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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19923764 No.19923764 [Reply] [Original]

For all that bought last week and are "just" -70% down, there is still hope, not hope that you will recover your money, but hope that if you sell right now, you wont lose all your money.
The problem is the people who bought STA few weeks ago and are already down -95%, those were fresh meat for STA gang.

The money is already out. Spread the Word!

>> No.19924203

This is why I went all in into H3X by selling Statera. They have balancer pool with 10% burn rate and you get Dividends by staking. The developer funds will be moved to DAO of Aragon and Colony. Kevin also said some announcement will be coming on 28th

>> No.19924272
File: 142 KB, 1334x717, EE318FA0-45B7-4E5A-BFD4-138C1D7C8F89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameless shill going from one token with a meme balancer pool as a selling point to another.

>> No.19924309

Imagine creating memes just to FUD a coin you are not invested in at 7 in the morning.

>> No.19924481

Being down doesn't make it an exit scam dipshit. Top wallet is the dev and he isn't selling. Some other retarded whale did. It happens, we'll bounce back

>> No.19924515

STFU we are looking out for you because we care about your financial health, we have no ulterior motives.

>> No.19924590

Yes, anon. It is the same timezone throughout the world.

>> No.19924604

HAHA I actually fucken love this. you're a funny guy. for real XD

>> No.19924652

glad i cashed out at 10x kek

>> No.19924693

It is early morning in Europe and too late to be posting in US so that means you are either fudding super early morning or you are from a 3rd world shit hole. Which is it?

>> No.19924709

x11 here. This statera shilling was next level. I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work biz.

>> No.19924796

That was me. Sorry senpai. I got another 1m anyway. I just wanted to invest in some other things and also going on vacation this year. Still a believer in STA. I think it will be grow and grow steadily.

>> No.19924838

Imagine caring so much about the timezone. It’s 1am in my region of burgerland.

>> No.19924893

It's alright, we'll bounce back

>> No.19925635

not trying to fud just looking for answers. I was in the discord before it was deleted. can anyone clear up the following:
I heard a number of team members left ?
why was the discord deleted? they say it wasnt the official one. Yet Abu had full control and was able to delete it. Why wasnt this just turned into the official one if he had admin/owner capabilities?

>> No.19925681

Ryan left, but he wasn't actually part of the team, he was just a volunteer. The discord got shut down because Stonks fags raided it and were threatening to have Scott and his family swatted. Abu didn't shut down the discord, he did not own it and therefore could not shut it down. Either one of the two owners or discord itself shut it down, I don't know which. Abu deleting it was just fud that stonks fags made up when they raided the tg immediately after raiding the discord

>> No.19925701

They opened the new official server today

>> No.19925957

dumbest mistake of your life

>> No.19926064

I was in the discord before it got deleted. there wasn't any sort of raid going on. I had posted a message approx 20 seconds before the whole server just vanished. I cannot comment on TG at all. I read more than just ryan left do you know anymore on this?

>> No.19926141

No, you are incorrect, Ryan was the only one who left and he wasn't officially even on the team. He left and according to someone in the know, did some bad shit on his way out, but all the stonks guys like him so they won't rat him out. The anon wouldn't say what he did, he just said the Ryan is a good dude. There are only two devs, a few people on the advertising team, and a few admins, and none of those has left as far as I know. Even Seb said that the discord incident happened, though he tried to downplay it the same way he tried to downplay the enormous fud campaigns and raids organised by stonks fags

>> No.19926242

what sort of bad shit? what is his involvement with stonk?

I was in the Sta channel or looking at the bot channel that tracks buys and stuff. i didnt see a raid. even then just mute the channel while you sort it out etc. there were a load of good people in there that havent retruned to the official yet and that bullshits just scorched earthing it. not very good optics imo. I hope to see a recovery here but it seems actions may have tarnished it for now.

>> No.19926284

The team didn't delete it, retard, I already told you that. Of course you wouldn't see everything going on if you were in the bot channel. They supposedly locked it down because the raiders were committing a felony by threatening to swat. I don't know what Ryan did, I asked, but the person wouldn't tell me. I suspect that he just sold his STA stack at a strategic time to cause more of a dump. That is about the only thing I can figure, but it is just speculation.

>> No.19926352

abu deleted it and that has been proven, why keep denying it?

>> No.19926386

everyone made their money weeks ago with this

>> No.19926397

someone deleted it. seems strange to delete it in the middle of everything going down regardless of who did it. could have locked the channel and cleaned it up. no need to kill it, does nothing for the community.
I was in sta and the bot thread there was no raiding of those channels unless a small amount of shitposting is classed as raiding. certainly no swat threats

>> No.19926430

He said verbatim that he did not delete it because he did not own it. Two other guys owned it, and you stonks faggots were fudding that he was the one that deleted it. If it has been proven, then show the proof

ARE YOU DENSE? The team did not delete it. It could have been a fucking minecraft server, it was not an official discord. Vito and one other person owned it and them and discord are the only ones that could have shut it down.

>> No.19926470

Ryan the autist Said nigger in the group to

>> No.19926504

I don't care about that, it's 4chan culture. I just wonder what shady shit he was pulling

>> No.19926514

Granted, it's not the best way to go out when you had represented STA a few hours earlier

>> No.19926542

vito has transferred ownership to abu
t. sta and stonk holder

>> No.19926546


>> No.19926594

No, he didn't. Abu said specifically that he had nothing to do with it shutting down, and I would take Abu's word over stonks fags any day of the week. I saw the resulting raid, it was clearly organised fud to try to blame it on the team to try to make people lose trust. Just like you are (poorly) trying to do now

>> No.19926614

respectfully, are you retarded in any form or shape? i just told you that i hold sta, what motive should i have to shit on the project that is supposed to make me money? facts are facts, whether you like them or not.

>> No.19926619
File: 93 KB, 720x1280, photo_2020-06-25_02-01-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19926626

i am none of the people in the screenshot, what are you even trying to say? these are two entirely different topics.

>> No.19926660

Nice pilpul.