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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 275x183, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19836237 No.19836237 [Reply] [Original]

Why should i dump my life savings into this coin

>> No.19836250

Don’t. Let it dump back below $4 so I can buy in

>> No.19836256
File: 126 KB, 1496x591, stinky1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider yourself lucky. this is all you need to read.

>> No.19836261

Because I don't care if you do?

>> No.19836271
File: 540 KB, 1200x756, TELLOR TRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffff don't, really. It's priced out.

Tellor (TRB), it's literally the next BTC/ETH.
Fresh project so not too much publicity just yet, seems that /biz/ woke up to it this week though.

>> No.19836282
File: 173 KB, 1300x731, 302664FE-01D3-4ADD-A0D9-2F8412C98365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you aren’t capable of getting rich quicker with uniswap pumps. That takes skill.

My team is launching a token on uniswap and many other exchanges in a week. Join here:

https //discord gg/ 2g 2F tWM

>> No.19836305

i refuse to believe that there are people out there buying this shitcoin for more than 50 cents. i just refuse to believe i share this world with low intelligence subhumans like that

>> No.19836360

Yeah good thing I've dumped my bags early, well early enough, a week ago. Tellor $1k-$4k 2021

>> No.19836374

don’t. i invested 200k into it and now i’m down -36%. Unless you want to wait 40+ years, having the capital available now is probably the smarter decision. Just note that every waning year the price will slowly rise, its integration will be not merely adopted but absorbed by society. You may finally achieve your dream of giving your children a piece of this world. A share in agreements made by thousands of companies and most importantly banks, around the globe paying you for your participation. I’m poor now.

>> No.19836566

If you don't know already then you don't deserve it.
Get the fuck out redditor.

>> No.19836597

You shouldn’t

>> No.19836626

How is it even possible to be down on Link?

>> No.19836651

buy now so i can buy your bags when you sell at $2

>> No.19836667

Lmao literally the only way you’re down 36% is if you bought the absolute top and if you invested 200k into a coin at its ath idk what to tell you other than you’re a fucking moron.

>> No.19836708

You want a redpill on Chainlink? It's 40x ICO. You had 2 years to buy at 20-30 cents. You're late, and the big boy gains are over for anyone who doesn't have $200k in LINK right now (from a $1-20k investment)

That's the truth.

Buy some DMG / DMMDAO this week and wait.

>> No.19836824

Don't care still buying link.

>> No.19837854
File: 91 KB, 639x511, 1590240346018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19838716

Its true. We had our run and made big gains. Anyone buying now are in for a world of hurt.

>> No.19838742

Fucking assholes. I only have 500 that I paid $2150. Glad you had your laughs, treating your fellow biz family like reddit for cheap keks and freezer tilapia.

>> No.19839102

I had to look up 'tilapia'. New word for the day. Tilapia. I like it. Thanks.

>> No.19839192

Your the idiot for buying.

>> No.19839199

Sigh another discord thread

>> No.19839220

snake oil link

>> No.19839227

>Your the idiot
Should read you're the idiot
you're literally means 'you are'
The e on the end is the clue.
You are - you're
Try to remember

>> No.19839444

Your an idiot as well

>> No.19839452


>> No.19839460

You shouldn't. Not here. 10 to 30 cents, sure, but not here.

All in FUND. (unification)

>> No.19839730
File: 172 KB, 1200x892, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever dump your life savings into a crypto currency, doesn't matter which one. This is day one shit: Only risk as much as you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrencies have no inherent value. Just visit the FAQ of getmonero.org, it will give you the most spot on answer on why cryptocurrencies have value in the first place.

>> No.19839927
File: 49 KB, 527x960, WhatsApp Image 2020-06-21 at 10.22.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first bought LINK at 45c in January of 2018.

I've lost 10k on ENG, 2k on OMG and 2k on NANO.

LINK is the sole saviour of my portfolio - and Ive been buying all the way up, including $600 worth yesterday, I think I got like 150 or something lmao, how times have changed.

I'll continue to buy as much as possible…my friends and family think I'm deluded, but the mockery and jeering is absolutely delicious.

I keep all the screenshots of them making fun of me in a folder for when the time comes.

It's not enough that we be rich, others need to feel the seering agony of pride before a fall.

>> No.19840230

Tbh, the one reason you're gonna hear the most is to get rich, get profit I mean I do like the project but there is no point in link tokens for it.

I mean why not bother with oracles without tokens like MakerDao's oracle (which is separate from MakerDao's token) and Gravity's Interoperability Oracles?

>> No.19840348

Kinda agreed on this one, majority are just buying CL because of FOMO and doesn’t actually have a clue what it does

>> No.19840353


>> No.19840360

DAO is getting big lately but wtf is Gravity lmao

>> No.19840377

Check the hiring page, they're looking for a entry-level sales associate.

You can do more than invest

>> No.19840460

I'm going through the white paper. It looks great so far and i like the idea of not building another blockchain using its native token just for the sake of it. Not only it adds complexity from a technical perspective but people are tired of projects issuing multiple tokens to try to solve a single purpose.

>> No.19840472

But why is it better and what makes it so special? Sounds like just another copy to me

>> No.19840650

Waves is one of my bags that I’ll never let go of. Instead of building hype and token price, Waves has been making numerous usecases which can be implemented in real world.