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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 390 KB, 999x1030, 1492997023040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1985832 No.1985832 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW 22 years old loser
>TFW never graduated highschool
>TFW no drivers license
>TFW shitty, minimum wage part time job
>TFW fat dyel
>TFW low testosterone
>TFW kissless virgin
>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

Please help me...

How can I become normal?

>> No.1985843
File: 25 KB, 520x390, redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Bean pill and manifest the Aryan Triumverate. Sounds like your only hope left, you fucking Cuck.

Also keep going to the gym i don't even do that. You're not doing as bad as you think you are anon, keep your chin up. You never know when life will change for you, as Quick as a Mexican Jumping Bean.

>> No.1985849
File: 105 KB, 699x492, 1492898822394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join team bean and be a beaner! You'll have a newfound swagger and confidence, knowing your assets are safely secured in a guaranteed 1000x investment. Did I also mention it pays dividends and is faster in transactions than bitcoin?

>> No.1985851

Where can I buy some beans? This sounds like something I want to get onboard with.

>> No.1985856
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This starts to sound creepily similar to a cult

>> No.1985858

become all those things that you think are normal. you know how to become normal, you just don't want to do it. So either you'll have to spend a massive amount of time just fucking around in your life before it really hits you that you need to get your shit together, or you'll spend the rest of your days living as you do now

>> No.1985934

Delete this...

>> No.1986050

You have a list, now get that shit.

>> No.1986067
File: 323 KB, 700x394, Dr-Nowzaradan-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the fat guy hes talking to.


>> No.1986077

Oh it's another VPN shill thread
When will we have mods worth a shit?

>> No.1986080
File: 19 KB, 890x323, BitBean-final-solution-teambean-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything i dont like is a shill

get into the camps nobeaner

>> No.1986084

I'm all for getting on the crypto train but the bean posting has become insufferable and is extremely transparent shilling

>> No.1986085

He's right though.
You'll either piss around or you git gud. It's your choice, but you'll come to the same conclusion. The question becomes if you want it later or earlier in life.

>> No.1986087

Put yourself in real physical danger on a constant basis
Start out by starvation. Move to problem drinking. then hard drugs. Then recovery. Starvation again. Start reading about cool shit. Go on trips where you don't know where the fuck you are and meet cool people who you never see again. Get everything taken from you. Stay lonely for years. Start visualizing what life should be. Don't be a perfectionist, be perfect

>> No.1986089

Anon, at 22 I had almost graduated college (with a very shitty GPA) but I was a heroin addict. Now I have a professional degree make well into six figures at 32 a decade later. Tfwnogf but 22 is young as shit, you have a ton of time to turn it around. You have to actually try and do things though and not just wallow in your misery or tell yourself you'll start tomorrow -- time will fly.

>> No.1986093
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Delete this

>> No.1986105
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>> No.1986111
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>> No.1986228

just don't get arrested. Life is enough of a prison that
Living in true incarceration would ruin it

>> No.1986266

>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

There are two possibilities here.

>you're a fucking moron and you're doing it wrong

Go to /fit/, read the sticky, don't skip days and stop lying to yourself about your diet.

>it actually is working but you hate yourself too much to recognize it

There's no simple fix for this. Sad Fat Mind can persist long, long, LONG after the fat is gone.

So how do you know which one is the problem? Easy: go back over your journal. Has your weight gone down and your lifts gone up? It's the 'fat mind' problem. Is it the other way around? It's the 'fucking moron' problem. Is there no journal? Then it's the 'fucking moron' problem.

>> No.1986271

Wake up tomorrow and go to the gym. Start running. Start slow. Just start to burn calories. Also calorie deficit. Don't care if anyone judges you, it's not like it means shit.

I used to not want to do shit actively until I played Katawa Shoujo, now I do more shit and want to be a better person. You can do a lot with your life. You're 22, it'll be hard, but do it anyways.

I made some good posts about this in /vg/'s KS general, long read and it's in pics though so not going to post it. The gist is keep working, keep moving forward and always know that your love is looking for you, she just won't be able to see you if you're 400 pounds. Beauty isn't skin deep, but it sure as hell starts there.

And yes, /biz/ will tell you not to get involved with women. For most people, it's their choice. Just whatever dude. Just go do it. I'm done typing.

If you're real fuckin lazy I can share a playlist but chances are you won't like it.

>> No.1986272
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It's definitely the 'fucking moron' problem. As usual for me.

>> No.1986296

I already go to the gym. It's not working.

>> No.1986304

Well, again, start running. If you're fat then it's hard to see muscle growth. Knock down the pounds and then you see more.

Can't offer much more than that. Just keep going at it.

>> No.1986346

You're literally what I was afraid of becoming, thank God I changed at 19

>> No.1986349

All the confidence, charisma, and energy to change comes from within, anon.

A year ago, I was unemployed, out of school, extremely miserable, and building up a mean tolerance for the drink.

By this point, I had already gone out, worked 20-something different shitty jobs that never worked out, got my own place or two, started and dropped out of college, started a business and then failed it, moved to the city, moved to another state, lived out of my car.

I felt like I had already done everything and still ended up absolutely nowhere.

I had let the world shake me up so much that I almost gave up. Getting mad and fighting back gave me a lot of confidence and energy back.

Year later, I'm back in school, have a decent full-time job, a car that isn't trying to kill me at intersections. It's nothing to brag about, but it is a lot better than prior circumstances.

TL;DR - You are likely a better person than you see yourself as. Don't undervalue yourself or your faults. Don't let others success or personal failures stop you. Relative to someone else, everybody is fucking up in some way or another. FIGHT the crashing waves. Know your autism, hone it, and keep a "when in Rome" mentality around normies.

You can make it, anon, and you will make it so long as you continue to care about fixing these problems you have. You already care more than 90% of people do about most things, t b h f a m.

>> No.1986362

If you get the chance, try reading The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. It's an old book (1928), but a powerful one. Definitely glad I stumbled upon it in shittier times.

4motivi. com /books/hill/lawofsuccess.pdf

>> No.1986395

get a ged. learn to install tile or something. advertise a bit and install tile.

>> No.1986421

I just bike instead. I'm not that fat, just more of a skinnyfat numale.

Thank you anon. This speaks to me.

I will

does the tile meme actually pay well?

>> No.1986440

50k is easily doable you also dont have to work every single day just when theres a project. starting to talk myself into it now...

>> No.1986443

How would I get started in Canada?

>> No.1986463

This whole thread was literally created to get you all to buy beans.

OP is lying, someone consoles him and gets him to buy beans, he says he wants the beans then you all see it and think to yourselves "maybe I should get some too"

>> No.1986520
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You sound very unintelligent and meek. When beans hit 1 USD i expect I will have to put a lot of people like you down.

>> No.1986561

1 dollar a coin with over a billion coins in circulating? lmfao

>> No.1987812


try r9k

>> No.1987821

You sound delusional. Oh no wait you are.

>> No.1987852
File: 22 KB, 300x290, 3bfhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take action and stop complaining you fucking bitch.

>> No.1988249

Contact Huang. He is the only one who can rectify the situation. He has contacts in the Philippines.

>> No.1988275
File: 436 KB, 1200x690, meanbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, i'm delusional. Good one faggot. My wife and kids and I are all laughing at you together.

>> No.1988798

Establish good habits (lifting, eating right, saving, self improvement) and find things to occupy you that don't cost much while you slowly accumulate gains

Find a way to occupy your mind so to

>> No.1988830

Just post some self improvement stuff :)

>> No.1988835


>> No.1988845

honestly i'm so glad i'm not like some of the people on 4chan, holy shit, i'd probably have killed my self if i were u

ive got all of that, im not even on a minimum wage job anymore at 18

>> No.1990266
File: 337 KB, 736x460, 1486230347038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what?

All you have is a low self image of yourself.

I say workout and exercise not just to lose weight but to put your mind at ease of your personal problems.

Find a passion, upgrade your vocabulary, when you are talking to a girl or a group of friends. They will know who to really talk to. You lose the weight and pussy and fortune will come to you.

Its your effort; do what you will at the expense of nobody else. Freedom without inhibitions is True to self worth and brings peace of mind to the body and soul

>> No.1990282


Books and meditating are great for the mind.

>> No.1990373

are you me, ffs, life is hard here

>> No.1990616


>> No.1990751

>wife and kids.


>> No.1990759

Kinda me
>never finished highschool
>no drivers license
>shitty part time minimum wage job
>kissless virgin
>can walk to work
>company is large which is a plus and a minus (can move up, but can also get stuck.)
>Built a reputation amongst my bosses and coworkers for being a solid productive reliable worker, always looking to pick up extra hours
>may be openings in full time work soon (I already work as many hours as the full time people..around 34/week, while my part time coworkers only work 12-25)
>my work is physically demanding, which means I am getting more fit and confident. (I lift furniture and donations at a thrift store)
>interacting with customers is getting me better at conversation (or at least pretending)

Overall I'm just gaining experience, and references. Maybe I'll get moved up the chain at some point, or maybe I'll need to work elsewhere soon.

Either way you need to find ways to be content with your situation, or actively try and change it. 99% of the time you are the architect of your own future.

There's a balance between being a kissass, and doing your job half ass and that is where you need to be. Do your job better than everyone, know your companies rules and procedures better than anyone, and always show interest in extra responsibilities. Be respectful with your coworkers and boss but know deep down you are after their jobs. Your accomplishments need to outshine theirs.

This is the path I am on, and the results aren't anything earth shattering, but Its 1000% better than standing still and If it isn't taking me further in the next few weeks I'll leave with a great recommendation.

>> No.1990760

>my wife and *HER* kids

Fixed that for you.

>> No.1990819

Visit /fit/ m8

You'll be a loser still, but at least you won't be fat and proper lifting/diet can up your test.

Also I'd talk to a doctor about that.

>> No.1991360


You can't

>> No.1991379

Yea i never graduated either. I put down on my application to this job that i did but im not sure if it's gonna pass or not. They are still waiting on my background shit to come back. Getting pretty nervous...

If i can't get a job im probably going to end up homeless soon.

Shit w/e my life sucks anyway. I really don't give af anymore tbqh.

>> No.1992499

You literally have the perfect life, dont fuck it up by getting a woman or dieting or working out. Take it from a doctor with $400k debt and a shitty fiance, youre better being a lazy couch potato and eating junk and playing video games and occasionaly fucking a backpage whore so you dont die a virgin. As long as your basic expenses are covered, dont worry and live a carefree lazy life until you die from being a fat fuck. At the very least you wouldve enjoyed your time on this shitty worthless Earth

>> No.1992506

I don't enjoy any of my time.

>> No.1992903

Me either. Life to me is just like a job now. It feels more like something i have to do instead of something i want to do.

>> No.1992925

can I get a quick rundown on this guy?