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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1990907 No.1990907 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the American dream is objectively dying and all those fags who mock you for pointing it out are being dishonest.


>inb4 I don't believe the data

>> No.1990936

It has always been this way more or less OP, it's just that Americans don't believe in social class but do believe in economic class, which temporarily inflated labor values, cheap land, and easily affordable bite sized pieces of assets allowed them to change within limited parameters. If you told them what social class in Europe was they would call you a damned liar.

>> No.1990937

Love the cherry picked dates. Of course parents during the 40s will be comparatively poorer than parents during the 80s, there was a fucking world war. And thus it was much easier for children of 40s parents to outearn their parents than it was for 80s children.

>> No.1990947

>It has always been this way
That is false. Read the paper.

Nice excuses.

>> No.1990961
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I read the book faggot. In each era of American history fortunes are built on a combination of human misery, exploitation, murderous plundering, and corruption. Innovation, hard work, and wealth building through honest means are a blip.

>> No.1990964
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OP, you're very literally wasting your time.

The 1% of people who already know about this have already researched it and understood it. They already know that wealth and income are getting concentrated more and more heavily in the hands of the ultra wealthy. They're already aware.

The other 99% of people who will reply are just brainwashed bootlickers. You're wasting your time trying to save them. They bought the propaganda and now they gleefully spread it, everywhere they go. Fighting tooth and nail with anyone who says "Hey maybe you're getting screwed every day because you aren't part of the top 1%", slinging insults and desperately trying to prove to themselves that this system isn't rigged.

Don't even bother with them, OP. Just focus on yourself and making as much money as you can. Better yet, don't come back to /biz/. I'm just passing through.

>> No.1990968

Look. At. The. Data.

>> No.1990970

>American Dream
>Ever being relevant
When will wagecucks learn? We're at the best point in history to start a business. There are people becoming billionaires in their 20s. Getting a job and saving in a Cuck IRA is a Reddit tier meme right now. Adapt or kys

>> No.1990978


Wagecucks never learn. There was never an American dream. Working for someone else will NEVER make you rich.

>> No.1990989

>because we ruined it now means that it never existed
OP is right: read the damn article.

>> No.1990993


Yes OP, the movement between poor, working class, middle class, and upper middle class with a lucky few of these getting rich has essentially calcified.

The difference between those classes that the study measures is fucking nil though, the movement up from 99% to 1% having been doable is meaningless because the actual vast fucking gulf to cross is the movement from the .95% to the .05%.

You and I are talking about different fucking scales.

>> No.1990999

Hang yourself wagie

>> No.1991007

If you want to stick your head in the sand then that's your own perogative.

Nice trips btw.

>> No.1991014

It never existed in the first place. Carrot on a stick for plebs

>> No.1991024
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I'll give one reply then I'm out.

The system has *always* been rigged, it's just in the last few decades it's been getting MORE rigged.

Only a tiny fraction of people ever move up from their socioeconomic class, but now (in the last 20 or 30 years) that fraction is getting even smaller. That's what the article is about, that's what we're trying to say: things are getting worse.

I'm out. Good luck everyone else. Pro tip: leave /biz/ and actually start working on improving your life. This place will only drag you down.

>> No.1991044

no wait leave us with some self/life improvement tips first

>> No.1992019

Buy kneepads, put website block extensions to prevent procrastination

>> No.1992103

>brainwaahed bootlickers.