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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19833360 No.19833360 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19833392

>Amerikeks pay taxes to give these parasite monkeys money and then give them cash out of their pocket
For what purpose

>> No.19833403
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>> No.19833413

is it possible to do anything with their usernames?

>> No.19833414

His skin shade is to off, he has been white wash. We need to only give the money to pure black folks

>> No.19833417

Thanks just donated 100k

>> No.19833420
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I donated. There was even an African American sister that asked for more, saying that the $100 I sent wasn’t enough, so I sent her another $250.


>> No.19833432
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>> No.19833436

Fuck, making a fake black twitter might be a good hustle.

>> No.19833449
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How much should I donate? I don't wanna lowball a donation and get called out. I want to make sure my sisters and brothers understand that I'm sorry.

>> No.19833459

>He donates money to randos on twitter
Either filthy rich or horribly naive and financially irresponsible to be doing this, I'm saying this as a black anon.

>> No.19833472

Donate at least $100 to be safe

>> No.19833474

What if I make a bunch of requests? lmao
They would probably think I'm sending them money because they asked and they wouldn't even look at the transaction type being all happy and would accept

>> No.19833476 [DELETED] 
File: 466 KB, 975x590, 43CC91D3-D762-4F5F-8398-E3653AAC8410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers (slaves)

>> No.19833482

Damn imagine donating money to someone and still getting shitted on for doing it. This is the shit that only findom fags get off to.

>> No.19833483

These are Bernie supporters. We already know they can't save a dollar without giving it away to a homeless person or communist cause.

>> No.19833488

you can request money hoping that they don't realize it's a request lmao. They send you the money then you block them

>> No.19833499

i stopped at a streetlight and saw a black woman begging on the street corner. i yelled to ask if she wanted some food and she gave me a toothy "okay witeboi" while she waddled over to my window, smiling. i handed her a can of tuna and her whole body shuddered in disappointment. "what is this, cat food?" i said "it's all i've got" and she responded "nah it's aight i'll eat it," and she waddled back to her station.
fuck niggers

>> No.19833518

I don't get it how is begging related to the protest?

>> No.19833531

the fucking cuckoldry of this pic makes me rage

>> No.19833545
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>> No.19833562
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>> No.19833697


>> No.19833783


>> No.19833805

Moonman videos have been taken off of YouTube. It's sad.

>> No.19833949
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kek i thought op was bait

>> No.19833983


Why do you hate black people? They built everything you know

>> No.19834029

Curious about how this makes you feel, black fren. I wouldn't even be able to guess, seeing as you frequent an openly racist East Timorean Pottery website

>> No.19834031

>donating to degenerate rioting criminal welfare niggers
fuck this ought to be illegal

ger a fucking job fuckin monkeys. life is hard. might not be fair. we all have same struggles. fuck i. white as a ghost an had to work a d struggle all my life to keep a roof over my head and food to eat. nobody gave me no fucking donations as a reward for rioting and looting

>> No.19834043
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i-is this guy from /biz/?

>> No.19834044

I'm not even sure this isn't staged? Or are these the left-wing version of inbreeding rednecks?

>> No.19834050

this. time to make a gofundme

>> No.19834053

Cool a thread of like a hundred worthless people to add to my twitter blocklist

>> No.19834058


Just came here to post that

>> No.19834074


>> No.19834087

Oh fuck I came here to bantz and I got triggered. That's some big audacity.

>> No.19834096

>next time make it 20

>> No.19834097
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on what grounds is a half-african half-vietnamese person who is living in vietnam asking for reparation?

>> No.19834131

>feeding niggers

cuck mutt

>> No.19834164

that would make a great movement actually, make the blacks go against the half blacks, cause they dont understand the real struggle or some bs. Then you got infighting and juicy drama. Just needs a few whites claiming to be half black for this to start

>> No.19834167

I donated $10 to couple of them. It’s not much but better than being a poor racist loser like most people here.

>> No.19834172

soz bro but you sound like an absolute asshole

>> No.19834180

brb making fake twitters with black profile pics and a few black lingo tweets

>> No.19834189

on what grounds do you justify giving free money to strangers demanding stuff based on a false premise?

>> No.19834195

Christian ethics.

>> No.19834208

how can i receive money from idiots on twitter?

>> No.19834233

dont be so manipulative and disingenuous. this whole movement is a crock of shit and everybody knows it

>> No.19834236

make black twitter accounts then tweet about being beaten by cops and needing money for hospital treatment

>> No.19834262

Because I’m a good person and understand I can help fix what damaged them

>> No.19834296
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>> No.19834314 [DELETED] 

>Because I’m a good person
nah you're actually obviously a really shitty person if you need this kind of validation to try convince yourself of the opposite

nothing wrong with helping black folks but the way you did it was incredibly damaging you're a fucking enabler and you can't realize it because your conscience is so full of filth you can't even face it

>> No.19834325

This is pretty much leftists donating to leftists and scammers. Bless the scammers.

>> No.19834339

>Because I’m a good person
nah you're actually obviously a really shitty person if you need this kind of validation to try convince yourself of the opposite

nothing wrong with helping black folks but the way you did it was incredibly damaging you're a fucking enabler and you can't realize it because your conscience is so full of stains you can't face it

>> No.19834345

How was it damaging? Shut up trumptard

>> No.19834371

Can you imagine the looks on poor union soldiers' faces when someone from the future told them their children were going to pay black people for their ancestor's slavery and self-flagellate over it?

>> No.19834436

Well they were drafted but it still would probably be demoralizing.

>> No.19834471

>Because I’m a good person and understand I can help fix what damaged them
no you cant. they are damaged by there own choices to live like criminals and reject education, social, civic honor and responsibility, legal business commerce
and pursue drugs, acohol, vandalism, and violent crime. dress, walk and talk with obscene beligerent repugnance

its not my fault they are not successfully involved in constructive, productive , wholesome healthy rewarding and lucrative activities

there is. o "systematic oppression" of blacks or any "systematic white supremacy"
this is virtue signling by sjw subversives, and victimhood posturing welfare rats destroying there own lives with bad decisions and unhealthy lifestyles, then blaming " white people" and now expecting us to pay for there willfully belligerent destructive bad decisions

>> No.19834498

i've been in a bad spot and kindness from strangers inspired me not to try harder, i hoped she might have the same response. lesson learned
yeah, next time i'll tell the nigger to do something useful for someone else so she can figure out how earn her food. my mistake

>> No.19834544

>*sips tea*

>> No.19834561

homeless people are usually homeless because they like/need freedom (from stuff that'd enable them to have a roof over their head)
if she doesn't like tuna she will rather starve to death than eat that tuna and if you developed some self awareness you'd realize that's the right way and her reaction was very fine and polite and you were a fucking asshole in that situation

>> No.19834596

Donating is a band aid solution. They should vote trump because he is creating jobs and funding HBCUs, a 150iq solution.

>> No.19834635 [DELETED] 

and she'd have been better off if you never talked to her, and the sole reason why you did it was to have those people's lot justified in your mind and be able to complain about them to others

>> No.19834666

and she'd have been better off if you never talked to her, and the sole reason why you did it was to have those people's lot justified in your mind and be able to complain about them to others and the fact that you had 0 intent to help her was obvious to her too

>> No.19834683

Kys faggot

>> No.19834684


The geobaskets are a nice touch

>> No.19834712

Rent free

>> No.19834714
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>give me money for being black
Get a job nigger

>> No.19834734

based gaslighting troll

>> No.19834737

ftr i almost never give money to homeless people. but in the very rare cases i feel like i should they get something decent like ~~$30.
but that guy just wanted to humiliate that woman and disguise it in his mind as he was "trying" to help her. it's just disgusting and reflects huge personality issues.

>> No.19834782
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This is fucking hilarious
Niggers really are a stain of society

>> No.19834788

Slavery throughout time has only haulted human innovation.

American slavery only made a very select few rich at the expense of the majority of the population.

>> No.19834812


Damn you really don’t like Christcucks it seems

>> No.19834823

I've never been more racist in my life than ever before. What's happening to me bros

>> No.19834847

100% this lol all the black folks i met in life were decent or even cool actually now i constantly catch myself posting racist shit on /biz/ ever since the blm riots started kek
oh well

>> No.19834854

The harder they push the harder we push back it’s just human nature and it’s just what they want.

>> No.19834870
File: 276 KB, 991x1525, 3C341640-51DB-4A6B-AE34-6E7A3E442859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept my reparations in


ONLY. Email me for my address. And make it quick craccas

>> No.19834879

All black people I know are nice and good people. Once this shit is all over the nogs will hopefully return to their getto and white commie cucks will have to move back in with mommy once the corrona checks stop coming in

>> No.19834886
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>> No.19834970

Should i make a fake black account? This may be the way i make it

>> No.19834975

>whiteboi seethes on Internet

*School Shooter Music Intensifies*

>> No.19835294
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>> No.19835461

Ah, yes, the fertility goddess

>> No.19835745

niggers of all types feel the urge to demand gibs

>> No.19835756

>next time make it 20

>> No.19835781

virtue signaling

>> No.19835794

Nigger lover

>> No.19835843

this is going to start a race war and cause racism that didn't actually exist before