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File: 1.84 MB, 2691x2204, IMG_20200624_175045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19923469 No.19923469 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--

>> No.19923499

Previous Thread: >>19902500

FWTDHW Status: Yelling at the waitress

>> No.19923585

Someone explain this to me like I'm a retard:

>> No.19923586

more like fiat SUCKS edition AMIRITE???

>> No.19923603

With gold is it better to go by 1oz or a division of that?

Would it be better to get an ounce coin or 2 half-ounce coins?

>> No.19923631
File: 354 KB, 1640x1000, Dollar to PM bigger new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did jews mean by this

>> No.19924073

Guys I am ecstatic. Going to collect 80 silver maples which I ordered in March for 25 AUD each. It's instant profit and the fact they actually arrived after all this time is crazy.

>> No.19924108

Buying an ounce at a time is the cheapest way to buy, but when you go to sell it you won't be able to divide it.

>> No.19924337
File: 26 KB, 550x336, 1507243441537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I go to watch the paper silver price fly up and down?

>> No.19924618

nice, kinda envious.

>> No.19925028


>> No.19925040

tradingview.com sir.

>> No.19925179

of all the miners out there, why is Pure Gold Mining the best?

>> No.19925224

They are one of the best because they have a solid project finishing their new Red Lake gold mine, and have a spectacular land package to explore, with lots of nearby activity they can work with in the future. Once mining begins their debt will be quickly dealt with and they can shift focus to locating even more deposits to work with. There an excellent company.

>> No.19925225
File: 63 KB, 900x900, really_nice_deal_you_got_there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 75 of these, what am I in for?

>> No.19925242

I guess they really are printing four times as much as they were in 2016. Not surprising when you consider the US is on track for a five trillion dollar deficit this year. Will be even more printing when they decide to cap bond yields. Printing money to keep the interest rate on your own debt down because you can't service the interest on existing debt anymore is really the endgame of a currency.

>> No.19925258

just have a bad feeling buying them at the ATH :(

>> No.19925306

yea thats a pain, you could wait a bit and see where they go, but they might only keep going up. Thats such easy territory to work in for a company like PureGold, the grounds stable solid so little time consuming rock bolting or shotcrete work needed. The ores in well delineated packages that they already have constructed infrastructure to access. I wish BGM had it that easy, perhaps they could do as well if they didnt constantly have to deal with the back coming in.

>> No.19925325

Everyone here is pretty sold on that copper isn't worth stacking at all. If youre going to stack copper t han you're petter off buying a wire stripper in your garage or shed & once in a while blow steam off by using it to strip the wire for 15 minutes or something to think through a problem or ponder Chrsit or something along those lines.

>> No.19925368

Each bar contains around $16.56 worth of copper, if you bought from Apmex, you spent $100 per bar. You just bought $7500 worth of shiny, overpriced bricks.

>> No.19925400

I dont mean to sound mean or anything, but you wasted your money if you bought bullion copper. We have tens of millions of pounds of copper floating around, and even though world productions going down its not going to ever go up in value like the other metals do.

>> No.19925410
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>> No.19925441

12 year old's grasp of economics. Dipshit.

>> No.19925483

Were ain't making it

>> No.19925503

World inflation on standing currency like the euro, USD, & Pound, & Yen means silver & gold go up too.

Did the banks buy gold? Maybe. Why? Probably because they know the dollar is going to bust to the point where going back to the Gold Standard will be the only thing to save them in a last ditch senerio to save the U.S/EU/Britian/Isreal from total financial collapse of deficits where the only way out was to print more.

>> No.19925537

Currency supply didn't inflate 5x. Even silver rose more than inflation.

>> No.19925581

Bailouts caused uncertainty & not unfounded. One European monetary note also happened in our lifetime of this silver boost making many skeptical of its success and/or failure.

Raise silver as leverage to buy it up and plan for it to become the base of all currency at some point. Already hit this at two angles here with the bank in question.

Silber has dropped up & down from $14.00 for some years now as well.

>> No.19925601

Don't take advice from some retard on Reddit who has 420 in their name.

>> No.19925605
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holy fuck i just lost 7 IQ points reading this retarded shit, wtf anon? fuck you

>> No.19925623
File: 151 KB, 1000x875, 20aj_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When moon?

>> No.19925627

Relax anons, it's not my opinion at all, just some points I've never heard anyone even the most anti PM people say before, just thought y'all would enjoy reading that as much as I did

>> No.19925637

You guys are obviously just trying to keep the price low so that you can accumulate on behalf of the rest of the copper cartel.
I just doubled down, and may be in the half-ton club depending on what an "AVDP" ounce is. Seriously, you do not want to fuck with me and copper.

>> No.19925639

Moon soon

>> No.19925643

I don't get it? what isn't artificial buying then?

>> No.19925710

also, if banks "artificially" inflated the price nearly two decades ago and the gold and silver market still hasn't crashed it really doesn't look like it's going to crash anytime soon. we won't crash hard during a depression especially...

>> No.19925743

In 2 days we lost $0.49. Thats kind of a lot. We almost crossed over into $18.00 again. I could see a moon happening come starting no less than 2 years from now. There's already too much currency floating. If you think the idea of inflation was bad with the $1000 to every man woman and child of age than consider this...

As of 2 weeks ago Americans (& Canada?) Were at a 25% unemployment level. The amount of people out of work has gotten better due to reopening, but when more confidence comes to the market we may not see 14% of the jobs to ever come back as they stood pre-covid19. Many Americans are still receiving unemployment checks of aroujd $600 every 2 weeks or something. Many people don't want to return to work because they're making either more than or an equal amount of what they were prior to losing their jobs.

This will crash the tax system for the U.S (and Canada?) as the working will only be paying for the moochers from here on out. Government tax returns will shrink causing more stress on the working people/families. The U.S (and canada?) will have smaller budgets to work on including military development all the while facing ever looking deficit.

Frankly I was considering selling all my precious metals. A house near the country side is calling my name. However the possibility of a moon may be around the corer & I have other assets I'm sitting on.

Silver & Gold are long term game in the face of a clearly debunked system. Its not a quick cash flip.

If silver breaks $22 im all in to sell given my current housing pursuits & for the bigger silver holders maybe holding 30%. I don't know. Larger Silver holders may never sell 70%.

I cant imagine gold & sliver ratio ever being more than 60/1 ratio in value.

>> No.19925768
File: 246 KB, 640x480, WhyWeStack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVDP == AVoirDuPois, and is 28g. That's why 1oz copper rounds are similar in size to 1ozt (31.1g) silver rounds.

Source: Own a few copper rounds. Didn't pay for any, but were sent for free, so I won't complain. I know they're pretty much valueless, but not gonna complain about something that cost me literally nothing.

Pic related is a recent acquisition, and the filename and imagery says it all.

>> No.19925827
File: 49 KB, 1080x186, Screenshot_20200625-043542_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is for you Pan Man.

>> No.19925862

Dude, you are going to get the flat earthers in here if you post images like that. I was just trying to blow off a little steam with a little shit postin', I swear!
Good post otherwise though. Imagine the possibilities of what could be shown in the reflection of that coin...

>> No.19925905

>copper cartel.
Well played.
My sides have been smelted in your funposting gold.

>> No.19926004

seems like the financial elite of the world is growing desperate in gold manipulation and has to rely on reddit posts in addition to naked paper dumps on comex to keep the price down. Very bullish.

>> No.19926475
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>> No.19926477
File: 88 KB, 1022x712, RICO act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget they are using RICO laws to go after the precious metals manipulators for conducting a conspiracy in the manner of a racketeering enterprise. Never forget the fuckery they did in 2011 and the endless spoofing trades they've done since then to push the price down.


>> No.19926500
File: 49 KB, 780x825, 1564690498077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banksters deserve a fucking medal, it's so nice from them to give us more time to acoomulate for cheap!

>> No.19926531

Desu I'm kind of torn on it. I'm glad it gave me the chance to buy in, but I still think that >>19926477 is correct and the whole thing is illegal.

>> No.19926532

You are correct of course. They have pushed down prices for so long, allowing a minimum wage loser like myself to accumulate a stack aristocrats of a few hundred years ago would have been jealous of. They have also ensured a long-term mining deficit of silver anddepleted global stockpiles basically making the inevitable explosion in price even more explosive than it would have been. However they are criminal (((bankers))) so I hate them.

>> No.19926560
File: 69 KB, 540x539, 1507063252197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great minds think alike but unironically

>> No.19926642

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh holy shit the IMF is saying we're fucked
We're in for it now lads

>> No.19927092

Well i can tell that both metals are becoming to expensive for me.

>> No.19927559
File: 1.07 MB, 4608x2304, 400+ oz of stacker bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19927699
File: 75 KB, 657x527, 1538284452835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My peepee is diamond everytime you post your stack fren. The pic is taken in such a fashion they look like 100oz bars, and scottdale 10oz bars really looks thicc on your pic.

>> No.19927731

You can't afford 17 US dollars for an ounce of silver? That's like two happy meals. Historically people would work for an entire 8-12 hour shift for a tenth of an ounce of silver.

>> No.19927774

That's fuckin beautiful. I wish I didnt have ADD and put all my stack into a single bar type but I seriously lack discipline.

>> No.19927875

>spot price going down
>online (((sellers))) prices don't move an inch
I bet these greedy fuckers added some stop loss bots capping the price during downtrends.

>> No.19927894

What he's saying is that banks are hoarding gold to create artificial scarcity, and when the bubble pops, bring the relative value down by introducing more to the market, lowering the value of your gold as well in process.

So in essence, "you are overpaying now for gold, and even this value will be diluted later"

>> No.19927924
File: 3.51 MB, 3024x4032, 366487E2-1D37-4F68-B3D2-AACBD39FDA4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stack anon. Here is mine.

>> No.19927942

There are so many ways to demonstrate this plebbinog's theory is absolute bullcrap i don't even know how he could come up with this theory in the first place.

>> No.19927949

the reddit post doesn't mention the MASSIVE amounts of gold and silver traded on the paper markets which simply doesn't exist in physical form

It's literally the opposite of artificial scarcity

>> No.19928034

Why does the silver look so beautiful in OP's pic?
It looks like white gold or mithril

>> No.19928045

42+0 is his IQ, at $500 an ounce the global supply of gold would cease overnight, most major miners AISC sit well above this and the low cost operations that still could make profit would find it easier to just go on care and maintenance until the price rises.

>> No.19928123

>gold bubble
I chuckled.

>> No.19928165

I'm just breaking down what the post meant for the pleb tier
fiat bubble tard

>> No.19928179

Even if that did happen it'll just shoot up again directly after thanks to rapid inflation
And shoot up so far it won't matter at all if it "pops" back down to $500

>> No.19928439
File: 952 KB, 1800x1350, 20200624_225458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever pick up generic silver from Apmex? They send all sorts of shit.

>> No.19928939

no, but seeing that pic makes me want to buy

>> No.19928987

>santa coins

>> No.19928989

seething metalfag hahahaha cant wait for the bubble to pop on you retards

>> No.19929626

yeah we know its a fiat bubble thats why were buying gold you fucking moron

>> No.19929679
File: 43 KB, 880x460, fredgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no good excuse for gold to be as high as it is
(pic related)

>> No.19929715

It's a coded message to the Fed: he knows when you are sleeping...

>> No.19929804

I like that 1/4 Oz pizza round

>> No.19929813
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1571119050717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what fren? This problem got me thinking lately, especially for silver. Mining and processing an ounce of silver actually cost a little bit over $15 in average. And for the most part, the cost come from the intensive use of oil.
So i looked it up and beside the manipulation, i noticed the price of silver is closely related to the price of oil since the 80's. Compare the 2 graphs, you will see the price correlation is fucking insane.

To me it's because in a growing economy trusting fiat currencies, silver isn't considered by the markets as an investisment product nor as alternative money, it's just an industrial commodity. Thus, the margins are kept very thin, as for most commodities.

The super cheap oil we got lately (ie post 2014) was imo what kept the price of silver suppressed. When oil went negative this year is exactly when silver dipped to $12.
But here is the thing : after the whole stockage debacle, all the big oil companies drastically cut their production, and once you shutdown a well, it's very hard/impossible to get it back on track later. That's why most economists are predicting a very expensive barrel once the global economy is running full capacity as it was pre-plandemic. The demand will far outpace the offer.

But if oil start to rise up big time, it's guaranteed silver will follow at the same pace. Even the manipulation wouldn't work here, since mines will simply shut down if they aren't profitable anymore, this is the limit the banksters can't break.
Add to this the fact silver is now getting back it's statut of hedge against inflation/investment product, and you are in for a maxi bullrun, where speculation can take the lead over the industrial uses after the initial pump. And i wont be surprised if it happen, since the rise in price of silver due to the oil getting more expensive will surely put silver on the radar of institutional investors.

tldr : double bullrun, carried by extraction first, then followed by investors.

>> No.19929896

Nearly every commodity price is linked. The real redpill is the only thing changing is fiat supply. We only care about oil because its the only commodity tax we regularly pay. Currently the commodity tax on metals ie. steel is getting paid for us by china and other producers. Once we lose reserve currency status every commodity is going to skyrocket and we wont have creditors handing us free shit

>> No.19929988

>high IQ pepe anon
do you think that a silver bullrun due to the raising oil costs added with inflation/hyperinflation is the perfect storm to collapse the comex market?

also how big is your stack? asking for a friend...

>> No.19930268
File: 32 KB, 1172x675, 1503869689459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will skyrocket for the countries exporting nothing but their inflation, ie the US and EU to a lesser extend. We sure are headed for very grim times coming forward.

>is the perfect storm to collapse the comex market?
It will entirely depend on how much pressure the banksters will try to put on silver. If they try to sink the price below what it cost to extract silver, then the mines will simply say "fuck this kikery" and simply put it onto a halt, or renegociate their contracts to add enough of a premium to remain profitable. That's when the comex could implode imho, since the prices between SLV and silver won't be correlated anymore. If so, you can expect SLV to literally go to zero. And without the (((cartel))) to try to counterbalance/regulate the prices, you can expect physical sellers and miners to put the pricetag they want, ie as high as possible.

>also how big is your stack?
700oz of silver, half coins, half bars. 5.5K€ ready to spend as soon as a dip happen. That's a great thing SLV is currently following the stonks, next time the markets crash will be our final opportunity to stack (if the premiums don't instantly go through the roof..).

>> No.19930362

thanks for the response and I am jelly of that fat stack. Hopefully we will have time to reach 1000oz but i fear the curtain is closing come December this year.

>> No.19930416

Good call fren, most of my dip fund is ready for a second oil dump but I suppose one can never have enough pirate treasure.

>> No.19930536
File: 28 KB, 326x261, 1545881774500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another point i'd like to emphasise in regard to oil and silver is the constant lowering grade of silver ore. From the past 15 years alone, the silver concentration of mined ore have been more than halved!! And it's accelerating..

First, it indicate silver is getting really scarce (at least cheap silver), but more importantly, it indicate the need for oil will be ever increasing to mine the same quantity of silver than we got in early 2000's. Imagine what a barrel jumping from 35 up to $80 would do to silver in this situation.

>> No.19930898
File: 54 KB, 908x666, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dip will come, i can feel it down my guts fren. That said, the new announcement from the FED saying they will very soon buy individual corporate bonds is kinda spoopy in that regard. It's only high octane speculation from me, but it would mean the FED will directly chose which companies will thrive and which will die. You can be sure if the FED decide to pump let say Exxon, all the investors will rush in to buy Exxon stonks, since they now have the guarantee the company is backed no matter what, but all get it's bad debt absorbed and inflated away in the USD.
This is literally a jewish Death Note. And my guess is the kikes will focus in priority companies who :
- help to control the population via propaganda and spying (alphabet, apple,..)
- are their scam buddies (black rock, JPM,..)
- are helping to enforce the USD as reserve currency, ie military contractors (raytheon, lockheed...)
- have control over the food supply chain (tinfoil hat, but like to add the (((vaccine))) in food for example)
- big oil

This is a really scary situation, where the FED can force the markets to accept monopolies on every sector by feeding their chosen champion with cheap dollars while the others are starving (and investors leaving to put their money on the helped companies).

>> No.19930938

>and get all it's bad debts absorbed and inflated away by the FED*
sorry i need some sleep

>> No.19931049
File: 28 KB, 500x250, 4b60eba16cd4595a5f9bf4dea08f8ee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the FED truly is evil

>> No.19931068
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And of course you can expect the companies to accept pretty much any conditions the FED will want them to implement to get their hands on the sweet FEDbux.

>helno google? Here's FEDman. Want us to buy 100 billions of your debts? All you have to do is censor Y and X, and push this agenda on google news, also we want you to report to us all the frogs typing "1488" on your explorer. You ok?

>> No.19931199

Do fingerprints/tarnish reduce the value of silver bullion coins? I mean just gov minted, not numismatics.

>> No.19931374

p much this desu. we are truly in a censored prison where all is monitored, controlled, manipulated.
like lab rats in a maze, monkeys in an experimental petri dish
world wide stanford prison
experiment that fucks with every element of our existence

>> No.19931389

Is it a bad idea to buy like 5 silver buffalos for 100$?

>> No.19931441

No, I'll buy 5 buffalos for $100 right now if you let me

>> No.19931448

no thats about right

>> No.19931458

very good idea.

>> No.19931486

Yes, but silver is silver.

>> No.19931490
File: 967 KB, 250x200, 1515442276862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jmbullion for 20.33 a circle

>> No.19931493
File: 51 KB, 576x1024, 1592451147703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, reading through here and everyone is talking like theres going to be a huge pm correction and a pump afterwards.

t. Guy who 7oz of physical silver and 460 shares of slv.

>> No.19931537
File: 3.32 MB, 3874x2962, 20200625_102536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stack ya got there fren

>> No.19931605
File: 316 KB, 922x738, 1497902587577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone expects huge dildos in PMs anon, thats not why we do this but with everything were seeing, alot of us believe the slope is going to get hyper aggressive as the dollar falls. if it nothing-burgers on me, at least i have nice coins/rounds/bars

>> No.19931822

Silver and gold is NOT a get rich quick scheme or even really an investment for me, I just see it as a savings account that holds it's value instead of cash savings which lose value due to inflation and interest rates

>> No.19931895

I mean I bought new coins, I just played with them a bit and I noticed one of them had a fingerprint on it. I intend to eventually just sell them for spot or whatever. How much would that affect the value?

>> No.19931954

Silver is singlehandedly saving my mining portfolio. God bless you Silverfags.

>> No.19931969

>I intend to eventually just sell them for spot or whatever. How much would that affect the value?
it won't
99% of coins will end up as melt anyway
take a look at this

>> No.19932002


apmex has silver buffaloes for 19.90. i just saved you 40 cents a coin

>> No.19932113

Actually, the apmex flash sale has 5 ounce apmex bars under 100, 10 ounce apmex bars under 200. all any quantity for four more hours

>> No.19932192

thanks, just posting it for that anon, i really dont like buffalos, not sure why, just dont want them

>> No.19932197

Those APMEX flash sales are pretty good, is there any order or schedule to them?

>> No.19932265

That's retarded anon.
If you're going to buy copper you'd be better off just getting old scrap wire.

>> No.19932339
File: 295 KB, 1057x702, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holidays and fridays i think

6 total things in the flash sale, pic very related

>> No.19932504

Just received 2 gold buffalos and 100 silver maples today. Silver maples were $21 each so I sprung for the cheaper sovereign (Provident Metals). Ordered last week - all in all pretty quick delivery, though I had to call customer service to release the hold they put on the order.

>> No.19932523


>> No.19932738

Nice purchase. I´m looking to buy 2 gold buffalos very soon. But I´m hoping for a small dip.

>> No.19932836
File: 672 KB, 1802x1835, 363F9711-D139-40E0-8E15-1A72C7E188EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19932902

1oz of gold or $2k into BTC. I already have 18oz of gold and not sure if I should get some crypto or keep getting gold.

>> No.19932920

very nice

>> No.19932933


as someone who holds both. if ya don’t have any you’re doing a disservice

>> No.19932965

>if I should get some crypto
putting money into digital ponzi pyramid schemes.
right now that's just playing with fire.

(this opinion brought to you by,.. The Electric Light Company)

>> No.19932972

very cool anon.

>> No.19933001
File: 2.75 MB, 2766x1700, 20200601_173725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon, im working on the 1/4th ox queens beast series, already have the 2 oz silver set

>> No.19933072

i can't bring myself to buy gold while silver is so cheap. will this bite me in the ass later?

>> No.19933119
File: 792 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200404_073856_2651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just waiting for another order to arrive..
hope it gets here soon

>> No.19933177

i look at it like this, for the price of one ounce of Gold, I can buy damn near 100 ounces of Silver

for now, Silver is my buy. At some point I'll say fuck it and buy more Gold, but for now prices the way they are, I'm happy to stack silver

>> No.19933232

$1K into Bitcoin now and $1K into Bitcoin at $11K or $6K, whichever comes first.

>> No.19933332

>Buying bitcoin right before the Mt gox dump
Not gonna make it

>> No.19933347

Only positive article I've seen today

>> No.19933357
File: 95 KB, 958x855, 1592925594862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question, im looking to get some good condition peace dollars and morgans, along with other good details in mercs and quarters. whats a good place to get them without ridiculous premium

>> No.19933367
File: 135 KB, 811x901, 13.44plb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're just trolling but the guy asking in the last thread had to be the dumbest retard nigger on earth.

Don't even need to do that you can just buy unshielded wire in bulk.

>> No.19933447
File: 122 KB, 769x498, 1592922370726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19933453

Nice anon. It’s a very attractive set. Are you still stacking platinum? I go back and forth on adding it to my stack.

>> No.19933484

Where do I get those 1/4th rounds that connect to each other

>> No.19933531

thanks, plat is a hard sell its my only ounce mainly because i had a hundred dollars free credit card offer to offset premium. basically bought at spot. really id go for gold but i wanted to diversify

>> No.19933544

breaker bars, search fractional 1oz and youll find it, premium is nutty expensive

>> No.19933550


apmex generic silver purchase. they are called trade units if you are trying to find them.

>> No.19933631


>> No.19933673

SDbullion not bad for Peace Dollars rn. their Morgans are a little more expensive

>> No.19933767

holy fuckin shit, 38 dollars for vg+ for a morgan?, their peace dollars are okay but wow

>> No.19933874

What's everyone's opinion on Goldmoney.com?

>> No.19933896


100 percent full-blown kike scam.

>> No.19933947

>paying money for someone else to hold your metals for you

>> No.19934213

say it with me
if you dont hold it...you dont own it

also you own an oz that 100 other people do too

>> No.19934393

the 6000+ year bubble of the most reflective element in the universe and the most conductive!

What a pop that will make!

>> No.19934462

and if you run a current through it, you can reverse osmosis water

(good reason to own 4x9 leafs)

>> No.19934526

Ah ok the way Peter Schiff talked about it on his second Joe Rogan podcast made it sound pretty cool.

>> No.19934554
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, shime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all! Mail call. A quick dump before I have to go to work but hopefully a bright streak of light in these dark days.

>> No.19934569
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>> No.19934625
File: 1.69 MB, 2448x3264, shime 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a couple ASEs and new Asashi rounds. Very cyber punk looking.

Also a Ducat

>> No.19934629
File: 218 KB, 1080x740, silstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my silver stack looking lads?

>> No.19934642
File: 1.13 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200430_205057_6839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so,... a new challenger appears

>> No.19934659
File: 1.58 MB, 2448x3264, shime3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 1 ducats are smaller and thinner than I would have imagined. Still 98.6% gold is something.

>> No.19934726
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me rickey

>> No.19934753
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, shime5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted my modest collection before.

We're in this together. Can't wait to have a massive stack like other anons on here.

>> No.19934761

i like the look of those Asahi rounds. i need to order some. but i still don't understand why they're called cyberpunk rounds

>> No.19934766

You miss the point of that. We're stacking silver for the coming moon mission.

Also, if you have a scale, try weighing your generic rounds and your government coins. You might find a surprising reason to go heavier on generics.

>> No.19934779

those ducats are tiny. how are the asahi rounds in person?

>> No.19934787

thats pretty aesthetic
i just bought for the first time
2 10 oz silver bars
do you guys really recommend coinage over bars that much?

>> No.19934821
File: 617 KB, 996x868, 1591921253485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price goes up
>it's the gold thats inflated

>> No.19934884
File: 881 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200410_073847_4705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze ship girl protecting the waters,
Yukari Amour tank team guarding the land fronts
now we just just some Strike Witches patrolling the skies above,
and /pmg/ territory will be secure

>> No.19935055

are you retarded nigger? """"""spot"""""" is 17 dollars, but not a single person in the entire market is selling them for that cheap. Everywhere online sells for at minimum $20 per ozt.
Your """"""spot""""" price is based on the paper-silver price and is thus a meaningless meme

>> No.19935061

Thanks for the blog post faggit. Now we're at 17.95

>> No.19935076

as long as you have some 1 toz coins and/or rounds stacking bars is a good idea imo.

>> No.19935220

They're called cyberpunk rounds cause they look futuristic. Minimalist, sharp fun.

And the Asashi rounds are pretty neat. The face is a dull pallet but the back design is nice shiney and sharp

>> No.19935279

Seeing all you anons with fat stacks and then looking at my 15oz micro-stack is pretty disappointing. some days it feels like I could buy 100oz and still feel like im "not gonna make it". I'm a poorfag and only started stacking this year, how long have some of you been stacking for now?

>> No.19935443

keep it up fren. i only had maybe 20 or 40 oz silver at the beginning of this year, had it for awhile and hadn't been stacking regularly or aggressively.

but right at the first of this year i suddenly got the urge to start stacking, then the covid crappola started and i went into full speed stacking.

i have just over 200 ozs silver now and most of it was acquired just since this february
even at that i still feel like a stacklet,
i think once you start stacking, you will never reach a point of feeling like "your there".

>> No.19935460

Hey anon I also started to stack this year, just keep on adding a little bit at every month and look for deals

>> No.19935617

Pretty much what >>19935460 said, but if you're starting to feel that FOMO, start making a trip to a LCS every week and buy an ounce. I've got one within walking distance, and his generics are still just $20. Considering what physical was going for online just a couple months ago, cash-for-silver-in-hand at that price is unbeatable.

>> No.19935692

Well, I should say that 'weekly' means 'every paycheck'.

I can forego ordering a pizza to buy an ounce of silver, and make my own food instead. I'm sure if you're willing to learn to cook your own food instead of buying Mickey D's or other junk, you'll be able to get more silver quickly.

>> No.19935909

I live in Texas, but just found this auction. Doesnt have really anything worth while. I'm just trying to get some cheap silver. https://texas.hibid.com/catalog/217715/june-s-coin-auction/?q=silver&g=all-categories&cpage=5

>> No.19936094
File: 2.21 MB, 3600x2024, 1592803557575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if you only had an oz, you own more than 98% of normies. keep going

>> No.19936137


Not gonna lie, I'm supper jelly anon, well done

>> No.19936421

We need to fund it

>> No.19936460

15 oz is a nice little stack. i honestly believe that silver will have a purchasing power of $400-500 per ounce in the future with gold at $10,000 per ounce. so it's probably not a "make it" stack right now but you'll certainly be glad you have it. i suspect we might have a year or more until we reach venezuela-tier conditions
this is really good advice

>> No.19936592

Just keep stacking until the supermoon, fren! I believe in you!

>> No.19936766

Just get to at least 100toz anon, I felt much better when I got there.
Initial plans to slow down on the buying however have fallen apart .

>> No.19937180

looks like wrapped chocolate. Yummy

>> No.19937276
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Leave the skies to me

>> No.19937301
File: 211 KB, 1568x966, Silber Tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started stacking around 2013 but was discouraged as silver was going sideways for around a decade while gold continued to climb. February woke me back up and have been trying to accumulate as much ever since. Here is some of my stack. As a teen it felt like so much money to just save up for one tube but as an adult im glad younger me was able to make that sacrifice instead of spending on useless shit.

>> No.19937343
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>> No.19937367

I like that round 10 oz bison bullion thing. It looks like a York Peppermint Patty. :)

>> No.19937382



>> No.19937443

>lets get this out on the tray
cross posting from /k/ or /out/ ?

>> No.19937468

this anon gets it

>> No.19937521

Buying in bricks is the cheapest way to buy

>> No.19937553


>> No.19937631
File: 436 KB, 1149x1493, 20200625_130046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Baphomet, Moloch, and their existential esoteric spiritual cosmic homo-daemon horrors who threaten all meme magic, to me.

>> No.19937713

If you really want it, you'll make it happen.

I started in April, have a small budget but am already at 65oz silver and 0.16oz gold and climbing. At this rate, I'll easily have 100oz of silver and 1oz of gold by fall even if that's still really stacklet-tier, it's a massive step up from no PMs at all.

We're all gonna make it fren, I'm sure of it.

>> No.19937758
File: 99 KB, 750x750, mysticpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.19937769


>> No.19937791

Don't worry, it never feels like enough. I have a solid stack but always find a reason to add to it.

>> No.19937899

Praise kek

>> No.19937921


>> No.19937943

First of all, if the price fell that low, mines would shut down until the price rose for the them to be profitable again. The price can never go below a certain threshold for very long without supply drying up.

A main fundamental reason that gold is so low, is because it's competing with every other form of equity in existence. If gold and silver were the only forms of money, and we weren't drowning in stocks, bonds, and fiats, gold would be over $100,000.

>> No.19937954

Having 1oz of silver puts you above 99% of the planet anon. You have 15oz. In Venezuela 1 oz of silver is like a month of food.

>> No.19938056

Source on venezuela?

>> No.19938116

Last thread I think or the one before it, some anon posted a link talking about it. Also their gov encourages holding PM's and sells 1.5g of gold for $10 USD converted from their bolivar. To buy 1.5g of gold right now is like $120 I think. Tank of gas is 4 months of wages over there which is about $15 USD

>> No.19938137
File: 53 KB, 702x681, 1592736602255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah i'm just the anon from the other thread talking about Venezuela. /PMG/ is comfiest place.

>> No.19938178

I got you
Also Venezuelans farm Runescape gold because a video game economy is more stable then theirs.

>> No.19938278

When the USD hyper inflates than farming rs gold will be pointless.

>> No.19938350

>Having 1oz of silver puts you above 99% of the planet anon.

Don’t most Americans have at least a little PMs, if only in stupid shit they own, like wedding rings, a Rolex watch, old silverware or whatever?

Much as I agree with the general sentiment.

>> No.19938450

How much gold in your average motherboard? Or other various computer parts?

>> No.19938595

Fraction of a fraction of an ounce
Look up how metals are reclaimed from old boards if interested, should be on jewtube

>> No.19938602

Cheers frens
this https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/country/venezuela?currency=USD
Is also interesting, looks like a months rent is about 6 oz silver / month (1 oz is 3.6 million bolivars)

>> No.19938632

This. another couple oz to even out my stack will do, ad infinitum

>> No.19938726

How about gold? What is their gold to silver ratio like?

>> No.19938741

Daily reminder that we would need to hit $19.00 an ounce for silver just for it to reach its 2020 high.

>> No.19938756

This is bullshit, working off of official exchange rates, silver is far more valuable than that over there right now

>> No.19938796

Any venezuelanons able to confirm legit numbers?

>> No.19938841

>Venezuelanons having enough money to access the internet to bost on /pmg/

>> No.19938863

Wouldn't a fraction of a fraction just be a smaller fraction?

>> No.19938874
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>> No.19938892
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illuminati 1995 cards based

>> No.19938899


>> No.19938926


>> No.19938940


>> No.19938943

fractionally speaking, yes.

>> No.19938953


>> No.19938965
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>> No.19938966


>> No.19939007

Eagle then Buffalo

>> No.19939059


>> No.19939111






>> No.19939191


>> No.19939259

L E A F coin is beautiful except for the usurper image on the other side

>> No.19939301

Ya we wont have that luxury when the USD hyperinflates.
Best place to find them online is on runescape at gold farming locations.

>> No.19939520
File: 8 KB, 202x202, 7F9728FB-E542-4ABB-A6C6-E674DBFEDD67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are krugerrands worth the 5$ premium? I really want an aestheticly pleasing stack, but miserly instincts keep telling me just to get 1oz bars

>> No.19939553

Once you have at least 100 oz, buy for yourself. Until then, go cheap.

>> No.19939608
File: 140 KB, 1079x678, htt6guz8rnd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 10 Britannias I ordered arrived yesterday, feels good having some aesthetic silver to go along with my 35 ounces of scrap.

>> No.19939681

How much are you planning to fondle them?

>> No.19939756

Does anyone have the strength to not fondle their PM’s? I have a few bars I molest and some junk silver as well. I fee it up at least once a week.

>> No.19939762
File: 265 KB, 1000x1468, When+you+spread+your+legs+and+he+says+quotno+hissquot+_e87ff8bb60863970c121ec824f937f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19939791
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x2000, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Item Description
>10 oz Silver Bar - Secondary Market

>> No.19939800
File: 905 KB, 2292x1712, collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought me, my brother, and my sister a 1ozt silver bar each to fondle. Other than that we like to stack bars in our hands and feel the weight.

For gold we have jewelry to fondle.

>> No.19939816

Nawwwww, nothing better than sipping a nice scotch while clinking some coinage

>> No.19939905

damn i'm jelly. there's a 25% VAT on bars in my country. post pics when they arrive

>> No.19939949

even decade old proof coins end up on the melt. there is no reason not to fondle your bullion if tarnish and spots don't bother you

>> No.19939960

I have a sterling pocket piece and a stack of 12 circulated ASE for regular hand-loving.

>> No.19940008

Buy bars with coins stamped on them to dodge VAT fren.

>> No.19940040

haven't found them in my country nor in any store that will ship them here (norway) but thanks for the frenly tip

>> No.19940048

At least you're not me and only started stacking a few months ago
Im just glad I pulled out the money for a gold coin because otherwise my stack would only consist of 5 silver oz

>> No.19940078

Interesting Asahi cyber rounds are on Provident, and it’s cheaper to buy 20-99 instead of buying 100+. They discount you for buying less, never seen that before.

>> No.19940195
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1520721919440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one here more spooped by hyperinflation than by war? This shit terrify me to no end, especially if it happen to the USD/euro, since there would be no escape from this.. Our countries don't produce anything anymore, and importing even the most basic shit would be impossible with a worthlesss currency. It will be a damn bloodbath in the streets. At least Venezuela still have oil, mines, bananas and sugar to sell..

>> No.19940224
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 65698_Slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why pamp Suisse has been unavailable for the last few months?
I keep checking hoping they'll pop up but they never do.
Are they just completely shutdown cuz of corona?
Or is it because everyone keeps buying them?
Also out of all the stacks I've seen you guys post I've never seen the lady fortuna?
You guys don't like pamp?

>> No.19940265

What country?
Im guessing not US because US is number one producer of oil in the world before coronachan
Also one of the number one producers in medical equipment

>> No.19940274

Francistan :(

>> No.19940284

Here in the UK if you buy preowned stuff you don't have to pay VAT (I think).
Either way, if you buy from someone on a stacking forum you can probably get away with it anyway.

>> No.19940289

i'm thinking about it daily at this point. yes i'm genuinely scared, that's a good thing. otherwise i probably wouldn't have started stacking. but it is out of my control and existence can be cruel. i'm worried about the degradation of society and the exploitation of have-nots by haves. but i'm faily certain that me and my closest will make it through to the other side

>> No.19940301

>1.5g of gold for $10 USD converted from their bolivar. To buy 1.5g of gold right now is like $120 I think
Wait so gold is really cheap over there? I'm confused

>> No.19940319

How's it going over there fren? Did you see the stack you inspired me to buy?

>> No.19940329

Okay you're probably right then
But apparently you guys sell a tiny bit of pharmaceuticals

>> No.19940333

Hey Anon. America is rich in natural resources and is the breadbasket of the world. Plus, it has the world's greatest military force. I wouldn't be surprised if America becomes more like an autarky as hyperinflation is realized.

Additionally, I think alot of the high tech industries (think TSLA etc) could locate manufacturing here especially with favorable corporate tax laws and highly educated workforce necessary to create and maintain autonomous manufacturing.

>> No.19940354

Also where are you guys buying scottsdale bars?
I can only find the hand poured ones on apmex(tempting) but I kind of want those more modern looking uniform ones posted earlier

>> No.19940367
File: 93 KB, 1000x800, 1546643572648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mmg/ bro, is that you?
Probably seen it if you posted it here, but not knowing it was yours. Post stack pls, it'll make me proud!

>> No.19940371

Bat boys, bat boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you

>> No.19940383

He's from France lol.
You're just making him feel worse

>> No.19940402
File: 2.41 MB, 2444x3259, stackstate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get Scottsdale directly from the mint but its about 2 months to ship right now

>> No.19940431

A lot of Americans are unmarried and poor

>> No.19940437
File: 1004 KB, 2560x1440, 1593054761286_stash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! I was posting about selling my gards the other day itt, but I don't think anyone's buying rn. Also, /s RL REPRINT SOON s/

>> No.19940532
File: 211 KB, 1200x675, monkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that 100oz is beautiful

>> No.19940537
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x2268, whatsinthebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They arrived last week actually

>> No.19940559

>2 months to ship
Okay so I guess that's out of the question.
What bars you guys recommend from apmex since apparently pamp Suisse and scottsdale our out of the question?

>> No.19940569

>what's in the box
Reddit is that you?

>> No.19940587
File: 1.40 MB, 1161x743, 1585168032023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah i remember this pic, super comfy stash, congrats fren!
Keep stacking, and we'll soon enjoy the /pmg/ yatch party of silver&gold bullionaires together! Can't wait to be part of the new elite, alongside the frens.
Nothing comfier than knowing we'll all gonna make it.

>> No.19940593

I don't really want Canada bars either cuz im an American
Don't really want apmex bars either cuz they're ugly
Don't really want the valcambi either cuz they're kinda ugly too

>> No.19940623

I thought it was just a month

>> No.19940644

The 9fine mint bars are quite nice. I bought 10 of the 5oz bars, and they came in a foam core case with each bar individually packaged. It’s poured silver in lieu of cast which I believe features resistance to milk spotting and other typical corrosion - but that’s my smoothbrain recollection so DYOR.

>> No.19940678

Thanks man. Seriously though, what's it like over there? I've got a warped American view of the world, and it can be difficult for me to tell how other countries are really doing.

>> No.19940685

From what I understand when that program started (doubt it is even around now) It was subsidized by the government to get people to save in gold but i'm guessing only available to those who know the right people aka those in power. Basically a golden parachute since the average Venezuelan was more occupied buying food than gold.

>> No.19940689

How well do they stack or lay out flat next to each other?
I might just go with hand poured since they look more traditional but idk

>> No.19940707

They could be catching up by now, I ordered April 24th and received my pack this week. Check out silvergoldbull they have 10oz britannia bars and silver buffalo bars that are nice

>> No.19940762
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Went to check their sales page and this is the first thing I saw.

>> No.19940794
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, 1522797348906m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why pamp Suisse has been unavailable for the last few months on apmex?
Are they just completely shutdown cuz of corona?
Or is it because everyone keeps buying them?
Also out of all the stacks I've seen you guys post I've never seen the lady fortuna?
You guys don't like pamp?
Please respond

>> No.19940810

Was it your 100 oz bar? I got their 10 oz stackers instead, I hope those are more common and fast to ship. Ordered 3 weeks ago

>> No.19940815

Honestly I can’t answer with objective evidence - I just unwrapped one and then put it back in its packaging. I imagine if you go with a 10oz or 100oz poured bar the non-comformities to surface finish would be more prevalent just by nature of the manufacturing process. If you are looking to buy large bars and desire symmetry I’d go cast. With that, I prefer the look of a poured bar with its characteristic finish - but to each their own.

>> No.19940885

Thanks for the info anon
Tough decision because ideally any bar I go with will be the only bar I use
Though I'll likely just keep buying mostly govt coins anyways

>> No.19940953

I’m there with you. For example, why buy a 100oz bar on APMEX for $2065 when I can buy 100 1oz Brittanias for $2129 on Provident. It’s $60 more and you obtain sovereign rounds at a more liquid divisibility.

>> No.19941000

Yeah thats the one, hang tight fren hopefully they are catching up from the backorders

>> No.19941085
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x2268, open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's reddit?

>> No.19941147

Historically hyperinflations only last 1-2 years. but it's because the country gets bailed out or overtaken by a fiscally responsible country. Today every country on Earth is using a fiat currency. This is an extinction level event.

>> No.19941191

I just started buying silver, what’s the difference between bars and coins, I just bought a 1kg bar and the price for a 1kg coin is 40$ aud more. Is there a collection value that people see in the coins that make them worth more?

>> No.19941218

>that packaging
Please tell me they didn't come that way
With all that empty space they would have been bouncing around like a can of quarters
Also, amazing stack. Those hand poured bars look like they stack just fine
But why not just go with 100oz bars? Or kilos at least

>> No.19941241

those are pretty in an ugly way. pretty because they are made of silver. still look like someone spray painted bars of cheap soap

>> No.19941258
File: 229 KB, 1142x1500, Peter Zeihan thinking about the great plains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France is likely in the best position in Europe moving into this century. NATO is done, and all the countries of Europe will need to handle their own shit. France has the only nonterminal demography in Europe, enough of a Navy to go on colonial adventures again to get what it needs and secure its regional trade, and is minimally integrated into the EU as it is. France also is far from potential conflict zones, produces much of its own food, and its development of nuclear makes it much more energy secure compared to its neighbors.

The future is grim, but America, NZ, Turkey, France, and possibly Argentina of all places, have what they need to come out alive.

>> No.19941290

that said i'm still jealous

>> No.19941305

According to my research coins are easier to sell because they're more trusted and less likely to be a fake
Also if the world wasn't going to shit you'd be able to get more money with coins over spot than with a bar which would only sell at spot

coins = more trusted and collectible value and easier for dealers to resell due to higher demand

Also I think 10oz coins are a stupid idea and you should never buy heavier than 1oz coin

>> No.19941336

You forgot Canada, and China
Both countries have tons of land
And idk about China but most of US and Canada has shit tons of undeveloped arable land
Imo those are the most important factors in any apocalypse

>> No.19941374


that uniformity is pretty comfy

>> No.19941383

Anon monument metals and others have them in stock, also I've heard that they have been delivering a record volume of gold.

>> No.19941399

Random bullion gold sovereign arrived today from JMB. Anyone want to guess the monarch and year?

>> No.19941409

Does the same pricing apply to generic rounds ie not as good of resale as govt coins

>> No.19941424

Megan 2056

>> No.19941428
File: 895 KB, 2016x1134, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love you guys, here is my stack so you can coooooom, anyone who says its too late, FUCK THEM, keep stacking, keep stacking, keep stacking

>> No.19941456
File: 31 KB, 679x452, 1592871882361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this baby bursting bullish for PMs?

>> No.19941466

Russia will also do well. They have boatloads of land, and are currently a net exporter of a wide variety of commodity staples that will be in high demand if shit hits the fan. They don't produce much for high end tech or luxury goods, but those are going to be the first areas to get pushed aside if SHTF.

>> No.19941471

From my understanding generic rounds are basically just small round bars
Though maybe generic rounds from the US treasury for example buffalo rounds might carry the trust without the same demand as the more desirable coin

Bearing in mind I've only been stacking for a couple months now so I could be wrong
But I've read a lot about the pros and cons of bars vs rounds vs coins
And from what I can tell rounds and bars are basically the same just different shape

>> No.19941500

>They have boatloads of land
Yeah... unusable tundra mostly lol
But I feel like living in Russia is basically already like living in post apocalyptic society so I doubt they wouldn't come out alright

>> No.19941523

I stack because silver is one of the most undervalued assets in relation to all the bubbles, I stack because silver was a monetary metal long before gold, and I stack because the jig is up for the bankers, gold backed monetary system here we come, and silver 4:1

>> No.19941526
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>> No.19941560

if you can stack an ounce a month, then you know it's not too late

>> No.19941588
File: 41 KB, 585x501, 1493584181298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to buy some Silver with the Gold Eagle im going to buy today
Should i got 20 Asahi rounds or 20 ASE?

>> No.19941606

20 ASE

>> No.19941607

>i've been working all month and can only stack an Ounce :(
>priced out
the habbening in 1 sentence

>> No.19941622


Very nice. Shame about your right leg being shorter than the left though.

>> No.19941624

actually make that 21 ASE if you don't intend to open your tube and haven't got a fondler coin already

>> No.19941625

why not just buy a bunch of silver and trade silver for gold when the ratio comes down to less absolutely ludicrous levels?

>> No.19941626

This land will become useable after global warming. Don't you understand?

In 08 people were only paying the insanley high spot price for eagles. it was always
>you don't have anymore eagles?
>getting treated like shit for having junk and generics

>> No.19941636

you can't win them all

>> No.19941670

i already have a fondler ASE, so make it 20?

>> No.19941683

>This land will become useable after global warming. Don't you understand?
This sentence makes me laugh. Idk why.
Sure it's possible though. But global warming won't last for long if everything shuts down. If the apocalypse IS global warming though then sure, Russia would be the place to be (maybe)

>> No.19941695

This coin just got posted.
Premiums are lower than maple leafs and eve some generics.
Looks pretty

>> No.19941705

fucking fondler coin kek, you just have to

>> No.19941718

gloves are like condoms, it's just not the same

>> No.19941792
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, 20200625_162627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edward VII 1910

>> No.19941800
File: 50 KB, 657x800, 1513269865558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to get back in to PMs. thinking of buying 10-20 oz of silver, probably maples or american eagles. is buying in cash at local coin store best option or should i buy online with crypto or wire transfer?

>> No.19941810

/biz does have plenty of jews who might like the yiddish or hebrew or whatever they call those chicken scratches. but i only want coins with english, with maybe the exception of the canadian coins since i assume by law they have to be in english and french
now if they were like 18 or 19oz i drop my whole paycheck on them lol

>> No.19941826

its so random now, some LCS have great prices and others gouge the fuck out of you...
best bet is to just shop around, like look online then go hunt google maps for coin dealers lol

>> No.19941830


>> No.19941836
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20200625_162638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19941868

well the increase in global temps in inevitable. Really the power lies in who's assets gain from that. Cold, northern countries

>> No.19941903

They came in an unorganized pile. I spent about 10 mins making it in rows. I bought in 10 oz bars for easier barterability in case SHTF, dont worry I got a lot of 100 oz bars as well. They're the ugly ones cause of lower premiums
On phone now btw.

>> No.19941905
File: 950 KB, 1512x2016, Stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bar stacker master race

>> No.19941935

as an american i am so glad most of us didn't fall for the global warming meme. literally since the 70's when they were claiming global cooling was coming they've been wrong every single decade.
but what do you expect from a bunch of loonies who think man kind has more of impact on the planet then a fucking GAINT ball of nuclear fission we call the sun...
after being wrong for 50 years in a row you would think people would stop listening to them...

>> No.19941997
File: 1.41 MB, 2858x3036, 14632572457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads. Shit seems to keep getting worse. So here's the deal, I've decided that after the collapse I will be shooting any male I see who cannot immediately produce a cyber round on demand. I don't want to take the cyber round from you, I just want to know that you're a reasonable person. So don't forget to keep a cyber round on you at all times! It could save your life!

>> No.19942022

>doesn't believe in global warming
Bro we have gotten much better at tech since the 70s(and the earth is objectively warming at an accelerated rate)

>> No.19942037
File: 554 KB, 1654x1551, 20200424_210143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>note to self, shoot man requesting to see "cyber rounds" most likely has a large stash
nah bud, bat boi's are the currency of trust

>> No.19942045


queen image coins for cucks

>> No.19942055

You autistically crossed out every bar’s serial #? You serious?!

>> No.19942067

Yeah, it was fun

>> No.19942103

why does this trigger you fbi?

>> No.19942104

i will say this then give up on you. in the 1970's we were in a unusually cool period to begin, so that's why they were afraid of more cooling, it would cause a small ice age.
the fact that its gotten warmer since a cooling period only makes since, i remember in the early 2010's scientist were worried because the temps actually leveled off for a few years.
but just to give you a heads up bud, we just started a solar minimum. expect cooler temps...

>> No.19942115

good thing I also have Batbois. Alright friend, sounds like the two of us are gonna make it through.

>> No.19942160
File: 705 KB, 1800x1350, 20200620_151711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bars okay?

>> No.19942170

At first glance, I thought you were laying down silver floor tiles in your living room just to flex on that floor stacker guy.

>> No.19942192

so when it gets cooler the scientists are concerned
and when temps level off the scientists are concerned
and when it gets warmer the scientists are also concerned
aight, gotcha

>> No.19942198

I wouldn't do anything at all in person atm

>> No.19942201

It is buffalo and it is not even close.

Who wants copper mixed in? Total trash metal.

>> No.19942217

i only have the option for ordering online where l live. but i'd definitely only buy with cash if i had that option

>> No.19942250

>They came in an unorganized pile.
Was there not any packaging material to stop them from bashing into each other? Seems kinda shitty
>I bought in 10 oz bars for easier barterability in case SHTF
I see. Didn't think of that. I'll probably not be buying 100oz bars any time soon then

>> No.19942294

we're all gonna make it fren, anyone with silver at this point is only winning, jp morgran has guaranteed that ( for their own interest).
kilo bars are the biggest i'd suggest, i hear local dealers don't want larger and online dealers will always take them...

>> No.19942295

the gang has spoken, we will accept bars.

>> No.19942312

I like my dinner plate bars though. They're just too cool!

>> No.19942320

Nice, pretty damn spiffy for a random

>> No.19942351
File: 16 KB, 296x231, 1556307652117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants his gold coin to be untouchable unless its gonna get dinged and scratched up in seconds
>thinks that AGE will ever be melted down and not just traded at gold value
>doesn't realize that historically gold coins have always had silver or copper mixed in, in order to make them actually usable as currency without getting billions of scratches after a single year of circulation
Never gonna make it

>> No.19942409

I would want to get my silver bars in only kilo or 100oz sizes if I could
But right now im only concerned about the impending great depression/straight up societal collapse
So trustworthiness of brand and good barterable size are my only concerns right now
That and getting them at the lowest possible prices ofc

>> No.19942419

eveer done the ping test on an eagle? They ring for ages, in the most pure, beautiful tone.

>> No.19942432

>ping test
Please explain
My eagle is probably way too small though

>> No.19942437

New thread when?

>> No.19942482

When you make it

>> No.19942497

>I know you're just trolling but the guy asking in the last thread had to be the dumbest retard nigger on earth.
What makes you think that we are not just the same person?

>> No.19942565
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1538151368167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't do anything at all in person atm

>> No.19942573


>> No.19942582

you ring it like a bell and listen to the sound it makes

>> No.19942763

Crypto is a massive bubble.

>> No.19942814

tried this today, i knew silver pinged but my gold eagle had a surprisingly nice long tone

>> No.19942897

I have a friend in venezuela I'll ask tonight. Feels kinda weird tho. Will report back if theyre cool with answering my questions.