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File: 22 KB, 240x312, Towel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
198050 No.198050 [Reply] [Original]

>Online jobs that are legit and pay at least $10 an hour.

Hard mode: Must be easy.
God mode: Must be fun and easy.

>> No.198059

There are none.

When people want something done and they're willing to pay more than minimum wage, they want to face the person doing it and they want to see someone who is accountable.

On the internet, you are not accountable. No one knows who you are. No one hires anyone internationally, let alone from the internet, it's always local. You want to be paid more than 10$ an hour? You get a real skill in something, prove that skill and then start applying for jobs in real life.

The problem we have here is that there aren't enough jobs like that.

>> No.198095

forklift driver

>> No.198094
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>> No.198099

my bad missed the online part

>> No.198109

Sorry man for your "feels," but this is reality. You adapt or die.

>> No.198144

There's no such thing as a good online job. Regardless of what some retards say on here, the best online job you'll get is maybe a survey taker, where you take XX surveys a day and maybe make a dollar or two.

Time to be a big boy and go out into the real world.

>> No.198612


>> No.198989

SaaS startup solo founder aka patio11 wannabe.

>> No.198994

become a medical coder

hospitals send you records they need transcribed. you do it all from home and make an easy $25/hr.

>> No.198999

This sounds too good to be true. You probably have to visit them in person before you start the job and have your biometrics logged or something, no? What are the qualifications? Which companies offer this? How find?

>> No.199001

Also, simple transcribing or actual coding via computer language(s)?

>> No.199004

Jobs like the ones you want do exist, and are easy to find. I actually work one right now to augment my college expenses. The problem is that people like you, who need to be spoonfed, will make the field more competitive and will reduce my possible workload.

>> No.199009

my mother works as a coder

the coding itself is extremely basic, it's just inputting numbers and values into a database spreadsheet. there's no actual programming or coding

however you do need some sort of nursing degree

she started working at a local clinic. after a year, she was experienced and trusted enough to work from home. so yeah...you probably can't start working from home directly(at least not for good money)

>> No.199010


I don't think they're s easy to find, otherwise I would have found one by now. Also the majority of people wouldn't be like >>198059

How much do you get paid? Which companies offer it?

>> No.199015
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>however you do need some sort of nursing degree

>> No.199016

go to one of those accelerated programs. it's intense but gets you out after 6-12months

>> No.199020


Good God how many of these do you have?

>> No.199021

Do those count as nursing degrees by the online employer people?
Where do you get the accelerated programs?
Also, which companies actually offer the online jobs?

>> No.199022
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Around 100. However, I have around 1,500 Feel Guys.

>> No.199026

I make around $13/hr, and yes they are relatively easy to find should you actually look outside of Monster or other "job sites". The problem is that these jobs are hard and require dedication and precision in order to be employed. You probably won't pass the QE.

>> No.199024

>above minimum wage

what the kek

>> No.199031

there's local schools everywhere. haven't you ever watched afternoon jerry springer?

the jobs are offered either by hospitals or clinics. im not sure about the specifics, but i know my mother handles the billing cycle. basically she reads the doctor's reports/notes, and converts all the procedures into billing codes which are then sent to the insurance companies

and yes...the healtcare industry is a giant bureaucratic joke. there's more than enough leeway to make money on the side if you have the right connections in other places

>> No.199032
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Can you throw out (1) the companies that hire, (2) the best places to look, and (3) what exactly your particular job entails? (Out of curiosity). Do you like it? How many hours a day? How long have you been doing it?

Thank you, Anon.

>> No.199034

Thank you, Anon. Yes, the Statists have ruined healthcare. However much I mock the free market for its stance on lack of environmental regulations, it really is the best system, in my opinion, to implement.

>> No.199053

1.I stated before I wouldn't simply give it out.
2.Google, you should be able to find my job easily.
3.Confidential, but should you find my job. I would be willing to offer feedback as to how you could do well at the company and the admissions process. Understand that I am unable to provide you with specifics related to the job though.

>> No.199058

Only jobs I can think off that don't require programming knowledge is vlogging on youtube or running a blog for news of sorts and both take months to set up and get hits (and no gurantees that anyone will ever read/follow what you do).

>> No.199063

Well Google is the reason you run into things like Monster and other "job sites" and then have to resort to 4chins. Are there any other ways you can recommend to finding legitimate online job listings?

And sure, please do share your insights on how to do well at the company as well as the admission process. I would be grateful.

>> No.199061

can you be more paranoid? you're seriously afraid of divulging your precious job secrets to a couple of people on a slow forum board?

any job that volatile is already shit

>> No.199064

I'll help you out OP

Try Textbroker. If you're a level 4 writer you can do it easy. Level 3 might be harder to make $10 an hour. When you send in your application and sample articles, be sure to email them that you applied so they can get to them quick. Should be accepted in a week or two. Try and do extremely well on those first articles, cause it's hard to get your rank back up if you can't do it the first time. If you get to level 5 you'll be making bank. But shoot for 4 for now.

>> No.199068

You're not talking about those Search Engine Evaluation contractors are you?

>> No.199076

Thank you. What exactly does a Textbroker job entail? How many hours a day? I'm great at English, if that helps. Also, what's required for level 5? And about how much does level 5 pay?

>> No.199080

Not necessarily, still I have a certain respect for those people who take a leap of faith in such an unstable position, but I suppose in an economy like this they are kind of forced to.

>> No.199082

You're basically writing articles on a given topic. 0.01USD/word it looks like.

>> No.199086

Yeah the work is very well paid and interesting but there's almost never any fucking work.

>> No.199101
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It's a shame that one of the best people left to go sell meat and meat accessories. I guess we always have steam though.

>> No.199103

Well it's basically a content mill. At the lower levels (2 and 3, there's no 1) you're basically writing for SEO. People need bullshit original articles so that their site appears higher in Google searches. Sometimes you write descriptions of movies or television episodes. Writing for this is competitive and occasionally there wont be any articles available, but you can make minimum wage with it. As a native speaker you'll definitely get at least level 3. Level 2 is like non native speakers from China doing articles for cash.

Level 4 is better. There's way more articles and higher pay. Don't have to work as hard for minimum wage a day. Articles are higher quality and arn't SEO crap (sometimes, but you can choose to do them or not). So it's like travel location descriptions, or restaurant reviews (this is where a lot of those fake reviews of stuff comes from).

To get Level 5 you have to maintain level 4 for a while, then take a super hard English test and pass it, (or something like that, I can't remember). And after that you get payed a buttload. Just focus on Level 4. Level 5 is for pros, and by then people will contact YOU for jobs.

>> No.199111


Heres how much you get paid. Again, don't really shoot for 5 now, if at all. If you're making a consistent income with 4 then you can probably write a Kindle book in your spare time.

Also the guy who says there are no decent jobs online is retarded. This is how I started my online career and I'm doing great.

>> No.199112

Sounds bretty gud. Just five questions (I started with two, but three others popped up in my head): About how much does level four make? About how much does level five make? Have you made it to level five? What is the typical article length that one writes at a time? Around how many hours a day?

>> No.199115

Sorry, part of this >>199112 was posted before I was able to read this >>199111

Do you still work for Textbroker or are you doing your own thing now?

>> No.199120

You've lost me.

This sounds promising, thanks for sharing.

>> No.199129

I answered the Income just now. Check the link

I've never made it to 5, But 4 was enough for me until I moved on to other things. I'm not sure if the application process is changed, but it's usually write 4 sample articles and then I emailed them saying I sent in samples, and they reviewed them in a week. Try REALLY hard to get 4 because it makes it so much easier. After your rating it can take a month to change it.

Typical article length can be 250 words to 500-600 words. Upper level articles are 1000 or more. Usually the lower the score the shorter the article will be.

Hours depend on you really. Think if you're level 3 and want to make 50 dollars a day, that's ten 500 word articles. A level 4 will make $70 with the same amount of words. For a level 5 that's $250.

Yeah I saw that no prob. I don't work there any more I do my own thing online still though.

No prob check it out. It's the best content writer site in my opinion. Weekly payments and highest pay.

>> No.199135

Once you have an extra $100 or so in the bank you can move onto other online stuff. Like open your own website and make money off ad revenue.

>> No.199136

I'm signing off for the night. I'll gve you one last clue though as to where I work.

"How fast the moments fly away, and every minute's colder."

>> No.199142

yeah make sure to log off 4chan

>> No.199147

You're probably just talking about PPD or SEO or something. Not that much of a secret. There's enough money to go around.

>> No.199151

I'm really HNNNGing at the level five pay. Level four pay seems low for the amount of work. I'm not ungrateful, I'm just a perfectionist, so 1,000 words takes me a while because I look over it and revise a lot. I know it depends on the person but at level four, around how much were you making a day?

>> No.199157

Can you do it on your own sporadic and chosen time? For example, three hours a month one month and then thirty the next month?

>> No.199161

I shot for minimum wage. In Washington State that's 65-70 a day. It's up to you. You can give level 5 a try but I think you need to do level 4 for like a month and then take the test.

5000 words isn't that much once you get used to it. It's better than nothing I suppose and guaranteed income.

Yes it's up to you. It can be 3 am or 3 pm. I haven't been on there in almost a year and I just logged on and claimed an article. You can claim one article at a time though.

>> No.199162

It kinda gets to you after a while, writing so much. I had to stop doing full time and only did it every once in a while to buy a new game when I wanted one.

>> No.199165

Thank you so much, Anon. Do you have any tips on getting accepted, maintaining your employment, etc.? Pros and cons?

Also, what exactly happens when you "claim an article"? Like what instructions does it give you for each article when you claim one?

One last question. How often do you think you can try for level five?

>> No.199175
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Um not really any tips. I just remember that it takes them a month to review your articles to maintain your score. So when you first apply you send them an email saying you did the sample articles. After that they get to them real quick. Here's some screenshots of what you see for articles.

I remember why I stopped. I dropped to level 3 and wanted to try something new. But here's level 3. Usually theres more, but theres only one in this category for level 3 (usually theres more, with level 4 there's always articles, same with 5.)

>> No.199178
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And what you see when you click on it.

Also I think you can apply for level 5 as many times as you want, but there might be a cooldown period of like once a month. I also think you need a history of level 4 articles with no mistakes. Level 4 is supposed to be no mistakes. So it will take them at least a month to review your first articles you write.

>> No.199181

Textbroker is the best content writer I think.

There's others like MediaPiston and iwriter but they pay bad and are run by sketchy people. I've tried them all and trust me when I say to avoid the others and stay with TB.

>Not a textbroker shill...

>> No.199187
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Thank you, Anon. 10/10 poster; will look into.

>> No.199189
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No problem Anon. Glad I can help.

I'll leave this tab open, I would like to see your progress. I'm going to go play some vidya now. Good luck.

>> No.199195
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this is awesome and i'm going to try it, but still

>endorsing a shill website
>saying you aren't a shill

how do we know you aren't being paid now?

>> No.200044

How do you know people who endorse a credit card aren't shills? That's just the best one I know of, and honestly I wouldn't recommend it if you can't get into writing, or you're not level 5. It's just a guaranteed minimum wage.

>> No.200809

Textbroker looks compelling. My English isn't exactly top-notch since I'm a European. I do want to aim for level 3, but before that I might need to look up some American English spelling guides.

>> No.200961


This is what I do and I make $18.85/hr. It's easy work once you grasp it, but it's as boring as watching paint dry.

>> No.201138

Do you work for a single company or multiples to keep a steady work load?

>> No.201184

I'm sure you can get level 3. Where in Europe? Theres a worldwide textbroker website somewhere.

>> No.201497

There's no reason to think he's a shill.

What company do you work for? What are the requirements? Why is it boring? What's involved in a typical day and how many hours a day?

>> No.201803


One company.


>What company do you work for?

Lionbridge Technologies

>What are the requirements

If your resume gets accepted you have to pass an exam.

>Why is it boring?

You're literally reading random webpages all day.

>What's involved in a typical day and how many hours a day

Well, the company requires that you work a minimum of 40 hours a month (and a maximum of 88). You can go about this however you please since there's no set schedule.

There are many different types of tasks. The most common one is evaluating the quality of webpages and their usefulness to an issued query (e.g., this page would not be helpful for someone who googled "pizza").

>> No.201853

Do they require a degree of any kind? What kind of resume did you have? What kind of questions are on the exam? Random webpages sound fun. What would you say the pros and cons are? Do you like it even though it's boring? Sorry for all the questions. I'm trying to gather all the info I can about legit online jobs.

>> No.201875

Also what is your actual formal position/job title called?

>> No.201883

And is Spanish ability mandatory? It seems so.

>> No.201960

Take pictures of a hot bitch from craigslist. Make one of those viral referral marketing and/or CPA to unlock new photos. Advertise on sites for teenagers. Don't forget the 18+ only warning to keep legality. If the girl looks good enough you can make between 20-700 every day on autopilot. Learn PHP. It takes a week to learn what you need to know with lots of coffee and/or adderall.

>> No.202000

Shilling on /pol/ for fifty cents a post, paid in sheckles with double foreign currency transaction fees.

>> No.202076
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>If the girl looks good enough you can make between 20-700 every day on autopilot.
Doing what exactly? Having an ad with a hot chick and when you click on it you get the rest of the pics in the set? Who exactly is paying you for that, especially $700? Won't sites you advertise it on want a cut too? How many different sites?

>> No.202083

>implying that a "hot" girl would be on craigslist
>implying anyone would pay for porn in 2014
>implying anyone looks at still images when slapping their meatbag

>> No.202117

Point system. IP based is best as no one likes making accounts. They get a referral link. Each refer gives a few points. A mew picture unlocks after a certain amount of points. This is your advertising. Points can also be earned through CPAs. This is your revenue. No one is buying porn. They are earning porn by feeding your wallet.

>> No.202120

I have 15 computers mining bitcoins all day errry day and I'm a billionaire. And in my spare time I take surveys worth mad cash and I won't mention which cause I don't want you fucking with my bread money

>> No.202130

I'm in bed on a cell. I don't recommend pictures of mew FYI maybe a jigglypuff

>> No.202261

make a good webcomic, blog, vlog, whatever you're good at and get money in donations, ads, merchandise and data aggregation
I call it the female NEET

>> No.202548

Netherlands, knowing some decent English over here is pretty standard. Not sure if that's enough. As for textbroker, I assume I can just join as an author despite not being an American. TB seems to use Paypal for payments.

>> No.202565

Learn to program and play the bitcoin market.

I make $500 a day for like 5 min of work right now.

>> No.202567


>Buying speculative instruments
>Not understanding why they are volatile

>> No.202633

Bumping. Collecting all good responses.

>> No.202650

What do you program?

>> No.202651

Is anyone familiar with a textbroker-like website that accepts international authors? Translation would also be great since I speak native portuguese and would love to cash in on the Brazil craze.

>> No.202657


Go to mturk and translate audio scripts. Those make pretty decent money.

>> No.202710

Translstion jobs seem way too rare on mturk though

>> No.202732

Can you work from a shit third world country while living in another third world country? It seems like you could work a few days and pay an apartment in SEA or wherever.

How do you pay taxes?

>> No.202966 [DELETED] 

I have a friend with an online job. Its $10 or so an hour, and essentially consists of coming up with catchy titles and interesting topics for someone's network of blogs.

>> No.203006

There are a ton of jobs that fit your qualifications.

...You just need skills

>> No.204024

More information please. How do I sign up?

>> No.204061

Can someone tell me why all these Lionbridge jobs require a BA for simple ass jobs? And the only jobs that don't require fluency in some other language? (Spanish)

>> No.204526
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They require college? FUCK. I was so excited. Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.205663


>Do they require a degree of any kind?


>What kind of resume did you have?

The only job I had on my resume was work at a fast-food restaurant.

>What kind of questions are on the exam?

The exam is based on the guidelines for the job. You'll receive them after you're accepted into the program.

>Random webpages sound fun

The novelty quickly wears off. Although, some of the queries/websites are unintentionally funny.

>What would you say the pros and cons are?


-Remote job
-Good pay relative to what you're doing
-It's easy


-No benefits
-Maximum of 88 hours a month

>Do you like it even though it's boring?

It's meh. I'm usually listening to music or podcasts while working.

>Also what is your actual formal position/job title called?

Senior Search Quality Evaluator. If you consistently score well you'll receive a promotion that's a accompanied by a 30% raise. I originally made $14.50 an hour. From what I've heard the starting pay is higher, though. I've been working there for four years.

>And is Spanish ability mandatory? It seems so.

I'm pretty sure there are multiple positions. Mine only requires English.

>> No.205675


When I got the job I was still in college. I've yet to be asked to verify my degree. You could most likely get the job by saying you're a current student.

>> No.205745

mTurk. Seriously.

I'm making about $450 a week on average. Last week as pretty fucking baller and I made $650.

>> No.205750
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Aw shit forgot my picture.

The 4k was made from March to around August when Fall semester started.

>> No.205755

ITT: People who have never explored the beautiws of ppi/ppd.

>> No.205788


How do you find all the good HITs?

>> No.205821

I use forums that are dedicated solely to mTurk. The biggest two out there are MTurkForum and MTurkGrind. I find that I make much more with MTG as there's less shit posting, but either site would net you some pretty good cash.

There's also the mturk subreddit if that's your thing.

>> No.205823

I will never understand why people enjoy doing online work. I've done my fair share mostly transcription work, surveys, and other menial shit, and working a menial minimum wage job blows that shit right out of the water. Depending on what you do you can work for a portions of your shift and fuck around for the rest. Face to face or atleast knowing the people at your job and being seen there interaction presents opportunities for meeting people who can be influential to you and may help you land another gig somewhere that pays higher. And if your work consists of mostly physical labor your body might not look that bad too.

>> No.205867


Thanks Anon! I signed and got approved up a few days ago. I'll take a look at these sites.

What do you do generally do? Surveys, transcription? Are there any good certifications that I should get as I'm starting out?

>> No.205916

About 60% of the money I make comes from surveys. The rest comes from batches of HITs that I like to do (mainly find site E-Mail HITs becuase I can knock those out in 8-9 seconds easily) when they pop up.

As far as quals go, I'd recommend focusing on getting your HIT count up to 1k, 5k and 10k. You'll be somewhat limited in what HITs you can do until you HIT 10k; at that point your only worry is attain qualifications. There aren't any that come to mind right now, but if you're into transcription based work, definitely check out CrowdSurf Support as they pay quite nicely.

>> No.205934

do you need to give your personal info for surveys?

I'd hate to give my name, address, phone number or email for some survey for the creators to spam me

>> No.205942

Oh no! Requesters aren't allowed to ask for your personal information. The farthest they can go is asking for your E-mail, and that's typically used for contacting you for follow-up surveys that they'll pay you for as well. Nearly all surveys will ask for your mTurk ID as a form of identification, and that isn't linked back directly to you in any way.

>> No.205966

oh cool

would you say mturk is worth it? I saw your earnings picture, but how much on average do you make per hour?

>> No.205985

I'd say it's worth it. Bare in mind that I'm a college student with no other job but mTurk. The ~1.7k I typically make each month is more than enough for the things I need.

And I can't really give you an estimate as to how much I make an hour, unfortunately. It really depends on the time of day and what type of HITs I'm doing at the time.

>> No.205992


Fuck my spelling.

>> No.206002

How many hours a day/week do you normally work?

>> No.206010

M-F, from about 7AM to 6PM. If there's some pretty good stuff up or if I'm a little behind my daily goal, then I'll stay on for another hour or two.

Keep in mind the time frame includes normal everyday shit (cooking, socializing etc), so my ass isn't planted in my seat all day.

>> No.206014

>All other international Workers can only disburse to an Amazon.com gift certificate.
This seems worthless if you're not from the US then? Or can you sell gift certificates somehow?

>>M-F, from about 7AM to 6PM.
Jesus fucking Christ, that's... wow. When do you have the time to live?

>> No.206029

ok, thanks

>> No.206032

Silly question, but do you pay taxes on the money you receive from MTurk?

>> No.206035

Would you say higher or lower than 8 hours of actual work a day on average?

>> No.206037

You have to provide your SSN/Tax ID to MTurk.

>> No.206045

Does it take it out automatically? I don't know how to file taxes cause I've never had a job.

>> No.206046

I just really like money, Anon. I'm mainly doing this to save up to buy a car before Fall semester starts. Don't worry, I still have a pretty active social life.


Yep! 15.3% according to the IRS.

I'd say I'm doing more than 8 hours of actual work per day.

>> No.206054

Nope. You'll either have to keep an eye on what you make throughout the year and save accordingly or just make sure you have your shit together before April next year.

And this year was my first year of filing my own taxes. I used TaxAct and some advice from the forums I mentioned earlier. Had it done within 40 minutes.

>> No.206061

>>I just really like money, Anon.
Well, it doesn't really seem like a good use of your time. I mean, if you earn less than minimum wage, you could just get a shit office job where you basically just sit on the internet all day anyway. From my perspective it just seems very exploitative given the skills you have to have for it.

I mean, if you can actually do more complex mTurk tasks, you could write a monetized blog or do SEO shenanigans or other computer-related jobs, you're a bit more than a trained Indian chimp.

It just seems like a way to get a LOT more from people than they would get if they paid a proper employed worker to do the same thing, and you as the employee don't really get much out of the arrangement.

>> No.206062

have you looked into

Seems there's more money to be made as a search quality evaluator.

>> No.206065

You could say that about any job, really. Just depends on your situation and what you can find. MTurk works because there are people that are willing or find the low pay worth it.

>> No.206088

I'll look into that!

Damn right it isn't a good use of my time. But it's my only real source of guaranteed income.

>> No.206123
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So you basically listed only your high school education?
What do you think got you the job since you only had fast food experience? A high exam score?
Do you have any pointers on (1) getting accepted, and (2) passing the exam?
What things are you required to send in? (ID scans, whatever).
So what exactly do you do? Read webpages to make sure they're relevant to what you searched for? Is that it?
>If you consistently score well you'll receive a promotion that's a accompanied by a 30% raise.
Have you achieved that? Do you plan to?

Did you simply list "Current student" or did you have your specifics like college and degree you were trying for listed also?

Thank you, Anon.

HNNNNG. What exactly is mTurk and what do you do? I know I could look it up but I'd rather hear it in your words (no homo). Is it easy? Is it fun at all? What are the requirements? Does it require college? What are HITs? What's the formal pay (and per hour or per thing you do)? How many hours about per week do you work? Also same questions for CrowdSurf too if you can. And how does CrowdSurf compare to mTurk?

These things and the Textbroker thing sounds amazing. This thread give me an orgasm.

>> No.206132
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>How many hours about per week do you work?
Sorry, by the time I posted this, you already said 7 AM to 6 PM. Forget that one. I have to go for now but I look forward to replies. Kind Anons, all of you. Goodbye for now.

>> No.206162

>What exactly is mTurk and what do you do?

It's a crowd sourcing platform!

>Is it easy?

It's as easy or as hard as you'd like it to be.

>Is it fun at all?

It can get pretty damn monotonous, but hey, money is money.

>What are the requirements?

Reside in the US and have a Tax ID or SSN. You can withdraw your money either through Amazon GC's or through a bank account you link to Amazon Payments.

>Does it require college?

There aren't any! HITs themselves have different requirements though.

>What are HITs?

Human Intelligence Tasks. Basically a fancy way of saying tasks.

>What's the formal pay (and per hour or per thing you do)?

Pay is extremely volatile and highly depends on what you do. I make most of my money through surveys and other work and make pretty decent money, but I know great transcriptionists who can rake in $150+ per day easily.

How many hours about per week do you work?

55/Week on average. End up from anywhere between $400 - $650.

Also same questions for CrowdSurf too if you can. And how does CrowdSurf compare to mTurk?

CrowdSurf and mTurk are linked, actually. All of CS's jobs are hosted on mTurk. Most of their HITs are SEO type work that pays awfully (unless you have scripts!)

>> No.206222


Thanks for the info Friendly!

I'm doing some mturk HITs right now but it looks like everything available for new accounts is pretty shit.

Did you have to go through 1000 shitty 50 cent surveys just to get your street cred up to where you can do better paid HITs?

>> No.206236

What's the average payout would say after 1000?

>> No.206233

Pretty much. The first 1000 is going to be a pretty shit ride, but once you're at 1k you'll have a ton of new doors open for you.

>> No.206239
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He's right though. Federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.

>> No.206264

>No one hires anyone internationally
>it's always local.

>What is international commerce?
>What is international agency contract?
>What is representation?

>> No.206308

A better question would be: who works online, do you make more than $10 an hour, and what do you do?

Everyone saying you can't has either had no luck, hasn't tried, or is just a dumb ass.

>> No.206338


I've only done 8 so far.
capcha: hopeles overwhelming

>> No.206464
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Hoping the other Anon (>>205663, >>205675) will reply soon too.

Crowd sourcing platform?
Easy or hard as you'd like it to be, how exactly?

>I know great transcriptionists who can rake in $150+ per day easily.
Damn. How many hours per day do they work? Why don't you do that too?

Is there a minimum number of hours per month that you have to put in at mTurk?

CrowdSurf won't detect you using scripts? Or is it that with the work doesn't necessarily matter if you're using scripts?

>> No.206484

>I know great transcriptionists who can rake in $150+ per day easily.
Forgot to ask: Also mTurk? How do I into?

>> No.206757

Bumping for fellow Anons.

>> No.206776

A friend of mine made $500 in 2 weeks last month analysing the quality of search engine results from home.

>> No.206800

Which company? Details, please.

>> No.207412
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This again.

>> No.207434

>see a job listing for analyzing search results
>legitimate company
>requires bilingualism
>tfw I don't know French

>> No.207455

Hey, anyone here has submitted a resume to Lionbridge? How long until they contact you back?

>> No.207471

>TFW using Google Chrome with built it auto translate to English.
As long as you don't have to take a French literacy test or something like that, you should be able to just use Chrome, as the French to English translator is fairly accurate, and fully accurate if you just need to evaluate search results.

>> No.207613

I submitted one in last night. Got an E-Mail back this morning saying that I wasn't accepted :(

>> No.207627

Did it give reasons? Why do you think they declined?

>> No.207646

Probably because I didn't submit an actual survey (gg me am i right)

But yeah. All I said was that I'm attending college. My only *work* experience would be mTurk itself.

>> No.207649

an actual resume*

God damn son

>> No.207806

>has a flexible schedule, can work from home evenings and weekends
>must have strong creative drive
>must have organizational skills and willingness to follow through on commitments and implementation plans
>has a high regard for personal responsibility and initiative
>knowledge of current trends
>excellent communications skills including the ability to work effectively in one-on-one and small group relationships and help facilitate the movement of ideas to concrete action plans with co-workers
>ability to surf the internet quickly and efficiently
>willingness and ability to learn and grow to meet the changing requirements of the job
>must have a masters degree and 25 years experience, trolololololo

>> No.207891

Bretty gud

>> No.208322

Shameless self bump.

>> No.208345

Fiverr is pretty good.. Easy for sure and pretty fun because you can do whatever you want and get paid for it basically (if it's something other peole want). I make around 100 USD a week on Fiverr. It ads up in a year.. I wouldn't take it as a full time job but it's good for that extra cash.

>> No.208384

For those asking MTurk is about $5 an hour but keep in mind I just started and I am limited by not having certain qualifications such as at least 1000 approved HITS. The trick is getting a good stream of HITS. I usually focus on surveys that pay around $0.10/min. A lot of them will only take 3-5 mins and pay $0.50-$1.00. That's why it is really important to be on a forum because people post HITS and how long it took them so you aren't stuck doing a 20 minute survey for $0.30.

I'm probably going to look into Lionbridge and similar sites when I have more free time during the summer.

Also probably going to try and look into doing freelance VBA/Excel/Database programming as a way to submerge myself into learning a skill I need anyway.

>> No.208941

MTurk isn't worth your time. You'll make like $3 an hour, it's really not worth it. You're better off working at Mcdonald's. Not to mention Mturks are unbelievably tedious.

>> No.209023

It's worth your time if you're actually trying to make a profit. And I'm making much more than I would working at McDonalds anyway, even before actual net pay.

>> No.209316


>So you basically listed only your high school education?

High school, some college and the fast-food job.

>What do you think got you the job since you only had fast food experience?

No idea. Like I said, this was four years ago.

>A high exam score?

You're not really "in" the program yet if they accept your resume. It's only when you pass the exam that you actually have the job.

>Do you have any pointers on (1) getting accepted, and (2) passing the exam?

(1) Lie on your resume

(2) Read the guidelines carefully. It's 150 pages, which may seem like a lot, but it really isn't.

>What things are you required to send in?

I'm pretty sure you have to send proof of your HS diploma.

>So what exactly do you do? Read webpages to make sure they're relevant to what you searched for? Is that it?

There are many different types of tasks. That's just one of them. Also, those types of tasks are always accompanied by a "Page Quality" rating in which you evaluate the overall quality of the webpage.

>Have you achieved that? Do you plan to?

Yes. Like I said, I went from $14.50/hr to $18.85/hr.

>Did you simply list "Current student" or did you have your specifics like college and degree you were trying for listed also?

Both. You have to fill out an online form.

>> No.209332 [DELETED] 

Also, I want to add that if you plan on having a career in the future, avoid online jobs. At the very least, only do it short-term.Employers basically view it as having no experience. I've been working for four years and having nothing to show for it.

>> No.209338

Also, I want to add that if you plan on having a career in the future, avoid online jobs. At the very least, only do it short-term. Employers basically view it as having no experience. I've been working for four years and have nothing to show for it.

>> No.209349

crowdsource jobs pay amazing for what you're doing, but they never have enough work
i've made $25 an hour for copy pasting shit into google

unfortunately, after about an hour and a half of their jobs, you can't do anymore for like 2 weeks

>> No.209371

I'll pay someone $25 via paypal to do a very basic 600 word (give or take) english assignment for me. It's pretty easy but I'm not good with creative writing. You would need to take a fairy tale (like 3 little pigs and the wolf, for example) and do a modern retelling of it. I would do it myself but I have too much to do these next few days and would appreciate some help. You wouldn't need to worry about making it perfect grammar and stuff like that (I can fix it), I just need a good story.

email me if you're interested

>> No.209391

Actually, nvm. I don't want someone to write it for me. I'm not trying to plagiarize. If someone can give me a good idea that I like I'll send them $10

>> No.209401

what kind of lying would you recommend to buff your resume?

>> No.209430


Make sure you have sufficient working experience. I worked in fast-food for two weeks before getting the job at Lionbridge. I'm pretty sure I put 1-2 years.

>> No.209458

Do they really ask for copies of your diploma?

>> No.209479

I've been doing freelance programming, I've worked for about a month and a half. I've made around 300 dollars so far. It's not much, but as I get more experience one of the guys im working with is offering more pay, and I might be able to get a position in a startup that is not earning any money, but is promising and based in California. If anything it will look good on my resume.

You don't just start out making X amount of money, you have to go through some hoops, establish a reputation and then people will pay you more. I have a friend who started out the same as me and he now makes 2k/month working mostly from home as a programmer. He is still a teenager.

>> No.209775

3 little pigs n tyler the wolf
the pigs are humans with different political ideologies first 2 are left / right third one is society
the wolf is capitalism
at the end the pig dies because capitalism is bigger than society itself

cyberpunk is the future corporations are gonna run everything
they'll be bigger than any government

now where is the money

>> No.209929

> a month and a half
> 300 dollars

That's not close to minimum wage even in the Philippines.

>> No.210198

Goldman Sachs and the Three Bear Markets

>> No.210277

Jeez, in my shithole minimum wage per hour is about 1$. Can i apply if i live in russia and obviously not a native english speaker?

>> No.210281

Where is that, and what's the cost of living there?

>> No.210302

>You have to start with a base of $5; less than minimum wage
>They take 20%

Fiverr is just propped up by subsidized workers who either live off student loans or with their parents. It's destroying the concept of the living wage. What amazes me is that there are fuckers who are stupid enough to work for so little money. Anti-competitive as fuck, too.

Web 3.0 shit like that is just like eBay or Kickstarter; they don't provide any actual value, the customer and provider service is absolute shit, but because they got there first, they get to milk the cow like the greedy kikes they are.

>> No.210322
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>Where is that
I live in that dick shaped area. Average wage there is around 714$/month and is barely enough to live, but to get that 714$ you need to work really hard, have years of experience and probably live in the main city. I'd call this pure slavery.

>> No.210335


>> No.210344

Just signed up for mturk, but i have a question for the thread.
Is is sustainable as a source of income?
My bills and expenses are quite low, but i'm willing to spend more than 5 hours a day if it means not being stuck at some shit grade retail job.

>> No.210345

I do transcription work through Mturk. Earn $10 an hour for doing it. Not fun, and sometimes not easy, but always tedious. I find it difficult to do for more than an hour at a time, but after reading threads like this I count myself lucky and put in a "hard" days work.

>> No.210351

If you consider your expenses as being low then yes, it is definitely something you can make a living on.

Do not expect to get paid very well. As previously stated, get ready for below minimum wage. I got lucky and the people that I do transcriptions for on Mturk contacted me and hired me as an independent contractor, which is why I make more than minimum wage.

There are two ways to make money. Do a large range of small HITs or find one or two providers and do their higher paying HITs.

>> No.210354

If i could manage at least 250-350 a week, with 40 hours allotted or more i would be fine with it.

>> No.210359

Great, just found out that you can use mturk in my country, pretty nice.

>> No.210361

Hmm, that might be pushing it. You could easily find a way to make $5 an hour, but going 40 hours a week is still only making $200. The best I could ever do was $6.5 an hour. If you don't mind that kind f money then try it and see. Good luck

>> No.210363

Does anyone actually pay taxes on mTurk and similar shit or what? It seems like it would take a really huge chunk out of it, at least in my country, and it's slave wages already.

>> No.210364

Well, people say once you start accumulating hits and a reputation it makes much better work available.

>> No.210369

You are supposed to pay taxes on Mturk, but if you make under $20,000 a year, they will not file it with the IRS. So it's up to you to report it.

That does seem to be the case, but again, you have to do thousands of hits. And you'll be going from shit pay to bad pay. Get ready for the grind.

>> No.210372

Hey, if i don't have to be stuck with a job that drug tests. I would happily do this and be able to continue use.
It seems to be 1000 hits to gain access if you're over 90% approval.

>> No.210377

>You are supposed to pay taxes on Mturk, but if you make under $20,000 a year, they will not file it with the IRS. So it's up to you to report it.
Apparently you can only get Amazon gift cards in shit countries, how do you cash them?

>> No.210386

I live in US so I get the money deposited in my bank account.

Getting 90% approval rating is not difficult, so enjoy your new job

>> No.210412

>check all the sites mentioned
>somehow decent jobs
>have to live in the US

>> No.210623

>I got lucky and the people that I do transcriptions for on Mturk contacted me and hired me as an independent contractor
Independent Contractor for what exactly? Also, did you get to pick your own pay or not?

>> No.211386

Can you fools stop with mTurk? Anon, that money is absolute shit and only very few dedicated people can actually devote that much time to it to make money. You're better off applying to a temp agency in real life and working a clerical job. If you go through a temp, you WILL get a job.

>> No.211958

Agreed, Iwriter i for Indians looking to make $1 and hour and Mediapiston is run by incompentent morons.

http://www.greatcontent.co.uk/ is good though, especially if you're not American (the international Textbroker doesn't have much work ever). I've worked with them before and been paid out. But the work is either feast or famine, heaps at once then nothing for weeks.

This sort of shit is not sustainable, btw. You will burn out trying to do this long term, I promise you. If you're serious about making money from home, you should be researching CPA, PPC, PPV, media buying, etc. in your downtime and reinvest your earnings into learning that shit (hint: it's about autistic levels of attention to data and testing).

>> No.212238
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>$1 and hour

>> No.212543

There is one job avaliable on my country on lionsbridge and it's for "game testing". I don't have a CV.

Can I apply and still get a job? Like, seriously... high school... university for a year... that's it.

>> No.212745 [DELETED] 
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>Like, seriously... high school... university for a year... that's it.

>> No.212749
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>Like, seriously... high school... university for a year... that's it.

>> No.213662


Holy crap!
This thread is like standing on mount Everest and watching the people on the beach fight over whose dune is bigger.

Sorry if I come off as very smug and arrogant, but listen to me:
What you make online is absolute peanuts compared to what I make in the real world!
I do freelance development and consulting (granted I specialize in two somewhat niche areas: Cryptography and Data analysis) and have never been paid less than 100EUR/hour.
Currently its a little over 200.

I assume that many of you are scared shitless of math. Guess what: so are most of my clients.
Grown men, CEOs, CTOs, xyOs, are throwing money at me so that I can implement stuff that everybody who passes Calculus, Linear Algebra, Set Theory and Stochastics could easyly do. And I only mean the undergraduate courses.

Also concerning the software quality: being somewhat competent (i.e. delivering code that works ok, apps that dont crash...) will set you orders of magnitude above the average.
Not because you are good, but because 80% of the software out there is total and utter garbage.
- Bubblesorts over millions of entries in a Database.
- Infinite swicht-cases as the main loop replacement, yes there was a case for every single state the program could be in, handcoded.
I once asked a client if he was kidding me after he was awestruck by my documentation written in LaTeX. I mean its childs play to learn and standard in academic publishing.
Also pretty graphs are like cracked cocaine for execs. You make them or make a software that outputs them and they are your bitches forever.
It helps, of course, to not be a total retard.
You need to really understand computers and math, you need to grok them.
Its not necessary to know everything about them, but what you know, you should know as deep as possible.
Not being a Jerkass is also mandatory.
You dont need to suck your customers off, but being polite, well-dressed, well-mannered, able to explain complex stuff to retards is a plus.

>> No.213862
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So what exactly do you do? State everything you do. Are you an encryption CA?

How the hell do you make that much an hour?
How many hours a week do you work?
What computer languages do you know?
How do you beat your competition?

>> No.213921

care to elaborate?

>> No.213966

>So what exactly do you do?
I solve problems.

>Are you an encryption CA?
A Certificate Authority? No. I dont know how I should make money of that.

>State everything you do.
Imagine a Rock concert: There is the rockstar on the stage, working the crowd. Looking good. Everybodys attention is on him. The Bling, the lights, the clothes, everything is perfect.

Yeah, Im not that guy.
Im they guy working his ass of behind the scene, the roadie, so that mr. rockstar can concentrate on his thing.

I dont do "apps" I dont do SEO, no blog, no facebook page... whatever new and cool thing is currently in, chances are high that im not involved.

Instead I do the "hard" stuff.
Quotes because for me its the fun stuff.
As I mentioned, a lot of math.
I am not smart enough to design my own cryptography algrithms, there are on this planet maybe 20 people who are.
But I am smart enough to analyze them, know their strong- and weakpoints, implement them and do a little finetuning.
For all of this math, combined with strong understanding of how computers actually work is essential.

>What computer languages do you know?
I do C/C++, and some assembly languages, Common Lisp, Haskell and Erlang.
I could do a little Verilog if necessary, although tbh. it wouldnt be very good.

>How many hours a week do you work?
Depends on a lot of factors.
Imagine I get a call on Sunday morning at 2AM for an emergency on the other side of europe, I know that its going to be a 100 hour week.
Of course since its an emergency, the client will pay double or even triple my usual rate.
I must also be very discreet, as data breaches (most common emergencies) usuall means that the network security of the corporation was shit.
No on wants this to be known to the public.
This can sometimes be a pain in the ass when negotiating with new clients as I have pretty much zero references that Im allowed to mention.
part 2 coming.

>> No.213990

Although fortunately most clients understand that its a delicate subject and know that if I dont blabber about my past projects to them, I wont blabber about this projects to my future clients.

There are also periods of time when I have notthing to do, its nice having a few weeks of vacation. Though usually I use the time to read more books and articles, go to conferences and play around with FPGAs (Hardware-accelerated Encryption and analysis is going to be big, I think)

>How do you beat your competition?
Thats the great thing: I havent noticed any.
Maybe there are people that know exactly as much as I do or more, but so far I have not met any of them that work as freelancers.
That was also what made me decide to become one.
I looked on sites like elance (well mostly the german equivalents: GULP and etengo) and found out that among 50000 or so profiles there were maybe 5-8 that came close to my skills.

>How the hell do you make that much an hour?
Aside from the above mentioned, I do a lot of consulting. In consulting you wont get taken seriously if you take anything less than 1500EUR/day, minimum.
Consulting can be anything from giving a "yay" or "nay" to the brainfarts of a CEO to developing and doing a multiple-day workshop for my clients employees.
The latter are, I think, always a big hit.
I have been told repeatedly that I am able to explain very complex stuff in very easy words and concepts. I blame the fact that I am not all that smart on this.
I had to come up with this stuff when I was learning the subjects myself, I know how hard it is for a normally-gifted person to understand it. I like to come up with colorful and fun comparisons to explain concepts, these tend to be remembered longer.
Now imagine 20 employees going into a workshop that they expect to not understand at all, and coming back happy and smiling because they actually understood most of it and "Its really not that difficult, I had no idea" as someone told me.
part 3 soon

>> No.213995


This usually gets back to the bosses and this leads to many follow-up contracts.

I hope this answers most of your questions, if you have more, I will answer them, tomorrow probably, its 11pm here.

>> No.214069

Well shit, congratulations. I could never be smart enough to do that. Anything above arithmetic screws me up, and encryption intricacies, algorithms, etc. are confusing to me. God speed, Anon. It was fun reading your posts.

>> No.214110

well, looks that Im still not in bed, damn.

> I could never be smart enough to do that
See, this is your first mistake, to even think that.
Its like going to a gym and stating "gee, I could never lift 500kg with my legs, Im too weak for that" yeah, at the moment thats true, but just like your muscles will develop with training, so will your brain.
In fact the muscles have limits, the brain has none (that we are aware of).
Also even the more exotic subject in CS and math are built on top of many, many simpler ones.
Like the top stone in a pyramid.

If you want to learn math, the most important thing to have is a good teacher (a teacher can be a book too).
Look for videos online if books are not your thing (at first), TTC, Khanacademy... its all available for free these days.

Get a good book about metamathematics, i.e. proofs and stuff.
I recommend "How to solve it" by Polya and "How to prove it".

Then when you have built up a little knowledge: do problem, do more problems, do even more problems. (not I said problems, not exercises, look up the difference).

I know that when I started my studies in math I was deperate because after 20 hours on one problem worksheet I still had not solved it all.
Turns out that this was perfectly normal, even 30h would be.
It gets better, just never give up.

>> No.214311

I'm majoring in economics and have comsidered taking my masters somewhere more math/statistics/comp sci related, care to give me an opinion? Also, what degrees do you have and how did you get into that line of work?

>> No.214455

I'd also wanna know this >>214311

>> No.214460

I just applied for some at home chat support jobs. Really hoping I get one.

>> No.215031

>>So what exactly do you do?
>I solve problems.
Confirmed for bullshit.

>> No.215412

How much of your work is in person? As in, physically present at the location versus everything done from the other side of the world.
I study math but I've never coded beyond the very basics. Are there any high math, low coding jobs that pay well? I'm sure there is shit ton of CS theory that I have no idea about, so I'd rather focus on exploiting the math I already know.

>> No.215428

Hurr durr I can't apply my intelligence in real life..

>> No.215590


>> No.215904


>> No.215918

Sorry if it's a stupid question, but how do you become a freelancing consultant?

If you aren't already part of an established company, how do you throw your name out there and get customers to flock to you? Did you have to work your way up from scratch, maybe? Set up a webpage or something?

>> No.216795

Are there seriously any websites that will pay to shill on 4chan? I would love to hear more about it.

>> No.217985

I studied Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Math, but I have yet to supply any evidence of my degrees to anyone.
Since as a Freelancer I am Incorporated (this may be a peculiarity of German Law) I think people are less likely to demand qualification and certificates from me as long as the quality of the work I deliver is good.
Conversely I am pretty sure that even with 10 PhDs and 30 Certification I would loose my contract if I did not perform.

I wrote this from the perspective of my clients.
Of course I could say " I write really neat gluecode in Phyton, My Template Metaprogramming Skills in C++ are through the roof, My tweaks to the custom-built JVW make it go faster 20%..."
But this istn something that my customers care about. They have problems and want them gone.
How I do this is up to me.

I had hoped that I could work from home every day, this hope was shattered completely.
I usually work Monday-Thursday at the office of the client and am home Friday-Monday.
I try to avoid doing any work on the weekend so I dont burn out.
On Friday I either do research for the project I am currently working on, do my own paperwork for taxes etc. or just relax.

I have more remote working when the focus of the project is data analysis than cryptography. The latter is too sensitive to be sent around the world for my convenience.

The first contracts (which had pretty much zero in common with what I do now) I got thrugh word of mouth of people I know.
They knew peple who knew other people... Basically with only two degrees of remoteness I had contracts in a radius of 800km.
Then I put my profile up on matchmaking sites (not the romantic kind, for freelancers and clients), did a website that explained what I do (most people have no clue) with nice examples and some references for the data analysis jobs and explanation for the missing references for the security jobs.

part2 soon

>> No.217994

Most of my clients now are follow-up customers of people who have heard about me from my previous clients.

Sorry I forgot to answer the second part of your question:

Coding is essential, you dont need to know every nook and cranny, every specialty of a programming language, but a solid understanding of at least 2-3 languages is the minimum, I think.
Pick one low level, one OO, one functional.

Python is great as its all three in one (more or less) and is an excellent language for writing gluecode.

C++ is low-level and OO, also Template metaprogramming is awesome once you get the hang of it.

In finance F# is getting really big right now as a functional language.

There are still the classics:
Haskell and Erlang, the latter esp. popular in mobile telecommunications as its inherently parallel.

Try Common Lisp once, its the Language to end all Languages (as long as the code does not need to run too fast)

Java is... an odd case.
I try to stay away from it, unfortunately my customers are addicted to it like its crack.
For my taste it too verbose, too slow, to insecure and lacks many feature that are only available through terrible workaround.

Also: lots and lots of practice.

CS-theory is nice, but honestly I dont use it too much in my day-to-day work. Although I wouldnt want to miss it in the cases where I really do need it.

Once you are proefficient in CS, you must be able to communicate this to people around you in a sincere non-braggin way.
Buff up your rhetoric and presentation skills.
Learn how to dress properly, read everything about bodylanguage.
At first I didnt like this "soft" stuff, but once you dig deeper, its not unlike programming.
This made it fun again.

>> No.218009

Thanks for all the help. Btw, did you ever post on /diy/? I remember there was some German dude that made a fortune freelance programming.

>> No.218019

yo richanon, hire me or teach me your ways? I know cryptography, work in R, and majored in econometrics. i want your $$$

>> No.218020

If you write fast enough and are good at writing you can try selling furry fap fiction commissions.

>> No.218044

That could have been me.
Must be ages ago.
I was off 4chan for the better part of 2 years.

Sorry, my legal form does not allow me to hire equals. Secretary or janitor is fine, but not someone highly qualified.
I would have to switch to a limited, then I would also have to do my books instead of simply listing what I earn on the left and what I spend on the right.
Also I dont want to become a corporation, One-man specialist is much more appealing.

Honestly, if you are in america you could make much more $$$ there than here in germany or europe.
The German market is incredibly tough. (Even walmart went bankrupt here, Burger King is struggling, thats only 2 of a very long list)
Also I am given to understand that being rich, or even just well off, is not something you have to hide or be ashamed about, contrary to here.

If you know R you could go into BigData, or develop something with R and in-memory Databases. People will probably eat it out of your hand.

>> No.218104

Thanks for all the info so far!

Would you mind describing, in greater detail, what kind of clients and cases you have to deal with? 200 euros an hour sounds like a pretty steep price, so I'm wondering how that great a demand for your skills comes about.

>> No.218145

I wont name names, but the clients that I do cryptography stuff usually have data that needs hiding and securing. Thus usually high-tech corps. with a vast patent portfolio (that one is public) but also with many unpublished stuff such as the optimal way to manufacture what the patent describes.
Another group are enterprises with lots of data that needs analyzing. Those are usually in the finance or trade sector.

200 Euros isnt really that much.
A Master car-mechanic takes over 100, your average SAP-Programmer is at 140EUR/h.
You can look up the latter on gulp.de, if you know a little german.
To put it in relation you have to consider the following two things:
1. Its not a fulltime job. I do work 40h/week, but not always. The money has to be enough to pay for the dead times too. Also if my hairstyle displeases my clients im out of the door in 2 weeks. No job security. I pay everything myself: training, books, 401k, vacation, insurance...

2. In relation to what my clients corporation earn, 200/h is nothing. Lets say im working fulltime at this salary for one year, thats around 300k/year (at 1500 hours per year), when the corporation has just announced that it made 300 millions in profit alone, thats not even 0,1%.
Besides people are surprisingly generous when it comes to their security.
What they pay me for is, amongst others, ass-coverage. Even if something goes wrong, they can always claim in front of their superiors or the shareholder that "we did everything we possibly could and more", this has already saved the heads of quite a few managers.

For Datajobs: my costs are usually earned within a year. Whereas the cost of a decent machine will be earned over 3-5 years.
Whether its in increased sales or reduced marketing budget, the corporation usually wins money.
Before Data is analyzed most clients have only a gut-feeling that they waste money on marketing. Afterwards they have the proof and can demand lower rates or cut spending.

>> No.218779

I don't have time for this board.
I have an online job that is easy and fun.

>> No.218834
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moot plz

>> No.220889

I just started writing for iWriter and holy shit, this is boring as fuck. If at least they paid more.

>> No.221142


>this retard/loser/quitter


>> No.221299

Its supposedly not an easy market to get into

you could always be an actual scribe, where you follow around the doc and write shit down

>> No.222892

bumping to keep this from 404'ing

>> No.222923

How would you suggest a new guy get into data analysis?

>> No.223298

Depends on your starting point.
Here I assume your state being one of a semi-literate drooling vegetable (not because I think you are one, but for all those lurking in this thread reading this):

- Preface:
The basis of data analysis is math.
Here you should know the absolute Basics: Calculus I&II (III and function theory optional), Linear Algebra I&II, Set Theory.
This will make it easier to get the really important stuff: Statistics and Stochastics.
On these the whole building rests.
You must be comfortable with using the techniques from these subjects to solve problems.
When you do problems and exercises from a textbook you should get most of them right. Not at first, but when you want to start doing data analysis.
The "good" thing about math at university level is that its not so much the dreary "solve for x" crap from highschool, but more abstract: proofs, existence of solutions and algorithms to find the, some, or all solutions (the latter is applied math, universally regarded as "sullied" by pure mathematicians).

This was the basement of your building, moving on to the first floor: Computers.
Strictly speaking you dont really have to know how a computer works to use them today, not even as a data analyst. But it helps.
You could just read a book on SPSS, R, or whatever dumbed down technology interface most In-Memory apps provide you with.
This is enough to get some meaning out of data.
The drawback to this is clear: if you can do it easily, others can too. Meaning more competition for you. You can counter this by having a broader knowledge or having knowledge that goes more in depth.
The first would mean not only knowing one Software package (lets say SPSS) but many (Excel, R, MemSQL, Matlab... you name it).
The latter would require you to know what happens behind the scene: how does the program come to the conclusions that it gives you? How come sometimes the answers you get are crap and sometimes pure gold?

Part 2 coming soon

>> No.223323

What happens if you use Data Structure X instead of Y to represent the Data in the Memory?
How could you optimize a problem that is solvable in O(n^2) time into O(n*log(n))? If so, how would it affect the precision, the ammount of memory and cpu time required? Would the output still be as useful as before? Can you generalize this solution to be applied automatically to this class of problems in the future? To any problem maybe even?...

You see that this is a bottomless pit.
You should draw a line somewhere between strict applicability and pure academic pursuit, lest you get nothing done.

Actually getting jobs/contracts:
An excellent way to boost your skills and employability is to work on open-source projects. You will learn how to solve real world problems, your code will be scruntized for bugs and you will receive comments and suggestions how to do it better.
Also your contributions are open to the public.
You can always tell your employer or client later: "look at patch x, bugfix y, feature branch z: I did that"
With this you take away your clients biggest fear: that he accidentally hires a moron and thus looses a lot of money with his problem being unsolved.
Even if you are a total NEET otherwise, you can count your open source project as work, after all, no one will ask you if you did the software in a cubicle, office or at home. (Unless the client is an asshole. Dont work for assholes).
To find more potential clients you can always register at sites like elance or odesk, although I would advise against it: Too many worthless people from 3rd world countries willing to do the most difficult jobs for 2$/hr.
Note that they are merely willing to, they cant actually do them. An excellent programmer from india is not cheaper than one from the US or europe. However for the clients looking on these kind of sites the difference is not always visible. Most of the time because the client is a total moron.
Fucking limit. part3 soon

>> No.223345

Ive always wondered about this. I have followed several leads over the years. Every one is either a pyramid scheme or it pays shit.

>> No.223370

Another way is to ask around with your friends, colleagues and even employees of the clients/supplier of your current corporation (do the latter discreet ffs!). Somone might know someone who needs something analyzed.

Then there are social networks.
Nooo, not Facebook.
Linkedin is OK (or Xing if you are in germany like me). Some discussion sites about software have job boards too, like joelonsoftware and stackexchange.
Due to the highly technical nature of the discussed topics, the audience is already pre-filtered and thus the job listings are usually also serious and professional.
You are unlikely to meet Joe Sixpack, Truckdriver on a discussion about touring-completeness of C++ template classes. And you are just as unlikely to receive job offers that turn out to be pyramid schemes or minimum wages. In both cases the reason is that news would probably quickly spread to everybody on the site.

Next: your resume:
It would be naive to list only those jobs on it that were truly 100% data analysis only.
Lets say you were a sysadmin before, maybe you wrote a cool perlscript to analyze the logfiles of a webserver. That should go on the resume.
This is not lying, lying would be to tell your clients that you have 10 years of experience in analyzing data when actually you worked as a mason during these times.
Also tailore your resume to the employer/client at hand. No one cares that you wrote the most awesome firmware for the spaceshuttle when the contract at hand is about implementing Hadoop on a Beowulf cluster.

the hints until now will hopefully provide you with clients and contracts enough to live ok or even comfortably.
Now you can always hone your chances to get a job or contract further:
Usually a clients is more likely to hire someone that has already worked in the branch that his enterprise is currently working in.
FFS this limit is an eyesore. part 4 coming.

>> No.223394


Somone from an iron casting firm will be more inclined to give you the contract if you have already worked metallurgy, even if your job had nothing to do with metal. (you are a data analyst, remember).
For you this means that you might want to go for contracts from many different departments of the economy. Unless you want to be known as a superspecial-specialist. This has its advantages too, along with its disadvantages.

maybe a post-script:
- Prices: given a high enough qualification I think that its safer to demand prices that are too high than too low.
Its almost impossible to raise the prices with a customer for whom you already worked for less. And remember that he might be chatty, your rates will not always stay secret. Others might demand a justification for why you charge them X per hour whereas their buddy over at Y-Corp was only charged Z per hour.
In some areas like consulting, undercharging will erode your credibility. (would you trust a Ferrari that is sold for 2400$?)

In general, if you win every (or >90%) of the contracts you bid on, your prices are too low (or your clients really desperate, economy is not a very precise science).
On the other hand, if you win less than 30% (again, actual value might differ) of the contracts, either your prices are too high or your qualifications are too low for this given price.

I hope I was of a little help to you.
Its always nice to have a good thread on this board once in a while.

>> No.223397
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for some reason I want to huge the anon behind this post

>> No.223559

To Germanfag:

You fucking rule.


A mathfag

>> No.223571

I had to do this in 7th grade. Plagiarize me. 'Little Red Riding in tha' Hood' It's about Lil' red going to the city to get meds for her sick grandmother. She encounters the wolf gang or some shit there and then when she gets back to Gramma's house the wolf is there. It writes itself, and 600 words is like 2 pages.

>> No.223788

thanks a lot.
I hope what I wrote is also applicable for freelancers in other countries.

>> No.223880

Have you ever used Mathematica? I already have experience with it so I'll master it first.

Could you give an example of a typical data analysis job, if there is such thing? What is the most commonly sought info?

>> No.223891

And, sorry to bother you, are most of your dates analysis jobs purely online? I live in a remote location so physical travel would be impractical. How do you get paid? Is PayPal unprofessional?

>> No.223937

Im usually not the one who does the data analyzing, maybe my job title is a little confusing.
I usually write the tools for the analysis. This involves testing them, doing some calibration if you want.
Sometimes I do analyze the data, but thats pretty rare, usually when the clients whats to know if its possible at all to draw conclusions from the data.

>Could you give an example of a typical data analysis job, if there is such thing? What is the most commonly sought info?
Its surprisingly very mundane most of the time: usually sales data, clickrates, employee performance in relation to whatever could influence it...
The problem is that there is always a correlation. Its just that there is rarely a causation. Try explaining that to a CEO or head of HR who thinks that the data validates his personal pet theory.
What differs is how the data is gathered, prepared and analyzed.
Its one thing to work on 10 million log entries from a webserver, its another thing altogether to analyze clickpaterns on a top100 website in correlation with the generals economic development, advertising campaigns and various incentives the employees are currently receiving.
Thats multivariant statistics.

There is no "typical" data analysis job, at least not for me. If its typical, its usually cheaper to hire some guy off college to do it. When Im called its usually difficult or very specialized.
Also I dont always do the whole job, usually only a specific part. For example using some sort of fast fourrier transform to remove some noise before the data is fed to the analysis program (to put it in simple terms).

purely online: never had those, sorry.
Not even mostly online.
This isnt some mturk job where you enter stuff in excel sheets.
>I live in a remote location so physical travel would be impractical.
Im not exactly living in a metropoolis either, but there is always the train and plane for long distances and taxi for small ones.

>> No.223951

>How do you get paid?
I write an Invoice every 2 weeks usually for the hours I did at the clients.

>Is PayPal unprofessional?
I dont know if its professional, but Paypal is a snooping bitch that thinks it has to play the enforcer to whatever madness the US government thinks is the law. Locking accounts for aledged copyright infrigement, "suspicius" activities, trade of cuban cigars, rolls of a dice...
Thats why I dont use it.
Also my other speciality is encription. This area has been booming since Snowden came out. I dont think paypal would like me to receive money for actively working against the US gov. interest.
Its always bank transfer or escrow.

>> No.224160

I'm sorry but you are a douche and let me tell you why.

You are doing something extremely complicated that takes years of training and education and you are trying to play it off like it's easy to make other people feel stupid. Be honest, you probably had a math heavy upbringing, and you probably studied your ass off at some point in your life AND you probably have an intrinsic love for math and problem solving that involves numbers. Do us a favor and go back to competing with your peers. This is obviously not the thread for you, you have surpassed us. Now with your ego intact and your "nice guy" advice, please try to improve yourself instead of crowding up a thread with advice that the posters and participants don't need.

Seriously though, thanks for suggesting that I study Physics, Mathematics and "basic programming". I'll get right on that, then I'll just call up a few CEOs and ask them if they want me to consult their employees with my self taught mathematic/programming concepts. I'm sure they will be happy to pay me 100 bucks an hour.

No really though, fuck off and find someone else to make feel like shit please. Some people on this thread don't even have college degrees and would just like to pay the bills. They don't have time to read about how you masturbate in the mirror every morning.

>> No.224176

i think the guy has an interesting story but ultimately i agree.

it would take many years of study to get to such an expertise, and that's assuming a natural inclination towards maths.

>> No.224198

You're an inspiration

This is coming from a mathfag though.

>> No.224238

>online poker

>> No.224240

yeah i'm kind of being an asshole here, but i'm always suspicious of people that try to make their long hard road to success sound like it can be done with a few books and some spare time.

Definitely and interesting story and a gifted person, I wish I could do what he does and I wish I had his salary.

>> No.224305

I have an online part-time job in which I make an average of $315/hr. That figure is derived from my performance so far this year; I'm a day trader. On top of that, I only trade pennies. Suck it /biz/.

>> No.224324

I wish I understood trading or what it means

But I've read this whole thread and I'm going to apply to textbroker, Lionsbridge and I'm looking at 2 freelance sites. W-wish me luck guys!

Can anyone think of some legal ways for me to use my PC as some kind of hub like the way people mine dogecoins or whatever? My PC is fairly new and fast, it has a good processor and can overlclock blah blah blah

>> No.225079


Sorry, it was not my intention to come off as smug.
I was trying to be the coach in highschool who shows the new kids all the medals and trophies the team has already won.
Not to go "neener neener" but "This could one day all be yours if you work hard for it"

To claim that I am naturally gifted or bessed in my upbringing is simply false.
Just like everybody, the first problem sheets at University in Math took me 30 hours each to get somewhat correctly. (I understood none of them).
Over time they became easier and more fun, but that was only because of hard work.
Also my mother droped out of studying art in her youth, my father was kicked off highshool and never finished it. THIS is my background.
Math is never going to be something that can be (seriously) done in your spare time.

I am now slowly starting to reap the benefits of 14 years of hard work.

Also being a freelancer has its drawbacks: I make six figures, yet my bank wont even give me one euro of loan, because they dont consider my income as "regular".
Joe the plumber can take more loan than me.

Then there is CEO and CEO. I just translated "Geschäftsführer" maybe CEO wasnt the proper word. I simply meant the guy in charge.
I the corporation is big enough the "CEO" that hires me will usually be a branch-leader, not 'the' top-guy.

I hope this clarifies things a little.

>> No.225095

Assuming no network, how do you find your first clients?

>> No.225104

Since other people have already posted it, Lionbridge. I've been working for them for over 2 years now. Boring as all hell but great for the flexibility of working your own hours. Leaves me plenty of time to waste on this site.

>> No.225464

What exactly do you do?
Also, do you think they'll ever "run out of positions" and have to decline applicants?

>> No.225632

This is a difficult starting position.
You should have connections from your previous work, ideally.
If all else fails: try freelance websites.
You might end up competing against 2$/hr Indians though.
See my post about them above.

>> No.225655

This is the opposite of the problem that a lot of people here have; I have good programming skills and a CS degree, but I have no ideas for websites, apps, games, desktop applications etc.

Does anyone have any advice on how to become more of an ideas man?

It's not like I'm even trying to come up with the next "Facebook", it would just be nice to have something that could keep me ticking over and pay rent with.

>> No.225674

browse GitHub, look for interesting projects.
Ask around what do people consider a pain in the ass currently.
Subscribe to mailing lists of open-source projects.
Look at their bug- and featuretracker.

Right now for example, Linux does not have a decent CAD-Program. Those currently existing are desperately looking for staff to implement features.
Compared to for example the Autodes Product line, CAD on Linux is total crap.

>> No.225872


>Must be fun

Are you fucking 15, or something?

>> No.225914
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>> No.225944

I earn roughly £12.50 per hour by doing commissions on deviantart. I'd do a full body sketch with colours as a request and sell it for £25. Takes roughly two hours the whole process but I do it bit by bit.

The income is variable however. Some months i make £700 but can be as low as £100. I don't do it for a job, just do it for some side-money.

It's not necessarily easy as you need to be good at drawing and have a good imagination to create original characters.

>> No.225952

That may look like a lot of money, but 10/10 attention whores could do so much better if they know how to milk it.

>> No.225957

>Online jobs that are legit and pay at least $10 an hour.
Here's the thing: There's literally dozens times as many Indians, Chinese, and other 3rd worlders out there also with internet access, and command of English. Those guys don't care about $10/hour, they pay $20/mo in rent and buy food for half a dollar. They'll work for $1/hour and call it a great deal.

So, you will never compete with them. Your only hope is to do something that they can't do, like compiler design. Once you're there, you can make even more money than offline.

>> No.226563
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>Wanting fun to be a possible bonus feature of a job means you're a teenager.
Pic related.

>> No.226647

He's smart. Enjoy being an office drone making 40k a year till you get replaced with 2 indians

>> No.226717


infinite rage forever

and I've already seen this

>> No.226721

>So, you will never compete with them. Your only hope is to do something that they can't do

You mean speak/write fluent, native English?

You're fucking backwards if you think there are actually Indians / Chinese out there fooling the western world with their "command of english" dude.

You can smell a foreigners writing from a mile away. For this reason, few if any American media holders (website owners etc.) have any use for them. It immediately makes the product/website feel cheap.

>> No.226723


I was approached by Lionbridge and saw nothing but horrible reviews on glassdoor.com

Glad it worked out for you though. Maybe I should have given them a shot.

>> No.226873

Do you spend time in /r9k/?

>> No.226878

Bing? Ask? Yahoo? Yahoo Answers?

>> No.226884

This has inspired me. I must begin practice in marathon writing.

>> No.227069

>only emericans can speak english
pol pls go

>> No.227107

I see this thread still going and wanted to add my 2 cents.

NEVER, EVER think that online jobs are a replacement for a career. In fact, if you rely on them and don't have a conventional job, you will be "unemployed" in the eyes of interviewers.

I toiled for 4 years or so trying to make it work. Looking back, I probably looked no different to a gambler who just couldn't resist "just one more bet".

Part of this was the whole internet marketing community. You have a handful of successes but mostly users.

Initially attractive because the barriers to entry compared to traditional business are very low. Plus you get "freedom". And yet working on web sites at home is not all it's cracked up to be.

Besides being risky as fuck and at the whim and mercy of your competitors. Now nearly all the one men bands are squeezed out or simply scamming others.

Fuck online jobs. Concentrate on a normal career. I don't like working for another man either, but you're better off in the long run.

Ask me any questions if you want.

>> No.227116

tell us about any scams so we can avoid them please.

4 years? what are some mistakes you made starting out you would avoid now if you had to do it again?

>> No.227308

>tell us about any scams so we can avoid them please.

Well the biggest scam is people who can only make money by teaching others how to make money.

It's like teaching a foreign language without knowing how to speak it yourself.

There are a ton of shills doing this. Most hang at the "Warrior Forum".

It's very easy to scam people in such a self-development niche.

You don't teach them anything, they just sell pure crap. And when people complain they say "you didn't try hard enough" or "you're not listening" or "you're not taking action" or basically anything to blame you and not themselves. They even believe their own bullshit.

This is easy for them because self-development niches are very hard to pin down, they are ambiguous by nature.

>4 years? what are some mistakes you made starting out you would avoid now if you had to do it again?

If I had to do it again, I would invest money. I would not try to do things from scratch.

I would also have held onto my regular job. That said, I was going through turbulent personal times you cannot imagine and my job was like torture to me.

But if I had kept my job at the same time, I could easily have banked 1,500USD per month from the business.

Also, you used to be able to do things for free and make a lot, like I did. There were loopholes. Today there are none.

If I could do it all again I would need some seed money first and THEN I would invest only in a proven business model, such as those at flippa.com

To be honest, I'd be more tempted to invest in real-life business and not some online thing that could easily nosedive. I mean, look at MySpace, it nose-dived fast and that was a billion dollar business. There's good reason why people typically pay only 6 to 12 month's earnings for an online business but up to and over ten years earnings for a real one.

>> No.227322

The jobs you get at the low end don't really care if you have perfect pronunciation, and besides, a lot of these 3rd worlders speak very good English.

I've actually worked freelance online and that is how it works. When you get to $50/hour jobs, then English becomes important, but at $10-15/hour jobs that they do for $2/hour, you can't compete.

>> No.227327

>I've actually worked freelance online and that is how it works. When you get to $50/hour jobs, then English becomes important, but at $10-15/hour jobs that they do for $2/hour, you can't compete.

This. In fact, those hirers putting the massive downward pressure on prices have shit grammar themselves. They can't spot crap quality from average quality content.

>> No.227344

Maybe I missed it,but what did you freelance in?

>> No.227699

>I mean, look at MySpace, it nose-dived fast and that was a billion dollar business.

Terrible example in my opinion.

>> No.227761

Anything that has to do with coding will get you above 10$ an hour.
As long as you know a few languages and have been at programming for a while, the job will be fairly easy.

>> No.227776

I wasn't a freelancer per se (though I did do occasional writing gigs). I built and ran web sites that took in money. Mostly through commissions (a.k.a. affiliate marketing) but also as a vendor (own products, digital based e.g. pdf, videos) and running my own affiliate program for my own products.

It's mostly a marketing exercise, rather than a technical one.

>> No.227779

>Terrible example in my opinion.

Not typical, sure. But it serves to show that online based businesses can be very flash in the pan. Circumstances change way quicker online than they do on "Main Street".

>> No.228546

Some people ITT have mentioned Lionbridge, but does anyone have experience with Leapforce? I looked into them in the past but couldn't decide between the two.
For those who don't know, it's the same exact job but a different company. If you got rejected by Lionbridge you could probably try for Leapforce. Appen Butler Hill is is another of the same exact job. They all have slight differences.

>> No.229746

How much does each one pay?

>> No.230854

apply anyway

>> No.231282

For those experienced with mturk, I just signed up and it says my account is being reviewed. Does anyome know what causes someone to pass or fail the review? I heard it has something to do with being in the US, though I don't think that would affect me because I'm in the US.

>> No.231323


not op but I have worked as a ghostwriter for over a year. I charge 25 per page and have made up to 320 a day writing 4th year liberal arts papers for rich kids (dont even have a degree lol)

is this a good job for me or should i stick to my own ghostwriting business

>> No.231325

How do you get into this shit?

>> No.231332

.25 a page

Damn nigga, you shitting out a page a minute or what.

>> No.232461

Porn Watcher.

>> No.233265

Bump until I can find time to read it all

>> No.233497

> We are currently accepting US authors only.

>> No.233528

>No one is buying porn. They are earning porn by feeding your wallet.
No one is buying cars. They are earning cars by putting money in your wallet.

>> No.233551
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>you probably studied your ass off at some point in your life
>it would take many years of study to get to such an expertise
Well yeah. I don't see what the problem is.

This is a thread about working online and this is a guy who not only works online but makes good money doing it.

You guys are upset because he worked hard and studied? Like anyone else couldn't do that kind of thing?

>online jobs
>please only minimum wage (or less)
>no marketable skills thread

>> No.233566

Delete them all you pathetic faggot.

Right now. Delete them and clear recycle bin and never download shite like that again. Delete your porn and other 4chan folders while you are at it.

>> No.233600

So for those of you guys that are talking about Mechanical Turk.

I've checked out the site. I don't understand why the focus is on American workers. I make a living online, and in the process I outsource a lot to third world. Why would I pay an American 5 cents to, for example, categorize an Amazon page, when a Phillippino could do it for 1 cent. I don't understand the business model of "yes, you can get your monkey tasks done here, but no, you can't pay in peanuts"

>> No.233908

>5 cents for a task that could take up to 10 minutes
>not peanuts
Kill yourself you fucking Jew.

>> No.233936

>could take up to 10 minutes - categorize an Amazon page,

Do you lack fingers? Do you type with your foot, that you usually have in your mouth? Are you unable to look at an Amazon page and categorize it in 5 seconds? Stay on topic or fuck off to /b/

>> No.233944

Sun Microsystems has some Open Work thing that allowed employees to program and work from computers.

It's genius because they cut the cost of office retail by millions after implementation. The tech industry has perfect culture for work from home.

But as >>198059 said though. The most of the real world is not open to that sort of thing. For instance, Investment banking is 95% on the computer. Why won't they just let you work from home and come to office only for pitches?

>because it'd be too easy/perfect

>> No.233965

You apparently lack the ability to quote a post you fucking mongoloid. Most HITS take more than 5 seconds, go eat your own shit nigger.

>> No.234015

Google has something where you can check the validity of sites that pop up for search queries. I tried to do it but I guess I failed the test or something. It makes decent money, too. I don't know the site, and you can only apply once in your life.

>> No.234019

>Most HITS take more than 5 seconds
implying that this relates to the clearly described Amazon classification HIT in the description.
Yes, that is what I am looking for, a nigger in niggerland that does this shit for 1 cent. Not a nigger in fatcuntland that requires 5 cent "cuz of mah rightz"

>> No.234028

>"cuz of mah rightz"
Confirmed retard. No one in "fatcuntland" as you put it (enjoying your American website bro?) would ever cite "muh rights" as a reason for not getting paid dogshit. It's more like "Muh quality of life, mothafucka" or "muh choice to not starve". You're such a huge dirty kike you find 5 cents to be a MASSIVE sum of money. You haven't done shit with Mechanical Turking if you think most take 5 seconds, PLEASE fucking educate yourself or mix bleach and ammonia and travel to Gensokyo.

>> No.234047

>No one in would ever cite "muh rights
cuz of my KFC then, since you ain't got no rights. Better?
>enjoying your American website
Websites are like fish in the ocean. They transcend national identity. Only an amerifat puts [nation] in front of website name.
confirmed nigger
> if you think most take 5 seconds
Amazon classification takes 5 seconds, and does not require an amerifat. Now keep your eye on the ball and get back to the topic, you bolshevik.

>> No.234063

>Websites are like fish in the ocean. They transcend national identity. Only an amerifat puts [nation] in front of website name.
Except that it's a website made by an American, hosted in America. Half the content of this website wouldn't be allowed in your lovely little shithole.
>confirmed nigger
Holy fuck, where the fuck do you hail from Juan? That's frat boy speak you uneducated fucking cunt. Pretty much the antithesis of nigger culture.

>Amazon classification takes 5 seconds
Holy shit what the FUCK are you talking about? We're talking about completing HITs you useless ESL chink/gook retard. If you're talking about the jobs that open up for someone with a Master's Certification then Seaniggers (Philipinos) aren't going to be picked for some shit like that.

Try honing your fucking English skills and get a grasp of English/American vernacular instead of embarrassing yourself again next time.

>> No.234087


>made by an American, hosted in America.
Wonder if it fits on the bed of your truck? This is a jewish site, dipshit. And it transcends national borders. Like your mom.

>Half the content of this website wouldn't be allowed in your lovely little shithole.

All of it would be allowed in my glorious wonderland.motherland.

> That's frat boy speak you uneducated fucking cunt
That is even worse than nigger speak.

>We're talking about completing HITs
No , the post that started this dealt with Amazon classification, that can be handled by all outsourcing monkeys, not just amerifat monkeys. I don't have to pay for your KFC, I can pay for a Nepali's Dhal Bhat Tarkari, and he won't be whingin' about it on 4chan. Do you get it now, fatty? Reference:

Your sorry mTurk grinding pathetic self reminds me of that old Doug Stanhope skit: "f that guy is as qualified for your job as you are, then you are a loser of such epic proportion that you should be ashamed of someone finding out they took your job away from you."

Now go find a real job, Then maybe you one day will be able to have a chaingang of outsourced niggers, like me. BTW, funny, you might have slaved for me already. How does that feel, mTurk pleb you.

>> No.234098

>That's frat boy speak you uneducated fucking cunt
Implying that frat boy speak is not derived from nigger speak.

>> No.234185

Amazon specifically bans foreign workers from registering because they realized that traffic coming from foreign countries mostly contains click-bot traffic and otherwise low quality work. Foreign countries were banned specifically because employers were getting tired of the shit that those countries produced, with around 40% of previous mturk traffic coming from India. Tha's why foreign traffic is banned, you fucking kike.

>> No.234190

>Tha's why foreign traffic is banned, you fucking kike.

Typical amerifag comment, cause FOREGNERS all duh same hurr durr. The Swiss and the Scandi's are a lot less likely to scam than any fkn amerifat. Honesty is in their blood. Can't say that for amerifat.

Besides, Amerifat's and the Israelis are the kikes. We killed ours over here.

>> No.234192

>Amazon specifically bans foreign workers from registering

Don't you mean mTurk?

>> No.234198

It doesn't matter that you think people should be payed 1c for 30 seconds of work.Amazon is an American company that, by the law of economics, doesn't want foreign country work to drive away potential employers. Also by the law of economics, it's a whole lot easier to implement IP range bans than have each writer supply a writing sample that Amazon has to first crosscheck for originality and then grade. Because foreign workers do not register with bank accounts, they can just change their IP and keep on scamming. With MTurk, you now have to verify your account with amazonpayments, and this makes accounts actually valuable, and drives away scamming.

Amazon owns mTurk. The service is called Amazon mTurk.

>> No.234204


go be the next Rog or Tyrone. /a/ is willing to pay big bucks to get a guy in a suit with a funny accent to talk about chinese cartoons

>> No.234237

How ?

>> No.235942

bump for more information

>> No.236376


>> No.236558


I've been working there for two years and it's nearly 20$ an hour. I go to university on the side and make ~400€ a month on the side. I watch tv-shows and movies while working, it's awesome.

>> No.236657


lol @ this yuropoor

>derr amerifats grrr i hate you so much

I'd hate being a skinny broke faggot who lives on welfare as well, man.

Good thing I'm an American and just plain better than you.