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19871264 No.19871264 [Reply] [Original]

What's the going rate for instagram models to join you on your luxury vacation? Thinking ahead for when Chainlink hits triple digits next year.

>> No.19871278
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Hey while I'm here, here's a tip that could change your life: https //discord gg/ 2g 2F tWM

>> No.19871340

10k like what? $10k for a week long vacation?

>> No.19871383
File: 63 KB, 1080x1234, 806630262_207827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How overvalued are roasties if it takes $10k for them to go on a Vacation with you kek

>> No.19871391

>Next year
Try next month, the moon is only the beginning

>> No.19871454

Do we have a confirmed source that it's 10k? It wouldn't surprise me desu, top instagram models have huge visibility which brings them into dubai sheikh circles where 10k is like $1 for you or me.

>> No.19871486

I would be extremely surprised if LINK hit anything close to $100 this year. Could see it staying sub $10 all year long before the moon begins next year. This year? Based on the entire crypto market I just don't see it without some extremely bullish adoption confirmation. And even then I think you'd see more like $10-$20 range before the real moon.

>> No.19871491

>burnt skin
>fake eyelashes
>no tits
>small ass
>ugly teeth
>fake blonde
>too much make up, can't tell what the real face looks like
so why is this thing a """model""" again?

>> No.19871532
File: 150 KB, 1080x1349, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong on the no tits part. but i dont care about her just replace her with your idea of a model

>> No.19871721

they're fake though

>> No.19871738

>wrong on the no tits part
Found the simp

>> No.19871753

Probably something like $2k-4k for a full weekend

>> No.19871764
File: 198 KB, 1080x1080, 1592841367402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't pay for pussy. If you're man enough and doing cool shit than women will voluntarily join you on your life journey.

>> No.19871825

That seems somewhat on the low end to be honest. Regular escorts tend to be in that range not instagram models.

Obviously I am NOT doing cool shit why do you think I am asking this. I want to reward myself for making it.

>> No.19871854


You will never make it paying women to pretend to like you.

>> No.19871884
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1592656039872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are not paying for pussy, you are investing your time for pussy. Use that extra time for your investments pay for exponential pussy returns.

>> No.19871911

I don't think you understand, I don't care about them liking me. You are making this way more personal because you probably care for women. I am looking this as a reward I'll have for myself similar to purchasing a new guitar.

>> No.19871920

>which brings them into dubai sheikh circles where 10k is like $1 for you or me.
Yeah and those sick fucks make them do things like eat their own shit.

>> No.19871944


>> No.19871949
File: 45 KB, 764x959, 1565730688018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just restructure your entire goals and values in life to attract pussy to yourself bro

>> No.19871980

Anywhere from $1000 to six figures depending on how long you’re taking them for, how ugly you are, and how popular they are.

>> No.19871982

I would definitely do this to add to the experience, just someone to hang out with, and enjoy your vacation with(whether they truly enjoy it or not, it is their job, think of them as entertainers).

>> No.19872014

Or camel shit. But we all know that already, I still need to know the going rate for some of these chicks not the totally thot looking ones like most basic dan blizerian bitches but ones that look a bit more decent.

>> No.19872032

influences may do it for a discount because it would give them exposure to environments that they would spend thousands on travel and lodging for otherwise.

>> No.19872071

I intend to that when Chainlink inevitably hits triple digits. Obviously I am no Chad, but I am not overweight, am well dressed and can despite being moderately shy hold a conversation. I tend to know a thing or two about food and wine and having a hedonistic good time too. Obviously as a regular guy that would get me average/little interest, but I imagine the girl would not have a bad time in some exotic location with a nice apartment, good dinners, wine, exploring and shopping and all that shit you do on vacation and get paid for it. And if Chainlink is $100, then $10k would be nothing to me so I'd have a good time as well adding an attractive, fun eye-candy to an already good experience.

>> No.19872075

Compounding pussy.

>> No.19872129

That's a pretty wide range. I am in my early 30s, good hygiene, average fitness, my face is relatively symmetrical, I am no male model but there aren't any huge deficits there, can dress well, can talk about a variety of subjects, can behave in public, have good taste etc. Nothing really off-putting other than the fact that I am initially shy and reserved. Basically your average guy that isn't retarded. That would get me interest from average girls here and there, but if I am making it I want that to treat myself to that top tier company for a getaway. I was thinking a Greek island personally, I don't like all that Bali shit or anything that doesn't have mediteranean food.

>> No.19872216


>> No.19872256

Get this Anon the Nobel prize of economics.

>> No.19872276

This guy gets it. Honestly buying a high end car will get you IG models easily.

>> No.19872289

one American penny per follower they have on Instagram

>1 million followers

>> No.19872390


That seems such a roundabout way of doing it. I just want a nice vacation and never to see them again (or at least not until the next vacation).