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19902510 No.19902510 [Reply] [Original]

Literal insider here. We don’t have much time.
Let me tell you what's about to happen
AMPL will have a series of positive rebases and moon to over 1.75. Only big brains understand what happens next.

We are about to witness a positive feedback loop the likes of which has never before been seen in crypto. The charts only tell half the story. Do not concern yourselves with the price. Think about market cap first. This thing is going to pull a STA/BNT run.

AMPL fits within the eth-defi economy and is designed to be a “collateral coin”, think “coming to compound / aave and Balancer next. It has THE most interesting tokenomics, with a daily change in supply, designed to keep the price near $1.

If the price is above $1 then the supply increases (called a rebase) - [assuming a rebase supply re-calculation of 5% for simplicity] if you hold 1000 tokens, the next day you have 1050, at the same market rate. This happens every 24 hours. It also is weighted so at $1.01 the rebase is around 1%, at $1.20 it is around 5%. DAILY. This is a chance to get in on the ground floor of a potentially massive liquidity incentive program. Investors include Pantera and FBG Capital and Big BRAIN FROM COINBASE with a personal investment. This is high risk ultra hi test make-it-in-12-months-with-little-effort play of the goddamn century.

The Plan: Buy AMPL on uniswap. Deposit into the eth-ampl liquidity pool on uniswap. Deposit the uniswapv2 pool tokens to the liquidity incentives “geyser”. Wait. Profit.

Sometimes, making it really is this easy. Here’s a hint: something just launched, look into it

>> No.19902550

Tell me why it will moon bro

>> No.19902558

What launched OP???!

>> No.19902565

Read the fucking post you idiot. Goddamn, I can't BELIEVE we are this early. This post is PRECISELY why we are early as hell and why normies won't "get" AMPL until we each have $500K in our bank accounts and $1M in AMPL.

>> No.19902592


What’s the make it stack?

>> No.19902604

5,000 is a good amount. 10,000 and you make it in one year. simple as that.


>> No.19902707


Sitting on 20k

>> No.19902789

That's a make it stack fren. Don't touch it. Buy more if we go under $1 again, IMO we won't.

>> No.19902823

get some

>> No.19902825

geyser of coooooooooom

>> No.19902869

I looked into this before but where’s the gain potential If the point of the coin is to keep the value the same. It looks to me like a stable coin with a small bit of upside

>> No.19902914

It's gonna go parabolic since people won't be selling since there is gonna be vast amounts getting locked up in the pools yet people will benefit from the rebase

I think. It really is big brained.

>> No.19903010

I posted about AMPL a few times on here and nobody gave a shit. No discussion. It's almost like nobody understands yet.

Hmmm. Kudos to you tho. Let's get it.

>> No.19903026

You don't get it. Read the OP and make sure you understand what you're reading.

>> No.19903106

Even then, the loss will be nearly impermanent since it will go back to a dollar eventually. I think OP is onto something.

>> No.19903195

I get why people would want to buy it if other people are buying it getting some of that sweet rebase money. But why would anyone want to buy it in the first place? What is going to drive adoption beyond speculation?

>> No.19903222

No shit sherlock.

UNDERSTAND AMPL. It's high risk / insanely euphorically high reward.

>> No.19903270

What happens if it goes below $1?

>> No.19903466

You lose on rebase.

>> No.19903475

i lsot money holding this shit

>> No.19903615

Because you didn't know how it works, bought at the wrong time, or have weak hands.

>> No.19903628

Literally impossible unless you are actually retarded

>> No.19903665

Intredasting. Most people will miss this because it's not supposed to be traded or bought and held like other shitcoins.
Thx for the post OP

>> No.19903762

I'm still confused about how Ampleforth works.

>pegged to $1
>supply dynamically expands and contracts to maintain this peg

If the supply expands too much, would this cause a crash in price to sub-$1 where the system takes AMPL away from your balance to maintain the $1 peg?

>> No.19903939

Where is Ampleforth currently standing in terms of further improving the product? The latest medium article seems to be from march

>> No.19904048


>> No.19904065

Not really. If he bought heavy above $1 we have dipped. Only for a bit tho.

Patience wins.

>> No.19904076

Search around the channels. Big wormholes now.

>> No.19904372

So AMPL gains is really a game of timing the supply expanding and contracting?
I take it that the token gained in the expansion should be enough to offset any tokens getting confiscated?

>> No.19904646

below $1 - buy and wait - above $1 - wait and then sell high

>> No.19904847

Providing liquidity on uniswap means longing volatility basically and Ampleforth is all about volatility.
Add to that the new liquidity incentivization called geyseir which is rewards you based on the liqyidity you provide on Uniswap.

>> No.19904876

high iq

>> No.19904892
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>> No.19904928

So to sum up, accumulate a stack when it's below or around $1, put it in the UniswapV2 pool ans then put the pool tokens on geyseir.
You're only exposed to ETH, so at worst you lose a bit if ETH moons or dumps hard, at best you get incredible passive income through AMPL volatility.

>> No.19904962

Maybe the last defi eth jigsaw piece that's still under the radar.. but not for long. Their liquidity incentive program launched yesterday. $400k locked up. Think the next COMP / BAL / STA.
Looks like a stable coin . But with compound daily interest.
Supply increases DAILY if price is over $1.06.
At $1.10 it's a 1% DAILY supply increase - DAILY compound interest kek.
Best of all , reddit fags wont have the IQ to understand it. It's designed to REK reddit fags.

>> No.19905040

How much AMPL for this type of situation in Japan?



>> No.19905706

damn, wish this would have been kept quiet :(

>> No.19906199

Still in stealth mode desu. Get in and buy all dips.

>> No.19906297

Sorry anon. Someone had to say it.

>> No.19906545

Think I've made up my mind, I'm going to dump my ALGO for AMPL today unless someone can persuade me otherwise.

>> No.19907263

It's currently trading at 1.12$, if I understand correctly it's better to wait until rebase and buy when it gets <= 1$?

>> No.19907571

Truly out of stealth now. $1.14 AMPL price just hit.
Will be a supply increase tomorrow! So for every $10k worth of AMPL you have today youl have $10,100 if a 1% supply increase.
Should be approx that much... but just wait till the reddit FOMO kicks in and we see $2-3 ... then the daily compound will be 2-3-4% kek

>> No.19907826

Do I pool vs ETH or vs DAI?

>> No.19908209

ETH, only pooling against eth accepted for geyser rewards

>> No.19908327

Is it too late? >>19904928
Seems like buying now is not recommended

>> No.19908374

What is this gay shit? This will never go anywhere, BUY STONKS INSTEAD, FUCKERS!!

>> No.19908579

Not too late. You are buying % of supply, not $ price. Supply NEVER going to be this low again.
If you try and buy at $1 in 20 days time, supply likely increased by 20%+ by then , so stomach the $1.13 price - you are buying % of supply, and last days to get bigger chunks ;)

>> No.19908621

> You are buying % of supply, not $ price
Oh that makes sense actually, thanks

>> No.19909011

What are the risks to this?

Let's say ETH moons, you end up with more AMPL in your pool. If ETH dips you end up with less AMPL in your pool and more ETH.

When AMPL's market cap contracts, do AMPL tokens from your wallet just dissapear?

So basically, the biggest risk is if AMPL's market cap retracts?

>> No.19909068

supply can and HAS gone down, just look at their charts

>> No.19909147

What's a good way to chart it? I guess market cap instead of price?

>> No.19909178

yeh risk is market cap retracting and price going under $0.96.
and yeh went down HARD during the bear market last year (but that's also where and beyond to where it can come back to 18mil supply. It's peak was 70mil ;))
But.. this is a defi market now, COMP, then BAL, now AMPL.
Liquidity program just launched - this is a market trending coin, it trends up and down... next stage is a strong uptrend.

>> No.19909209

If you can chart it by market cap you are ahead of the reddit crowd who just wont be able to understand it lol.
If you can chart it by SUPPLY and marketcap... then you are ahead of 90% of the crowd. You will be rich.

>> No.19909656

so let me make sure i have this straight
>ampl is, say, $.90, i buy 100 of them for the equivalent of $90 bucks
>the price then goes to $1.10, at the end of the day, it gets rebased to $1 and i receive 1 ampl?
>if the price goes down or stays at $.90 then some of my ampl is lost on the rebase
>assuming the price goes to $1.10 at the end of every day, i would be looking at close to a 10% ROI at the end of the week

>> No.19909846

Not exactly.
If the price is above $1.06 then the supply increases (called a rebase) - [assuming a rebase supply re-calculation of 5% for simplicity] if you hold 1000 tokens, the next day you have 1050, at the same market rate. This happens every 24 hours. It also is weighted so at $1.06 the rebase is around 0.67%, at $1.80 it is around 5%. DAILY.

To use your math.
Today you buy 100 ample tokens, at a $0.90 price = $90.
Tomorrow price is at $1.10
1% supply increase for simple maths.
You now have 90.9 tokens (0.9% increase, magically appearing in your wallet balance automatically after the rebase).
You now have 90.9 tokens at the $1.10 price. So 21% increase not just 20% (averaged maths).

It gets CRAZIER.

5% compound daily for 15 days DOUBLES your tokens. Or halves them if negative.

If you held 1000 tokens at $1, 15 days later the price has DOUBLED to $2, simplified to 5% daily averaged for 15 days straight, you now have 2000 tokens, valued at $2 each, so $4000 total: a 400% return (not just a 100% return).

Enjoy being rich next month kek.

>> No.19910109

Why aren't you niggers buying STONKS YET?? LETS PUMP IT!

>> No.19910208

>guys lets buy a stable coin because hyped moonboys that dont understand the mechanics could make it moon!


>> No.19910540

You don't get it. Research or be left behind on the greatest opportunity of the year.

>> No.19910864
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AMPL is one of those 130+ IQ projects that /biz/ has been ignoring in favor of jeet scams. Thanks to the anon that got me into it a couple months back. I had my coins on Uniswap V2 before the $400k in liquidity dumped into it, so I got a good chunk of trading fees too.

>> No.19911408
File: 81 KB, 1260x756, 7EB4BEFB-0007-4DEA-9B58-797A8A8C178A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse my retardedness but where is the liquidity geyser to deposit v2 tokens in?

>> No.19911514

>I posted about AMPL a few times on here and nobody gave a shit. No discussion.
Same lol.
But desu maybe there is just not very much there. Sure the rebase is nice but since it happens automatically to every coin everywhere you are just moving the price change from the price to the supply. Ok, so instead of 100 tokens worth 10 bucks you have 1000 tokens worth 1 buck. What's the point? If all traders pay attention to what's happening to their coins then there's no fundamental difference in terms of value. If you're banking on an arbitrage opportunity from the rebase solely because others are paying less attention than you, that seems like a very short-lived usecase.
Maybe there is a usecase for ampl as a building block in other mechanisms, but that seems to hinge on the existence of contracts denominated absolutely in ampl, without taking the rebase into account, which I haven't seen anyone talk about.
There are people who don't understand the rebase mechanism (let's call them Johns). Then there are people (Barry's) who do understand it, and the Barry's are calling the John's stupid. But really, most of the Barry's seem even more stupid because they are so busy being smug about understanding something moderately complicated that they forget to ask themselves what's actually the point of the whole mechanism.

>> No.19911715

If you really believe this you need to dig deeper.

>> No.19911725

Google fren, ever used it? Alternatively go to the Ampleforth website and select "Stake".

>> No.19911783

I was able to, much appreciated. In the mean time this is 1.11 on kucoin and 1.24 on uniswap lol

>> No.19911826

So you don't know what the point is either?

>> No.19911870

whats the consensus on which pool to supply ampl too? eth dai or usdc?

>> No.19911964

It's a Chainlink user so 85% of /biz/ wants it to crash and burn to own the linkies

>> No.19912011

Don't be so daft.

>> No.19912276


>> No.19912278

I'm not being facetious, give me one concrete usecase where the rebase mechanism is actually, meaningfully part of the equation.

>> No.19912330

You're welcome anon. Yeah I got like 200 AMPL per ETH a few hours ago, it's now down to 190

>> No.19912352

First stablecoin I've lost big money holding

>> No.19912750
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not a stablecoin

>> No.19913033

So the basic scheme of this coin is that your percentage ownership of all ampl remains the same as long as you don't sell.

However, if the market cap decreases, the value of your % holding decreases. So the value of this coin only increases via hype and industry adoption for some kind of weird financial contracts. Anyone have actual use cases for this?

>> No.19913167

>Literal insider here.
Hello Bitfinex/Tether scammer,




>> No.19913223

how did you lose money? did the amount of AMPL decrease?

>> No.19913469
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Its value is that it's non-dilutive, doesn't lose value relative to fiat inflation, is an uncorrelated asset to both crypto and traditional markets, your share scales with total adoption, and it requires no fiat backing scams to function.

>> No.19913793

They need to make high quality animations explaining this I think. I understand it, but it's seriously taken me all day to really grasp the ramifications of a postAMPL world.

>> No.19913856

One of their main selling points is being an uncorelated asset to both finance 1.0 and crypto. Which would give it direct utility in the colateralization space for stablecoins if I understand correctly. They mention collateralization issues for Dai (using USDC) as an example that defeats the purpose of DeFi and where AMPL could jump in.

Larger timeframes it could potentially be some kind of economic hedge.

Or it's just a ponzi. Not sure yet.

>> No.19914067

I keep thinking this over and looking for the weak spots. We went to fiat to create better economic expansion, which has resulted in the dilution AMPL addresses. However, I'm not certain it can address crises, especially if there was mass abandonment to other assets. It would seem like it could trigger a devaluation spiral to prevent equity loss, ie if a large amount was dumped at once, other people would sell to prevent losing their invested equity.

>> No.19914248

s c a m




>> No.19914400
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AMPL is one of those rare projects that is actually a new type of asset class, in the same way that bitcoin is a different asset class than anything in traditional markets. We can't know what will happen with AMPL until a large market adopts it. There is a high demand for stablecoins and if some of that demand was transferred to AMPL it could theoretically reach equilibrium above $1 forever.

>> No.19914694

So is any fixed-supply token
>doesn't lose value relative to fiat inflation
The value of 1 ampl doesn't, supply will adjust so supply*price is completely uncoupled from this. And since there's no way to hold a fixed amount of ampls without taking part in rebases, there is no way you can actually make use of the peg to 2019 USD or whatever they use.
>is an uncorrelated asset to both crypto and traditional markets
Remains to be seen
>your share scales with total adoption
so does your share*price of a fixed supply token

>> No.19914856

They way this gets shilled here is making it look more and more like it's a scam to be honest. 1% or more daily interest? Ponzi. Bitfinex IEO? Ponzi.

>> No.19915116

Ehh it could turn into a ponzi, but I think the creators' intentions aren't that. They seem to really care about creating an uncorrelated money and talk very passionately about it. Also the CEO seems to be enthralled by the concept of LINK and called Sergey a sage. Besides that, both the CEO and software lead went to good unis. Software dude worked for Google and Uber in a senior dev position for almost a combined 10 years if I'm correct.

>> No.19915340
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>So is any fixed-supply token
Find me a stablecoin with a fixed supply
>The value of 1 ampl doesn't, supply will adjust so supply*price is completely uncoupled from this. And since there's no way to hold a fixed amount of ampls without taking part in rebases, there is no way you can actually make use of the peg to 2019 USD or whatever they use.
Read the white paper.
>Remains to be seen
You will
>so does your share*price of a fixed supply token
Again, find me a stablecoin that is non-dilutive

>> No.19915408

wait, so does your ampl fluctuate when you are simply holding it? or do you have to "stake" it or something to actually be affected by rebasing

>> No.19915419

>Read the white paper.
I have, what part of it do you want to draw my attention to?
>Again, find me a stablecoin that is non-dilutive
Well, how can you use it as a stablecoin when your holdings get rebased? This is not in the whitepaper or any of their medium articles/forum posts of them I've seen so far, I'm pretty sure

>> No.19915474



>> No.19915483


>> No.19915728

Think of it as you are buying a % of the network and its equivalent market cap, which is remains fixed, with the coins changing as a means to retain that % ownership.

You buy 1% network at $1 million market cap (You invested $10,000). Lots of other people join in and push market cap up to $1 billion. You still own 1% which is now worth $10 million. Coins get generated on demand (money printer go burr) to handle the new valuation, so you own more coins, but still own 1% of network.

The opposite is true. Whale dumps AMPL and shrinks market cap to $1000. Coins get deleted to keep everyone's % ownership same. You own 1%, now $10.

>> No.19915819

How is that different from a ponzi? The ones at the top of the pyramid decide when to get out and take everybody else's money.

>> No.19916128

I'm not shilling for AMPL, let me be clear. I'm just a guy figuring it out. Basically if everybody used it (like literal worldwide currency) then it may have some use because it could map to the economy at large.

I'm not sure how it would take off, but I do like that it's in essence owning a percentage of the real economy if widely adopted (and probably should be presented as holding a %, not a coin). Very futuristic, but I'm not sure how competitive against more speculative assets. Needs safeguards at least.

I do think in the future we'll be trading something along the lines of "energy coins" that represent the energy needed to produce goods and services. We'll get a much better idea of how much things "cost" in terms of their work input and entropy generation. Energy plants and storage facilities (TSLA battery tech) will function like miners and banks. The skills you cultivate will earn you more energy that can be spent to transmute matter into desirable things and experiences.