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File: 187 KB, 750x959, 84AD6219-86EB-4E1A-A241-5E7AD4E4B8A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19843233 No.19843233 [Reply] [Original]

I have never felt so hopeless for humanity until today. ....FUCK YOU Brian Armstrong, Compound and every one of you retards buying COMP that do not realize what the fuck you are doing. I’m really questioned what Brian Armstrong’s motive is here or how this even happened.
Is it the Bogdanoff’s? Did Sergey run out of Big Macs and misplaced his linkies? Was that not enough for you idiots? Do you know what the fuck is happening. Seriously fuck all of you and I really hope at least 1 of you can restore my faith.

Please tell me at least 1 of you sees this. We all just bent the knee whether you like it or not. Is gold really the save haven? You guys fuck up everything. This is why we can not have nice stuff. Now we have to start all over again with coinbase and binance both on the shitlist but oh wait all you idiots want to get rich quick and love bending the knee to CZ, Sergey, Armstrong and anybody who wants. Fucking Bogdanoffs I hate them

>> No.19843277


>> No.19843283

Maybe stop the meth

>> No.19843286
File: 144 KB, 750x712, 34245714-3EAF-43B3-B5AD-17EC64602BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are literally fucking sheep

>> No.19843289

Decentralized MY ASS

>> No.19843356

What worries me the most is the timing. This obviously manufactured bs with US economy, Covid, protests, Epstein, Trump etc was to distract from the fact that the house of cards was falling. Idiots fells for it and why did I expect any different.


>> No.19843444
File: 5 KB, 197x256, 2D6C1097-E42C-46CE-9E98-6093A0C5D5A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pathetic your IQ is so low that when somebody is dropping the biggest bomb in crypto history and spoon feeding your dumbass, that you are not even concerned with what’s actually important.

At least never breed because the avg dna is already bad enough. Pls

>> No.19843585

Will you stop with the rambling and make a coherent point already

>> No.19843632

Ive got Jewish politics to pay attention to, help me understand OP

>> No.19843641

>using goybase
>worrying about goybase

>> No.19843654

i feel you man the point of crypto is to not have centralized faggots at the top. wait till my linky gains come through i already have a couple idea but dont have the capital to do anything at the moment

>> No.19843675

why don't you just buy and make some money like everyone else and quit whining?

>> No.19843685

he's probably priced out already since week 1 and can't afford to drop more than 1 eth into the pajeet scamcoin of the day, kek

>> No.19843712

do you retards not get how this is just finance 1.0 all over again? it defeats the purpose of crypto

>> No.19843793

This is just how compound works, it's up to people if they want to use it vs. other solutions like AAVE

>> No.19843868

Why's KSM slowly dying, Banks?

>> No.19843923
File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, TRB tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold yesterday and moved my $$$ into Teller anyways, so far so good, one of my best long term holds

>> No.19843938

Tellor* (TRB)

>> No.19844044
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Crypto was the answer to the 2008 housing blowup and what led to that. Even more so, you should never have lending platforms without assets 1:1 backed. In defi, that’s literally the stupidest fucking thing I have ever seen. Coinbase invests in Compound right after the 2017 crash. This is not like other defi protocols.

What’s funniest and really makes me lose hope is how they are using uniswap to charge interest rates on assets they don’t even protect....With a protocol they didn’t even make...
and people like these fags are killing crypto for all of us >>19843641

>> No.19844093

How is this killing crypto exactly?

>> No.19844121

Unfortunately, even if they do understand, their selfish desires will ultimately be the driving force that overpowers good people. They think they are high IQ and believe I am upset because “I missed the train” but in reality I’m not stupid enough to shit where I eat and sleep like those idiots.

Why the fuck would I support Coinbase becoming the new Federal Reserve for all of crypto? Until I explicitly spoon feed them implications of this, they will never understand. This is literally the worst thing that could happen to crypto, at a time when we need it more than ever. All they care about is a 3x gains. Only one missing out is you >>19843675

>> No.19844127


Man wtf. This is some backhand piss in your face and tell you it's raining bullshit right here.

>> No.19844153

>Crypto was the answer to the 2008 housing blowup and what led to that.
you are retarded if you don't think bitcoin was created by glowniggers, ((they)) offered the solution so crypto could be adopted so ((they)) could move to a cashless society.

>> No.19844169

What the fuck is Compound? What?

>> No.19844249
File: 646 KB, 730x664, itsallmeaningless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it goes

>> No.19844251

Allowing Coinbase to early stage invest into a fractional reserve protocol is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I don’t even know how this is legal. It’s so fucked. It’s like JP Morgan and friends when they started the US federal reserve all over again. Except now it’s worldwide and infiltrating crypto.

People could not even figure out the US government has been inflating the world currencies ever since we left the gold standard. That’s why many starting floating but a lot remained fixed with ours. Those trillions we printed... we aren’t paying that back and if our debtors come to collect, then will remind them why we don’t have the money. We spent it all on military defense

>> No.19844271

>muh crypto
it's all a speculation bubble to make money, "DeFi" backed by coinbase? normies will fucking flock in like no tomorrow

what you don't get it's not /biz/ lunch money kiddos playing here, one day it's gonna explode like everything else but it would be stupid to miss out on these gains

>> No.19844327

“ Nakamoto worked as a systems engineer on classified defense projects and computer engineer for technology and financial information services companies. Nakamoto was laid off twice in the early 1990s and turned libertarian, according to his daughter, and encouraged her to start her own business "not under the government's thumb."

Realistically though, I believe bitcoin was good intentioned. Blockstream hijacked that years back. It didn’t matter because trust was there beyond the protocol. It was human. Doesn’t matter anymore now. This exposes crypto so bad it is actually embarrassing

>> No.19844396

This faggot is trying to shill BSV, sage.

>> No.19844495

if only retards could see through OPs madness. it’s what separates the poor from the rich

>> No.19844514

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
- Aldous Huxley

>> No.19844520

You faggots need to buy in right now. You are NOT priced out and this shit has plenty more pumps left in it.

>> No.19844542

"Don't give a shit, this is making me money and you're stuck crying about muh crypto"
- Anon

>> No.19844561
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>> No.19844569
File: 187 KB, 707x707, F725A9B2-522B-4820-9081-560F423F10DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know.“ - Eoin Colfer

>> No.19844591

you're retarded. no one here believes in crypto tech. it's all centralized under the guise of decentralization. look at monero the most decentralized coin, still fucking centralized cause a handful of mining pools control it

>> No.19844608

we're here to get rich we dont give a shit about if it works or not. gold and silver are the only things with actual value aside from other physical assets. crypto was created by the intelligence agencies as the next ponzi once USD collapses

>> No.19844649

I'm fine with not knowing. I got in at 100$. Gonna sell before coinbase listing tomorrow, and I seriously expect to hit 400$ minumum by tonight. 50 ETH in, 150 out, ride what's rest of it to 0 or to 10k.

Meanwhile you'll be stuck here posting quotes. you do you.

>> No.19844855

You should care if it works because those synthetic assets are not meant to be put on a fractional reserve system. That’s the ultimate bag. Holy Grail of bagholding.

Not all cryptos are centralized. The Godfather of crypto is about to revive us right on time. So it is okay. Enjoy your ponzis

>> No.19844957

i felt stupid for missing COMP pump but now I feel morally superior, thanks OP

>> No.19844959

bro its one fucking coin. jesus your over reacting

>> No.19844996


>> No.19845546

> CEO Robert Leshner says that eventually he wants to carry tokenized versions of real-world assets like the dollar, yen, euro or Google stock. That’s because Leshner tells me “My thesis is that almost every crypto asset is bullshit and not worth anything.”

The CEO is literally a retarded guinea pig for coinbase and other VCs and he thinks he is a genius. Abusing consensus to hijack a protocol that already can be abused with consensus.

This layer stack is a Trojan horse for crypto. Coinbase and ETH are damaged goods forever now

>> No.19845552


Any liquidity issues can be solved through Orion Protocol and it's running Oracles too.

>> No.19845630
File: 29 KB, 527x596, EC481B03-159C-4909-B63C-A1AA90F0E666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“But before that Leshner got into the banking and wealth management business, becoming a certified public accountant. A true economics nerd, he’s the chair of the SF bond oversight committee, and got into crypto five years ago.“

“Economics nerd” but literally only understands broken economics to the point that he is managing to break defi and real economics. He’s an idiot and is literally 40 years behind the curve..

I can’t tell if this is a meme or not either. Look at this guy hahahaha

>> No.19845912

Yeah no. This guy does not even have a fundamental understanding of crypto and why it has value. Which granted him the ability to abuse open sourced protocols that are trying to solve the exact issue he is causing. It’s so retarded that it literally hurts my brain. The amount of mental gymnastics put into this is amazing.

Bitcoin spawned right after the housing bubble caused by CDOs, so it’s only suiting this fool is effectively creating junk bonds for crypto while calling himself an economics nerd. At least they had an excuse of not knowing better. This guy is just full retard

>> No.19846156

This is simply not true for many reasons. Interest does not solve double spending and this also opens a door for 51% attack later if COMP does blow up.

>> No.19846222

By 51% attack, I mean on an industry scale if COMP follows a similar path as junk bonds did before the implosion. A system like COMP would only work in crypto if it started grass roots, not with seed funding and majority control by VCs that give you fools worthless shit while they play around with advanced algos on your dime and legally have nothing to worry about. This shit can crash crypto and Coinbase is not going to bail you out. They’ll bail themselves out and leave you with the bag. Enjoy anybody who buys COMP is brainlet and deserves to be poor.

>> No.19846247

Short compound next crash?

>> No.19846275

who is this? i know that guy. i used to serve him at my old job
>yay area

>> No.19846442

That trillions we printed was borrowed from the federal reserve and it will be paid back at the hands and on the backs of wagies. Taxes. The federal reserve wouldn't lend that kind of money unless they knew it would be paid back. But there also could be something going on with this as well.. as soon as talk of the dollar imminently crashing, this is released, like to the day. Im excited to see where it goes. A new Era in currency. And we're involved in the beginnings.

>> No.19846502

This shit is based in so much big money.. its not going anywhere. Its been in the works for 2 years before being launched. Everyday people have worked on this project and the fact coinbase was an early investor speaks nothing but money. Like it or not but COMP is here to stay for a while. Those interest gains will keep the whales gobbling up no matter how much you hate it. Im all in riding after watching someone buy 100 comps at last night's price.. you dont have that kind of money and not have brains

>> No.19846787

Where’s your old job? Did he look alpha in person because he looks like a shrimp bitch there? That’s the CEO though

>> No.19846832

Explain this to a brainlet

>> No.19846841

its the free market and any person is capable of using these platforms or not. Why is it killing crypto? If you have a problem with it just don't use it.

>> No.19846927

I just looked compound up for the first time, never realized it before because I life under a really big rock. how the fuck did it jump right away in the top20s? is this all fucked or should I fomo after you degenerates? I dont want to miss out on the next big thing my fellow frens

>> No.19846981

Well I would assume you should always be wary of something that shoots up like this out of nowhere

>> No.19847001

If I had a whale wallet I could scam every bagholder whether they liked it or not. Good catch.

It's a fucking p2p ponzi scheme haha. They just came up with fancy names for the actors and what is going on. I am laughing at anyone who things this is good for more than a dip in and out.

It's like a perpetual exit scam. Just look at the liquidity incentive part.

>> No.19847033


>> No.19847070

> Im all in riding after watching someone buy 100 comps at last night's price.. you dont have that kind of money and not have brains

$50k for 100 worthless erc20 tokens. I don’t know what’s funnier, that or the fact that you think it is a lot of $$. The whole situation is just hilarious and such a meme

>> No.19847103

watching brainlets discover projects only once they have a scamtoken tied to them is endlessly amusing
first we had the STAKE tard who insisted xdai (an ethereum sidechain for dai) was going to replace makerdao (the project providing dai)
now here's a schizo who thinks the way compound works is "the biggest bomb in crypto"
bruh... not only this is black on white in their documentation, liquidity squeeze already happened when we moved from compound v1 to v2
not that a shitcoin tard would know that as the closest you fags get to defi is uniswap (lol)

>> No.19847139

50k is a lot for a uniswap trade

>> No.19847237

compound (and aave) still pumping. When will it stop?

>> No.19847252

Is this a real 900m marketcap or is this price just a result of shit liquidity on the dex's it's trading on?

>> No.19847415

People are yolo "folding" their collateral in compound. Borrowed assets are not effectively backed at 150% as they claim because of this. This thing is gonna crash hard and lenders will end up taking the loss. Just hoping it doesn't bring down the entire system with it.

>> No.19847466
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The lending takes a lot out of supply, like staking pools do. I'm guessing most people are buying into this to get money into the lending pool.

>> No.19847491


What do you mean folding?

>> No.19847511

Wait so this is about turning a set of deflationary assets into inflationary ones, basically fiat-izing them?

>> No.19847518

Seems like it has stopped pumping ever since I bought the top.This always happens.

>> No.19847555

Just hold it hasn't even been a week.

>> No.19847565

It's gonna dump tomorrow.

>> No.19847584

Meaning people borrow token against collateral, swap the borrowed coins for other tokens, put it back as collateral, borrow more money, repeat 4x.

>> No.19847619

>This thing is gonna crash hard and lenders will end up taking the loss.
Lol. People have been saying this will crash since it was @ $100.

>> No.19847642
File: 62 KB, 646x642, EBD5F1DB-1713-47FD-B275-2FFB8AB7CED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright brainlet. Tell me how does the interest rate protocol work? What incentives you to lock up your assets and what incentives the borrower? Where is the value derived from in this “protocol”?

This is my favorite.. what were the token sale metrics to all the VCs and how much are you paying for an erc20 token that does absolutely nothing except being a toxic asset. of $300+ per 1 erc20 token ....... You are lost,please explain the “protocol.” Either you haven’t read it or don’t understand it. Either way you are a fool for not seeing how bad this is

>> No.19847668

Get better shills, tellor. This one can't even spell the thing he's shilling.

>> No.19847781

You can see when economics and governance are mixing irresponsibly and foreshadow a long time before it actually crashes. Big pumps lead to sustained false confidence. The protocol is fundamentally toxic for crypto. Coinbase is not the best but this is truly disappointing by them and Polychain. Embarrassing quite frankly

>> No.19847817

Wont it take forever until it crashes? Might as well get in on the money printer? Since this is going to be listed on Coinbase, no way this crashes now.

>> No.19847846

Old fags do you nufag scum. If your not in this for the long haul then you deserve what you get. It’s not just my green candles. This is realistically I fight to keep jews out of money using defi/smart contracts.

>> No.19847946
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Enjoy your jewish lego money dude.

>> No.19847964
File: 25 KB, 400x400, FusoGntC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok fren, just don't use Compound

You can deposit all your assets in the Aave smart contracts, to earn interest on loans at similar rates to compound if you use stablecoins like DAI, or as collateral for your own loans. And you can be certain your assets are still there. Who the fuck even needs compound then? We won't need brokers or anything anymore.

People will choose Aave over compound when they realize their funds might be getting swindled there.

Also Centralized Exchanges like Coinbase will be replace by Dexes like Bancor and Asgardex when they solve impermanent loss.

Don't worry fren WE ARE ON TRACK.

>> No.19848547

I’m not invested in comp you retard

>> No.19848898

What about fiat onramps? Will dexes provide a solution for that?

>> No.19849780


>> No.19849835

A coin that organically appeared on top 50 coins on CMC randomly a few days ago. ORGANIC.

>> No.19851282

What should I buy instead of compound then? You seem really knowledgeable about crypto, and I would appreciate if you could share us whats in your portfolio! Cheers!

>> No.19851298


>> No.19851328

Somehow even more organic than EOS.

>> No.19851409

Its been big. The token just got released though. Its been one of the top dapps for a long time.

>> No.19851425

yeah this (((compound))) seems fishy af.
never heard of it til now.
there seems to be paid shills infiltrating this thread.
thats a common sign that somethings going on.

>> No.19852664

You can't even pay off the interest on the debt(let alone the debt itself) with the total tax revenue of the United States. It's over, hyperinflation is the next destination, even if it takes ten years of resistance to get there.

>> No.19853109

You’re an idiot that actually believes an erc20 token is worth $300 with no real function value. Amazing

>> No.19853136
File: 82 KB, 674x862, 9AA718B5-09B8-4CD4-994C-83C48B7815E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt will be paid back huh?>>19852664
check this out ahahahaha

>> No.19853152
File: 71 KB, 674x751, D460B426-7022-4157-9EC9-337751EA50D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay it back

>> No.19853167
File: 80 KB, 674x751, A61788C1-AD30-4585-8B4E-7897BE1617E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we HAVE to pay it back right?

>> No.19853180
File: 84 KB, 674x751, 83485476-23B9-4796-91CC-122F39F58714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean think about if we did not pay it back. That would be incredibly bold. Use our currency as a world reserve but then remove gold standard and keep inflating... sounds pretty fucked up. Maybe somebody will start a war..

>> No.19853222
File: 38 KB, 674x417, 9A8EBB10-D7A4-4BAE-A702-1DF96EE015C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I guess right? Hahahahaha....

>> No.19853273
File: 165 KB, 860x559, A08840E8-5D44-4B32-ACB9-6CFD3F2A5F06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until he finds out how this works. How are these people this dumb. Why even try to help these retards? They are being literal Jews and we all know how that worked out when Hitler found out the Jews were doing this exact shit

>> No.19853455
File: 303 KB, 744x533, CB2CBB84-50A9-4EAF-B83D-072F3F7EE688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly do you think this works?
131% federal debt to GDP ratio. Even a 10 y/o with basic literacy can see how moronic this is. You deserve the bag of interest backed shitcoins. We have officially come full circle. Jesus

>> No.19853844 [DELETED] 


Yeah help increase the rate of inflation exponentially, while the $USD and Fed proved how stupid it is many times. How are some people this low IQ?

>> No.19853980
File: 22 KB, 255x255, 24E6594E-9906-4DB5-98ED-C5C68EAF2DC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll give you a hint. The guy who created the first ever digital cash in 1980 is currently holding a private, invite only token sale for his quantum resistant, 100k tx/s, fully encrypted ecosystem with a valuation that is 10x less than this dumb fucking pointless COMP erc20 token. It doesn’t matter, you can’t get invited anyways. I can’t even invite all of my own friends. They’ve even excluded previous investors that want to buy more. Enjoy your cuckbase/interest backed junk bond market that will ultimately crash everything it touches. Most toxic asset crypto has ever seen. Worse than Bitconnect because COMP is too complex for low IQ to see through the bs..

You truly can not make this shit up. Stranger than fiction

>> No.19854327

Interesting, what makes you think this elixxir coin will gain traction? And why are they excluding us residents from participating? Sounds like another ICO, why not just do what satoshi did and let this out for the world to use?

>> No.19854522
File: 81 KB, 750x583, 64323B65-BD85-4C8C-A282-F55BA3F8EDAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi created a half ass broken network because it was done for free. If you want a quantum resistant, fully encrypted network, then you need to understand how much time/funds go into building that.

He has essentially been working on this since 1980 and after 40 years, it is ready. So yeah I agree, ICOs are bs to an extent but consensus does not work with PoW or and pos in current forms is not great.

They aren’t excluding US. The SEC wants you to keep your money tied up in their house of cards. DYOR. You need a vpn to access all the material and some of it is only accessible through email

>> No.19854577

Sounds interesting I'm not gonna lie. Will they have a sale available to non node holders or those affiliated to them? It seems rather centralized and what is to say people won't load up and dump? How does that make them any better than binance scams? I'm not speaking ill, just want your honest opinion.

>> No.19854742

Sorry I can't hear you over my sick Verasity gains, and to think it hasn't even begun. Gaming = bubble. + DEFI. Stop worrying.

>> No.19854784

They might have a private sale after this for previous investors. Maybe public after that, but doubtful. Right now is basically the only chance. It’s not centralized. Just legal hurdles since it is not main net still. It is better than binance bs because most of those are erc20s that do nothing. This is a layer 1 p2p, end to end fully encrypted ecosystem built by David Chaum with quantum resistant tech and much more. It’s not elixxir coin either btw. It is xx network and elixxir/praxxis are built on top. It’s impossible to dump because the demand for it.

You really think god tier tech sends out marketing shills to 4chan and media to convince a bunch of NEETs and fags? COMP is an erc20 shitcoin created by a retard that doesn’t understand basics of crypto valued at $3B diluted solely because coinbase.

xx network is 10x less market cap diluted, layer 1 god tier tech created by an actual crypto God. It’s unironically the new Bitcoin and most of you have never heard of it and never would have until $1B+ market cap when it’s public

>> No.19854862

We know dude.
You think you're the only one that spotted that?
No fucking shit

>> No.19854893

Looks like none of us could have gotten in anyways so why does it matter? At least with early bitcoin and even ethereum anyone could have mined. I'll keep an eye on it.

>> No.19855068

Everyone here will gladly suck CZ and Brian Armstrongs jew dick for a few shekels. Pathetic

>> No.19855379

bla bla bla you're investing in the next big thing - is it fungible or not ?

>> No.19855482

I've seen this writing on the wall for almost 2 years. That's why I shill XSN on here. Non KYC perma DEX with fiat on ramps of the same nature very possible
All the "big players" have been attempting to steal its ideas for a long time and its gotten 10x worse since Defi became the new buzzword

>> No.19855570

Post an arxiv link to the paper then if it's such god tier tech

>> No.19855672

>make fun of tards for being aware of a project only once a scamtoken is added
>tard replies asking how much you paid for token
are you literally illiterate?
also, are you seriously asking about incentives on a protocol that has been live for 2 years and paid out interest in a decentralized manner the whole time?
utter brainlet, you better be brown otherwise you're a disgrace to your kind
i'll spoonfeed your retard ass because at this point all i feel is pity: borrowers are daytraders shorting/longing elsewhere and earning a greater % than they pay out to lenders
COMP is useless and you're a moron for thinking i bought any. i dumped my earned tokens on the pajeets here

>> No.19855699

Can be easily solved with decentralised oracles

>> No.19855745

COMP is dabbing on your project you can't even name because it doesn't exist, poorfag. Imagine, imagine being this salty because you missed out. You realize that your posts and pathetic attempts at FUD won't be able to kill the traction the token now has, right ? Big money is involved. The token is valuable because interest rates and debt ARE NEEDED for any economy who needs to grow no matter what you fucking commie

>> No.19856339

2 months ago I said I was coming with breadcrumbs. People who were in the collective intelligence were able to get in because I invited them.

Literally everybody on 4chan had a chance but you are too busy chasing shitcoins that you don’t even understand. It’s hilarious. I can still “get you in” but retards won’t like tithes. Crypto is god protocols but you won’t even submit to tithes. You’re idiots and have no idea how close you have been the entire time and still are. Submit fags.

xx is the last opportunity

>> No.19856432

ok schizo

>> No.19856490

Yeah I know but then they wonder why the Jews start fucking them in the ass. Bending the knee = unknowingly sucking dick until you get assfucked by the person who’s dick you suck.

I think they like it

Is it fungible or not?

Dude it’s David chaum just stop asking questions because you won’t understand the answers.
You follow cuckbase but not the originator of crypto.... You probably thought Satoshi created the first crypto with Bitcoin. You are decades behind the curve newfag.

Fungibility ahahahaha

>> No.19856797

This literally makes zero sense.

> are you seriously asking about incentives on a protocol that has been love for 2 years and paid out interest in a decentralized manner the whole time?

The irony is real. You are trying to insult intelligence but do not even have a basic understanding of crypto. Decentralized is not accomplished top down through seed investments for fractional reserve lending

You’re literally the dumbest person on this post. Congrats. People like you are a joke for thinking you understand pressing issues, but expose your low IQ in your perspectives and do not even realize the gap because your intelligence lacks the capacity to see the bigger picture.

Literal NEET

>> No.19856890

Stop with the secrecy already. What is it? I promise I won't tell.

>> No.19856949
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lol i'm too poor to even tithe

>> No.19856984
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1568928554427s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the mystery shill trap

>> No.19857670

It’s not a mystery. I said the name of the network/coin and associated projects multiple times in this thread. Go buy some more LINK and COMP without understanding how any of this works fag. Everything is crypto is based of The God Protocols which Szabo wrote. Szabo was largely influenced by Chaum and they had a bigger impact on the crypto than anybody.

Normies will argue Satoshi, Vitalik and Sergey pioneered crypto but don’t realize that decades of prior work by Chaum/Szabo went into their theories. Timing is what separated them. Not IQ. Now Chaum is about to flex his IQ with proper timing. Bend the knee

>> No.19857800

>killing crypto
There are and continue to be only 21 million bitcoins, as long as you buy bitcoins youre fine. I dont see the issue. It's like saying that precious metals are ruined as an investment because some scammer is selling idiots fake unobtanium.

>> No.19857924

Gold and silver marines report to this thread. Peter schiff too

>> No.19857936

Gold is money and savings it isn’t an investment you fucking nigger

>> No.19858426

Ah yes Bitcoin, the magic internet money that derived its value from being feeless, instant and immutable, which now takes days to send $17, costs $6 in fees and has become centralized to expensive asic hardware. Which is abused in huge cloud mining pools that operate in low cost energy shitholes by corrupt governments.

Value perspective, yeah Bitcoin will go up forever barring any extreme situations (51% attack, quantum hacks)
But it’s still completely wasteful in every regard just like compound. It’s like that math they teach kids in the US now. Inefficient processes for oppressive manipulation designed with complexities that the average sheep can’t comprehend due to being slowed down by this

>> No.19858477

Cringe. $500 USD EOD and BTC will moon again. You will cope and you will seethe

>> No.19858488

literally admitting they're dumping bags as a business strategy. fucking hell.

>> No.19858526

send me xx coin invite so i can help save the world

>> No.19858528
File: 279 KB, 750x661, 019FA8C0-1C84-4BB8-9F9C-781F7F456624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i've been trying to tell the newfags for years. crypto's purpose of being ones own bank has been distorted by VC money and cockstream. fortunately, there is one actual cryptoCURRENCY still doing God's work.

>> No.19858582

What are you talking about? $500 BTC?
It is funny that you believe I “will cope and will seethe”. Over Bitcoin or Compound? Either way xx network will be more comfy hold.
Private network in betanet with better tech than any crypto founded by Chaum, the most influential person in crypto of all time.
Imagine being so retarded that you justify buying shitcoins without understanding crypto and thinking I will cope when I’m in xx private sales. You wouldn’t have crypto without chaum, idiot. Being this stupid must be hard. Sorry

>> No.19858800

a billion dollar scam

>> No.19859586

Thanks for all your input friend. I don't chase shitcoins, it's obvious most are money grabbing scams. I appreciate you bringing forth the information for that project, I'm assuming they plan on opening sales to the general public again at some point.

>> No.19859799

What the fuck are you guys talking about??

"Liquidity" means money available to borrowers, not user's access to their own funds.

It would be worrying if the protocol COULD guarantee liquidity - because that would be fractional reserve lending

COMP is 100x overvalued, for sure, but it's no scam