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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19926567 No.19926567 [Reply] [Original]

IT'S OVER I GOT WIPED OUT BECAUSE OF WIRECARD. Goodbye frens. God damn scamsters I hope the auditors rot in prison. Lost close to 200k euros

>> No.19926597

so you had all of your cash on 1 business? and more than 200k? ????????

>> No.19926635

I started with around 40k+ in 2016 and dumped it all in wirecard because payment solutions seemed like a big thing to me. I keep reinvesting and adding whatever I saved from my job to the position and eventually I peaked around 200k euros and it was all downhill from there. Rest of the german firms dont have good growth unlike wirecard.

Guess I got jew'd

>> No.19926658

Holy fuck i can't imagine the feels. I'm sorry man.

Stay alive & keep on anon

>> No.19926661

Retard. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

>> No.19926669

dont kill yourself over some bs like this.

>> No.19926672
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He bought?

>> No.19926674

You can hope for a payout in the class action lawsuit

>> No.19926703

Yea im retarded for trusting the jews

I will never make it again, 5 years of investing wiped out, im soon approaching 30 years old.


shareholders will receive nothing, their debt is trading at 60 cents on the dollar. All I can hope is the auditors get jailed

>> No.19926716

why did you expect honesty and integrity from a German business? Literally every year there is a scandal of massive proportions from a German company but it is quickly swept under the rug and covered up by the German government. Volkswagen. Deutchebank. Wirecardz

>> No.19926736

What are you honestly going to do though?
You can't give up. Are you working and still getting good pay at least?

>> No.19926740
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dude life starts after 30, satan just threw that to wobble you, keep going son

>> No.19926745

How quickly did you sell?

>> No.19926775

It's over suicide. I stopped going work since last week I couldn't stomach seeing how all my money was virtually wiped out. Think I might kms tonight. Going to have a nice meal and then rope

Sold yesterday but the stock is down >90% from peak.

>> No.19926790

That suck. But pull through.

>> No.19926812
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so you allow to be double jewed, and scheckelman to make extra buck on your coffin ? fuck that dude. take whats left, invest in LINK/BTC in 50/50 split and just stay with us you moron

>> No.19926835

Just start over and don't keep all your money in one place. Ptg has some schemes going rn to make you a few bucks back.

Or you can just be a faggot and kill yourself I guess. Kinda short-sighted considering you make like 200k in your 20s with relative ease.

>> No.19926856
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Anon. DO NOT even think about killing yourself even as a joke. Losses happen. I lost 175k in a matter of days in early 2018 because of crypto and altcoins. It does get better.
You did it once. You can do it twice.

>> No.19926874

tu es nicht, Anon
früher oder später gehen alle, also bleib doch, solange du noch kannst
gerade einmal 30 Jahre bist du jung

>> No.19926888

und, um noch was hinzuzfügen: in 10 Jahren denkst du über das vielleicht so, wie du heute über eine klassische Jugendsünde nachdenkst
Nichts Großes!

>> No.19926934

Anon literally all of us are here for you I lost 120k from some fucking deal falling
on a trench only for someone else to make 20M dont Fucking do it if you do ur gay.

>> No.19927014

Vllt in Zukunft mal die FT lesen, das is ja alles nix neues bei WR. Sorry anon aber manch andere haben hier ganz anders verloren. Crypto ist halt doch das beste. Aber schade um die Crypto funktion mit der WR app. Habe ich oft genutzt.

Für 200k bringt man sich nicht um, trink dir ein und in paar wochen gehts wieder besser, so lange du jetzt nicht 200k schulden hast is doch gut.

>> No.19927045

I just lost my job at Wirecard, I guess I am a neet now.
Fuck greedy austrians
Fuck jannies
Fuck niggers
And most importantly
Fuck greedy austrians

>> No.19927181

For the next time:
1. Read the smg op.
2. Learn about stop-loss orders.

>> No.19927199
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hahahahahahaaha du pimmel-berger wurdest gecucked

>> No.19927204

>trusting anglos, esp Germans

>> No.19927212

B-b-but the Chinese are the worst scammers. Nazi biz told me so!!!! No!!! Not the whiterinos!!!

>> No.19927213

my god. I friend had it bad with 25k loss but damn... how long did it take you to get 200k?

>> No.19927214

>Rest of the german firms dont have good growth unlike wirecard.
dude that alone should have been a huge red flag. do you ahve any idea how anti business and communist germany is? there is literally no way for a german business to grow that fast unless theyre cooking the books

>> No.19927230
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ich mache mir ein schönes leben in asien und ihr könnt gerne in deutschland vergammeln, ihr kleinen pimmelberger hahahahaahahahahahahahah

>> No.19927232

>kills himself
>USA nails out wirecard as a part of stimulus
>wirecard breaks ath

>> No.19927234
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wanna link up?

>> No.19927250
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>> No.19927254

Lost $2000 bought day before yesterday :(

>> No.19927278

>Sold yesterday but the stock is down >90% from peak.
Also hast du noch ugefähr 20k?
Erstelle einen coinbase account und packe alles in Chainlink du spast.
1k Link sind ein Suicide stack und du solltet dir fast das fünffache leisten können.

>> No.19927404
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Don't let it get to you op, dudes like Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, George Foreman or Elton John ALL went through bankruptcy before they got rich as fuck, you are not even 30 yet and you have the skills necessary to even earn 200k, you might no longer have your money now but you are still WAY AHEAD of other people around your age. It might feel like absolute shit right this moment but this is only temporary, this is not the end, it only starts from here so please don't do it op

>> No.19927420

> investing all your savings in one company
That’s not the FIRST fucking rule of finance violates as severely as possible. Diversification is literally the MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING THING. You deserve it. I don’t feel a shred of sympathy.

>> No.19927442

I kinda know how you feel, it seems you have lost all and cannot recover. But you can and will recover. Keep it in mind that if you kys you will never see those fuckers jailed. You are still very young if you're under 30, money isn't everything

>> No.19927508

To put into perspective I'm already 27 but with no stable job and only sub 1k in bank but even I'm still hopeful as fuck, you're in a way better position than I'm so don't give up op! We are in this together!

>> No.19927717

>you deserve to kill yourself because you made a mistake in investing
what a noblemen

>> No.19927730

I invested everything in LINK

>> No.19927778

You got jew'd by *checks notes* the Germans. Don't even believe you, but keep the pity (you) because your lonely life is so starved for affectation.

>> No.19927784

Haha Imagine not buying this delicious Wirecard dip, this gem will moon so fucking hard

>> No.19927792

Imagine killing yourself over money. What a fucking moron.

At least try to take out some globohomo communists or their nigger pets on your way out for Christ sake.

>> No.19928571

I don't get this attitude at all
It's not like you have any debt.

You shredded through the savings you made since 2016.

Wow.... 4 years, big fucking deal, bohooo
don't be such a baby.

Also buy ETF(s) to store savings, not single stocks, you retard.

>> No.19929118

wait i thought only pajeets were scammers? how does it feel to get scammed by fucking whites? fucking pathetic. I have no sympathy for you. you better fucking kill yourself, you disgust me

>> No.19929251

>so you allow to be double jewed, and scheckelman to make extra buck on your coffin ?
What is cremation.

>take whats left, invest in LINK/BTC in 50/50 split and just stay with us you moron
How shameless, trying to triple-jew OP.

>money isn't everything
Yes it is, or else what was the point of the two world wars?

>> No.19929349
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please don't kill yourself OP

>> No.19929403
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fuck you moshe

>> No.19929402

>>19926888 (gecheckt)

>> No.19929636

Retard the first rule of finance is “buy low sell high”

>> No.19929943

Can we have an F for OP?

>> No.19930969

>Yes it is, or else what was the point of the two world wars?

That is not our concern and never will be. Just give yourself some time and you will realise that you are concentrating on the wrong things. Killing yourself over material loss would be understandable if you were 60. You know many well-off people have lost everything and they came back from the worst situations? If your life revolves around being rich, why don't you start acting like a successful person instead of pondering suicide?

>> No.19931286

desu its easy to get that twisted.