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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1988662 No.1988662 [Reply] [Original]

>POSWallet aka FRAUDwallet delisting PIVX
>huge investors leaving
>They call it a "strategic" business decision

Wow. Wanted this to succeed. Too bad incompetents are running the show. I'm out and so are the whales I know. Expect the dump soon.

>> No.1988665

wow, really make me think pajeet

>> No.1988672

kek my dude. Would kms if I was pajeet. I loved the idea of this but time and time again I've seen them make stupid decisions. If you saw the slack you'd see how pissed off people are. About 50% of their business is people that moved over from PIVX. Those people will all be leaving when they find out. I don't trust the longterm viability of this project.

>> No.1988678

Not sure if I should dump mine and take a quick profit. I'm still in it long term, this will blow over, however stupid a decision.

>> No.1988688
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>starting a thread with fud to try and dip the price so you can buy in cheaper

>> No.1988694

I'm in the slack. It's not as bad as you make it sound.

Just more FUD. Yawn.

>> No.1988697

I took my profit and I'll find a project with sane devs and support. Just from looking at the level of stupidness in their slack it made me want to cash out.

>> No.1988699

pivx investors dont give a fuck about pivx. they care about being on the next money train and this is it. the only ppl made are the pivx bagholders that dont want to sell to get in

>> No.1988700

who do you think are the people investing in these crypto? the indians of course. unless your an indian-level white you wont waste time with small time shit like this.

>> No.1988703

post some screenshots of your sells my dude

>> No.1988705

Weak FUD
Even if this does cause a crash, that will just be another buying opportunity; it will recover quickly.

>> No.1988711

>small time
>quadrupled my money in 4 days

Dumb nocoiner

>> No.1988748

screenshot of sells? im waiting

>> No.1988761


>> No.1988777
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selling more soon

>> No.1988778
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Thanks for the tip OP, can't wait for the next sweet dip so I can stack up on more POSW

Even though really...who cares if they delist PIVX? It's obviously for a good reason.

>> No.1988781

Only sold half because while I agree the community is batshit, if it didn't dump by now it probably won't die because of this (or maybe everyone is asleep)

>deslist pivx
>keep bean
>it's in your best interest goys, we swear

>> No.1988785

holy shit! im sure you really caused a panic with that dump off

>> No.1988787

the community being batshit insane is a bigger part of why I left, this was just the straw that broke the camels back.

>> No.1988788

Damn trip 7s. Guess I'm off the posw train too.

>> No.1988789

>Even though really...who cares if they delist PIVX? It's obviously for a good reason.

Not really, the point is my pivx on bittrex make me $0. In theory my pivx on posw would make me >$0
Fortunately I had enough sense not to use posw exchange though.

What I really don't like is the community being a bunch of cunts about it. It's not a good look.

>> No.1988795
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but bro lambo

>> No.1988797

You mean how the community creates stupid obvious FUD threads like these the minute the news gets out, with big red letters of "FRAUD"? Trying to get people to panic sell?


No one cares. Polo doesn't have PIVX listed either. Snore

>> No.1988800

Sell into my 10 btc buy order goy

>> No.1988804

Only reason I kept half. Solid x3 gainz
it's not about pivx you fuck, it's about the way they are handling it
Hell this is probably good for pivx

>> No.1988809

Handling it? Handling what? Who is "they"? Learn to write fuckface.

>> No.1988815
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>> No.1988816

umad? Which of the slack faggots are you?

>> No.1988820

This. I've been in their slack chat forever trying to elicit a response from them.
They have yet to actually say anything besides "its for the greater good of PoSW".
How the FUCK is delisting one of your top coins better for your company?
I asked them that and they had nothing to say.
They are beating around the bush and not giving a straightforward answer with anything at all.
Tempted to just take all my coins out with a small loss and put it in the BAT crowdsale or back in ETH.

>> No.1988826

do it sell into the 11 btc buy orders at 15k

>> No.1988828

U mad bro

Not in the slack

>> No.1988831

it's 13btc on yobit haha

>> No.1988849

Taken a look at the Slack chat log. It's like any other Slack for coins. Seems like some of the Slack whiners came on here to complain.

Sometimes companies cannot tell you everything, even shareholders. POSW has no obligation to either. Seems like its for a pretty good reason if they said "ASAP'.

I would just move on. Not that big of a deal they have a ton of other coins on there.

>> No.1988854

Now 27 BTC, someone really doesn't want this to dump

>> No.1988861

It's not like we go to the slack/forums and talk shit for fun. You go and rationally voice your concern and they call you "fudders" and "trolls" it's like talking to children.

>> No.1988863
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They have never given a straight answer about anything! anything at all.

but hey bittrex soon right right right LOL

>> No.1988867

There is a difference between rationally voicing your concern and then repeating yourself and spamming chat like some of those people did.

>It's not like we go to the slack/forums and talk shit for fun.

You just described half of the posts here on /biz/...

>> No.1988886

/biz/ isn't dedicated to anyone coin though. Go to the slack and say, I disagree with decision X because reason Y and they will shoo you away.

People only spammed because >>1988863
They don't answer any questions.

>> No.1988940

Yeah I just got out of it.
Putting all my money back in ETH.
Shit is just getting worse and worse the longer it gets.
My gut feeling says I shouldn't be in this.
So I'm out.

>> No.1988966

Just did the same. Hell it probably will go up in price, it's just a pump n dump to me now.

>> No.1988968

If it was going to keep going up it would have by now.
At least I got out even.
Dealing with how slow their dev team is, and how retarded their slack team is, and their lack of communication, I don't think it will last long.
I don't care if it jumps to 1 dollar in a week.
It isn't valuable to me anymore because the people behind it aren't.

>> No.1988970

KEK fucking losers gonna miss out big time

>inb4 suicide this year

>> No.1988975

Hold my bag

>> No.1988976

Not sure if I'm crazy, but actually bouncing around the logistics of stealing their idea. If well executed it really is genius.

>> No.1988984

They aren't the first to have done it and I'm sure they won't be the last desu.
Either way though it's a much better bet to just have my money in ETH.
There's a YUGE summer coming up for ethereum.

>> No.1989009

Why do you think I'm in POSW to begin with? To get more ETH

>> No.1989020

I was too.
Got about 18ETH out of a 2ETH investment.
Now I don't think they're going to do anything. I think they're just going to slowly dwindle down to like 80 or 90s in coinmarketcap and stay there regardless

>> No.1989025

brb dumping my eth

>> No.1989031

youre gonna be disappointed

>> No.1989034

>selling before the dividend payout and big news

You are actually retarded

>> No.1989047

holy shit someone wants coins lol

>> No.1989050

>making FUD threads to try and lower the price

Not a bad idea honestly

Buying more POSW right now

>> No.1989055

did any of you just see yobit lol

>> No.1989061
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Damn. Someone really doesn't want this to crash.

40BTC buy wall went up fast

>> No.1989065

It's coming and going, and moving lower and lower

>> No.1989069

It's a great coin with actual application for cheap, of course I want it

>> No.1990228
File: 1.98 MB, 400x303, WHAAAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this here because idk where else to but has anyone else noticed they continually keep your 2fa backup exposed and there is no way to remove it? (making it useless) am I alone noticing this?


>> No.1990260

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. It have to be fixed asap.

>> No.1990305

easy set up for the hack and dash the devs are about to pull

>> No.1990311

Delisting PIVX earned my respect from them, have complete confidence now.

>> No.1990344

Why? It's an utterly moronic decision without any value to it

>> No.1990365

Because PIVX is a pump and dump cult coin. Have you seen their slack channel?

>> No.1990367
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because ponzicoiners are drinking dat koolaid son

>> No.1990399

All of crypto is a scam. Its just a matter of who cashes out first. Everyday someone comes out with new FUD and digs up a pyramid we all turn to him and say "we know."