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19868728 No.19868728 [Reply] [Original]

ETH - $300 by End of Month, $500 by End of Year.

>> No.19868814


>> No.19868942
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ETH - $200 by End of Month, $60 by End of Year

>> No.19869011

$5000 by Christmas next year

>> No.19869238


Currently waiting to fall below 200 to buy more, when is this shit gonna happen?!?!?

>> No.19869331

you do understand that we just had the bitcoin halving, right? you do understand that 3 months after each halving, we have seen the most insane bull rallies in crypto of any asset class ever right?

>> No.19869392

eh not always. After the last halving there was a major crash and the bull run was after half a year..

>> No.19870004

The post-halving crash already happened. ETH is only going up now.

It isn't too late to hitch a ride on the rocketship though, but you'll just have to settle for a shit-stained seat in economy class. All the first-class seats are taken because they bought under $200.

>> No.19870319

550 by end of august
could be early as mid july
this is barring another black swan such as an exchange hack

>> No.19870601


>> No.19870623

>ETH - $300 by End of Month, $5,000 by End of Year

>> No.19870731

If ETH is hitting $500 that means BTC will be $20k. BTC is a much safer bet as well. You will always be better off holding BTC.

>> No.19870814

nah BTC is safest, but there are plenty of lunatic core devs to fuck things up.
nothing wrong with some diversifying in case they manage to.

>> No.19870870

When did the post halving crash happen?

>> No.19870881

BTC still has a bit of life left in it I will give it that. But that ponzi will eventually collapse and I hope you're not stuck holding the bags when it dies. Get in and get out and make your profit but don't hold onto it thinking it will even be around in 10 years.

>> No.19870927

wow were still doing the halving thing?
btc is useless
the halving is retarded and does not make btc more valuable

>> No.19871100

Good job parroting the same thing that's been said every year since bitcoin came out, retard.

>> No.19871668

this, the vast majority of btc are already mined anyway

>> No.19871855

Bull scenario:
EOM: $250-280
EOY: $450-550
Peak 2021: $3000-4500

Bear scenario:
EOM: $220-$250
EOY: $180-$200
Never hitting ATH again if 2.0 can't get it there

>> No.19872053


> what is supply/demand

jesus fuck the austists on this board..

>> No.19872415

Sure but every future halving has been priced in for years now.

>> No.19872495
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Already longing them on Phemex with 100x leverage...im gonna be fucking rich!!

>> No.19872697
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$5000 EOY or permaBan

>> No.19873585

Hear me out..

300 end of month
2200 end of November
5000 between march and may 2021
10-15k tops December 2021

The charts never lie

>> No.19873604
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Here is a lucky bender

>> No.19873607
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Wow that's almost a 2x in six months when anything on uniswap does 20x in a week. Stay poor biz

https //discord gg/ 2g 2F tWM

>> No.19873830
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>he thinks ETH isn't getting rejected at $300 again

>> No.19874112

Yea except the piece of shit cannot fucking scale. It is on borrowed time, as soon as the mining reward drops too much and the price doesn't increase sufficiently, it will implode and die. Miners can't survive on transaction fees alone. It's just reality sorry.

>> No.19874149

Except people who aren't scamming pajeets have enough money to drop $30k on a solid coin like ETH and double their money, and don't have to gamble on Uniswap scams with their only 200 dollars hoping for a 20x lottery win.

>> No.19874227
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Ethereum will be nothing but a novelty sidechain of BitCoin, run by a handful of autistic NEETs for nostalgic purposes to play with their antique 'smart contracts' and 'chain links' like so many neckbeards with N64 emulators.

>> No.19874247

it already has more transactions than BTC