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File: 350 KB, 1600x1200, CONNECT #6 Through That Door series proof rounds .999 fine silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19838117 No.19838117 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

https://www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--

previous >>19829117

>> No.19838129

FWTDHWAHQUD status-- {doing yoga}

>> No.19838141

When copypasting the OP, please remember to remove the "[embed]", otherwise they stack up.

>> No.19838275

I need some good miners to buy lads. Can I buy foreign miners outside UK?

>> No.19838281
File: 794 KB, 1600x772, seuso_kincskereso_es_tarlatvezetes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since I am not sure how many people saw it, heres that like again to the Time Team Special on the Sevso Treasure and antiquity theft https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=352&v=YaG8GFdCROk&feature=emb_title

>> No.19838332


>> No.19838365
File: 162 KB, 1600x1200, chatauqua silver works 1 oz Proof T.I.M.E. - E.M.I.T. Silver Round Series #5 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19838370
File: 95 KB, 987x700, eaglenolike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys just admit you're mostly in it for the shiny trinkets that trigger your magpie brains.

If shtf you aren't going to be able to pay for groceries with your 1oz rounds because even if the supermarket was willing to take them they wont have anything to sell.
If you think the world is going to collapse you should be working on your homestead and improving your self sufficiency by learning skills and acquiring tools.

>muh store of wealth
Its called real estate. You know something that retains and even enhances its value all while being of eminent practical use regardless of the state of the DOW. As opposed to shiny rocks that sit in your closet so you can take them out once in a while and rub them like a jew.

>> No.19838375
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, chatauqua silver works 1 oz Proof T.I.M.E. - E.M.I.T. Silver Round Series #5-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19838380

Anyone have a provident metals or monument metals discount promo code? Or a scottsdale mint code before I buy?

>> No.19838444
File: 487 KB, 1540x1600, chatauqua silver works Toxic Series Too #7 Your Chip Has Been Deactivated, BU Finish by Chautauqua Silver Works, 1oz .999 Silver Round-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already have ASEs with chips in the packaging-
...and now they have some buffalos with chips in the coin itself-

Of course it's "just an option" now, but how long until they're all like that? Remember when having the chips in your drivers license and passport and credit card was "just an option"? Now they all have them.
>just an option, it's convenient
>most have them, why don't you? That's so incovenient anon
>all must have them or you can't get on the plane/buy anything/prove identity
It's just a matter of time.

>> No.19838468

I wonder how long it will take before tracking elements in bullion are a thing that becomes law. A few companies currently do it for their own security and remove them before sale to general customers. I could totally see governments forcing buyers to log tracking element data with them during sales or purchases.

>> No.19838490

Tracking chips in bullion will become mandatory when payments in cash become illegal.

>> No.19838494

I feel the need to buy more gold, but every time I mean to I buy more silver. There's so much more room for potential upswing.

>> No.19838502

I bought 2oz and regret it, should have bought 200oz silver instead. But I didnt want to be 100% silver so its fine I guess

>> No.19838508
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, 2013 YOS 10 oz Silver Bar - .999 Pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I'm concerned about. There are multiple reasons why they would want to.
- if PM-backed digital currency becomes a thing
- if PMs as a resistance to fiat becomes widespread
- confiscation/heavy taxation
- financial surveillance
Our only hope to avoid it is to have info spread throughout the PM community (if there even is a singular "community") and beyond to the normies. We have to near-unanimously refuse to buy/use chipped PMs.
I'm really worried that a large precentage of people will embrace the chip because of muh counterfeit. We have methods to counter the counterfeiting, and I'll risk fakes to avoid the chip panopticon, but many will sheep out.

>> No.19838554
File: 184 KB, 708x600, 2002 1 Troy OZ. .999 Fine Silver Coin Graduate Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No (you) because trollin but here's some info for newfrens regarding the relationship between PMs and real estate. In certain conditions it can be advantageous to learn about and have position in PMs, even without a SHTF society collapse situation.


>> No.19838572

We will have to see what happens in the near future. I know more companies are taking up the tracking element idea for their raw bullion, but I am not sure how well it would move over into general sales. Not every bullion dealer has the gear to scan for tiny trace elements.

>> No.19838639
File: 183 KB, 1300x978, 713CA36A-551E-463E-8974-BCCB7D5907F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jew fears the indoor goldsmith.

>> No.19838651

is it normal to melt mixed purity coins?

>> No.19838664
File: 154 KB, 1440x810, 1592290687827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19838677
File: 761 KB, 1786x1777, 15123723444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this one had a limit of 100 golden coins minted, no idea about the silver, but it looks spectacular nonetheless.

>> No.19838686

>still posting that
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.19838694
File: 250 KB, 1440x1080, 1507086211272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19838720
File: 135 KB, 736x802, 528aa64a179ae428bbc38d91276afed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last post before work tomorrow, the search must continue.

>> No.19838782

ok retard

>> No.19838806

>I wonder how long it will take before tracking elements in bullion are a thing that becomes law
2 years max, it will happen alongside the (((monetary reset))) / mark of the beast.

>> No.19838849


>> No.19838893

This is why we must hurry to complete our stacks, while we -and our PMs- aren't chipped yet, fren.

>> No.19838938

I worry the 2021 ASE's will have a RFID chip in em… I think its why they haven't released the design. they know everyone will hate it...

>> No.19839029


>> No.19839066
File: 1.52 MB, 2839x2623, silver stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative fren
we usually just check our favorite sites for deals or look on https://findbullionprices.com/closest-to-spot/
sorry for not being more useful

>> No.19839190
File: 46 KB, 619x453, 1492363862277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible, MintID recently said they got a big contract, could be related.
How big is your current stack?
Personally i'm waiting since 3 months for a dip and have 5k ready to dump on the minute it go down... But it never come..
I'm this close to say fuck it all and buy now, even if it mean a tinier stack than i initially expected.

>> No.19839244

who owns mintid? Might be a good stock buy if they do end up in bed with the gov

>> No.19839260

with the addition of the shipment on Monday i'll have hit 5.7lbs
i'd say start buying the sales, i'm averaging right near 20 dollars... and I think here soon we'll see some govt mint coins for 20 and hopefully some ASE's for 22

>> No.19839352
File: 3.81 MB, 3716x2788, 1592682686145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning fellas!

>> No.19839377
File: 3.15 MB, 4990x3572, world govt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't support the beast, fren. There's lots and lots of ways to make money without helping them tie the noose tighter around our necks.
I strongly believe the way to stop the slide towards the authoritarian collective social/government structure is to show through direct economic action that free markets can be altruistic. We have to show that freedom doesn't have to lead to the tragedy of the commons, that we can act for the greater good without being forced to by Big Daddy Government.

Direct economic action. Voting with our money.
How we choose to make money, how we choose to spend money, how we choose to invest money.
Use your money in a way that is in line with the world you want to live in.

>> No.19839384

> buy bullion
> melt it
> make a bar
tracking... anon, you're shilling is obsessive. buy more link and other shitcoins. then your downfall will be worse. and kys, faggot.

>> No.19839535
File: 239 KB, 800x907, big dog robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government kicks down your door for tampering with a federally mandated PM tracking device
>you're obviously a money launderer/tax evader/terrorist/drug dealer/insert boogeyman
>they take your home, business, PMs and your children
I would suggest we try to stop these shenanigans before it gets to the point that we have to melt down our PMs to make sure there are no tracking devices embedded in them.

>> No.19839570
File: 2.12 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200621_122329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28oz silver / 2oz gold micro stack
Hopefully I have more on the way
How far am I from making it?

>> No.19839636

Gonna make it, keep stacking
Get them phat 100 oz Royal Canadian Mint dinner plate bars

>> No.19839735
File: 53 KB, 702x681, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great news /pmg/
I ordered 10 Silver Eagles to give to my old man for Father's day, and on the way there I met up and rekindled an old friendship with someone I haven't spoke with in years. Later that day as I was dropping it off, I found some Magic cards I misplaced as a lad, expensive shiny ones which more than made up for the silver I bought. At the end of the day, I was richer in mind, spirit, and soon to be wallet due to the cards, and I will always from now on buy American.

tl;dr fuck pedophiles and fuck the queen

>> No.19839792
File: 816 KB, 1500x1125, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a chance to make it?

>> No.19839804
File: 103 KB, 900x900, 1 oz Asahi Silver Round back_4_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing better than most, anon. DCA when you can, bump it up when there's a dip. Best time to plant an oak tree etc.
We're all much more likely than average to make it, just by learning enough to be here.

Or get 100+ cyber rounds for the same price/maybe less, and have increased liquidity.

>> No.19839884 [DELETED] 


>I need some good miners to buy lads. Can I buy foreign miners outside UK?

Yes. Most miners will be listed on the NSY, FRA, or XET (New York and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges). The GDXJ is even listed on the LSE (London Stock Exchange). So is Hochschild Mining. Simply log into any broker and look for the miners in the GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and you will find most of them.


>If shtf you aren't going to be able to pay for groceries with your 1oz rounds because even if the supermarket was willing to take them they wont have anything to sell.

Gold doubled during the Great Depression, and Homestake Mining went up 500%. When the West collapses, society isn't going to look like a Fallout game. When the dollar dies as the world reserve currency, gold, which China, Turkey, and Russia have been hoarding, will take over, and be worth $10,000 in today's money on the international markets.

>Its called real estate

Real estate is in an unprecedented bubble. Even worse than 2006. Already made a post about this. >>19833390

Gold is what thrives in hyperinflationary environments, not real estate. Real estate is highly illiquid. And once people have a house, (which most people now can't even afford,) they need somewhere else to put the rest of their money. After the hyperinflation in Weimar Germany, people were buying mansions for small quantities of gold.

>eminent practical use

Gold offers far more "practical use" than real estate. Gold is a permanent store of our labour, and a medium of exchange. Houses don't do that. Gold is money. Gold is what moves us past the barter system and facilitates civilization itself.

>> No.19839910
File: 119 KB, 800x800, Grateful Death by Silver Shield, Mini Mintage - BU 1 oz Copper Round_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done, anon~
- Being good son to your father
- Buying silver as a gift for others
- Buying American
- Building/rekindling friendships
- Positive attitude & in tune with the universe
Outstanding, keep on rockin' fren!

>> No.19839947

nice bro.
i did that too. but only 1 Canadian silver coin.
its the first coin either of us gonna have.
i wish i could buy him more..

>> No.19839976

Fuck ye
I got a bunch of them in order to drive down my over spot from the local metals dealership
I got like 90 ASE for liquidity, now I buy in bulk

>> No.19840030 [DELETED] 


>I need some good miners to buy lads. Can I buy foreign miners outside UK?

Yes. Most miners will be listed on the NSY, FRA, or XET (New York and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges). The GDXJ is even listed on the LSE (London Stock Exchange). So is Hochschild Mining. Simply log into any broker and look for the miners in the GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and you will find most of them.


>If shtf you aren't going to be able to pay for groceries with your 1oz rounds because even if the supermarket was willing to take them they wont have anything to sell.

Gold doubled during the Great Depression, and Homestake Mining went up 500%. When the West collapses, society isn't going to look like a Fallout game. When the dollar dies as the world reserve currency, gold, which China, Turkey, and Russia have been hoarding, will take over, and be worth $10,000 in today's money on the international markets.

>Its called real estate

Real estate is in an unprecedented bubble. Even worse than 2006. Already made a post about this. >>19833390

Gold is what thrives in hyperinflationary environments, not real estate. Real estate is highly illiquid. And once people have a house, (which most people now can't even afford,) they need somewhere else to put the rest of their money. After the hyperinflation in Weimar Germany, people were buying mansions for small quantities of gold.

>eminent practical use

Gold offers far more "practical use" than real estate. Yes, you need a house to live in, but even the most basic house will serve that function; beyond survival, real-estate is about luxury and ornament. Gold is a permanent store of our labour, and medium of exchange. Houses serve that purpose. Gold is money. Gold is what moves us past the barter system, and is necessary for civilization itself. You could have civilization with the most boring, ugly, workmanlike houses; but you couldn't have it without money, and gold is money.

>> No.19840041


>I need some good miners to buy lads. Can I buy foreign miners outside UK?

Yes. Most miners will be listed on the NSY, FRA, or XET (New York and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges). The GDXJ is even listed on the LSE (London Stock Exchange). So is Hochschild Mining. Simply log into any broker and look for the miners in the GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and you will find most of them.


>If shtf you aren't going to be able to pay for groceries with your 1oz rounds because even if the supermarket was willing to take them they wont have anything to sell.

Gold doubled during the Great Depression, and Homestake Mining went up 500%. When the West collapses, society isn't going to look like a Fallout game. When the dollar dies as the world reserve currency, gold, which China, Turkey, and Russia have been hoarding, will take over, and be worth $10,000 in today's money on the international markets.

>Its called real estate

Real estate is in an unprecedented bubble. Even worse than 2006. Already made a post about this. >>19833390

Gold is what thrives in hyperinflationary environments, not real estate. Real estate is highly illiquid. And once people have a house, (which most people now can't even afford,) they need somewhere else to put the rest of their money. After the hyperinflation in Weimar Germany, people were buying mansions for small quantities of gold.

>eminent practical use

Gold offers far more "practical use" than real estate. Yes, you need a house to live in, but even the most basic house will serve that function; and much of the price of real-estate derives from luxury and ornament. Gold is both a permanent store of our labour, and medium of exchange. Houses don't serve that purpose. Gold is money. Gold is what moves us past the barter system, and is necessary for civilization itself. You could have civilization with the most boring, ugly, workmanlike houses; but you couldn't have it without money, and gold is money.

>> No.19840112
File: 111 KB, 900x900, 1_oz_asahi_american_reserve_silver_round_.999_fine-back_min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't care for queen coins, but diff strokes and it's all PMs in the end. I like libertads and I love old Austrian coins. GMI.
Also being good to your dad, also buying silver as a gift. First silver, even. Y'all are awesome, keep it up. GMI.
Right on, we each have our own ratios of coins/bars. I ordered some 10oz stackers to bring down cost per oz, and will order more, but I want to keep it 2/1 ratio of coins/bars, cost allowing. Liquidity and easier testing.
If you're buying in bulk for lower per-oz cost, you might like this-
They take forever to ship, but it's top-notch product + as good a price as rcm + 'Murka. Happy stacking, fren. GMI.

>> No.19840128

I own both nigger

>> No.19840156
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x1500, bigPPPPPPPPP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to own some Libertads aswell, but they are 8-12% premium in my islamic european shithole country, the old austrians are always under 2% premium.

>> No.19840175

Based euro silver stacker. Keep going fren!

>> No.19840237
File: 189 KB, 1000x976, Austria 5 corona 1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, I mistook your centenario for a libertad. You're doing well, fren, those are some beautiful coins and that's a lot of gold. I wish I could 1) afford a bunch of gold coronas and 2) get them for under 2% premium. Hang in there, fren.

>> No.19840280
File: 57 KB, 656x755, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I have is 3 ounces of gold maples, 29 ounces of silver maples and a condo worth maybe 18 ounces of gold

houses here in Sweden cost like 200 ounces of gold
I don't understand how the fuck I am every supposed to afford a life
this isn't fun anymore

>> No.19840281

this is the main purpose of digital money i believe.
no amount of "currency" will be allowed to be transferred without Big Brother knowing everything about it and being able to control it.

the only way to escape that, would be person to person barter for real goods and services face to face in real time

>> No.19840305

>3 ounce gold
>28 oz silver
GMI swedebro, keep stacking!

>> No.19840317
File: 1.13 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200430_205057_6839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hidey-ho neighbor !

>> No.19840337

>240 toz silver
>0 toz gold
>0 real estate
>live in norgay
am i gonna make it? thinking of buying a tube every chance i get, or should i start stacking gold?

>> No.19840387

if PMs exerience anything like a "true correction" then the price per ounce ratio between gold/silver will close, either making gold way less valuable, (unlikely imo)
or making silver way more valuable (more likely imo)
so, it would seem silver is the buying opportunity rn.

>> No.19840392

thanks, will do
I would feel uncomfortable having that much silver and no gold at all
would get at least one or two ounces of gold to balance it out a bit
but you do you

>> No.19840395


Get some mining-stocks. GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ. Don't only own physical coins, or you are missing out on leverage which will allow you to outperform the metals manifoldly. You can take profits on your miners to buy more metals later.

>> No.19840406

how do you think a USD collapse will affect european fiat currency?

>> No.19840407

I think the GSR broke a long time ago because we stopped defining gold in terms of silver and silver in terms of gold
the world used to be on a bimetallic standard

>> No.19840418

Bullion dealers? You mean premium rapists?

>> No.19840420

things are much worse here in Europe
gold has already broken ATH is our fiats

>> No.19840432
File: 224 KB, 1872x1152, Screenshot 2020-06-21 at 14.20.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold has already broken ATH IN* our fiats
gold euro chart

>> No.19840450
File: 173 KB, 1872x1152, Screenshot 2020-06-21 at 14.20.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold Swedish Crown chart... rip

>> No.19840495

Jfc.... once again it's good to be american because all my fat stupid lazy countrymen have yet to figure out that the economy is completely braindead but hasn't stopped moving yet. Metals in USD haven't started to moon just yet and local dealerships still have big bars in quantity.

>> No.19840502

oh. i thought it was simply based on the natural ratio of Gold/Silver scarcity. guess thats only a theory. it seemed to fit PM price performance in the past. but yeah it does seem to have been decoupled

>> No.19840526

hoping Dow will crash again and take mining with it so I can buy cheap
dollar will probably be last to fall against gold since everyone needs dollar for international trade and anyone who steps out of line gets fucked in the ass by the US navy
>thought it was simply based on the natural ratio of Gold/Silver scarcity
it probably used to be
but these days we don't buy gold with silver and we don't buy silver with gold - we buy it with fiat
it's like people buying bitcoin with tether

>> No.19840531

>the line gores up
arent these charts really just showing us is the devaluation of the dollar?

>> No.19840550

>it probably used to be
>but these days we don't buy gold with silver and we don't buy silver with gold - we buy it with fiat
>it's like people buying bitcoin with tether
ah, ok i think i sort of see what your saying but dangit for some reason this concept is making my head hurt

>> No.19840599

240 oz isnt "that much silver" fren

and if its a bog concern, 1 or 2 oz gold would easily balance it out

>> No.19840603
File: 72 KB, 2342x924, Screenshot 2020-06-20 at 07.42.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dollar, euro, krona
its all going down as the monetary base increases due to infinite money printing

at first I was actually kind of afraid that we would get a deflation in the monetary base as I thought people would use their stimulus checks to repay loans but they spent every penny on cheap chinese goods at Amazon
>making my head hurt
fiat does that

>> No.19840632

true, it's not
I'm just poor ;_;

>> No.19840661

nah, still a nice stack fren.
my stack is about the same rn, i got just a little over 200 oz.
just not a reason to be concerned about not having some percentage of it to be gold

>> No.19840683
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 2-oz-canada-kraken-silver-coin-2020_rq6-f847c1d34d08d2896650feb4ff4afe5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow yuropoor here, my endgame is to buy a prefab house and some land to put it on. I estimate it'll take ~45oz gold. Currently at 0,5 and doubting I'll ever get there, but it's a goal keeping me from going mad

>> No.19840692
File: 831 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_4382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under 2% you can get austrian corona 20Kronen, 100Kronen, 5,81g finegold lmu coins mostly french and belgian, sometimes Sovereigns and 2 Rands SA and if you are very lucky soviet Tscherwonetz
everything else is 4-5%, all modern bullion 1oz coins are around 5% because the normies only know about those

>> No.19840723
File: 68 KB, 490x306, TBH I DONT RLY LIKE THAT PLS STOP .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I drank the koolaid/fell for the ruse, but I think **some** crypto has the **potential** to be as anonymous as cash. With proper encryption, open-source everything, VPNs and non alphabet/chicom backdoored hardware, I think it's possible. I know those are a lot of "ifs", and with KYC/AML regs and flooding the cryptosphere with bazillions of centralized non-open-source corporate coins they're stamping out every bit of anonymity they can, but... there's still a chance I think. I won't mention specifics because muh shill and this isn't the thread for that, but I think that if enough privacy/freedom/decentralize minded folks use certain cryptos in certain ways on certain dexes, I think there's a teeny tiny chance.
I dunno, maybe I just fell for the ruse. We'll see how it goes.
Here's my tentative/ad hoc energy allocation ratio:
40% PMs
30% skills and knowledge
15% various tools and useful things
10% crypto
5% fiat

>> No.19840831
File: 139 KB, 314x374, Screenshot 2020-06-21 at 14.50.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right
45oz gold for land and a house seems fair, but it depends on how many oz work pays in your country
that 0.5oz will probably become more valuable soon

been looking at prefab homes as well
but even the smallest will cost me 81oz with land and utility connection

>> No.19840871

i just want to buy some more bars with the Silver Towne miner classic design. but theyve been sold out all year.

>> No.19840936

what do you think is gonna happen to women and other freeloaders when everything collapses?

>> No.19840989

who knows what happens when sheep suddenly have their whole paradigms of life shattered

>> No.19841030

>that 0.5oz will probably become more valuable soon
which is worrying for me as I could easily get to 4oz by the end of the year if the spot dropped a bit or at least stayed this way. If it doesn't drop in july I'm gonna continue to stack silver even though it's a bit retarded here with VAT and all. I could flip what I have for like $2-$3 profit just because I order from abroad, but that would be a lengthy and shitty process I'd rather avoid

>> No.19841039
File: 2.54 MB, 4128x3096, 20200620_153815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who knows what happens when sheep suddenly have their whole paradigms of life shattered
You're already seeing it- they turn to the wolves for help.

>> No.19841054

Holy moly, you're right!
I looked around for the heckof it and found this-
Doing the math, .9802 troy ounces of gold for $1,749.25 (check/wire) is less than 2% premium, it's like 1.8%!
I don't have enough of a silver stack to allocate $$$ for gold yet, so I'm focusing on silver, but if any anons are wanting to buy gold...

>> No.19841085

you pay VAT on silver? Jesus
coininvest.com is german and legit, order all my silver and gold from them - no VAT

>> No.19841105

I'm just stating VAT exists here, I like coininvest too ;^)

>> No.19841140

5oz gold
100oz silver

By August:
6oz Gold
300oz Silver

We have 120k in cash in bank, been house hunting just lost a bidding war on a nice one last week. Wife isn't comfortable pouring all that saved cash into PMs. Worried about making it, wat do?

>> No.19841248

>Wife isn't comfortable pouring all that saved cash into PMs. Worried about making it, wat do?
sell the wife

>> No.19841269

Eat the wife, fuck the cash, marry the stack.

>> No.19841293

Welp, now we know. dear old Yukon really is,... one of us.

>> No.19841317


You have less than 10% of your net-worth in gold and silver. Definitely not a good idea to throw away nine tenths of your life's savings in the long term. David Brady is saying that tapered liquidity will cause yields to spike, and thus put pressure on both stocks and metals before we get YCC in September/October, so staying in cash right now is not the worst decision in the world. But as soon as they turn the money-printers back on, beg your wife to buy as many metals and miners as you possibly can, because they are only going up from there.

>> No.19841353

Tell her to fuck off and get her own money if she wants to decide how it's allocated.

>> No.19841473

At least move it into CHF or something in case the dollar specifically goes pear shaped

>> No.19841556
File: 2.64 MB, 4128x3096, 20200620_153552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you forget it.

>> No.19841573

Is it a good idea to just buy GDXJ and SILJ ETFs to profit from the inevitable miners boom or should I build the portfolio myself? I know nothing about stocks, but I don't want to miss the oportunity.
Also,non-Americans, what broker do you use? I'm looking for something with minimal paperwork required to open an account for foreigners. Is Firstrade any good?

>> No.19841610

Thnz pmg bro, those 100 Coronas are the real deal. I'd love some soviet gold for the irony.

>> No.19841822


If you don't understand the mining industry, then yes, you simply want to get GDX/GDXJ, SIL/SILJ, which is just like buying SPY with respect to the S&P 500. I could recommend to you First Majestic, Fortuna Silver Mines, and MAG Silver corp, as the best mid-tier silver miners; but all those are in SILJ at any rate. David Brady writes for Sprott Money, and he is invested in SILJ. I am invested in small-caps which make up only 1% of SILJ, or even are not in it; but I couldn't recommend those to you in good conscience, because, if silver crashes, they could simply go to zero.

>> No.19841990

It's showing us that the dollar is still stronger than the Euro or the swedish goblidigook. NIRP is the forbidden technique, you get some juice into your economy at the expense of your currency.

>> No.19842050
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I don't know but it's going to be ugly. Retirees, pensioners, people on Medicare or disability, welfare, any sort of fixed income are going to get fucked.

The government can always print more money, but they can't print more goods or services, and at some point working people will not tolerate half the population getting shit for free while they toil for scraps.

>> No.19842329

What % would you recommend? I have 10% in gold miners, and was contemplating putting another 10% in physical gold/silver. Is there any point (other than getting to finger sexy coins) or should I just stick with miners?

>> No.19842383

>Is there any point (other than getting to finger sexy coins) or should I just stick with miners?
Miner stocks are still stocks. ETFs are a spoiled promise (re: fractional reserve and ScotiaBank). Physical is real money (NOT currency, but real wealth) in your hands.

>> No.19842471
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You are not welcome here, shlomo

>> No.19842705
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>it's called real estate
quit trying to off load your bags you jew
We're waiting for those sales on boomer assets

>> No.19842714
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, 1592350865487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you probably think asteroids are gonna crash the gold market
buddy, we're never getting off this rock.

>> No.19842752
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1590739669679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, can't you just remove the fucking packaging ?

>> No.19842770
File: 2.48 MB, 3188x2104, IMG_4300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sovietski gold, mined by free socialist workers

>> No.19842815
File: 770 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_4264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent coin for what it is, nearly 1oz (30,49g fine gold), here a size comparison to the 20 Kronen coin, there is also a 10 Kronen coin however the premium is 5% or more.

>> No.19842872

> free socialist


>> No.19842900


Physical gold is useful as a stabilizer, since it doesn't crash along with the general stock-market. People who held gold in March could have sold it and bought up mining stocks for nothing, then made 300% gains. Additionally, you want to have some amount of physical metal just in case the system abruptly collapses into chaos. We saw how soon the mines closed down once the coronavirus hoax got going. Imagine, for example, if America went to war with China, or something of that nature. Bullion is insurance against a sudden worst-case scenario; miners are for making money in the short space of time which we have (1-4 years) before a hyper-inflationary collapse. I can't tell you exact percentages of which asset-class to hold, since your situation is your own; but your own good sense ought to be able to make a decision on the basis of what I have said.


>ETFs are a spoiled promise (re: fractional reserve and ScotiaBank).

ETFs are definitely a scam; but it ought to be pointed out that GoldMoney, BullionVault, and holding segregated gold in overseas places like Singapore and Switzerland generally, is a valid way to own gold. Even Mike Maloney keeps his metals in a Singaporean vault. Neil McCoy Ward points out that the "If you don't hold it, you don't own it" meme started with ETFs, but then falsely got transferred to bullion held in any kind of vault. In 1933, people with overseas bullion were actually safe from government confiscation.


>> No.19842903

fuck off commie scum

>> No.19842970
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How do you think Jews gained effective control of the Western financial arena? Real estate alone? No. They spent 1500 years hoarding gold/silver through usury and rental income, and by the time 1800 rolled around, they had enough bullion to freely loan the British crown the value for their war against Napoleon. Now Jews have governments and Kings as their debtors.

Gold is truly the answer.

>> No.19843021
File: 52 KB, 685x564, 1588051351741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes my pp hard

>> No.19843030

It was mostly through deception and manipulation of different currencies, not neccessarily the result of such aggressive hoarding, and they are probably hoarding more precious metals now than they ever have in their entire family's history.

>> No.19843088


Perhaps recently (1500 AD - now). But from the destruvtion of the Temple in 70 AD through the Dark Ages up to the Medieval Age, Jews had no such internationalist power yet. They had to slowly, secretly, and unceasingly hoard gold, jewelery, etc. You can't loan the equivalent of $500 billion without physical collateral. For the Rothschilds loaning to the Duke of Wellington in the 1810s, their collateral was gold.

>> No.19843091

I was the original magpie poster and you're right, shit is shiny, beautiful, and makes me feel like I'm playing wow in real life. You're wrong about grocery stores not having anything when fiat implodes, they might have some type of shortages, but there will always be farmers growing and selling food as long as the rule of law exsist, whether in it's current form or martial law.

>> No.19843116

This is the real reason to hoard merc dimes.

>> No.19843128
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 1591647115282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19843169


Depends on how bad things get. Societal collapses have the proximal implosion where no one gives a fuck about currency, and people are trading goods and services for goods and services. Farms, food, water, land, and weapons are key.

Following every collapse, however, is a return to a new form of stability. Perhaps things can be used as currency (booze, ammo, cigs, women, etc) but eventually they will grow and find enough prosperity to start looking for a more universal source of income again. Time has showed again and again that gold is this currency.

Gold has tolerated and proliferated as many societal -collapses in history as there are societal collapses in history. It survived the fall of the Minoans/Mycenaens, the Romans, the Ottomans, etc etc

>> No.19843265

Interesting. Lines up with how lots of gypsies are actually jews and some anon in a pmg thread a while back was talking about how it is in their culture to hoard gold.

>> No.19843319

The difference between now and the past collapses is that we have much more technology for communication than they all did combined, even a good amount of preppers have more comms than their local state government, most of those people are die hard patriots and would be looking to link up with other Patriots who want to restore order, it wouldn't be as chaotic as you think.

>> No.19843354


Ye maybe. Who the fuck knows. I'm gonna keep stacking.

Buying a farmstead is in my 20 year plan. Just need to make more shekels at work.

>> No.19843366

Man I hope we have that long.

>> No.19843462
File: 1.00 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200606_105040_5585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easy like Sunday mornings

>> No.19843467

where can I get commie gold?

>> No.19843520

Here a list of german/austrian commie gold offerings

>> No.19843522

Gold will always have value, even in a apocalyptic world. People will always value shiny rare things even if they are in max survival mode. If the world collapses, people will still use jewlery/gold. And the entire world will probably not collapse, but some countries will, so you can then perhaps get access to those functional communities/countries if you have gold or silver.

>> No.19843599

Can't you just ask communists for gold? The people mined and minted it, so it is property of the people.

>> No.19843631

why melt known purity/weight coins into something you cannot sell until it is assayed?

>> No.19843635

A house or property is not portable. Imagine your city is on fire and you have to leave your mansion. It will be lost forever probably. You want to have some wealth you can easily bring with you in such a scenario. If you only had wealth tied up in real estate, you could lose 100% in the blink of a second.

>> No.19843737

this is the scary shit. because same principle for all your physical stores of anything like food, sundries, supplies, tools, ammo, food, vehicles, electronics, weapons, jewelry, cash, any valuables.
anything more than you can carry on your back could all be lost forever in an instant if something happens to cause you to lose or abandon your home dwelling
of course this will always be a reality even if just fron natural disasters like fire, flood, whatever. but now with everything going on theres way more things that can go wrong

>> No.19843747

>lose 12% buying, then lose 12% selling.

well alrighty then. i guess if the spot price of gold were to double, you could theoretically make 50% on your trades.

>> No.19843771

Or the government could confiscate it from you. At least with gold you can burry it or shove it up your ass.

>> No.19843791

Can Americans buy stuff from here?

>> No.19843813


Not sure where you got this idea from. Buying-price for a 1 ounce gold Britannia in the U. K. has a 4% premium, and selling-price is at spot. And, unlike stocks or houses, all gains are CGT-free.

>> No.19843897

Legit what is the reason the premium's so low on these old austrians? They have sexier designs and ostensibly better numismatic/historical value than new mintings, so why are they cheaper?

>> No.19843967

of course they can but the shipping cost will be incredible

>> No.19843999

the cheap premiums are for the official restrikes made by the austrian mint, they are dated with year 1915 and they made a lot of them
in the end, gold is gold, buy what you can get for the lowest premiums

>> No.19844031
File: 223 KB, 1000x666, 20-kronen-misch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the austrians made so many of them that poor condition examples go directly into the smelting oven, unlike Sovereigns where dealers will screw you with garbage coins for 5% premium anyways

>> No.19844067

OK my bad, I had no concept of what a restrike is. Still seems weird anyone would sell for 2% premium when they could just as well get away with 4% in today's clown market.

>> No.19844076

Anyone have cool rings you wear? I'm looking to get one or two, need inspo and/or good jewelry sites. Na hoku has some nice silver ones with koa wood. Obviously it's not meant to be efficient stacking

>> No.19844166

i have a strong dislike for jewelry of all kinds

>> No.19844264

Everything over 3% to me is not investment grade offerings, but it goes into numismatics which is a whole different world and full of old farts and scamming.
So buy pretty restrikes like the 100 Kronen coin, to me a more attractive coin than all the 1oz bullion gold coins from current production.

>> No.19844267

Nice stack!

>> No.19844377

Very nice stack, even an oz of gold in fractional.
If this were to ever happen, having a bug out bag would be a great investment. Clothes, tent, food, flashlight, gun, ammo, and your stack if you can fit it all and not be too heavy

>> No.19844452


>> No.19844588

I don't know, I like buying cull dollars and other forms of constitutional silver, sure I don't expect yearly returns on it or anything, but it could definitely be useful if somehow cash becomes scarce or illegal to use.

>> No.19844662

lots of people shit on Buffett because they think they're more intelligent investors, as if they could manage such high returns yoy with the amount of money he's investing, regardless, I think he's wrong on gold and silver for the simple fact that our economy is fucked, houses are overvalued at 8x the average yearly income, stocks are HIGHLY overvalued according to the Buffett index and if we keep 'printing' cash will be DEVALUED. While he's not wrong as gold/silver are more of a store of wealth rather than an investment, most people here know that, they're the safest 'investment' right now because of all indications that the economy will shit the bed soon, how soon I don't know but all the signs are there

>> No.19844685

TL:DR keep stacking boys

>> No.19844953


What really pisses me off about Buffet is that I don't think he's stupid. He knows this. He knows it and he feeds this BS to people anyway.

Wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find some of the conspiracy theories around him secretly squirreling away silver were true.

>> No.19845010

very pretty coins anon, what are the top right coins?
28oz silver isnt much but 2 oz of gold is pretty good and is like 200oz of silver anyway. So overall you have a great stack. Remember, 99% of people on earth do not own a single ounce of silver or gold.
>cyber rounds
Are these worth it? I am going to buy 2 rolls of 2020 ase's for 900 but I dont know anything about these asahi cyber rounds

>> No.19845138
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You bring up some excellent points but in that case why not go for a physically backed ETF?
You can get one with an expense ratio under .2% and considering that markup alone on physical gold in hand is 3-5% You'd have to hold the gold for 20 years to break even and thats not taking into account costs and risk associated with storing it yourself. The markup on silver is even worse at around 15%.

>> No.19845161

What percentages of your net worth do you guys allocate to PM. Belangp's analysis indicates around 35% is the sweet spot. Gonna be tough for me to hit that, probably aim for 15% and reassess if I need more. Thinking 85% gold 25% silver. I know silver has more upside, but it's also more volatile, and more difficult to store/hide/carry.


>> No.19845186

unironically 80%

>> No.19845243

if you disrespect i'll call you as a member of the long nose tribe!

>> No.19845290

For the record my guess is the no VAT thing is because their warehouse is outside the EU. Only worth it if you're order 10+ oz t, as they do change delivery whereas UK dealers usually don't.

>> No.19845314

They're just generic rounds anon nothing else to it, albeit very nice looking rounds. ASEs are king but if you want those asahi rounds I wouldn't pay more premium than other generics but do what you want

>> No.19845447

assuming that you live in a house and in a nice area where break-ins are rare or non-existent and nobody knows you stack, silver is probably even safer than having money in the bank so if the only issue you have is volatility then gold is a good bet but I would suggest silver because I believe that the risk is small compared to the reward but if you value security above all else, gold is fantastic as well.

>> No.19845503

Sounds pertty reasonable. Pretty much all of my net worth right now is in my apartment and gold. Sold all my stocks, index funds, spent most of my cash. I don´t want to hold any of that because we are entering turbulent times. Only thing I´m buying now is gold and silver. Wanna get my hands on it before I´m priced out. It´s not gonna be as fun to be buying gold above 2k, no matter if other investments could be more profitable. It´s a pretty obvios choice as I see a sure way to get a decent increase, as winning.

>> No.19845537
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cyber rounds are based. I bought 2 rolls of them. I was shilling them in the last thread.

>> No.19845547
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I'm around 5% PM's now, 15% cash, 35% various stocks/funds (including some PM related), and 45% crypto.

>> No.19845548
File: 79 KB, 760x635, 1584648593943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l only have 50oz of silver and l just got another $200 to spend.
Should l get another 10oz bar of silver or should l get a 1/10 oz piece of gold?

>> No.19845569


>not growing your own food

I don't think there's anyone in this thread that stupid. PMs, crypto and land are what you need to get through the wealth transfer.

>> No.19845651

>45% crypto
Why? There are thousands of coins but the only one I see being used to buy stuff is bitcoin, and its just a few sites. Even rarer is ETH. Nothing else.

>> No.19845665

I would say silver. Has more growth potential. So grab a bar or some generic rounds.

>> No.19845721

The Jew fears the Feiner

>> No.19845781
File: 591 KB, 1000x938, 100 Kronen Österreich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are 100 Kronen Österreich 30,49g fine gold, the cheap and better looking alternative to 1oz modern bullion coins

>> No.19845851

Oh you had gold in the original images, lighting threw me off. My silver looks gold sometimes under one of my lamps due to its color. Very nice collection anon, love how those coins look. Back when governments had an eye for taste and design.

>> No.19845895

Not the guy above but, its the fact there is more paper issued than the physical gold/silver on hand. This is also the case with silver, back when silver became hard to come by and there where offers to buy at well over spot price investors tried to request their silver COMEX freaked and changed the rules. Hence why spot barely moves and premiums jump, so sure you could hold ETFs but, you could wind up holding paper.

>> No.19845986

good thing our money isint backed by gold anymore like it was back then, eh jimbo?

>> No.19846053
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the original image only shows gold

>> No.19846076
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200621_144747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I get now ?

>> No.19846094

moar gold

>> No.19846325


>> No.19846438

>473.80 for roll of 2020 ASE's

Good price all things considered or nah? No one lets me use a wire for an order this small but I only need 1 roll to complete my goal

>> No.19846460

a bigger chest

>> No.19846461

>Of course it's "just an option" now, but how long until they're all like that? Remember when having the chips in your drivers license and passport and credit card was "just an option"? Now they all have them.
>>just an option, it's convenient
>>most have them, why don't you? That's so incovenient anon
>>all must have them or you can't get on the plane/buy anything/prove identity
>It's just a matter of time.
Fortunately this would be easy to defeat. Rfid chips can be deactivated by running them in a microwave for just a few seconds. On plastic items with chips this burns a hole through them but bullion should be able to survive unscathed. If all else fails you could locate where in the coin the chip is and drill it.

>> No.19846708
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pls post more stacks. i like looking at shiny things

>> No.19846713

Since you asked; I see crypto as having more upside than any other asset, including PMs.

>the only one I see being used to buy stuff is bitcoin
That isn't the point. I see the killer app of crypto as being a censorship-resistant, non-confiscateable store of value. Digital gold. I'm primarily invested in Bitcoin & Decred (hyper-autistic SoV), with a few speculative shitcoin bags. Shit like smart contracts or being used as a medium of exchange is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.19846815

in years pm will boom, ppl have to start spending again for inflation to kick in

>> No.19846982


Lads, I've just popped my PM cherry. Ordered 1oz gold and 14oz silver. Feels good man.

>> No.19847027

based. post some pics when they arrive.

>> No.19847088
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..i just dont know anymore,.....

>> No.19847094


I'm amazed at the people going for the asteroid mining argument. That Elon is gonna take us to the space rocks and we'll set up a fucking mine on an asteroid within the next lifetime. Incredible, maybe we'll even send a pan man up there in a space suit to be the first asteroid prospector.

>> No.19847104

Which is why investing in what's between your ears is so important. If you've got useful knowledge and skills, then you have value even if you lose all your possessions.

>> No.19847109
File: 3.45 MB, 3024x4032, 1590176649925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Once you hold them in your hands, you will feel your brain chemistry begin to change.

>> No.19847110

>Personally i'm waiting since 3 months for a dip and have 5k ready to dump on the minute it go down...
No offence dude, but under current conditions why would you even assume there would be a dip? At least do what >>19839260 says and start buying stuff on sale just in case.

>> No.19847122

Close to pulling the trigger myself but don't think I could go for a whole oz of gold.

>> No.19847123

How many oz. in total?

>> No.19847133
File: 182 KB, 683x1024, 31217493667_bcf923e3e6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have different figs with different eyes or do you swap the heads?

>> No.19847152

Nice savings account, fren. You ever tried investing though?

>> No.19847200

57 minutes until gold and silver prices go live

>> No.19847225

Gold mining stocks are relatively cheap imo compared to the price of gold. We're near (non inflation adjusted) ATHs in price but the miners haven't reached their 2011 levels yet, likely because the mining sector is pretty hated still and is seen as destroyers of capital. If you've got time to wait it out, I'd buy some quality junior miners and just wait it out. I'm currently betting on GoldMining to moon in next weeks.

10% Cash
60% High quality miners
15% Physical
15% Other equities

Looking to re-balance 5-10% into crypto soon as a lopsided speculation against the USD.

Nobody would call this a safe portfolio but I've put in my hours to be extremely confident in gold and silver, and in my miners.

>> No.19847246
File: 934 KB, 1512x2016, Resized_20200621_155923_2033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 205 oz silver
1 oz gold
kit comes with spare parts
ive got diferent 401ks and other retirement investment accounts through work. of course its completely managed i dont do anything with it. no idea how its performed thru this mess
joined ameritrade but havent started trading on there yet. was going to look into oil company stocks, etfs, miners

>> No.19847335
File: 57 KB, 477x477, 1586241128800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap! That's a nice gold stack

>> No.19847441

>473.80 for roll of 2020 ASE's

Good price all things considered or nah? No one lets me use a wire for an order this small but I only need 1 roll to complete my goal

>> No.19847443

Very nice, what did you end up getting specifically if you don't mind
I'm also wondering this
If dubs silver goes up

>> No.19847456

>How much time do we have? edition
That's the question, isn't it?
"Not enough" is the likely answer.

>> No.19847468

nah, 22 is more reasonable

>> No.19847488

What's expected?

>> No.19847519

No one has cheaper using paypal, I would use wire but everyone has like 2500 minimum order amount before letting you pay via wire. I just need one roll for my ase goal

>> No.19847527

Jesus! You're rich af.

>> No.19847568

If dollar collapses and a new currency backed by gold is made, then there will be a problem.

>> No.19847572

All 1oz Britannias. As a britfag, that's the cheapest option for me, and the most tax-efficient.
Probably go for 10oz bars next time I buy silver, for a bit of variety and so it's easier to store.

>> No.19847688

guys, should i stop spending money on hobbies and this i "need" but not really need and rather spend it on more silver/gold? how sure are we that shit is about to hit the fan this year?

>> No.19847696

what are those other hobbies?

>> No.19847697
File: 128 KB, 496x757, Screenshot_20200621-173954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much time do we have? edition
Pic related

>> No.19847708

I would say pull the trigger then, you could always DCA down but when it goes up it would feel more painful
I would stick with the Britannias as you don't have to pay CGT on them I believe and storage shouldn't be that much of an issue but I myself have ASEs and some bars and I like the hefty feel to them, get's me hard

>> No.19847731

cocaine and strippers

>> No.19847748

does it matter? if shtf is only months/less than a year away i really should be prioritizing that over anything else, shouldn't i?

>> No.19847762

what are you saying exactly?

>> No.19847773

Make a spreadsheet of your income and spending each month. You might be amazed at how much you spend on useless shit that you "need". Helped me.

>> No.19847791

If your hobby is guns and survivalist shit then it does matter but if it's >>19847731 or dumb shit like games or card collecting and shit, that's useless

>> No.19847824

Continued money printing leading to higher inflation rates, obviously if stimulus checks are passed out August 8th then it's not like we're gonna have Zimbabwe money the next day, but that's just another straw to break the camel's back. And just now more and more people are flocking to PMs, it's only a matter of time before things get even harder to obtain then they already are

>> No.19847828

Beautiful, about $100,000. Soon to be a million.

>> No.19847875

yeah i've already realized that. stocked up my pantry so that i don't have to go grocery shopping, bought basic necessities (that i actually need, like clothing) and now i've been pretty much dumping all my expendable cash in silver every payday
/out/doors is one of my hobbies yes
yeah you're probably right i'm gonna focus 100% on hoarding PMs in the foreseeable future

>> No.19847899

I dont know what this means sorry anon

>> No.19847982
File: 691 KB, 1551x1542, IMG_20200622_000635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stuff started arriving finally. I have another 40 that I'm waiting on. Pretty surprised how nice the coins are.

Target is 200 oz and then put some into gold stocks. I already have a bit of stocks but I want to expand. But I'm worried I'm running out of time.

>> No.19848027

for stocks, yeah but just remember, more idiots will keep buying those stocks as the price of metals go up, so you should still be able to make a nice profit before they crash down to reality...

>> No.19848048


go lookup "dollar cost averaging" fren

>> No.19848056

I meant gold mining stocks. They're supposed to go up with the metals.

>> No.19848060

i don't understand the hate on philharmonics

>> No.19848105


He's saying that the inflation is going into consumer prices this time. That it's not exclusively being redirected into asset-bubbles which enrich the 1%. That trick is done.


There is definitely a risk that miners will be under pressure until September/October, but, yes, historically speaking, miners have never been cheaper. The junior gold-miners should be 4x their current prices, simply to match their level with a corresponding gold price in 2011. So, even if a person buys miners now, so long as he is willing to be patient through a possible crash, he will reap a handsome reward.


I'm 66% in PMs and miners, and, once either gold breaks $2000, or Powell announces Yield Curve Control, I'll be 100% in PMs and miners.


Awareness about the scale of the money-printing, and of the debt trap which the government is in, will send PMs soaring even before velocity takes off.

>> No.19848113

I think they're good looking. In the end it's just silver bullion. Kruggerands were a few cents cheaper but I could only afford 40 and I wanted the tubes.

>> No.19848116

dollar cost average, if it goes down buy more or up buy less, you always purchase little by little so it averages out eventually to a good point

>> No.19848155

Cartoonish design and smooth edges.

>> No.19848169

How much value will my coins lose if I touch them? My baby stack is arriving tomorrow and I want to hold it in my ha da.

>> No.19848194
File: 361 KB, 1225x1431, crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, but they already are over valued. its just how much will they pump before they dump back to realistic stock prices...

because anons think the crest of austria looks better... they're both shit. pic related is what a coat of arms looks like

>> No.19848203

What coins? If it's not gov minted coins it doesn't matter, and if there already circulated or cull coins it won't really matter either

>> No.19848206

Hands*. Sorry, phone posting.

>> No.19848234

Depends on where you touch them and how much. If you only briefly touch the edges they shouldn't lose any value, but touch anywhere else and you'll end up having to sell for under spot.

>> No.19848259

2020 American eagle silver ounces and an American eagle gold ounce

>> No.19848264

Agreed. My only issue with the 1oz silver coins is the 30-40% premium I have to pay over spot. Big-ass bars have lower premiums. If I can find silver Britannias closer to spot, I'll buy those. Haven't found a good deal yet.

>> No.19848274
File: 1.51 MB, 1524x2275, Indian_coin_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /pmg/ feel about 1/2 oz gold coins?

I bought my first gold eagle at 1/4 oz and it honestly feels too small. It's almost the exact same size as a nickel and its kind of underwhelming
I don't really want a 1 oz because 1oz seems too big like a chuck e cheese token. It's kind of comedic imo. Though I get 1oz for silver
I feel like 1/2oz would be the perfect size for gold coins for me, but I read that 1/2s are harder to sell than both 1oz and 1/4oz

Red pill me on coin sizes
Also why not bars?

>> No.19848370

Austrian coins for the austrian leader.

>> No.19848393

honestly anon, i focus on silver but i'll put in my 2 cents.
its gold anon, just buy the cheapest you can. unless you're rich enough you need to avoid capital gains taxes, then only buy your govt minted coins...

>> No.19848406

What's your favorite gold junior minor stock?

>> No.19848438

So would you prefer bars for gold since they have lower premiums?
Are you okay with higher premiums on silver?

>> No.19848513

Silver and Gold moving up boyz

>> No.19848522

I would say avoid touching those as much as possible, especially with the premium ASEs have, were at the point now where they have like a semi numismatic value it seems, as far as the gold, I don't own any but i don't think touching your gold would bring its value down since gold doesn't tarnish, but I would 100% buy an airtight for the gold if it was me

>> No.19848523

silver is silver and you should avoid getting fucked in the ass by premiums if you can help it, just get some bars and don't say shit to your version of the I R S if you feel so inclined, just don't forget to get your silver handling loicense

>> No.19848552


Don Durrett makes ten excellent recommendations if you don't want to buy the GDXJ.


>> No.19848556

CGT is for suckers. Just sell to a coin shop for cash in hand. (In Minecraft)

>> No.19848615

i hate the higher premium on silver, but you live and adapt... i started off only buying dirt cheap generics and ASE's now i buy any govt coin for the right price
i don't know if bars or coins are better, in silver coins have higher demand. but gold gets horded by banks and elites not normies. so i'm really out of my game

>> No.19848707

>how do you think a USD collapse will affect european fiat currency?
It will likely start a domino effect that will kill European currencies as well. Not just because the USD is the reserve currency that Europe is tied to, but because the Euro itself has been under strain as well for some time now and likely can't take the hit of the USD collapsing.

>> No.19848780

Mene.com seems to be geared towards this.

>> No.19848916

I own a few silver chains and a gold one. They are awesome. Go to a pawn shop, they usually have them at prices that are much closer to their spot price, just remember to do the math on the price of gold/silver. 10k Gold is about 41% gold, so as long as I'm not more than like 5% over spot price, I usually enjoy them, and they look nice.

>> No.19848969


If you buy on GoldMoney or BullionVault, premiums for metals are only 0.50% (same as for crypto on Coinbase), and there you are buying real, allocated bullion. The ETFs are ponzi-schemes without the metals which are said to back them. They have been used, since 2008, to manipulate the price of precious metals; but they are about to collapse, because so many fearful wealthy people are standing for delivery lately. You don't want to get caught out when the scam falls to pieces.



>> No.19848990

>I'm 66% in PMs and miners, and, once either gold breaks $2000, or Powell announces Yield Curve Control, I'll be 100% in PMs and miners.

What's your exit strategy? Are you thinking "yeah I'll take some profit at 200%", or when the gold/silver ratio reaches X, or something else? Personally, I'm holding my gold forever, but I see silver as more of a speculative investment..

>> No.19849045

>If you buy on GoldMoney or BullionVault

Lol, some of us can't afford to buy 60oz at once?

>> No.19849057
File: 153 KB, 1690x950, dgr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't say exactly, but the Dow-Gold, House-Gold, Gold-Silver, and Gold-Miner ratios will inform my decision as to when gold, silver, or miners are overvalued. (Dow-Gold ratio, for example, still shows that gold is vastly undervalued.) But I will always keep a substantial amount of my money in gold, because that is simply good sense, since gold is insurance against unexpected disaster.

>> No.19849064

the beauty about PM's they start doing poorly when the economy takes off. so as soon the moon levels out go all in the stock market for the next moon.
rinse and repeat

>> No.19849082


You can buy as little as one ounce of silver on either website. Vault fees are about $120 per annum, but that may be worth it rather than paying an enormous premium; depends on how much gold and or silver you are buying and storing. In Europe, you pay 20% VAT on silver, so buying silver on BullionVault is the obvious way to go.

>> No.19849109

You could easily spend 5k on two ounces of gold and a handful of silver and still have 115k for buying a house outright or making a massive down payment. If you spend 10k you can get two ounces of gold and a lot of silver and still have a lot left. Unlike the other Anons I'm not going to tell you to completely disregard your wifes concerns, but maybe you should talk to her about this a little more. Maybe she would be "comfortable" with using 5-10k to get pm's as a hedge against inflation.

>> No.19849133
File: 65 KB, 500x508, 2019 P 2 Oz Silver $2 Tuvalu ABACUS Antique Finish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory CGT rehash info--
Americans pay CGT on all PMs, ASE or other gov't or generic, legal tender/face value doesn't matter. However, it seems to be UP TO a max rate of 28%, not a flat 28%, depending on amount, other income/tax bracket, separate capital losses etc.
Bongs and euros OTOH apparently can avoid CGT/other taxes, by buying certain gov't coins.
DYOR as always, good luck frens!

>> No.19849237
File: 146 KB, 944x400, uploads_1516825315411-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this pic off this website
interesting if true...

>> No.19849309
File: 290 KB, 1140x1140, 1900 to 1907 Austria 5 Corona Coin Ring 90 percent Silver KentuckyCoinRings il_1140xN.1062954820_4u4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't personally wear rings because it's a good way to lose a finger, but I do like them for the artistry as well as the PM factor. Check ou etsy and similar sites to support the craftsmen directly. There are many, but search---


those are some that I especially like. Good luck anon!

>> No.19849393

You can buy gold in one gram increments on BullionVault and I think that holds true for silver, too. The key thing you have to note, though, is that the management fees have a minimum amount so you must buy enough gold or silver to not pay an excessive percentage in fees.

Overall, BullionVault is the least expensive way I've found of owning gold or silver short of taking possession of it. You pay 0.5% commission (1% round-trip) and 0.12% per year for storage, insurance, and management fees for gold. Considering that you will lose at least 3% on the buying and selling of physical coins, that's 17 years of storage at BullionVault plus the 1% round-trip commissions.

Silver's management fees are 0.48% per year so even at a 3% spread for buying and selling silver, you can 4 years of storage plus the 1% round-trip commissions.

>> No.19849429

How cheap for 100oz silver vs just buying it on JMB or something

>> No.19849455
File: 121 KB, 1140x855, Slayed Dollar 999 Fine Silver Zombucks Coin Ringil_1140xN.2035309483_oain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19849493
File: 88 KB, 1140x780, Coin Ring Price of Liberty .999 Fine Silver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19849527


An ASE on JM Bullion right now is $25, so that's a 40% premium over spot. On BullionVault or GoldMoney, you pay a 0.50% premium on silver. I think those facts speak for themselves.

>> No.19849541

anon it sounds good and all.
but if you can't hold it. you don't own it...

>> No.19849548

Thank you for the response anon.

>> No.19849573

I still dont understand how they work. Open account, and keep buying things for cheap until you hit the minimum for them to ship your stuff? Pay a fee every year? I have $10,000

>> No.19849698
File: 99 KB, 1140x973, Coin Ring Price of Liberty .999 Fine Silver 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, we could just remove the packaging **for now**, but I would suggest we resist this chipping nonsense right now, before it goes any further, by refusing to buy, sell, or use any chipped PMs. Period.

>> No.19849702

Spot price for silver is $17.88 currently and the price of an American Silver Eagle at JM Bullion is $24.17 for 100 troy ounces. I'll assume shipping is free at JM Bullion.

So at JM Bullion, you're paying a premium of ($24.17 - $17.88) * 100 = $629 over spot. If you were to sell right now, JM Bullion's buy price is $20.38 so you're paying ($24.17 - $20.38) * 100 = $379.

If we look at BullionVault, you buy and sell at essentially spot price. So, $17.88 * 100 = $1,788 + 0.5% buying commission ($8.94). If we assume that you eventually will sell, that 0.5% commission will be incurred again. I'll assume it's the same $8.94 but it will be higher if the price of silver at the time you sell is higher than the price of silver at the time you buy.

There is a difference of $361.12 between BullionVault's price and physical from JM Bullion. But, we have not factored in BullionVault's storage fees. on $1,788 of bullion, you'll pay $8.58/year. *But*, BullionVault has a minimum charge of $8 per *month*. So, you're paying $96/year for storage. That still gives you nearly 4 years of storage at BullionVault before the physical bullion spread is consumed be BullionVault's fees.

You need about $16,551 of silver (very roughly 1,000 troy ounces of silver) to get to BullionVault's stage 0.48% per *year* storage fees.

>> No.19849739


provident has 2020 ASEs for 22.89 a coin

>> No.19849779

Okey dokey. I used JM Bullion's prices because that's what the anon asked about. He also specifically asked for a comparison if we're talking 100 ounces of silver.

>> No.19849782


if you don't hold it, you don't own it

>> No.19849794


It's just like a version of Coinbase where, if you _wanted_ to do so, you could take physical delivery of your crypto-coins if crypto-coins were actually tangible things.

>> No.19849812


See >>19842900

If you didn't hold it in 1933, you were the only one who did own it. The "If you don't hold it, you don't own it" meme comes from ETFs (GLD, SLV).

>> No.19849826

I personally use BullionVault but I also have physical possession of precious metals and I also have shares of the PHYS trust. As for BullionVault, I only have gold and a small amount of platinum in the account. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in BullionVault and I've been a customer for over a decade.

A friend of mine knows the founder of BullionVault and he vouched for the company. So far, all seems well. It's just another way of holding gold and one that might be more liquid since I can buy or sell in the middle of the night.

Also, BullionVault and PHYS are a hedge against the fear-mongering about another gold confiscation like in 1933.

>> No.19849850

But how do I get it delivered to me? Is there a minimum amount of Silver or Gold I need to have bought before they ship it to me? How does taking physical possession work?

>> No.19849862


is it just me, or does this guy come off as a paid advertiser?

>> No.19849880


you have to pay a huge fee, and have hundreds of ounces of gold, or thousands in silver to do that. it's a scam basically.

>> No.19849909

I know you can take possession of gold at BullionVault. You can take 100 gram bars or, if you're really loaded, take good delivery bars which are about 400 troy ounces. As for silver, I don't know if you can.

Personally, my goal is to sell my bullion in BullionVault for cash when the time is right and plow the proceeds into some other asset.

>> No.19849932

So I cannot take possession of my silver...

>> No.19849952

Yeah, I come off as a shill because I'm answering questions people are asking. I think it's a good service and is another way to own gold. I talk about it because I actually use the service. There are other services that I'm aware of but do not use so I don't comment on them.

One of the other major ones is GoldMoney, which was founded by James Turk. There's another company called OneGold, backed by Sprott and APMEX, that does something similar to BullionVault and GoldMoney. OneGold is very new and I don't know anything about its founders and whether it's trustworthy or not.

>> No.19849993

Seems useful if you're actually super rich. I would much rather support my local economy like a good consumer and buy from my local metals dealership.

>> No.19850017


Right now, I can order a 3-ounce gold bar from BullionVault with a single click and it will cost me £90 in shipping. That's far from a catastrophically bad price. But, at any rate, you don't buy on GoldMoney or BullionVault to take delivery. The delivery mechanism simply keeps the system honest, and connected to the real world.


Not really. He's simply being kind enough to explain the details of the system which he is invested in.

>> No.19850047

Silver can be withdrawn but only at the good delivery bar level: 1,000 troy ounces. :) You'd also have to pay hefty shipping charges because I believe the silver vault is in London.

I should add that there is a special fee for taking physical delivery of any metals from BullionVault. If you really intend to take physical delivery of metal, you should just buy physical metals and not bother with BullionVault or other services like it.

>> No.19850103
File: 210 KB, 953x1385, do you even abe g7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. A few things to consider--
- that table is for dealers reporting to the IRS, not private sales, and it is according to "guidelines", not rules
>The International Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA) has published guidelines for which precious metals transactions must be reported to the IRS based on negotiations it had with the IRS. While ICTA believes they reflect the spirit of their discussions with the IRS, they are only guidelines, not a ruling, and are thus open to interpretation by the IRS and subject to change without notice

- elsewhere on the same linked site it has different reporting-to-the-IRS circumstances
>There is no reporting requirement from a gold dealer to the IRS of what we sold to you, unless BOTH of the following conditions exist:
>1) The transaction(s) exceed $10,000; AND
>2) Actual cash (or money orders, bank or certified checks, etc) is used to make the purchase(s)

So when trying to guess if the dealer will report the transaction to the IRS, factors to consider are:
- Transaction amount value in fiat
- Payment method
- Size of bars
- Types and quantity of coins

all/any of which MIGHT trigger reporting, which would then need to be factored against the previously mentioned gains amount/otherincome/tax bracket/other capital losses to calculate the actual CGT rate and amount owed.

Or you could just do private sales/barters and not say shit, in minecraft.

>> No.19850295

In 2016 I sold my life's accumulation of .925 and gold which was about 4.5 pounds of sterling and 100 grams of 14k gold and then I lost it all betting on crypto in 2017 after massive gains. Now Im about to start stacking metals again but I don't think garage sales and second hand stores sell any now that everyone has google. So whats my cheapest way back into metals?

>> No.19850407

you can google coin shop and see if you got any in your area
i would suggest before purchasing anything to check it against this site, to make sure you're getting a decent deal.

>> No.19850435

Local coin shop depending on prices, the cheapest stuff online (and the only stuff worth buying online right now imo) are generic rounds for 20-21 dollars each, there's generic bars for decent prices right now too, I don't know too much about what's good to pay for gold right now so someone else is gonna have to give u advice on that, I've heard about people finding good deals on Letgo but everyone wants a ridiculous amount of money in my area, you can try it tho if you want

>> No.19850616

Coin shops will often sell foreign junk silver at or below spot, even in the current market. It can be a pain to resell, but it's more than worth it if you know what you're buying.

>> No.19850771
File: 95 KB, 360x480, 104313088_291381958712978_7774085227968256475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making money today gents!
These two love birds bought a fraction claim off me for $10k today. Not a bad location at all, gold is near the surface but its too high for my liking. Claim prices are sky rocketing this week. $35 - 40k is the new normal it seams for a standard 40 acre cell now. Transfer happens tonight, Wells only just got power back 10 minutes ago.

>> No.19850790

If you are intent on taking physical delivery of your metals, you probably shouldn't use BullionVault.

>> No.19850807

why is there a woman outside of the kitchen?

>> No.19850835

im jelly very nice!

>> No.19851036

We mooning boys

>> No.19851066
File: 43 KB, 848x225, silver-prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in addition to
you can go to the dealers listed in the OP and check their "deals" or "sales" or "specials" sections. Sometimes you can find stuff not listed on the findbullionprices closest-to-spot search... but always check the findbullionprices, usually it's the lowest.
Also look into "junk" silver as other anons mentioned, both online and at your LCS. Try not to pay more than 15x face value as a general rule. See



As far as coins, one of the best deals right now for new silver non-gov't rounds that still look nice would be the asahi "cyber rounds" currently at $20.68 (check/wire) per oz--

For gold coins, I was just talking with a euro anon about the 100 kronen restrike coin, .9802oz for $1,756.51 (check/wire) which with gold spot at $1,762.42 is roughly a 1.8% premium--

Spot prices keep moving though so who knows what the actual prices will be in an hour, a day, a week...
DYOR as always. Good luck, anon!

>> No.19851087

noooooo i'm not done stacking precious metals nooooooooooooo

>> No.19851089


Congrats pan man!

Hey, dumb stock question, what do you think/know about alio gold?

>> No.19851114

Why not get a few thousand ounces of silver too you rich cunt?

>> No.19851167

dont know a lot about them let me have a look again. I know they have two producing gold mines down in the states but I thought they were going through some issues corporate wise. I ll get back to you on it.

>> No.19851234

Cool, thanks!

>> No.19851242

Helping her man hunt gold at the source, it seems. Barring other unknown factors, I'd say she's a keeper.

>> No.19851346

Both are ready for the challenge of digging up a new claim. I showed them where the old workings were from the 1860s and they got some small picker gold like I hoped, but they wanted to really look the ground over and dug about 6 proper holes by hand today.

>> No.19851394

What's their long-term plan? Work it themselves? Hire a team to help them work it? Hire a team to work it for them? Sell or lease to a bigger player/company?

>> No.19851543

at 300 so I made a new

>> No.19851595

Pan man, what do I have to learn so I can make confident decisions investing in miners?

>> No.19851597

They want to try there hand at actually mining the ground themselves for a year or two than probably sell it. If claim prices keep going up like this than even tiny claims will become hot commodities in the coming years.

>> No.19851642
File: 271 KB, 1024x686, abandoned-rail-bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on. That seems like an enjoyable way to build wealth.

>> No.19851650

how to read geologic reports and how to read past the spin that the companies are giving you. You look at where their properties are located, what challenges they will probably be dealing with when it comes to getting permits or actually setting a modern mine up. Do they want to set up a mine themselves or sell the property off to a larger company? After a while you get good at reading if the company seriously believes in their ground or are just trying to milk investment money.

>> No.19851694
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, cat astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the bump limit for /biz/ is?
I thought it was 300, so that's when I've been making new threads, but this still seems to be bumping back to page 1.
If the bump limit is higher than 300, i'll wait longer to make new threads...

>> No.19851810

Doesn't matter, the board is so full of crypto shit biz deserves multiple pmgs at a time

>> No.19851824

i think it's 310 like on /int/

>> No.19851844

Probably 310 like tg

>> No.19852095
File: 39 KB, 720x644, apu apustaja 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on, thank you