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File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 20200620_170905(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19921066 No.19921066 [Reply] [Original]

$373k pooled liquidity!

>What is STA?
A decentralized and trustless deflationary Index Fund token:
https://stateratoken.com/ is the official website with the official medium, twitter, telegram and github links at the bottom of the main page.
THANOS the balancer: https://noproxy.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>How does it work?

Be sure to carefully read the links above to understand the project and check out the several medium articles and twitter anouncements (links on the official website).

>Where can I buy?
https://uniswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1 (Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade")

>Where do I see the price?

>How do I add liquidity to the balancer?

>Is it safe?
It has been audited: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/statera-audit-8d4cb94e9b32

Some tips on how to pool liquidity and help the project grow while collecting BAL and enjoying passive income:
>use ETH or one of the other coins to pool, the excess of these coins is sold and STA is bought to balance it: STA price goes up
>when pulling out, pull out in STA, the balancer will sell the other 4 coins and buy STA to make up the missing amount: STA price goes up

>> No.19921089

First: Why invest in a balancer pool?
It can be a positive feedback loop of gains. Heres what to do.
1. Find a balancer pool.
2. Add liquidity to that pool.
3. Receive BAL weekly for your % of liquidity X Transaction Fees during your time in LP
4. Sell BAL for whatever Asset you want that’s in the LP.
5. Re-invest the asset you just got from your BAL sell.
6. Increase your % of LP and increase your BAL
7. Repeat
Now what Balancing pool should you use?
Id recommend STA: Why?
It is equal parts STA, LINK, ETH, SNX, BTC.
BTC is the gold standard
ETH is ultimate use case
Chainlink is innovation
SNX is DeFi
STA is moonshot Deflationary Token

It is a deflationary token that burns 1% of transaction. Within the LP the bot balances the pool to be equal value of 20% across the board.
How to capitalize.
1. Use this pool.
2. Buy STA when low in price.
3. Add WETH to LP.
4. Get BAL rewards.
5. Sell Bal rewards 50/50 for STA and WETH
6. Pool WETH.

What will be happening is the balancing bot will sell your WETH to balance the pool and thus be buying STA. It will increase the price of the STA after you bought it. Plus the deflationary aspect just holding STA your % of TS goes up. By adding to the pool you increase revenue in which you can use to buy MORE STA and WETH to keep the cycle going.

>> No.19921102

Are people still buying this? lol just move on to something on its way up instead

>> No.19921126

What's theh return on the BAL tokens? Early buyer, I'm starting to regret not pooling at 9c when I thought it'd keep going up. I know it'll go back up again but I could've increased my stack and made some money

>> No.19921128

Caution to everyone as to the true nature of the stonk shillers / STA fudders:

From the previous thread here >>19921014

so this is your wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x8e10d38347ccb1abcb3017f0dcf29fd6eb38993c#tokentxns
this is the transfer of stonk to the dubs anon: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x9e2ca66319786c3c1c7122ad74796b99cc128912b5fcf3d66ff9c32c4da375ea

in your wallet you have https://etherscan.io/token/0x35425170C3cee48660614627A35DF39cAF867CC6#balances which is a stonk version created over 7 days ago while stonk is just 4 days old. There are only 8 holders of this stonk version. Furthermore, the contract that created both of the stonks versions is 0x1a83564b06cdde3d13e7ed02593263339c11c283 .

And so it is proved that you are:
1) a stonk whale
2) a stonk insider who held the test versions of stonk
3) you're probably the stonk dev
4) a piece of shit that comes to STA threads to shill his own project

Fuck you.

>> No.19921148

What do you recommend Mr wall st expert?

>> No.19921157

>Buy the top
ok stay poor sharky

>> No.19921169

It depends on the price of BAL in a week, but I got 7% per week on the money I had pooled, so 14% over two weeks

>> No.19921192

your heavy sta bags keep dropping while my dmg bags are nice and comfy lmao

>> No.19921203

i want to buy more at this price but im afraid it's going to drop even more..what do you guys think

>> No.19921234

I guess they are getting kind of nervous that the price stopped rising so they are trying to leach people from our project

>> No.19921237

sta is dead unironically so not a good idea to buy in at all

>> No.19921248

Post wallet

Wait until the AMA coming up, and see if it starts to pump

>> No.19921275

you're pathetic. do something better with your time instead of trying to fud

>> No.19921278

yeah your kind of late for the dmg party, top was 1$, sold it there made nice gains too. Although I'll probably rebuy once price hits 0.6$

>> No.19921297

That's some nice return man, at the top of the pump my stack was worth 10k. That'd be 700 bucks a week if pooled, enough for me to live off of. My goal is still 1$, but I'm starting to think that when we go back above 10c I'll pool half and use it to buy the dips when they happen to increase my stacks

>> No.19921299

Lol... you’re so deluded

>> No.19921336

damn if you think an indonesian ama will make sta pump then you are a retard like everyone else here lel

>> No.19921349

Yeah, if I knew for sure that the returns on pooling would stay that high forever, I would pool my life savings and quit my job lol. I don't think it will stay that high, but I hope we get a few weeks or months of these crazy-high returns

Post wallet larper

>> No.19921360

Roadmap>>>AMA>>>One click liquidity

All tomorrow

>> No.19921376

Well this has started well.

If any anons speak a second language and have time to translate the medium articles email me. Spanish is taken.


>> No.19921377

nothing delusion about securing profits, dmg is -10% from ath by the way

>> No.19921393

Token not needed.

>> No.19921405

thats gonna do literally nothing to the price. only kyber may do something but not much

>> No.19921440

I think I will go hang out in an DMG thread, learn everything about it and then fud it even though I have no stake in it at all. That is something people do.

>> No.19921461

ok have fun there while I have my fun here

>> No.19921508

At least you don't deny that's exactly what you do, minus the "no stake" part.

>> No.19921524

Token not needed.

Could make a bomb pool with better crypto assets and call it a day

It’s over for Thanos tony stark came

>> No.19921540

We should use the AMA as a chance to burn Abu at the stake if anyone has any genuine concerns regarding the future of Statera

>> No.19921564

The best part is that scott has moved his attention to another project and has forgotten about statera lmao

>> No.19921570

>burn Abu at the stake
Not sure what you mean

>> No.19921599

>7 posts by this ID
Found the faggot who sold the bottom

>> No.19921604

You sure seem to know a lot about a crypto you have no stake in. The rest of your fud didn't work, so you are just throwing shit hoping it sticks lol. Pathetic

>> No.19921609

If anyone had proof STA is doomed, and they presented it to Abu, and Abu couldn't provide a reasonable answer, he would be burned at the stake by investors like a witch in Salem

>> No.19921613

I’ve never seen so much unbased FUD. I love it. Thanks for the confidence boost guys

>> No.19921633

I no longer have any stake in it because I got out with a 5x unlike you lol enjoy carrying that weight

>> No.19921637
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im dubs anon, why cant i see my stonkies?

>> No.19921681

theres no need for real effort since the chart does that already I just want to laugh at the people that held longer than they should have
>i believe in the project!
lol you believe in losing your money. you made the mistake of marrying your bag sucker

>> No.19921733

Oh no anon pls stop you're making me wanna sell aaaaaaah!!!!!!

>> No.19921755

keep being a good boy and keep holding those soon to be worthless bags

>> No.19921776
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Oh noooooo ahhhhh make it stop I'm in tears

>> No.19921831

I don’t need a FUDDer to tell me Statera is dead I can already see it. The real question is when should I get out? Will there be a small Kyber pump?

>> No.19921901

There will not be a Kyber listing. Make of this what you will.
Not FUD either. It just can't happen due to [REDACTED] reasons.

>> No.19921937

So was that just reverse FUD by whales?

>> No.19921949

lol samefag. Weak fud

>> No.19921973
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Fucking rekt scammers LOL you all deserved it holding this fucking scam

Dumb fuck sta cult held through all tops, fat wallets capitulating at 4 to 3 cents

>> No.19921977

uhhh did STA raise 100 ETHERS IN MINUTES??!

get pivvr loser discord gg TkcSsXK

>> No.19922033

Hey, the donkey fuck...er fudder is back. Haven't seen you since week one

>> No.19922034

Also you have to get your questions in for this AMA before it starts, not like a reddit one

>> No.19922091

Cult is a good way to put it considering you can’t complain about the price here with out STAutists screeching about FUDD. It reminds me of XRP but with less boomers.

>> No.19922139

Thought you guys might get a kick out of this. I was doing a little stonks dubs drop in the last thread for 10k each, and fatfingered giving 100k to someone ;_;

Bro I sent the guy before you 100k stonks and got caught up talking to some anons. Felt bad man sorry :/

>> No.19922205
File: 277 KB, 781x692, 1593054588136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute there Mr. FUDder, you're telling me that
>despite hating and supposedly not holding STA you monitor the price religiously and bombard STA threads with hate as often as possible at any movement
>develop novel and intuitive FUD plot lines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your time and energy to lurking and shitposting in STA threads to try and demean the project and its investors
>have pages related to the project bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in STA discord and telegram groups
>know more about STA than any other low MC coin, even more than many STA holders themselves

It is literally LINK all over again.

>> No.19922209

lol, some dude just made an easy thousand bucks

>> No.19922225

more like 350 but yeah

If you're here anon send some back would ya ;_;

>> No.19922271

is one click ready yet?

>> No.19922276

Rough day for BTC

>> No.19922308

oh hey, the OP is really cleaned up, good job dude! dont forget the thanos counter though! thats where all the magic is!!

>> No.19922352

I did get a kick out of that, thanks

>> No.19922371

I think you can afford it, it looks like you have at least 3 million stonks in all of your wallets

>thanos counter
The amount burned? The pool size is at the top

>> No.19922390

I have 1 wallet and I bought 400k ;w; in addition to the ones I work for.

>> No.19922404

Oh and I meant the stones meter thing! mind stone etc.

>> No.19922538
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>> No.19922656
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>> No.19922750
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>> No.19922770

I told you I will start shitting up your thread and fudding stonks hard if you don't stay in your lane

>> No.19923467

It's dumping

>> No.19923487

Literally dumping right now. Thank god I sold part of my stack right before this. The dead cat bounce is so fucking obvious. Have fun losers.

>> No.19923494


>> No.19923582

A whale has dumped around a million STA in the last three hours. Honestly, I am impressed the price has held up as well as it has.

>> No.19923662

I'm going to buy some to get my avg buy in lower before the balancer recovers about .05 cents from the whale dump.

>> No.19923672

selling 200k now

>> No.19923692

Shit I might have snoozed on that dip, already recovering, will wait another hour and see.

>> No.19923721

What the fuuuuuuuuck.
The one coin I actually had fucking faith in and it is DRAINING MY MONEY meanwhile all anyone says in the fuckin general is
>muh index
>muh roadmap
>muh pooling
>muh iron hands
fuck you all. this is the shitcoin of shitcoins. can't believe I put money into this.

>> No.19923754

it hasn't recovered at all you're tweaking

>> No.19923766

>fuck you all. this is the shitcoin of shitcoins. can't believe I put money into this.
Ah man, the iron hands meme. They got me with it too buddy. And the whole time they were dumping on us. Lmao!

>> No.19923774
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At least sell after the AMA 2morrow. Sell the news at a minimum.

>Bunch of rookies not taking advantage of the low price entrh for the normies after the AMA.


>> No.19923797

This is fucking bullshit.

>> No.19923838
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You ignored the harbinger. I am he.

>> No.19923849

You can sell if you want, no one is keeping you here. I'm still holding until this gets off of biz. We saw what biz did by itself, and it can happen again

>> No.19923873

Whale dumping is actually based

>> No.19923879
File: 120 KB, 750x347, 1030BF38-08AE-40BC-BEC9-40462185E218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t buying. You are holding. You are losing money. You are delusional. You are bagholding. You fell for the memes. You identity logic as FUD. You are beyond hope.

>> No.19923892

Put another $500 in, long term hold baby.

>> No.19923930

This isn't going to get off /biz/ you scamming cunt. For what reason would anyone have to buy a dumping coin with no future potential?
>muh balancer
You can make your own balancer pool with WETH, WBTC, LINK and SNX without STATERA in it, what's the point?

>> No.19923944
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Well, well, well........
Would you look at that!
Where are the anons who proudly boasted about me being wrong?

Let me remind you with that post format you know so well. Here's what happened in the last two weeks :
-Bamboo relay, saturn and Mesa listing
-site being re-done
-Pajeet AMA
-BAL token being distributed, leading to new discussion and strategies being formed around exploiting the STA pool.

And what good did all of the above bring you?
>he didn't sell at $0.08
>he didn't sell at $0.07
>he didn't sell at $0.06
>he didn't sell at $0.05
>he didn't sell at $0.04
>he didn't sell at $0.03
Hmm. Where are we right now? That's right, statesmen. YOU ARE HERE.
>he didn't sell at $0.02
>he didn't sell at $0.01

When will you realize? Why do you believe your liquidity pool will be able to compete with the others? I see you've been trying to get the linkies in this as a last resort. Your first mover advantage, the only valid argument in favor of Statera, is now null since the liquidity's been dropping at an alarming rate. It's only a matter of time before all interest in this dies out completely. What went wrong, you may ask?
>unnaturally high amounts of hype in the first week making this look like a PND due to the "infinite money machine" narrative
>Poor marketing made by the team, shady aspects due to the several revisions
>Human greed being part of our very nature directly conflicting with the community-reliant aspect of the token's growth, leading whales to create a fucking meme rip-off

Too bad. I knew for sure it would eventually end like this when I realized that you stood more to gain by swing trading exploiting the pool. Not only it killed "Thanos" by making the pumps less stronger, but it also encouraged whales mind games. STONKS is proof of that fact.

If there's a lesson you can take with you for the next promising project, it's that an idea alone isn't enough to carry and gather support.

Sell now. It was a nice ride. It's time to call it quits.

>> No.19923953

>scamming cunt
No scam here

>> No.19923960
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Lmao ok Tough Guy, how fucking sandy is your Vagina?

>> No.19923968

Buying more. And still never selling!

>> No.19923998

lol at pic related

>> No.19924098
File: 22 KB, 345x372, 1ACC2FDB-3F84-4841-8E3C-59D53F70F056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re right. We all just so desperately want cheaper bags. We couldn’t possible be motivated in seeing this shitcoin burn to the ground because that is what it deserves. How many fuck ups do you need to apologize for and ignore?

>> No.19924126

>because that is what it deserves

>> No.19924155

The whale is done dumping. He sold a shitload.

>> No.19924213

I don’t like seeing other people get rekt but this token is DRENCHED in negative karmic resonance. It started with Fredrick The Faggot and only got increasingly worse and more elaborate from there. How many coordinated dumps do you need to go through? (Lmao weak hands shaken out.) It’s appalling to see how blatantly manipulative and deceiving others have been toward their brothers. The false mysticism. The hopium. The memes. Diamond hands. Just when you think it can’t sink any lower it does. It’s a known absolute train wreck and I hope for nothing more than for these sociopathic whales to have their bags lose all their value as they carry the weight and burden of their sins. I don’t want your fucking bags! I’ve been warning others to get out because I knew this was coming. Statera has no intrinsic value in itself and has suffered far too many setbacks to recover. There’s not enough liquidity in the balancer to offer the primary selling point of the token. All of it is a lie.

>> No.19924248

This all comes down to people listening to fud. If they ignored it, the price would probably still be high. You aren't hurting the whales by trying to get people to sell, you are hurting the people that fomo'd in at a higher price. The whales got in cheap.

>> No.19924278

I understand what you are saying, and I know you will just say I'm delusional or something like you guys always say, but I'm not trying to screw people over, I am trying to keep them from getting screwed over. That may mean holding, that may mean selling, it depends on the person.

>> No.19924438

Hi Ryan.

>> No.19924504


>> No.19924532

Still in profit. But wtf

>> No.19924545

A whale sold

>> No.19924571

I have a confession. I actually enjoy STA being down. When its pumping I had to refresh my phone non-stop. Couldn't make decision on to sell at top. Here I can walk away from computer. I believe it will recover. Holding strong. Lets all take a breathe and enjoy life before she takes off.

>> No.19924593

That's a good take, I am constantly watching the price so it would be good to not pay attention for a while

>> No.19924651

In the end, you need to remember they can exit scam. the project is solid. It is still mostly unknown outside Biz. biz has been taught that if it isn't mooning you jump ship to one that is. they aren't used to seeing real projects. and buying dips or just holding. the project will prevail because the excitement (Based on it's simple but potent code) it generated to get to 15 cents will translate to the larger market. and thats what the fudders are doing. lowering it as much as they can until that happens so they can have huge gains when it goes mainstream.

>> No.19924702

Yep, I bought at this price on the way up because it was a steal, and it still is. I feel bad for people that bought in high, it hurts to see those negatives, but unrealized losses are not the same as losses

>> No.19924703

Imagine thinking this boogeyman still exists

>> No.19924715

At least research the coin before trying to fud it you fucking retard, lmao

>> No.19924725

What, was he a figment of my imagination? I knew I shouldn't stop taking my meds

>> No.19924751

Imagine getting a tattoo of a shitcoin?

Someone did

Very bad vibes and karma on this coin like someone said

>> No.19924817

Dude was real but I don’t think he’s still fudding these threads anymore.

As for me,


I’m gonna take an honest step back away from this because it’s becoming a zero sum game. I’ll leave you all to it but it is not a good look and it’s really disheartening to see this thing continue to plummet while others are being manipulated and lied to. Maybe someday the lie will become reality. But with so many steps backward... I dunno, anons.

>> No.19924829

What did I say exactly that was incorrect?

>> No.19924841

>manipulated and lied to
That isn't happening. Trying to keep morale up is not forcing people to stay in. People make their own decisions, we don't make them buy or hold, but you are here trying to make people sell.

>> No.19925003

People waited this far and NOW sell when things are about to start happening. XD Whatever do as you seem best for you.

>> No.19925019

The false mysticism of the balancer. You need to complete the infinity gauntlet before it can even come close to protecting you from swings.

>Omg it’s a magical money printing machine.

Too much hopium and copamine. It is not what you were told it was.

>> No.19925020

as someone who has been in both STA and STONK from day one, I'm kind of surprised at the amount of effort being put in to FUD each other and I'm sure there are lot of others like me
please note that we are all so early that there is room for more than one index fund with deflationary theme, i.e both can survive and grow as each one has its own strengths, STA with a balanced mix of stability as well as some growth and STONK with its DEFI theme.
what everyone should realize is that the balancer mechanism should be utilized in the most efficient manner for these projects to succeed, i.e instead of blindly pooling/unpooling with the same token, we should wait till the price has jumped a bit and try to pool and unpool only when the price has kind of cooled down, what I've been observing is people just randomly pooling when we have kind of dumped further accelerating the downtrend
The whales aren't helping either with their bulk selling, I guess most of the whales are not really that experienced investors and kind of lucked out and hence don't really plan to get maximum profits even if they want out,
just my 2 cents

>> No.19925041

Once BTC recovers thanos will give us a nice pump on top of the upcoming news.

>> No.19925045

meant to say Can't lol can't wait for fudders to screenshot that post and use it as PROOF they CAN lol

>> No.19925057
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Reminder there will be a pump in the price tomorrow agter the AMA.
Buy now?

>> No.19925071

lol, yeah I knew what you were saying

>> No.19925082
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>> No.19925086

I actually was there when all that went down. Ryan is a good dude for real. Some questionable decisions, sure. but he played the cards he was dealt that's all. regardless STA speaks for itself it won't matter 3 months from now. DESU the main reason no one has really let the cat out of the bag about what went down with STONK is because Ryan is a genuine good guy.

>> No.19925097


>> No.19925110

>what went down with STONK
You've piqued my interest. What did he do?

>> No.19925148

he din't really do anything. thats why he doesn't deserve the hate. he benefited from STONK but he didn't do anything malicious. Seriously STONK was bad news at the start planned PND. (You think a legit project with long term plans would call themselves STONK?) but I honestly kinda feel like they went legit after seeing all the support STONK got. Don't think they'll dump, but that part is speculation

>> No.19925186

Eyyy finally

>> No.19925229

i just want to apologize for buying 2 more eth worth at 6 cents and causing the price to crash

>> No.19925310

ah, so it was your fault all along.

>> No.19925320
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I just bought more, no bulkshit. We will this week. We are at a low right before an AMA, road Map and Discord launch. Probably more because some anons said fuck it we'll do our own promoting.

Go big or go home, won't get rich playing it safe, get the fuck out of your comfort zone lads, I did.

>> No.19925331
File: 93 KB, 720x1280, photo_2020-06-25_02-01-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet your fudders. They are currently in our discord

>> No.19925342
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*We will rise this week

>> No.19925345

I bought 200k at day 1 and haven't even recouped my investment. I'm all in and never selling below 50c. You don't make it by holding for 3 Weeks like the idiots thought who sold. You have to deserve it.

>> No.19925362

i was a STA whale once.....i sold all the way up and lots of it at/near top.
Only 175k left. Im thankful for the big money gains, but its time to move on. DMG is the one now!

>> No.19925366

Hi guy. Top 20. We are still lurking, probably to an unhealthy extent.

>> No.19925369

This. 500k and haven't sold at all.

>> No.19925374

thats the right play, and a lot of people are thinking the same way. i just got knocked out of the top 150 holders again, even with that whale dumping

>> No.19925384

That's just really stupid....
a. for not buying more on day 1
b. for not selling after the massive pump

>> No.19925395

Im from germany. If i sell i pay taxes unless i hold for a year. I'm already all in. Only have enough Eth to Uniswap

>> No.19925462

> i just got knocked out of the top 150
That was my buy, no larp.

>> No.19925477

were climbing back up bros. its funny, a lot of the familiar faces from the discord have become absolutely dramatic faggots. sta is not dead and they're emotional women who can't handle not having instant gratification

>> No.19925497

not even mad

>> No.19925600

Why do you guys keep saying tomorrow for the ama, isn’t it in 4 hours?

>> No.19925619

It's the middle of the night here in the states, so it will be tomorrow for us even though it technically already is tomorrow

>> No.19925812

The fact you don't understand what purpose STA serves in the balancer pool means you've still got some reading to do bud.

>> No.19925840

What a piece of shit. Let this be a reminder to all new frens that anyone 'warning' you about scams doesn't give a single fuck about you.

>> No.19925852

On /biz/, that is.

>> No.19925874

Still shows that even the fudder is bullish on STA

>> No.19925875

I am so excited for the next 2-3 weeks. I am really confident that they have something really good going on behind the scenes.

>> No.19925920
File: 4 KB, 220x177, 1589569413639s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I was looking at etherscan and within a day I went down from 420th to 427 even though the amount of holders havent changed much. Make of that what you will
Also pic related was me wen I was 420th

>> No.19925924

oh neat this is seems kinda like stonk

>> No.19925927

Amateurs, drunk on vanity.

>> No.19925945

Yeah, that's because it's a copycat scamcoin. It's the third or fourth one they have made

>> No.19926106

This world is so full of emotional paranoid retards.

>> No.19926161


>> No.19926177


>> No.19926449
File: 583 KB, 384x480, 28esks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got knocked out the top 150, that was short lived and a damn good sign frens.

>> No.19926870

Any new news regarding One Click Pooling?

>> No.19926892

Yes. It is expected in 1-2 days and within a week i the absolute worst case scenario. That is bound to pump the price. Just keep in mind that pool btc/eth/link/snx when STA price is at bottom and pool STA with STA price is near tops. Reverse logic for unpooling.

>> No.19926913

Also, please join the official telegram for upcoming news as me or biz are not the best sources for that.

>> No.19927191

AMA in an hour boyos

>> No.19927273

Holy shit. We burned 100,000 over night

>> No.19927441

Not gonna lie this fucking hurts rn, when is Twitter gonna catch on

>> No.19927562

Getting up in the states and friendly reminder.

>> No.19927726

The same can be said about the sta bag holders here. They don’t care if you lose all your money they just want you to keep hodling and buying to keep their bags afloat.

>> No.19927746

fomo in 48 hours.

>> No.19927779 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 937x756, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, been working on a scam detecting UniSwap listing bot. Phase one is completed. Take a look and provide feedback if you like!


>> No.19927867

We have burned 100,000 over the night


Thanos is now the number three top holder!!!
Looking good boys

>> No.19927881

Not really. I’m noticing a pattern here every time the price drops further.
>we burned so many tokens!
>I bought the dip and now I’m a top X holder!
>fomo will kick in soon!
This is a whale hang out general. You guys are too deep in the hole to show any signs that you’re nervous about where sta is headed. That’s why this token can do the nastiest dumps and all of you will keep pretending everything is ok. As the chart shows, the rest of biz isn’t buying your bags. Neither is reddit or twitter. You’re all going to go down with the ship.

>> No.19927963
File: 894 KB, 280x303, 1474292405_Putin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wake the fuck up, the dev team has no money for marketing because they allowed (us) to have all the money.
Got to shill to SNX and Chainlink holders, got to shill to Twitter, Youtube+others to coincide with the Kyber listing to make it pump properly, not just a little. Wake the fuck up, the dev team has no money for marketing because they allowed (us) to have all the money. Stonks are retards, fracturing the Statera holders and not even being capable of pumping their own token. Stonks isn't doing anything with advertising either.

Shill it

>> No.19927965
File: 38 KB, 708x480, 1588445075359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to be mean but the OP pic is kinda bad because i couldnt see it when i scrolled trough the catalog until i started combing it.

>> No.19928006

Well let the team set up an official ETH donation address then. I haven't turned a profit but would still add to it. Can't really market myself because I have no connections or clue about it. It's not my field of fucking expertise.

>> No.19928021

This, do we know anything about how the ama is going right now?

>> No.19928112


>> No.19928193

And I'd really prefer the team to do it, because odds are an anon would just run off with the money and spend it on coke and hookers.

>> No.19928349

The AMA is currently ongoing on TG.

>> No.19928359

Been trying to tell you all. No one listens. Search ivanontech
He has a live stream with huge following. If you tip him five dollars he will read your comment. Super fuckinf easy.

I’m a burger. He live streams from Sweden. I listen to his post live. I’m asleep when he’s live.

>> No.19928389

Its all coming, i talked to the team yesterday and told them some names. Couple big ones will be shilling this soon.

>> No.19928394


. for mobile users struggling to copy-paste:


>> No.19928413


>> No.19928416

Best to not depend on each other; if one fails we all fail, best to go with quantity.

>> No.19928477
File: 130 KB, 270x288, 1583050686163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19928506
File: 535 KB, 1000x946, 1583344329762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get paid tomorrow dont you fucking dare pump it.

>> No.19928511
File: 122 KB, 506x676, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was correct. I was telling you guys the goal will be something much bigger than it is right now.

>> No.19928521

>I-I'm s-still accumulating

>> No.19928543
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1585398153647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help bud, think you can keep going for 24 more hours?

>> No.19928551
File: 887 KB, 910x587, 1590594709136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck imagine the amount of tokens burnt by 2025

>> No.19928556

Listen Up. There is a way one person with 10,000 grand or a group can continuously pump the price of STA to infinity.

1. Take out ALL your liquidity from the pool in STA.
2. Bot will buy STA and pump price
3. Sell your STA for WETH on price pump.
4. Take your Weth add it to LP.
5. Bot will buy STA pumping price.
6. Take STA out.
7. Bot will again buy more STA.

You can continuously do this making money and increasing the price of STA

>> No.19928569



>> No.19928595

Holy shit that felt good to read

>> No.19928608

Okay this ama looks really good even if none of the pajeets in the channel buy in. All the doubt just cleared from my head. I KNEW IT I WAS FUCKING RIGHT FOR WEEKS AND NO ONE BELIEVED ME. FOMO IN YOU FUCKS.

>> No.19928625
File: 7 KB, 250x211, 1590784085531s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusions of grandeur right there.

>> No.19928628
File: 14 KB, 360x270, biz in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take out 10 dollars
>put 10 dollars back in
>infinite value

>> No.19928635
File: 42 KB, 597x526, Screenshot_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you guys wait until the roadmap is complete and one of the biggest altcoin channels will make the video. I dont know if its 2 days or 2 months but once it happens you will see the biggest fucking pump ever. Screencap this.

>> No.19928659
File: 13 KB, 280x280, 1584540956393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devs giving weak hands hopium...
they really are lifesavers.

>> No.19928775

Holy shit this can not stop plummeting, I’ve unironically lost all of my crypto money. $5k to $1k in a fucking month

>> No.19928780

Okay i need to say that the team is based as fuck. Im stalking the ama right now the answers they give are very professional.

>> No.19928797

or scott pulls the 4.5m in liquidity and crashes everything in 1 second

your call anon. I'm thinking about risking a few eth on this if it ever goes to 1c

>> No.19928801

If you'd been holding STA for a month you'd be in insane profit at 0.3 anon. If you lost 4k it's because you're retarded.

>> No.19928809

Based and Checked

>> No.19928823

Try not to buy high i got in at 0.7c while im not happy im not in the big loss

>> No.19928834

Oh how I wish this worked.

>> No.19928849

You’re not allowed to say anything about the price here.

>> No.19928855

4.5m liquidity?

>> No.19928869
File: 1004 KB, 672x936, 1547829311631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless this hopium

>> No.19928883

wont selling the sta for eth decrease the price, balancing it out

>> No.19929047

AMA on indian telegram and not even on webcam cmon lads

>> No.19929050

Does nobody even notice that the price is plummeting? This really is a cult.

>> No.19929115

plummeting? It's been stable today and has actually risen in the last hour anon. There's no need to lie. Reminder that a few weeks ago this coin wasn't even worth half a cent now people are calling 3c plummeting.

>> No.19929120
File: 21 KB, 404x261, Screenshot_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont give a fuck about the price for now. Once this shit is done with the new website and the upcoming roadmap the fomo will be unreal once a certain person starts shilling it on twitter and youtube. If you cant wait, dump your bags.

>> No.19929158

We notice. But what do you want, nothing but pink wojaks on these threads?
People are trying to stay positive. We believe in the project long term, and still like to discuss what makes it great, and what is upcoming
Just crying about the price accomplishes nothing

>> No.19929438

I've said it before but this is a whale hangout. They want you to keep holding so just exit if you have made profits or wait for a small pump so you can escape cleanly from this dud. The people here acting friendly do not care about your financial well being because they benefit from you holding on to your bleeding bags.

>> No.19929479

If no one plans to sell how does it help us for him to hold and panic constantly

>> No.19929533

I think the taking it out part pretty much kills this idea.
What I have seen suggested which makes some sense, is doing big buys from the balancer exchange, not uniswap. So it has to buy more.

>> No.19929555

Not as much as thanos. You have two pump events versus one dip event.

>> No.19929592

No. Taking STA out makes thanos buy more

>> No.19929635
File: 15 KB, 363x112, dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies are coming

>> No.19929692

Haha wtf. How do they not know what discord is

>> No.19929767

It's a chat platform for western gaming neets.
What do you think why?

>> No.19929801
File: 20 KB, 307x386, GC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the devs simply fuck

>> No.19929842

AMA is going better than expected

>> No.19929887

Whoever this G C guy is, I'd buy him a dick sucking

>> No.19929923

Can you actually take out only STA?
I'm pretty distracted but I have the amount you said I will at least check it out a little later

>> No.19929933
File: 21 KB, 309x403, mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more

>> No.19929937

Yes via the medium article method.

>> No.19930022

So I know that when other cryptos in the pool go up, STA goes up. But when STA goes up, what's the point of people buying it if its useless when you can just pool without STA? Sorry I'm dumb and I bet this has been answered already a million times but if you can just give me a simplified answer.

>> No.19930091

I hate everyone here for convincing me to buy this garbage. Screw you all.

>> No.19930094

Higher gains compared to just pooling

>> No.19930096


So we shouldn't talk about investments in any threads to get people interested because we would profit off that?

That criteria would kill 90% of threads, including ones involving cypto, stocks and general trading. Because people would profit when others get involved.

>> No.19930233

Man I feel the same why but look it's still got some gas in the tank. The AMA, roadmap, one click pooling, kyber, and hopefully a youtube shill. This could be the perfect storm or we could all simply be delusional...which one are you placing your bet on?

>> No.19930284

Traditionally, deflationary tokens would stop deflating because they would stop getting traded, but with the balancer pool, it is always getting traded even if no humans are doing it. That leads to constant deflationary pressure. Combine this with the ability to swing trade STA with balance pool tokens (BPT, a placeholder for your share of the pool) and you get a system that can make you money whether it is going up or down. Pool STA when it is at a high point, receive BPT, then if the price of STA drops, the value of the BPT only drops by 1/5th of that amount. When you reach the local bottom, you pull out the BPT to buy STA, thereby increasing your stack size. You also receive BAL tokens for the time that you have coins pooled. Those BAL are very valuable right now.
The bot that buys and sells also uses arbitrage, plus you get a portion of trading fees that are added to the pool with every transaction. So the pool essentially provides 4 opportunities to make money, not even including if any of the coins within moon.

>> No.19930334

Thank you. Buying 5k more

>> No.19930400


And to add to your point. The strength of THANOS is growing. Thanos yesterday was like the 6th holder. Now he is third and about to take the number top 2.

What this means is he is growing in purchasing power.

This is also why we are seeing the price go down. If you are freaking out about the price just relax.

>> No.19930426

Still realising how early we all are

>> No.19930509


>> No.19930632

They reached out to STA team early on, and there's nothing wrong with trying to bring in people from that part of the world. Doing an AMA there is just a practice run for bigger live environments.

What would be the point of a webcam when everything needs to be translated for the viewers? I can't think of a single AMA I've seen that used video.

Folks - we are working 24/7 on building STA out. Marketing, roadmap, YouTube's, etc. It takes a little break-in period for a group of strangers to come together and form a cohesive working team. We are definitely to that point now, and there's more than one /biz/ bro involved in it. Actually, most of us are. And all on our own time as volunteers. No one is complaining, though, and we are all happily chugging along behind the scenes to make the right decisions and find the best avenues for further development. The devs are active in the sta group daily, and all any of us want is to put out the best product we can. I can honestly say we have a dedicated, and optimistic team. So, frens, hold tight. Don't buy into the noise, and don't contribute to it. It is sad to see the biz community split over this, and personally I hope that there can be a truce - because what's done is done, and there's no reason we can't work together from this point so we all make it. The alternative is only gonna cause more harm to both sides. That's my opinion.

I just thought you all deserved to be recognized here, as this is home for many, including myself. Sorry, I can't be much more specific on plans than that, as not to betray the trust of the team.

Good day, Sirs.

>> No.19930636


Think of it this way. Imagine being in the early days of bitcoin. What was more important?

A. The price of bitcoin


B. The number of users running nodes and mining

Obviously B.

Now let me ask all of you what is more important?

A. The price of STA on 6/25/2020


B. The buying power/liquidity of THANOS?

>> No.19930643

Are you also gonna throw an eth in ranjeet?

>> No.19930682

Placing my bets on everybody chipping in to advertise it and use the balancer pool over just holding STA, not just the Statera team which is tiny as hell and wealthless. >>19927963

>> No.19930716
File: 70 KB, 886x886, 1585420700554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price
>pic related

>> No.19930746

If the price of STA goes up, I will pool.

>> No.19930771

WTF how can there be a legit AMA I was told this was a scam

>> No.19930786

There's already been hints of an upcoming chico crypto vid thanks to Jonathan

>> No.19930793

Based as fuck

>> No.19930844

0.005c - 101 mil supply - 1 pool - 50k liq - 15 mil total balancer liq

0.025c - 92.3m supply - 1 pool - 370k liq - 100mil total balancer liq

You are here

Our pool is ranked 33 on total liq, yet 10th on daily volume. STA is the reason for that, once we get more liq or pulled into higher $$ pools this will put serious price pressure on.

>> No.19930847

>trusting fudders

>> No.19930879

Cheers, sir.

We really are working hard to market this to the wider crypto community and believe in this project.

>> No.19930880

Hey Dok

>> No.19930885

You scammers are worse than fudders

>> No.19930911

Jesus, that was really based

>> No.19930961
File: 94 KB, 645x773, imagine_the_smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit your curry odor is delicious. Mmmmh...sassy.

>> No.19930968

Yes. Ive been trying to educate anons but its like going against a brick wall. Price right NOW is irrelevant except for how much you can accumulate. What matters is the LP. which is steadily growing. About to be the 2nd holding for STA. that is very very bullish.


>> No.19930972

We going under 2 c?

>> No.19930997



For the love of God please someone do this. He live streams every fucking day from sweeden. Has a huge following.


Im a burger and its live in the middle of the night here.


>> No.19931045

Thank you anon. I really believe in this project as well
I'd really like to help out in any way I can. Are you in the official discord?

>> No.19931149

Dude, we heard you. I am subscribed to updates, but I have no idea when he is live, so I have to wait until I get a notification or I just happen to see him live

>> No.19931154

I can't believe an aussie college kid who copy and pasted code into a meme coin was able to divide the community like this. FeelsBadMan

>> No.19931234

This doesn’t change the fact that nobody is willing to buy in any more other than /biz/ cultists. Your token is dead and sadly I think you know it but just don’t want to say it publicly. Statera is not a scam but it will not go anywhere.

>> No.19931276

>Combine this with the ability to swing trade STA with balance pool tokens (BPT, a placeholder for your share of the pool) and you get a system that can make you money whether it is going up or down. Pool STA when it is at a high point, receive BPT, then if the price of STA drops, the value of the BPT only drops by 1/5th of that amount. When you reach the local bottom, you pull out the BPT to buy STA, thereby increasing your stack size.

maybe a dumb dumb question if one of you guys could answer this please. you say swing this, swing that increase stack size etc.
Where exactly is the value being created there? it seems only when new people buy in (ponzi) or the other coins in the pool increase in value (in which case better of hodling these blue chip instead) ? if anyone can explain how this is a good thing other than on the end user aspect of making profit, surely it doesnt help the project?

>> No.19931317

I think a lot of people are caught there. There was the 1st wave and then the ride from 2c-7c but other price points don't have profits to pool yet. Be interesting to see when they do

>> No.19931364

The power of biz memes are strong. That being said I sold a portion of my STAck for DMM last night. I'll buy back in once DMM breaks $2 or so.
Just sitting on STA feels really stupid right now considering you could be trading the fuck out of it with all the volatility. It's basically guaranteed to dump overnight at this point.

>> No.19931395

As with any investment it relies on investors, but the pool generates a profit by itself, so there is always incentive to pool and be invested in the project. There is no crypto which exists (or stock for that matter) that does not rely on investors to work. The entirety of the cryto sphere is largely speculative, with people wanting to make money trading. To say that is is a ponzi is the same as saying Eth is a ponzi or the USD is a ponzi, or the S&P500 is a ponzi

>> No.19931461


Also this guy

>> No.19931555

It’s absolutely a dead project at this point and it pains me to say it. Even if this does manage to branch out of /biz/ anyone that looks at the chart will not buy in considering it appears like a PnD chart. It’s time to move on to something else.

>> No.19931606

So why are you here?

>> No.19931608

i agree most crypto is a ponzi however with eth and bitcoin the value has been added into the system from the POW and the power requirements that underlign it. If people are continually swinging how you describe then value is being extracted each time and the project will never lift off without new money continually coming in (ponzi). the fees generated by the pool are different and are more akin to the interest being obtained through aave lending. stock indices are different they are on the underlying companies which have underlying assets or value themselves.

It seems the smart move here is to just fill up the balancer pool with liquidity and earn some fees from everyone swing trading this off a cliff.

>> No.19931627


Move on to what? Early projects such as?

>> No.19931632

unless you earn dividends on stocks they are quite literally the same as shitcoins if you ask me. ie driven purely on speculation.

>> No.19931654


>> No.19931683

Because I’m upset at what happened. Shut the fuck up about only having to say good things about this token you fucking cultist. Every day I look at this and think we’re at the bottom and every single time I look at it the next day it’s down even more. Nothing will save Statera at this point.

>> No.19931684

>So why are you here?
Lol this is always the response, please find something fucking new to say while you cope with your progressively heavier bags day after day.
I'm not sure if it's exactly dead but the hype certainly is. It's clear that there's a heavy downtrend at the moment. Not sure when that will break but when it does maybe we'll see some recovery, but I think it will be a long time given the way STA works, for this to see any moon potential.

>> No.19931688

lol no

>> No.19931696

maybe on tech stocks and vapor companies who provide "services" etc. Any company that actually produces goods and has assets will have a price minimum purely because if the company was to cease trading the next day (not due to debt) then the underlying assets and goods it holds are worth X

>> No.19931697

>PnD chart
>still hasn't gone lower than the 15c retracement

even after all the dumping, we still have a higher low

>> No.19931729


So a company that has assets can't drop to zero? X to doubt

>> No.19931742
File: 92 KB, 224x166, reeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons serious question, why theres no bitcointalk thread yet? I think its something that should have been made first most old timers dont buy if theres no bitcointalk thread

>> No.19931777

I sold at 11 cents and kept a small bag just in case but even that is getting closer to my buy in price you dumb cultist. I wish I would have just sold it all that day because the hype is done.

>> No.19931781

>will have a price minimum
yes, and that minimum is 0

>> No.19931857

that was the /biz/ hype brah. There is more capital in the world than just the shitposters on biz

>> No.19931863

You just reaffirmed my point. People that treat it like a pnd drop the price, and yet you are here complaining it is a pnd because people doing the same thing you did

>> No.19931882

if it doesnt owe debt (ie would then have those assets sold to repay) then no, it wouldnt fall to 0.

maybe if all their stock is hula hoops.
Im talkig proper companies that own manufacturing etc. the plant tooling itself is company assets and therefore priced into a share. unless the company held complete meme assets then no, its not going to zero

Do either of you have any idea of business or just a biz crypto moon boys?

>> No.19932030

The price change is only temporary, if you believe in this project you now that.

>> No.19932072

Believing is hard when the numbers keep falling.

>> No.19932102
File: 109 KB, 480x480, F90BF3C6-BD18-447A-A938-95A98EC852E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back to this thread
>price is even lower
It feels so good to have made the right choice. Now my STA profits are growing even more in DMM. Thanks for the reaffirmation goys I mean guys.

>> No.19932105

The projects legit. I pooled my sta at a kind of low price but I think we still have a way to fall. I'm thinking to turn it back into STA when it feels like the bottom, then ride it back up. And for now I'm earning a bit of BAL here and there so it's nice.

>> No.19932126

>Now my STA profits are growing even more in DMM
AHAHAHA good choice agent

>> No.19932199

To the anons, who might be feeling as though their concerns of being in the red are being dismissed, well, that is not the case. Think about this - do the typical PND's on biz really have such prolonged engagement levels in terms of threads, genuine participation by the biz folks etc? No they don't. Those come and go within a week.

Fact is that due to all the scams on biz, anons have been conditioned to get in and then quickly take profits and get out before an exit scam and because of that people like this guy sold >>19931777 at 11 cents and so with many other anons selling, we have had a major retrace. However the fundamentals of the token are still the same and sooner many folks from biz and elsewhere are going to jump in when they gradually realize that Statera is here to stay.

>> No.19932219
File: 258 KB, 677x674, bobo-bane-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backed up by CIA
You already know how this is going to end up, right?

>> No.19932234

I basically elaborated on what this anon had said already.

>> No.19932240
File: 398 KB, 480x238, 19TZa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumping the price now will be far easier than pumping it from 15c onwards and even easier than dumping it from 15c
A whale could have dumped the price from ATH by 50%. With that same money gained from selling the ATH he could pump the price easier and beyond 15c with current prices.

The advantage with Uniswap is there are no sell walls and buy walls. The only resistance is from the balancer bot.

So in conclusion it's FAR EASIER to pump STA right now.

>> No.19932267

Theres another component not quite mentioned yet. Once there are other exchanges there will be arbitrage opportunities which will increase burn amount.

>> No.19932283

so how many people are making money right now? I bought in at 0.07 & 0.03 and regret it big time, but this is biz and I knew I was late so I've only got myself to blame. I'm not selling what's the point

>> No.19932315

There are still plenty of people in profits. Look at the whales, aside from maybe 4 that have sold, they are still holding and many are even accumulating

>> No.19932589

In case y'all needed another reminder. Notice how the narrative keeps changing. Before it was a scam until it wasn't, now they keep talking about the price incessantly because it went down. It's not like it's one person either, literally every general you'll see
>1 post by this ID
>haha price drop
>cultists how come we can't talk about the price every other post
>if you were right this project that is known only to /biz/ and is 3 weeks old should be at $1000 already!!!
>btw did I mention that the price dropped
at least 30 times, or perhaps they'll stick to one IP and stay to FUD (a very productive use of time for people that "don't care about this" because they "sold at the top"). Nice to know they care so much about how you invest your own money.

>> No.19932628

You were only late for the initial pump
Statera is not a typical biz PnD. It's going to rise again. As long as you don't panic and sell for a loss you will be fine

>> No.19932654

The number two wallet is still accumulating and holding off Thanos for that spot.

>> No.19932680

I being one of them. 140k+ STA holder here. I've actually been pushed down some positions and so had to buy some more STA to retain previous position.

>> No.19932700

Yep, like clockwork

>> No.19932704

im still 13x up and in the #50s

>> No.19932721

>or perhaps they'll stick to one IP
Sometimes, they stick to one IP even when switching from bullish comments to FUD comments like that one incompetent retard fudder from yesterday, Lmfao !!

>> No.19933069

If everyone pulled out their JUST STA from the LIQ Pool it would pump the price like crazy.

>> No.19933127

You always pull out an equal share of all assets from the pool.

>> No.19933146

That’s pretty funny you think it’s just people changing IPs and posting here. Not everyone is a mouth breather that just goes along with the narrative of this general as sta just keeps going lower and lower.

>> No.19933186

You can pull out one token only via etherscan and soom via balancer too once it gets added .

>> No.19933226

A lot of them are like that but again, to the anons genuinely concerned, I have shared my view in my comment here >>19932199

>> No.19933432

>1 post by this ID
>haha you think people are just changing IPs get real
You're seriously going to tell me you came into this thread just to say the exact same thing all the other FUD is saying? We already know there are people that do this. You sound like a glownigger shill trying to gaslight and obfuscate, and you're just as bad at it as they are.

>> No.19933458

When should I buy? 1 cents? Half a cent?

>> No.19933555

Retard this shits like a month old ,everyone knows it's a long hold,go shill your shitcoins back in pajeetland

>> No.19933738

Thanos just sold about 100,000 STA and burned 10,000.
This is amazing

>> No.19933878

FYI DEV for balancer pool says one button code is written and merged. They are testing right now before going live.

>> No.19933880

New bread needed

>> No.19933908

>1 post by this ID

>> No.19933966

Not if you use the etherscan method described in the medium article. Can you please read the OP before you act like you know what you're talking about?

>> No.19934047

I am utterly financially ruined. Oh well, that’s what happens when you go all in. You either win big or lose it all.

>> No.19934048

Im also still accumulating. Its the best at this price range.

>> No.19934182

This is completly normal for any coin in the decent to zero. Lots of new comers come in looking for cheap bags thinking it will rise again. Look at all the faggots in the telegram now, It's all stupid mongos with 100 or less STA thinking they're gonna moooooon. That peter schiff cunt was in the ESH group also after the epic crash. It's bleeding out. I'm still up and will leave at 0.02.

>> No.19934199

Yeah, once it starts going we will not see these prices ever again. Tomorrow should be a big day.

>> No.19934272

>peter schiff
That's an obvious troll trying to fud. Esh only inflated because of ghost, everyone knew it would dump after the airdrop, It doesn't have any comparison to STA

>> No.19934293

>That peter schiff cunt was in the ESH group also after the epic crash
You're implying that this cunt is telling people to still buy STA but he's actually fudding and discouraging people from buying STA and even got a warning from the admin on the official STA telegram. Also, don't compare this project to a shitty McAfee PnD like ESH.

Lastly, it's petty that you insult small bag holders like that. Not everyone is in this to make it. Maybe some people just want decent gains over the next 2-3 months or so.

>> No.19934405

I'm proud of you. Scared money doesn't make money. You have to have a go but never go all in.

>> No.19934417


Somebody bump this plox and explain to newbs how to >>19933966

>> No.19934478

Did you read the OP?

>> No.19934551

Dev for Balancer said the one button has been merged and they are testing today.

>> No.19934970

Well then i´m waiting for that shit to pool my Link. The Etherscan way seems too complicated

>> No.19934997
File: 4 KB, 300x168, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek guys do you really need me to bake you a new thread, you guys said you'd stay on top of it

>> No.19935025
File: 131 KB, 737x601, 1584218966194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill do it then

>> No.19935046

dont forget the infinity stone counter!

>> No.19935201

Yep. Im waiting for it too. once its out people will be pooling non STA assets which will cause thanos to buy STA which will increase the price. Probably only another 24-48 hours with these low STA prices.

>> No.19935210
File: 6 KB, 203x249, 1590439235800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19935215

If the liquidity pool grows and token price goes down then I don't see anything wrong with this. If pool goes down and STA goes down then I get to worrying.

>> No.19935587

Worrying? It will be a huge loss

>> No.19935773
