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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 768x384, nano-2-768x384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19936813 No.19936813 [Reply] [Original]

Stacking up on NANO. How much do I need to make it? I have 1,300. This is a small set of my portfolio (10%). Do you /biz/ Bros think 3k-5k NANO should be enough?

>> No.19936851

nano is a redditcoin that will only ever do anything again if picked up and shoved by bitcoin

>> No.19936898

5k-10k probably
Nano probably end up in the $50-$100 range next bullrun.

>> No.19936961

If it went to around $40 last bull run I suspect $100 or over by the end of the upcoming bull run depending if we can crack the top 10 and not LTC out.

>> No.19937033

Maybe if it gets some adoption somehow, that's the risk you are taking.
Still think it could hit $10-$20 without any big news.

>> No.19937614 [DELETED] 

Fantom Foundation is broke within one or two months. Soon Bitgrail is over and millions of Nano will be dumped on the market, plus you will have a horde of early Nano adopters that really, really hate Nano after getting assraped by the dirty deal between Nano Foundation and swindler Espen Enger that totally protected NF after getting money and then run away with all the Bitgrail Victim fund.

>> No.19937649

What does Fantom have to do with Nano?

>> No.19937774

Nano Foundation is broke within one or two months. Soon Bitgrail is over and millions of Nano will be dumped on the market, plus you will have a horde of early Nano adopters that really, really hate Nano after getting assraped by the dirty deal between Nano Foundation and swindler Espen Enger that totally protected NF after getting money and then run away with all the Bitgrail Victim fund.

>> No.19937834
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1563462620971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upcoming bullrun

>> No.19938079

I honestly don't think anyone cares about any of this stuff anymore. That was two and a half years ago now and the price is currently what like 97% from its ATH?

>> No.19938273

133 NANO = 21 BTC

>> No.19938434

wasn't some big news about Nano coming? What happened?

>> No.19938477

The core group that propelled Nano into top 20 CMC were hit during Bitgrail and Nano devs/Foundation just gave them the finger and took millions of dollars out of Bitgrail both before and after the hack. Reason why they don't say too much now, is that they will sell their nano and not crash the price. However, in a few months time they will be out of Bitgrail hell and say openly what they think about Colin, NF Espen Enger etc. Plus the dumping of millions of Nano by the Bitgrail trustee.

>> No.19938496

>133 NANO = 21 BTC
>130 OneCoin = 21 BTC

>> No.19938499
File: 350 KB, 960x540, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there supposed to be some big secret news coming out tomorrow?

>> No.19938526

They had an AMA

>> No.19938589
File: 4 KB, 155x121, 12355467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knock out litecoin
I cannot wait for the next bullrun to see how disappointed you guys get.

>> No.19938593

>I honestly don't think anyone cares about any of this stuff anymore
American Coinbase does not even bother to consider listing American developed Nano. Do you ever wonder why?

>> No.19938988

What is better than nano? Bitcoin and Monero will always be needed, but they are not fee-less.

>> No.19939051

Nano is only feeless because all costs for this supposed global currency is taken by volunteers. It only functions now because there is no load on the network and no one, including Nano Foundation has done any kind of cost analysis. I can make a feeless travel agency paid for by volunteers, if nobody is actually using the travel agency. Doesn't mean that the business model is retarded and dysfunctional.

>> No.19939080

Constellation is feeless with a much more advanced and smart cost model.

>> No.19939116

If it costs me a few hundred dollars per year to run a node but I save thousands on credit card fees there is direct incentive to do so.

>> No.19939117

Right now it is volentuuer based, but nano will become minable soon, making it fee-less and minable. This will give incentive to secure the network.

>> No.19939143

Mineable? Total and circulating supply is fixed. How will they do that? Fork?

>> No.19939183

>but nano will become minable soon
Do you have a source for that?

>> No.19939206

What if you can "save thousands of dollars in credit card fees" and also save hundreds of dollars by not running a node. Isn't that better? Do you know what the tragedy of the commons is? (spoiler:you don't)

>> No.19939325
File: 127 KB, 642x739, 43243244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it costs me a few hundred dollars per year to run a node
That's because you have no load on the network. Nano will never be able to handle 100 000 tps, the very minimum for a global payment network, they can hardly manage 10% of what they lied about years ago when they claimed 7000 tps. Pic. So what is the costs for IO, CPU and bandwith for 100 000 tps? Nano Foundation has no clue. They stay the hell away from any cost analysis.

>> No.19939409
File: 104 KB, 670x708, Nano 75 TPS Aug 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when Colin, Zack and the Italian scammers lied about Nano's tps, claiming 7000 tps right when BTC was fully clogged in Dec 2017, the reality was laughable 75 tps, pic. Nano Foundation has a long history of incompetence and dishonesty.

>> No.19939450
File: 159 KB, 852x857, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone of you Nano fans explain why your Chief Operating Officer, pic, is a bikini blogger with no relevant business or tech education/background/contacts?

>> No.19939470
File: 564 KB, 784x1359, Feminazi Colin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why Colin is such an ultra-liberal cuck? Pic.

>> No.19939514

It's being worked on in private.

>> No.19939664
File: 75 KB, 622x441, Zack.Shapiro.BitGrail not a scam 4Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's disgusting. So they tricked Nano retail investors into trusting Bitgrail, pic is dev Zack just days before the implosion, while Nano Foundation took out tens of millions of dollars before and after, while retail investors had their accounts frozen for weeks (months) and after the hack they refused to take free Nano from a burner address to compensate Bitgrail victims, many lost everything they had and several suicides are recorded. And now suddenly having a fixed supply is suddenly not so important anymore? Can these guys get any more slimy? Except for Espen Enger of course. Nobody beats him

>> No.19939686

Hottest bitch in crypto hands down, would inseminate.

>> No.19939737

The people who represent nano do not reflect the code being written. If not nano then maybe some other dag, but for now nano is the best dag there is.

>> No.19939772
File: 84 KB, 721x729, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird findom. Hope you enjoy paying for her private jet holidays. Pic is from her instagram account before it was made private

>> No.19939782

This is also a risk everyone takes, when using a centralized exchange.

>> No.19939845
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 5234523325523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people who represent nano do not reflect the code being written.
See pic.
>but for now nano is the best dag there is.
No. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYKPsMBJbHQ

>> No.19939919
File: 137 KB, 1712x484, p49zMEo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot NF's involvment in setting up Bitgrail. You also forgot that Nano devs and friends even took millions of USD out of Bitgrail AFTER the hack was official and under police investigation, pic. Luckily, for them, they managed to bribe Espen Enger with a dirty deal, so they were immune and Espen Enger's Bitgrail group would do nothing against them. Only to have Espen Enger running away with all the assets leaving the victim group standing now completely alone with no lawyer, no help from NF, no media interest (despite being the third largest hack in crypto history 170MM USD lost), Nothing. No idea why the Bitgrail victims are such cucks that they tolerat it. They have my sympathy, but it's a very strange group. Very passive.

>> No.19939936

She aint getting a dime from me. Would dick thats it.

>> No.19939967

Nano is a currency, though. It's not a smart contract platform.

>> No.19939990
File: 207 KB, 923x1336, Bomber is a good guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also forgot that Nano devs were pushing Bitgrail hard and linking them on their plebbit site, despite everyone knew something was very wrong with Bitgrail, plus constantly vouching for scammer bomber/Bitgrail. Pic.

>> No.19940014
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, 16227332025_39c9fcc693_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a nano "investor" you kind of did. Colin and her have been dumping millions of Nano on their plebs aka "investors" for years.

>> No.19940033

You clearly didn't watch the video and most likely you will not understand what they are talking about. They are lightyears ahead of Nano.

>> No.19940051

I think I know why they don't list it. What's your theory?

>> No.19940095

I know why they don't list. What's your theory?

>> No.19940153

It's not minable, nano will be.

>> No.19940179

Did you reply to the right comment?

>> No.19940218
File: 69 KB, 800x800, Naome Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colin really likes to hire #WomenInTech

>> No.19940244

Yes. Where in the video did they discuss mining?

>> No.19940297

They didn't discuss mining. That's a very old concept. How would that counter my comment that Constellation is lightyears ahead of Nano?

>> No.19940331

Mining makes the network decentralized and not dependent on a central authority.
Constellation is centralized.

>> No.19940386

>Mining makes the network decentralized
No, the BTC mining pools are extremely centralized. How is DAG centralized?

>> No.19940412

what's next on their roadmap?

>> No.19940439

Bitcoin itself is de-centralized, DAG (constellation) uses a central authority for distribution.

>> No.19940452

To avoid centralization, there is a treshold for reputation value among the nodes. As long as they continue their development, you can say it's centralized, but that's just natural. People are sayng Nano will be decentralized when Nano Foundation has no more money in a couple of months, but that's just wrong. Nano will be a project dead in the water with zero development and not even a phone exchanges can call when/if node crashes etc.

>> No.19940552
File: 122 KB, 1662x887, Constellation a Splunk partner (28B mcap).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's next on their roadmap?
Partnerships and business use cases. They have solved horizontal scaling and thus the blockchain trilemma, so I guess a lot of testing, security audit, and optimization. Pic is a partner they onboarded last week.

>> No.19940566

>uses a central authority for distribution
You mean DAG for marketing or node rewards etc?

>> No.19940666

ah...i've seen this "roadmap" before
reminds me of that hypocrite LTC Charlie Lee
people asked him what's on the "roadmap" for LTC back in early 2018
and he said LTC's going to focus on "adoption"
this is code for "no more fucking development"

>> No.19940727

Ridiculous comment. This is just the beginning for Constellation. They are planning to have whole NYSE and other financial markets on Constellation platform. Just to mention on market segment. Here, they are going into more detail:

>> No.19940729

I'm still watching the video, as I understand it, this a smart contract architecture and framework. It's better than ethereum but I'm not sure how it's comparable to nano.

>> No.19940811

>not sure how it's comparable to nano.
DAG can be used as currency as well. Feeless for retail users. High transaction speed etc

Plus Nano has a very hight risk for central bank intervention, banning Nano as a currency, while DAG will be used within an ecysystem that can not be banned, as that would result in tech disadvantage for the nation. Same with ETH. Very hard to ban ETH as they will be integrated so much with cross border business and tech.

>> No.19940845

>I'm still watching the video
Good, I am impressed. You are doing due diligence regarding your investment analysis. That way better than most in crypto space.

It's late here in Europe. I have to go to bed. Good night/morning/day everybody.