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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19901517 No.19901517 [Reply] [Original]

>What is $STONKS?
$STONKS is a deflationary index fund backed by a balancer pool consisting of COMP, LINK, KNC, ETH, SNX, REP, AND LRC made by a BASED aussie /biz/nessman.

>More info?
The website is badass and here for your viewing pleasure.

>Where to buy?
It's available on uniswap here
And heres the contract address for MetaMask
>How to pool?
1 click pooling across the 7 holdings is hosted on the website, simple.

Codes public here, check for yourself.

>By investing in $STONK, you are investing in an index fund of DeFi's leading projects. Value in $STONK and value in the pool directly benefits all DeFi projects involved.

To address comparisons between Statera and Stonks: Stonks is based off of Stateras deflationary index concept, with a lower burn rate and higher pool holding of the main token. As opposed to speculating on crypto currencies and DeFi respectively, Stonks is specifically aimed at DeFi. The growth of similar indices in the coming future, as Stonks will not be the last, will serve to boost the growth of Statera and the Def-index fund ecosystem as a whole. No more brother wars, indexbros are all gonna make it.

Official Discord Server

Stonks Go Up!

>> No.19901530
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>> No.19901541
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>> No.19901579

fucking BASED COIN

>> No.19901593

Is anybody else doing this DeFi pool idea?

>> No.19901628
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>> No.19901635


>> No.19901656

Thought this was a scam, wtf this didnt exit yet? fuck did i miss out???

>> No.19901673

meme name, serious project. dev has done more for this project in the last couple of days than most big name/vc backed garbage out there.

>> No.19901678

I think there was a dip just now.
I'm gonna check uniswap

>> No.19901711
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Okay it is a pretty based idea. They have LINK and COMP in the pool.

>> No.19901795

Is this a good price to buy at?

>> No.19901803

fuck yes dude apparently an exchange is coming soon and dev is under nda

>> No.19902048

and kyber...

>> No.19902293


>> No.19902574

The one single biggest advantage of investing in this project is its name.

Imagine making it. Or, being more realistic, at least being able to get enough money to not wageslave for a year (which is my plan). Relax at first, buy gifts for your family, focus on getting in shape, learn, grow personally, eventually find a great job you love and turn your life around.

Then, if somebody asks you:
- Anon, how did you get this money? How were you able to kickstart your dreams like this?

You will answer with smile: STONKS

>> No.19902621

fucking this

>> No.19902630
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>> No.19902636

Imagine not grabbing at least a modest 50 USD bag while under 1 cent.
Stay poor, losers.

>> No.19902652

Holy shit I just saw who the dev is!
I'm in!

>> No.19902657
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Will they accept KNC-bancor pool tokens?

>> No.19902661

Alright god damn it you guys sold me. I’ll get a small bag

>> No.19902694

Whats the deal with KNC-bancor pool tokens?
This DeFi pool is pretty stupid comfy.

>> No.19902736

I just grabbed another bag.
Apparently we are getting another huge exchange listing announcement tomorrow.
Hopefully my BTC will transfer fast enough.

>> No.19902737
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>> No.19902790

Just heard they are midway through a complete code audit! This shit is going to bump when the result hit!

>> No.19902801

Yeah, like Statera did. Oh wait...
Don't get your hopes up anon. But, it will bump. It's still groundfloor.

>> No.19902827

What happened with Statera?

>> No.19902837

Who the fuck knows. After the audit it bumped like 20%, hesitated, and fell down to the ground xD

>> No.19902853

This was the time when STONK came out though. I guess people immediately saw that STA is a cheap chink scam and STONK is a glorious project

>> No.19902889

Makes sense, isn't STONK out performing Statera when it was in the same growth phase?

>> No.19902907

Pretty sure on the low it was just announced that they are getting a professional code audit. That is a ballsy bullish move. Glad I grabbed a bag

>> No.19902913

>Whats the deal with KNC-bancor pool tokens?

It's a liquidity pool thing. I just know that now apparently I can pool KNC with Stonks, and I can pool KNC with Bancor, why not pool Bancor AND Stonks together via KNC?

Merge all these defi platforms and coins together with partnerships and everyone wins.

>> No.19902929

This idea is actually based, i'm gonna see if the dev can comment on this.

>> No.19902967
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>> No.19902968


>> No.19902974 [DELETED] 

When to buy airline stocks?
Now or will it further dip in August yearly dip?

>> No.19902985

This actually a really good time to get in, it just started rallying with the news of an audit from a really solid auditor.

>> No.19902987

Hell yes

>> No.19902999

Hahaha love it, Stonks baby haha

>> No.19903000


>> No.19903025


>> No.19903030

I bought into this shit think it was a meme.
Withdrew my initial in the lust pump and a little bit of play money. The long term on this was enough to leave a fat stack though

>> No.19903151
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>> No.19903164

imagine thinking saying stupid shit like this will work on anyone

>> No.19903220

But like seriously, it's bulling right now. instant profit. I don't know what you are trying to say.

>> No.19903226

I loved the respectful thread from now on guys, keep it nice :D

>> No.19903233

I would say it's the same for now - similar marketcap, but rising steadily instead of pumping & dumping

>> No.19903258

The stability in the growth is what tipped me over the edge. I grabbed an ETH worth.

>> No.19903278

I have a 15ETH worth comfy bag now

>> No.19903290

That Audit though! Bullish af

>> No.19903365
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>> No.19903369

1.2mln bag at this moment, if it does even 2x more I'm gonna jizz in my pants. Already took half of it in 40ETH, and pooled 10 of them

>> No.19903376


>> No.19903386

Somebody just bough 40ETH of it lol

>> No.19903412

Because STONK just made clear they are professional and audit is coming!

Visit us on Discord and join the nice vibe :-D

>> No.19903493

How much can you make pooling? Which coins do I need to pool? I have STONK DMG and LINK mostly

>> No.19903514
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>> No.19903533
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>> No.19903576
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Never change /biz/

>> No.19903606
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>But like seriously, it's bulling right now. instant profit. I don't know what you are trying to say.

Yes this sounds like something a non Indian would say

>> No.19903753

it does. it might sound like shameless shilling, but not really indian.

>> No.19903764

Liquidity up 20% since I went to bed. Looks like people are starting to join the pool party.

>> No.19903791


>> No.19904261

And straight into the liquidity too!

Next stop, the MOON!

>> No.19904822

sires buy now ez 10x sirs

>> No.19904848

This project actually realises the importance of marketing, I can imagine it going to at least STA’s ath, maybe even higher desu

>> No.19904873

I heard it is going to be name dropped byba big YouTuber later today

>> No.19904985

where did you get that from?

>> No.19905000

based ccoin
based dev
based pool
based defi index fund

>> No.19905069


>> No.19905275

holy kek

>> No.19906016

this shit will poomp eventually

>> No.19906194

why do all these faggot new projects have dogshit """memes""" attached to them? do they really think it increases their credibility?

>> No.19906563
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this man is literally the most based motherfucker imaginable

>> No.19906809
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>> No.19906817

Can someone explain this to me I have no idea what any of this shit means

>> No.19906837
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remember to get you your preferred tier before we hit more exchanges lads

>> No.19906846
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>> No.19906903

Lol, I'm a STONKosaurus

>> No.19906910

there is a swap fee for entering and exiting the pool, the balancer sends you dividends based off pool activity every week so long as you stay in the pool. the total weekly amount of divs for the pool is distributed based on everyone's individual pool percentage

>> No.19906932

get both you idiot they cater to different markets

>> No.19906989

Holy shit that is some pajeet tier shit

>> No.19908182
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Muh dev remove liquid for adverti not a scam

So smart copies stat word for word a day after

muh scam coin

get out glowieeee

>> No.19908237

Wtf saw the dev is im in????
Pajeeet smells stinky

get out glowie, muh coin muh statera clone

We gonna get audited reeee

Copies Statera code word for word and ask same auditors to audit code

fomoooooo early

normies donw know what theyr emissing

>> No.19908261
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My coin is not a scam muh coin

>> No.19908329
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warning this is a scam

warning this is a scam

Billion Bit Club
Binary Coin
Bit Sequence
Bitcoin Ascension (pyramid scheme)
Bitconnect X
Bitglare Coin
Falcon Coin
FUU Coin
Gold Reward Token
Home Block Coin
Knox Coin
Libra Coin
Monetize Coin
Oalend Coin
Secular Coin
Stepium (pyramid scheme)
Swisscoin (pyramid scheme)
TEX Coin
Thorn Coin
Ucoin Cash
Unix Coin
USI Tech
Western Coin

>> No.19908345

I hate adults with memes and meme words like ‘muh’

Grow the fuck up, jesus christ. To the guy above ^

>> No.19908367

Oh nooooo,

The extreme fudder is back loool. He woke up again. It was so quiet and peaceful without you.

Man you gotta grow up.

>> No.19908389
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>warning this is a scam
>warning this is a scam
>Billion Bit Club
>Binary Coin
>Bit Sequence
>Bitcoin Ascension (pyramid scheme)
>Bitconnect X
>Bitglare Coin
>Falcon Coin
>FUU Coin
>Gold Reward Token
>Home Block Coin
>Knox Coin
>Libra Coin
>Monetize Coin
>Oalend Coin
>Secular Coin
>Stepium (pyramid scheme)
>Swisscoin (pyramid scheme)
>TEX Coin
>Thorn Coin
>Ucoin Cash
>Unix Coin
>USI Tech
>Western Coin

>> No.19908457

Kek. Did you just make up a bunch of memecoin names? Because I've never heard of any of those.

>> No.19908505

Can I add to the pool by simply buying BPT?
If so, what's the address please

>> No.19908688

capped for brevity

>> No.19908755

stonks memes have already existed sorry dude

>> No.19908894

kek buters is back at it again
my fucking sides

>> No.19909223

Or, when you lose all your money and become broke, you can't tell people you lost it to stonks, and they can laugh at you and call you retarded

>> No.19909266

Yes, but that doesn't happen, because stonks is a good project.

>> No.19909284

Yes +1

>> No.19909360

I'm sorry man, but it was DOA. It's just whales keeping the price propped up at this point. People cash out as soon as the price goes up a little

>> No.19909384

Ah, we did not know indeed that we are in crypto where price goes up and down. Interesting.

>> No.19909391

The balancer pool’s growing steadily day by day

>> No.19909400


>> No.19909590


>> No.19909749


and the lows are increase each day as well. A few days ago you could still buy at 0.0043 usd. Now it doesn't go below 0.0070-80

>> No.19909862

>A few days ago you could still buy at 0.0043 usd
So literally the first day? This was at ~0.006 a few hours ago. This had potential, no one cares about it except the whales, who will just keep bleeding off profits every time this tries to pump

>> No.19909915

sure, it was 0.006 for about 10 minutes...

>> No.19910032

wat now?

>> No.19910065

>Now it doesn't go below 0.0070-80
>it was 0.006 for about 10 minutes

>> No.19910124

the liquidity he is referring to was the amount generated through presales lmao

>> No.19910137

my point is that it went back up to 0.007 straight away....

>> No.19910166

you add to the pool through the stonk dev website or through the balancer pool, balancer sends you the bpt when you do that.

theres no bpt liquidity on uniswap so you dont buy it directly if thats what you mean

>> No.19911244


>> No.19911599
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>> No.19911806

Blessed thread

>> No.19912130

Very comfy hold.

>> No.19912781


>> No.19912969
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Sooo, anon... It's time to pay up. Are you in here?

>> No.19913702


>> No.19915042

Hahaha, I remember that's exactly what people said about STA before it ran up from 1 cent to 15 cents in a couple days. Think again before it's too late, Anon

>> No.19915070
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After you gentlemen are done making gains from Stonks you are coming back to Statera, yes?

>> No.19915394

This has been hovering just above my buy-in for a while now, so I'm not down, but this isn't getting the hype that I expected.

>> No.19915516

the bigbrain approach is to hold 100,000 of both sta and stonk

>> No.19916274 [DELETED] 

Not me, personally. There are moves being made on bal distribution efficiency in the pool that are miles ahead of sta's efforts in roi. I'm all in.

>> No.19916348

Stonks uses the exact same balance pool as Statera and BAL token distribution, how is it miles ahead?

>> No.19916376

>Yes +1
Back to gaia with you

>> No.19916436

This just keeps crabbing, I'm gonna sell above 0.009 and buy back in when we go below 0.008 to increase my stack

>> No.19916533

LMAO how delusional do you have to be to even reach 2c after what everyone experienced with sta (hint: DUMP when the biz neet whales that are the same that stonk has took profit)?
Except this time it's objectively worse that sta because it's just a discord with a nameless dev (lmao under "nda", "can't talk because contract" like really, an anonymous nickname on discord under a contract, you're so fucking gullible) and with shitty pool liquidity (15 times less than sta).
I give this shitcoin an extra 15% up in price before one of the whales alone crashes this shit -90% . Have fun holding worthless bags, idiots.

>> No.19916595
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see pic related, you can't be this stupid can you?

>> No.19916608

>>19916274 this said:
Not me, personally. There are moves being made on bal distribution efficiency in the pool that are miles ahead of sta's efforts in roi. I'm all in.

Sorry had to recheck if I shouldve posted that lol.
"How do Balancer Pools charge fees and how much are they?
Balancer pools charge a percentage of the input amount traded for each trade. The fee goes entirely to the Balancer Pool liquidity providers." lower swap fee will provide more optimized Bal returns, meaning more incentive for using the liquidity pool.

>> No.19916748

The devs and head team members have been creating a brand new project. After three days, it's finally here. I present, COOM. This coin is superior to STONKS in many ways. First of all, the name? Haha, even more funny and meme-like than Stonks. Just wait, this shit is going to the moon.

Buy here

COOM will be $1 by the end of the month, easily!

>> No.19916771

haha this is impressive effort for fud admittedly.

>> No.19917386

3 days old coin, retard

>> No.19917399


Bro’s thanks for this I’m all in just bought 5 ether. I thought what the heck’s stonks now coom why not both they both sound so stable and represent economic growth . With a name like stonks and coom we can only moons boos

>The devs and head team members have been creating a brand new project. After three days, it's finally here. I present, COOM. This coin is superior to STONKS in many ways. First of all, the name? Haha, even more funny and meme-like than Stonks. Just wait, this shit is going to the moon.
>Buy here
>COOM will be $1 by the end of the month, easily!

>> No.19917598

Why should I STONK when I can COOM? Very based.

>> No.19918309

Stonk isn't a verb doofus you use your stonk portfolio.

>> No.19918969

Whilst I like the idea behind Statera, I feel like the devs are just so incompetent that I couldn't personally hold bags anymore. Sorry anon.

>> No.19919107

When .05??

>> No.19919390


>> No.19919546

which dividend will someone have offering liquidity?

>> No.19919566

>STONK is a glorious project
come on the name is a meme.. obv scam.. you guys are really bastards
bitconnect tier

>> No.19919636

>This DeFi pool is pretty stupid comfy.

>> No.19919652

If I understand your question, Bal.
It's DeFi year B)

>> No.19919885
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>tfw I bought at 1.1c

>> No.19920217

FUCK, me too anon

>> No.19920372

>It's DeFi year B)
what do you mean?

>> No.19920379

Don't worry we'll be going to 5 cents soon.

>> No.19920412

Fuck STONK, I’m tired of just being quiet about all this.

It was made to be a PND pump STONK get back into STA.

They didn’t expect the support it got though.

Yes it’s possible they have switched gears and decided to continue to support it.

But I am speaking to you with insider knowledge here.

Watch this wallet.

If the whales decide to dump (This is a true fact: The majority of the whales in STONK originally got on board to PND)

This wallet will be one of the first to start dumping.

Again, they may well have switched gears. but for your own sake, if they havn’t this wallet is privy to info regarding the dump they intended to from the start. If that is still the plan who knows…

I'm fine admitting I hold STA not STONK. but this isn't a a fud.

Just keep your eyes on it. it's an early warning system.

>> No.19920520

>It was made to be a PND pump STONK get back into STA.

Cope. Lets see what plays out when STONK is actually working the hardest on their project while STA takes 4 days to create a fucking discord. You are thick if you think they will leave a hardworking dev for a different project.

>> No.19920544

Some STA whales got on board for this reason but that's not why the token was made. Plus the meme energy is currently flowing to STONK. Weak handed whales may sell early but STONK will pump hard regardless.

>> No.19920866

Top level STONK whale here. I have some bad news for you. The suspicions are all true. Their are alternative motives for STONKS, and it will soon be revealed to the public. There is a discord where the plan is brewing. I am just letting you all know this because peoples livelihoods are in jeopardy. These are real people with real families/bills/desires etc. Sell now, or within a few you days you will be strongly regretting it. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is reality, not some fairy tale wonderland where STONK reigns supreme.

>> No.19920872

I'm not saying it will dump. just saying that WAS the plan. it does have solid fundamentals (Stolen from STA) If they hold strong yes it will work out for them and you. I'm not even saying you should get out. just keep your eye on that wallet. thats all man. No FUD even intended.

you are wrong there. I am sorry to say. do you think if someone was trying to make a legit project they would call it STONK?
Granted Doge is still around. I'm not saying this can't be legit but it was never the plan.

It seems it may be now. but if the going gets tough...just watch the wallet.

Keep your STONK it has a good chance of making you money.

But now you know when to fold em.

This is a legit helpful post. (I know it sounds like FUD...do what you want but put your mind at ease and copy that wallet address.

>> No.19921437

It was always the plan.
You'll see.

>> No.19921537

I'm not sure if you are confirming what i am saying or not. In any case, I'm not suggesting you dump yours now, i'm not suggesting you hold. I'm just saying. if they do dump, this is you're first indicator. Do with the info what you will. there is no harm in just keeping an eye on it.

>> No.19921558

Thank you anon

>> No.19921754

You are welcome for real. They may have changed their minds. If they wanted to pull they probably would have by now. Legit. I kinda don't think they will any more. But this is info that WILL help if they do. Thats all.

>> No.19922059

As an aside. i really don't want to fuck with peoples money. Even this wallet holders. (So please, a few transactions here and there does not mean it's dumping. (DESU I wish BOTH STA and STONK will work out) but all this bad blood shows we aren't ready for alien contact. We have been given a golden opportunity here with both STA and STONK but we are raping it to death with fudding. We all deserve to make it.

>> No.19922322

Again, you are still speculating. I am going to speculate that you are wrong, and that this will pump pretty fucking high, and there won't be any dump. It may not be quick, but its going to be pretty nice.

>> No.19922442

Yea, i honestly think they moved past the PND thing (You can call that speculation). I am starting to think STONK will hold steady. Maybe I am just fucking with you. but what's the harm in keeping an eye on it...none. I'll leave this at that cause I'm not trying to fud.

>> No.19922462

>palindrome dub-quints

>> No.19922476

We are so fucking early. This is like STA before it pumped

>> No.19922485

Oh shit! nice!.. ok now I'll leave it at that.

>> No.19922958

Honestly it’s been holding out really steadily even in this BTC dump? I’m starting to think the whales are serious about this project

>> No.19923783

>The arbitrage gap between uniswap & $STONK is huge here right now, between uniswap & the balancer's exchange: https://balancer.exchange/#/swap

>To add $STONK as a token to be traded on the balancer's exchange, input the address 0xb60fde5d798236fbf1e2697b2a0645380921fccf

>Arbitrage trading through the exchange will constantly rebalance the pool & it will directly contribute to swap fees - which will reward liquidity providers with a very sizeable amount, as our swap fees are a high 0.88%. At the same time if you provide liquidity - you'll also be earning BAL tokens, at an RoL of 238%.

>There are many trading opportunities up for exploitation here - all are beneficial to $STONK and all will contribute to $STONK being balanced by DeFi.

Noke woke up

>> No.19924924
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It's over.

>> No.19925099

No sir its not
Many moon soon

>> No.19925115

Sir pls pump my bag sirs

>> No.19925449

footage of no-stonkies in a week's time

>> No.19926190
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>> No.19926208

This dipped because people left for DMM. Still crabbing not really a dump.

>> No.19926233

You haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Watch as this goes to zero. If you were smart, you would cash out now

>> No.19926408

its literally crabbing because people are pooling. this is a good thing lol

>> No.19926432

Fuck this meme ripoff, selling 170k when im home in 2 hours

>> No.19926451

It has been crabbing for 4 days, even when there was no money in the pool. This shit is dead. Fuckers got too cocky and this is the result

>> No.19926737

There will be a catalyst soon and you will fomo with rest of the sheep. If you recognize a good thing out of 100 shitcoins you can wait for a week. These moonboys cannot hold for a day. More cheapies for me I guess

>> No.19926825

>There will be a catalyst soon and you will fomo with rest of the sheep. If you recognize a good thing out of 100 shitcoins you can wait for a week. These moonboys cannot hold for a day. More cheapies for me I guess
This above statement applies to Statera and perhaps even stonk (if that claim of the stonk's dev (noke) having multiple wallets with one of them linked to previous scam coins is untrue)