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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 35 KB, 300x146, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19833813 No.19833813 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Try to place my buy order for DMG on mesa.eth in anticipation of the public sale
>Set order for what I think is 0.36 USDT per DMG
>Apparently "USDT/DMG" actually means DMG per TUSD
>Order fills at $19,460 for 9,155 DMG ($2.125 per DMG)
>Tried contacting the DMM team, but they won't help
>Seriously considering suicide now

>> No.19833830

Yeah you’re a dumbass but there’s no need to kill yourself
Just sell it after the initial bull run and hopefully you’ll make your money back. Always double check. You learned a valuable lesson

>> No.19833846

Imagine considering suicide because you lost monopoly money. Kek

>> No.19833892

A better option than killing yourself is to buy more at a cheaper price. That way it doesn't have to moon as hard to break even.

>> No.19833903

>not putting in a test order before going all in
the same also applies to doing massive tx's

>> No.19833978

Th-thanks. Want to know something even more fucked up? I was able to get into the private sale with the leaked password and had 50K DMG just a few days ago, that I purchased for 28 cents each. I sold them way too soon (40-45 cents on Uniswap). It offsets the loss a bit I guess, but the other way to look at it is that I am doubly retarded. I could have made $40K profit, but instead I am down. I feel sick to my stomach.

I am poor though. This was big money to me and my family :(

I can't stomach the idea of buying any more, honestly. I already sold >4000 LINK to get that $19460 that I fat fingered. I will just wait it out now and pray...

>> No.19834056

Cheer up fren, we're all gonna make it.
Don't kys over money, just make more

>> No.19834119

what the fuck are you people doing


stop believing the overnight lambo dreams

you deserve to stay poor you fucking idiot

>> No.19834291

what's the current price , this is the first time I heard about dmg and mesa

>> No.19834389

Why did you buy this shitcoin? I contacted CB support they confirmed there is no relationship with this coin, only use Coinbase wallet. After public sales, whales will all dump their bags

>> No.19834444

this is so much more than a relationship with coinbase

>> No.19834452

do you think the order got collected by a bot out there scanning for fat fingered orders?

>> No.19834456

Feels bad anon, I think you'd be better being all in link if you aren't rich though:) that DMG probably going to be worth about .11c a piece EOW though

>> No.19834502

Is DMG actually backed or made by DMG blockchain solutions? I bought alot not $19k worth but a bunch and I don't know if I should hold or dump.

>> No.19834576

>killing yourself over 10,000
imagine being this weak willed. ngmi

>> No.19834653

Wait. so if you got into the presale, got 50k DMG, sold it all for about 20k, and bought back in another 9k or so... in terms of DMG, you’re down over 40k DMG?! Maybe you should take a break from crypto for a sec and focus on other things while what you already have grows.

>> No.19834741

Lesson learned.
Grow up and move on.

>> No.19834861

I lost most of my money (over 40k) in my first year trading, but just made it into the (lol)6figure club two years later. I'm fucking retarded and have clawed by way back up so should be able to too.

>> No.19834881


The future of healthcare.... Let me guess, you are a beaner or a nigger aren't you?

>> No.19835031

Show proof faggot. Lying scum rat fudding pajeet. Show screenshot of Coinbase saying anything like that you rat bastard.

>> No.19835052

>sold >4000 LINK
Oh boy.

>> No.19835108


I thought the trading pairs for the token sale are only ETH, DAI AND USDC?

>> No.19835134

I can help you out, OP. Feeling a big generous with my LINK/ERD profits. Toss me an ETH wallet that you have access to. I saw your story in the disc.

>> No.19835223

Or not. Gotta run

>> No.19835314 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19835361

Just use this as a learning experience. I fucked up and lost a lot of money before, so I feel your pain. 10k isn't worth ending it over. You can make that back in no time. I wish you well, anon.

>> No.19835416

Im white


They are. Im retarded

Thanks, fren

God I hope he didnt run

>> No.19835417

Oh fuck off. You have a link stack still, thought you were actually in need of help. Almost sent 5 eth too kek

>> No.19835451
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1591423675773s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835540

It's ok anon, that will be worth $91,550K soon. Just hold

>> No.19835542


>> No.19835629

Thanks, but then it feels shitty because I used to have 50,000 DMG . I cant win at this point lol

>> No.19835635

I lost all my savings because I thought people were honest. I learned my lesson and rarely think on it now. You can recover.

>> No.19835764
File: 8 KB, 235x215, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. How did it happen, man? How much was it, if I may ask? Thank you for sharing and for your support.

>> No.19835818

Paid person for work upfront, It was everything I had at the time. But you know you just reset and move on. It sucks but there's always another 100x

>> No.19835846

Thanks, man. God bless you. Good luck with everything

>> No.19835853

Check the Epic cash chart I did the same a few months ago. I persevered and I'm at my highest level ever.


>> No.19835865

I lose 10k on a good day lmao

>> No.19835881

Gamblers fallacy. Ignore it and pretend your up from initial investment or else you'll have these crazy thoughts. Remember that if you found DMG early you'll find the next 100x early too.

I have 5M Reddcoin in 2015 and sold it for pennies because I thought it was a lot as a broke college student. I missed out on 100k if I held it. Don't sweat the little things. You will make it

>> No.19835886

God bless you.

>> No.19835908

The google doc drive literally tells you to enter .36c and change from market.

The guide is a fucking picture book ffs. If you couldnt handle a picture book, go back to school and start your life over.

That or pray reincarnation is real so you either have a second chance or you get to be a plant or something that doesn't have a brain.

>> No.19835936
File: 1011 KB, 1291x817, 76584698499679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That money went to a boy with less privileged than you (specifically, a 16-year-old living in West Bengal). I know it is hard to hear this, but treat it as an unplanned donation.

>> No.19835958

It happens dude. Remember the scam thread where someone paid $75,000 for like 5 coins of something worth $5?

Happens many times per year.

It's only $10K. You'll recover. Hold or buy more.

>> No.19835968

The exchange is shit. It doesn't work properly. He's not the only one who lost money because of it.

>> No.19836030

Good God i feel bad for you kid. Remember, the only place in life where oportunities are infinite are the markets. Everyday something will lose value and something else will gain value. So you will have the opportunity to make it all back and more.

>> No.19836343

Medfren you are fucking retarded

>> No.19836404

Legit the easiest thing I have done in a week. They posted pictures how to do it. DMM legit did a picture book.

>> No.19836414

At least he didn't sell his STA. That $12k will hurt a lot less when STA breaks ATH

>> No.19836423

Use Bamboo Relay. It's perfect.

>> No.19836490

can you please link to the picture book, anon? thanks.

>> No.19836668

Just search the telegram.

>> No.19836700

Can someone please link to the warosu where he talked about buying link with his wifes paycheck lol

>> No.19836754

stop wasting your time and make a plan to accumulate anon, not just dmg, but others.

>> No.19836760


Here is your opportunity to make some more.

>> No.19836862

Are you a top 40 holder? If not, stfu and link me to the thread. I already accumulated lmfao

>> No.19837102

Kek of the day. sorry op

>> No.19837195

>I sold them way too soon (40-45 cents on Uniswap).
me too fuck

>> No.19837339

Someone posted a thread earlier about this with a screenshot
I couldn't see anything wrong with the trade... Can anyone post it again?

>> No.19837377

I was the one who sold to you OP. Sorry for your loss

>> No.19837538

Quit bitching at least u didn’t sell 50k links for the brand new bitcoin sv at 300$ a pop aka got 32 of em at the time. We all make mistakes anon.

>> No.19837561


>> No.19837573

larping after seeing a reddit post about it

>> No.19837644


>> No.19837703

Or lost it all

>> No.19837704
File: 241 KB, 809x1447, Screenshot_20200621-135936_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt to move crypto in to mesa and buy DMG in fees.......I ended up just taking my crypto out again lol stupid bloody site.

>> No.19838055

dude stop fucking around, buy, and hold. it's that simple when you're this early. most brainlets sell a 3x when you could have a 30x if you just do nothing for one year.

>> No.19838458

this, checked.

>> No.19838471

i know this is a larp, there is no way you're savvy enough to be in this space and you don't know how to read an asset pair LOOOOOOOOL

>> No.19838514

Trust no one, not even your family. The only person worth trusting in sergay nazarov, remember this.

>> No.19838529

Is just a horrible set up to be fair. Uniswap and bamboorelay very easy to use (on mobile) mesa is pretty shiity.

>> No.19838557
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>> No.19839019


>> No.19839309

larp, there isn't even a paxos link pair on binance

>> No.19839407

lmaoo that's all you lost? Jesus christ

imagine losing more than 6 figures tho in 2018 and making it back,

I think my first big L was chasing pumps in altcoins and losing like 4 BTC back in summer 2017

But I did lose $20k in a day being a retard not managing my risk on Bitmex but I made it back and more that same day so idk what to say

keep ur head up kid

>> No.19839427

Literally nothing>>19833813

>> No.19839429

Same. He'll recover (if not larp)