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19948579 No.19948579 [Reply] [Original]

>DMM Doesn't have a partnership with Coinbase
A literal nobody emailed Coinbase support and asked about the partnership. Seeing that Coinbase employ over 1,123 people it's understandable that the person responding to the email doesn't know whats going on higher up within the company.

DMM also out a solid rebuttal doubling down on the partnership stating that the Coinbase integration of mAssets is so far down the line that they felt it was appropriate to name them as an official partner.

>DMM Doesn't have a partnership with ChainLink

Chainlink held a 35 minute youtube Q&A with the DMM team and have already confirmed the partnership on the official twitter account.



>Tim Draper isn't invested in DMM

Yes he is


>> No.19948610

OP is a faggot


>> No.19948673

Keep seething

>> No.19948865

Lol oh boy, just take the loss kid. This scam got exposed it's not fucking coming back lmao. Also we all know a "partnership" with LINK isn't worth bragging about. LINK is the Chad in that scenario. Every crypto project wants to partner with him to take his seed and bare his young.

When these projects partner with Link they flaunt it like a stupid cunt. It would be like a single mom bragging about how she got a Chad to have a one night stand with her and then dipped out and never paid child support.

The absolute state of no linkers. Also even Tim Draper picks a losing project every once in a while, looks like this was it.

>> No.19948880
File: 339 KB, 1918x1242, 1593160050956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based see you at 5$

>> No.19948897

Based comparison.

>> No.19948901
File: 148 KB, 1756x456, Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 22.27.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This scam got exposed

What you mean myself posting nothing burger FUD about photoshopped documents before the public sale?

I told you all before, you can stop parroting me now.

>> No.19948910

Stop, you nigger, there are enough breadcrumbs for anyone with 3-digit IQ to have bought. Keep spamming priced-out until the retards FOMO in at $10 kek

>> No.19948920

>Also even Tim Draper picks a losing project every once in a while
VeChain; never forget

>> No.19949030

It's over dude. Your desperation shows it. With this low of mcap if you believed it was going to moon you would just be buying. You are sitting at a loss right now hoping to break even and get out. Hey out now and give up on crypto before you get hurt.

>> No.19949050

A fake coinbase partnership is so cringe, there is no coming back from that. Also you are shilling a "link" partnership instead, hoping that will pump the scam a bit. Not gonna happen, even low iq Linkies aren't gonna fall for that one.

>> No.19949074


>Tim Draper isn't invested in DMM

Yes he is


>> No.19949120
File: 243 KB, 1242x1286, EbYDd_rWAAIxtGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low of mcap
Rank #157

See pic

>> No.19949125

Hold your bags and move on,no one gonna buy this scam anymore