar amt left. It's ridiculous. They sold you retards worthless "governance" tokens (even though they have the most) and won't let token holders have any actual knowledge of what they're responsible for.

>> No.19952888

DMM the platform paying out returns to people who give them money has nothing to do with DMG the governance token having about as much purpose as XRP. You know the one you're always touting about as the standard?

>> No.19952892

People fuding curio which also sucks but at least it has nice cars. DMM is the used car lot of crypto and people are trying to make it seem awesome with a thousand threads a day.

>> No.19952923

> what are stablecoins

>> No.19952943

I still think curio is kinda meh but yeah, this is a whole new level of retarded. All they needed to do was put a chainlink partnership at the forefront and retards ate it up lmao

>> No.19953023
File: 144 KB, 772x799, derivatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely disregarding the excess revenue that is used to generate income for DMG holders
I wonder why you would pretend this doesn't exist

if only there was a way to hedge against ETH going up in price while effectively taking a short position on ETH by selling it for real world assets....
if only DMM had thought of this and outlined it in a medium post explaining EXACTLY how they are going to accomplish this...
if only pic related you dumbass

>> No.19953037

kinda funny that the best fud you've got is "this business model won't make money", when it's legit what banks do to make money.... holding debt as a financial instrument.
the way you're talking about used cars makes it pretty clear that you have no idea how any of this works. used cares aren't an asset to the bank anon, the outstanding loan on those used cares are the asset. also, the whole "muh governance" token....where do you even get that from? DMM is unlocked when crypto assets are deposited to the "bank". you are simply lending the bank your money..they use it to make money....in exchange, you are paid interest. same way it works in the real world.

>> No.19953058
File: 161 KB, 752x825, derivatives2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2 pic related

the full article if you care, which you dont.

>> No.19953073

imagine just unironically trusting some random company promising you ridiculous returns on AUTO LOANS in the most financially unstable time in modern history. Imagine trusting them when they offer zero transparency on the health of said loans.

>> No.19953101
File: 88 KB, 714x827, derivatives3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 3 because im generous

and i see you moving the goalposts.
what happened to "using ETH is retarded because it could moon and theyd be fucked"?
you now realize they have thought of this and are 100% protected against volatility?


>> No.19953133

dmm is not unlocked lmao. What are you even talking about. mTokens are able to be created based on their current collateralization, but DMM tokens are not minted anymore. They premined all of them and are slowly distributing them. its literally called DMM governance token you absolute retard

>> No.19953228

>DeFi Money Market (DMM): An ERC20 token created when a specific Ethereum asset isconverted through a smart contract providing a specific Annual Percentage Yield (APY) securedby real world tokenized assets that are over collateralized.

you're confused anon. DMM is not the same thing as DMG.
DMG is a governance token, but also the beneficiary to the excess profits.....if the DMM ecosystem is a bank, DMG would represent shares in the bank.

>> No.19953308


>> No.19953393

so do you get it yet? DMM is an interest bearing token. if you hold DMM, you get interest from the bank. if you hold DMG, you are the bank.

>> No.19953467

In a world where the CIA allows you to be the bank they also allow banks to fail. This is healthy for an economy, but you lose money do to the decisions of glowies in charge.

>> No.19953571

what? wtf kind of fud is that? DMG holder ARE THE BANK! they direct the decisions/operations of the bank. what do you even mean? it seems like you're getting close...but then completely misunderstanding again.
try again, "In a world where the CIA allows banks to fail....."
how the fuck do we move away from toxic centralized "too big to fail" financial institutions anon in a way that doesn't destroy the entire god damn global economy? DMM absolutely glows....now try to see where it's going and what it might look like in a few years.

>> No.19953586
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I want you to admit that you had no idea what you were talking about here >>19952827

Just say "Sorry anon, I was retarded and didn't do any research, and I didn't fathom that derivatives could completely offset the volatility risk introduced by a non-stable asset"

Just admit it, and all is forgiven.

>> No.19953655

DMM is an experiment in decentralized banking. Is it not interesting to see the budding of a new financial system at this time when it seems the old is nearing a point of imploding in on itself?

>> No.19953761

The reason the price isn't going up anymore is because everyone expects it to

>> No.19953931


Do you faggots understand how big that metric is? Honestly, it's more bullish than anything else posted ITT.

>> No.19953958

You second point has credibility but the car pawn shop store doesn’t exist in other countries

>> No.19953974

Again. Have you tried to use mesa? Was it enjoyable for you? Also like I said before curry shit coin curio is doing all this but better and I wouldn't even recommend buying that.

>> No.19954004

4k people! Amazing! Thats so many! Imagine 4k peoples monies becoming yours! Lol wtf 4k people and you are excited??? Is this 1998?

>> No.19954030

The kinds of FUD being bombarded today do not appear to be from a place of ignorance, but from people who understand the project very well and want to misrepresent the counter-intuitive elements of how it works. It's important to answer regardless, but it makes me wonder if someone has insider knowledge of an upcoming announcement and is trying to buy before it.

>> No.19954041

calm down pajeet

>> No.19954096

its also one of many doing the same thing...
Alright I'm out go ahead and invest in this if you want but its one of many and there's a lot better options. Mesa is a mess. Idk good luck.

>> No.19954143
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I'm curious why you are so hung up on mesa.
I was under the impression med already made his peace.

Nobody here cares about or is arguing about mesa, so why are you?
It's just a random DEX that was chosen as an (option) to buy DMG during the ICO. It wasn't forced on anyone. I personally bought from Uniswap and avoided mesa at all costs, even if it meant paying 2c more

>> No.19954163

I wonder why we just received two bullish independent analyses today?


Check #3:

FUDers stay poor

>> No.19954175

what does Mesa have to do with DMM anon? mesa is an independent dex...

> Also like I said before curry shit coin curio is doing all this but better and I wouldn't even recommend buying that.
kek. curio is a project where your tokens represent a fractional ownership in a real world asset. these projects do not do the same thing.

>> No.19954242

not exactly, but I'm done spoon feeding retards. i never claimed this was the only interesting defi project either. I've never touched mesa and have no need to either, so idk, good luck to you

>> No.19954282

He lost 50k fat fingering the sale on mesa and hasn't gotten over it

>> No.19954482

Jesus the level of retard here lately, fuck me. The eth is used to borrow stablecoins you absolute mouthbreather.

>> No.19954592

he did get over it though

>> No.19954627
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>> No.19954633

Yes I am excited, 4k people a day are visiting this website.

LINK has 2k a day for reference.

This is going to be big.

>> No.19954903

> they don't care about us
> they get paid in the same token we are holding
pick one, doofus

>> No.19955425

Fuck... I’m just starting to realize this. His entire profession has been sustaining governments.

>> No.19955515

Meant for

>> No.19955943
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Anyone think other people will even dare opening rival crypto projects? Just thinking of the benefits inherent to having a literal goon in your management. Why risk your life over a bit of money? This crypto bank is literally akin to the financial mafia in this wild west crypto space. Bullish.

>> No.19956635

>crypto bank
Explain the connection between bank and mAssets?

>> No.19956826
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>> No.19956957

mTokens are a savings account, the assets are everything that's owned by banks.
There is no game-theoretical incentive for capital to fund a competitor for a DAO once governance is implemented. The risk here is from the legal system and having /ourglowie/ at the helm mitigates that.

>> No.19957335

>One of these guys is "One of the few living recipients of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) Intelligence Star Medal for extraordinary courage in the line of duty."

>Imagine thinking these people conspired to scam you.

Do you have any idea what the CIA is/does? Have you ever read a book in your life? Look I'm not buying this and I have no idea if it's a scam but reading shit from you dumb dumbs about how the reasons you trust a project is because it has CIA connections is entirely fucking stupid.

>imagine thinking the CIA would ever scam/lie to you

It sure is summer in here.

>> No.19957396


> Liquidations of mTokens have the interesting property that the liquidator can redeem their received mTokens for the underlying digital asset (DAI for mDAI, USDC for mUSDC) given that there is enough reserve liquidity of digital assets that haven’t been withdrawn.

tfw the CIA try to swap your hard-earned ETH against shitty car loans. They talk about Defi but all they do is buying shitty asset from the good ole centralized finance

>> No.19957839

You can’t deny the value of being in the CIA and now leading a blockchain company

>> No.19958008
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Used carloan glownigger project, worse than actual pajeets.
If you want to buy crypto, buy LINK, ETH or BTC. Monero if you need to move funds.

>> No.19958039
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Backed up by CIA huh?

>> No.19958148

>the value of being in the CIA
Again, have you ever read the history of the CIA? You need to read more about who and what the CIA is and does, and then explain to me how ex-CIA running a new blockchain startup gives you confidence as an investor.

>> No.19958181

Just bought more. I've decided this is a more serious project.

>> No.19959348


>> No.19959423

its over isnt it

>> No.19959567

>Do you have any idea what the CIA is/does? Have you ever read a book in your life? Look I'm not buying this and I have no idea if it's a scam but reading shit from you dumb dumbs about how the reasons you trust a project is because it has CIA connections is entirely fucking stupid.

Yeah the CIA are running low on funds so they created DMG to scam biz out of their lunch money

>> No.19959842

I never said the CIA was low on funds so they created DMG to scam biz. When I suggested that people here don't read enough, I think you're proving my point.


>> No.19960806

>DMG is unironically the ONLY new token that's got long term potential being shilled here
I'm bullish on DMG too but that crap out. There are many other tokens with good long term potential. Many. I know 8-9 myself but won't mention to avoid any shilling allegations coming my way.

>> No.19960823

>Intern at UBS

this is a joke?

>> No.19960838


>> No.19960853

Total scam coin. Mods should delte all dmm threada

>> No.19960995

You couldn't be more of an Indian even if you tried.