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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19875752 No.19875752 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else in some soul crushing debt right now? Plans on getting out? I'm starting a new career which will hopefully make me a bunch of money, but I'd really rather LINK just moon enough to pay off all my debts and start fresh. I'm definitely not in enough to consider bankruptcy, but have considered a debt relief program. I made some stupid financial decisions following a bad breakup which spiraled my alcohol and drug abuse into a frenzy all while undiagnosed bipolar. Not blaming anyone but myself, just looking to see if there's some anons who managed to claw their way out and give me some hope.

>> No.19875776

Not debt, but $300 to my bank account

$180k worth in Chainlink

I personally haven't feen alive for few years. I get $1000 from tax returns later this year that keeps me up for a while, I mostly leech my relatives and study at the university while waiting Link to moon

>> No.19875792

Then go further in debt and make chapter 7 bankruptcy worth it. Make sure you own a house first. There is a reason why the top 1% of the population declare bankruptcy the most.

>> No.19875793

I've got about 20k in student loans I could pay off today, but I'm kind of betting on the dollar collapsing / some sort of government bail out desu desu. Would love to have them settled for peace of mind, but I'll probably wait until the world settles a bit to bite the bullet on them.

>> No.19875846

Yep same spot here. Less than 1k in bank but have 12k+ link stack and some ridiculous cc debt from marriage.

I have a job that helps pay for everyday expenses and can add a little more to my link stack on a monthly basis.

Hold me

>> No.19875871

I've don't have a shot at a mortgage right now for sure, which really sucks because I'm 28 and would like to start paying for a house and not throwing my money at renting anymore. My credit score isn't terrible, but until I can prove my income is going to increase with this new gig, my debt/income ratio is way too high.
I have a few smaller debts I can pay off right away, but after covid I lost my job and had to fight for 3.5 months to get unemployment, I deferred all my bills until I got my lump sum gibs. Now I'm no longer cash broke and am trying to stay that way,even if in debt, if that makes sense. Like finally have money in the bank again and my small crypto stash, and am trying to use this whole shitshow as a way to finally get back on my feet.

>> No.19875930

I have a linklet stack of a few thousand that I just can't get rid of. I borrowed and deferred bills after COVID just to not touch my stack. It's the only thing I have that I can foresee ever getting me out of this hole for good and restarting my life at my ripe old boomer age

>> No.19876761
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>> No.19877649

I have 9k in credit card debt but no student loan debt, so I see it as sort of a trade-off.
I am currently unemployed as I'm doing an unpaid internship. Once i start working full time in a few months I'll start agressively paying it down