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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1990391 No.1990391 [Reply] [Original]

From pivx.org:

>PIVX Wallet 2.2.0 release (mandatory)
>by Grant | Apr 22, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
>New v2.2.0 Wallet Update

>Official MANDATORY v2.2.0 wallet update has been released that enables the budget system & masternode payment enforcement along with increased wallet stability.

>Everyone should upgrade their wallets by the end of this weekend April 23 2017 if possible.
>Older wallet versions will no longer be valid in the network after block 615800. (~April 25)

Instead of running with everyone's PIVX coins, dump on bittrex and make it out with a sizeable amount of BTC, the POSW team has decided to delist PIVX, raise everyone's withdrawal limits and encourage everyone to stake on their 2.2.0 wallets instead.
This needed to be done as soon as possible as the team is actually busy working on developments and improvements of the site and the project and can't abide by draconian deadlines imposed by the PIVX cult

I'm very glad that I bought into the project as it couldn't have been done in a more above the fold honest and supportive fashion given the circumstances

tl;dr last reminder to buy POSW right now before it spins around from current dip levels goes up to $1


>> No.1990402

i'm already balls deep
see you at the lambo meetup

>> No.1990409

Lmao I'm all out of BTC and I can't empty my bank account because I need money for gas

>> No.1990425

it's not going to a dollar, what makes you think it would lol.

>> No.1990439

It probably will. Do your homework

>> No.1990440

it probably won't it does nothing, well except scam people and AFRICA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK

>> No.1990447
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Posw wallet itself acts like exchange/coin staker. You put up coins, you get dividends from your share. Dividends based on performance of poswallet. If you look at poswallet volume, 97.73% is posw coin itself. it's basically based only on posw coin volume. That means if volume stops of posw coin people will have lesser dividends from exchange performance. Plus people give coins for staking, which gives them dividends, however without access full withdrawal . That means when they will reach tipping point they simply cash out your investment and leave you with nothing. its simply High-yield investment scam

here wiki link so autists could learn history and preferably not repeat it :

>> No.1990450
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waiting for the ponzicoiners to scream fud

stay blind

>> No.1990475
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I dont because I hate new threads about poor NEET wailing that they lost their all assets TO BRAND NEW SHITCOIN.

It's literally text book scam


>> No.1990478

are you

>> No.1990483
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yes, I just wanted to stop circle jerk and inform people that there were before companies who scammed money with same methods, except in this case they will be not persecuted because of legal loopholes

>> No.1990485

way too much drama surrounding this coin/exchange
and the price has already blown up, more room to fall than to grow
staying out

>> No.1990486

Why are people me ming this lamb idea. If it goes to $1 it's only a 5x profit. You would have had to put it lamb money to get lamb money

>> No.1990496
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I am all in for wild capitalism, but people must realize that with massive gains, there is big risks and if they believe posw is credible organization, good for them. However I spent more than enough time in financial sectors to know than organization can offer something of value and than organization simply say : give us money we will duplicate it, pinky swear AKA scam

>Operators generally set up a website offering an "investment program" which promises very high returns, such as 2% per day (7556% APY when returns are compounded every day), disclosing little or no detail about the underlying management, location, or other aspects of how money is to be invested

In posw case they offer even larger monetary benefits, which means either they depends on new victims money to boost their dividends or creator is genius and will bring us new economical golden age which is in my opinion unlikely

>> No.1990503

Are you utterly retarded? This isn't a pyramid scheme, POSW coins are in effect shares of an exchange. By buying POSW coins you become a shareholder and are entitled to dividend payouts. The greater the volume the more fee revenue they get and the more is distributed to shareholders.
Is this your first day in the stock exchange world? There is no difference between POSW coins and buying Apple or Google shares.

>> No.1990511

Is every coin that has masternodes a scam too? I mean, it's free money so it's gotta be a ponzi

>> No.1990513

yes it is you blind bat

how much kool aid you drinking

>> No.1990515

>not even bothering with an argument
What can you expect from FUDders

>> No.1990516


>> No.1990563

>This needed to be done as soon as possible as the team is actually busy working on developments and improvements of the site and the project and can't abide by draconian deadlines imposed by the PIVX cult

That's not the reason the team gave. And if it's true that aren't updating the PIVX wallet, ie. starting today it will be impossible to withdraw PIVX from POSW exchange then I'm really glad I never touched the exchange.

>> No.1990571

they are forcibly converting peoples pivx to posw.

Ill let that sink in for a second to you kool aid drinkers

>> No.1990573
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No, because it's currency. Posw acts like stocks with high dividends which are too big to be sustainable

>> No.1990577

They don't exactly have a choice here. You can't expect a dev team to drop everything and rehaul a coin's codebase and infrastructure on a 3 non-workday notice. The real criminals here are the PIVX team and we all know it.
You're more than welcome to remain salty nocoiners and watch me pleasure your mothers

>> No.1990581
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>they are forcibly converting peoples pivx to posw.
>starting today it will be impossible to withdraw PIVX from POSW exchange

>> No.1990584

Do your own research coiner

>> No.1990586
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t. mad nocoiner

>> No.1990588
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I really like you, because you remind me golden 90's than soviet union fell and there was huge influx of banks in EE which offered huge dividends and all people just invested and when they got dividends they kept them in bank for even larger dividends until it all fell. I really hope you succeed, but reality is harsh : you will loose your investment and you will be lucky to cash out at 1 cent per posw. History repeats and it always happens to poor people who can't learn from others mistakes

>> No.1990593

Yeah I'm not mad, but you coiners seem increasingly mad as each day passes.

>> No.1990595

It's okay I really like you too, because you remind me of folks who refused to buy bitcoin pre-2013 even though they'd been repeatedly encouraged to do so. stay adorable fernando

>> No.1990601
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I personally don't understand split between coiner and nocoiners. I am personally both. I made huge fortune with privatizations and I never dreamed such opportunity will rise again, but here we go with crypto coins. As God is my witness I really really like capitalism. God bless free market

>> No.1990602

In balls deep as well, dont let me down

>> No.1990604

I don't know and don't care because I don't use it

>> No.1990607
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Nice try man, but I was one of early adopters