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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 886 KB, 1218x609, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19828710 No.19828710 [Reply] [Original]

Thanos Power @ Over 413k

>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity ACQUIRED
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity ACQUIRED
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

>What is STA?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some NoStankers here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where else?
You can trade STA on Saturn, mesa and now bamboo. It's growing!

>Where do I see the price?
Use UniVision for all your fractal charting needs.

You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

Coingecko is up to date and accurate thanks to the v2 update. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

>Link to the Medium article on STA, feel free to share

>Official Github

>> No.19828722



So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19828731

>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

>Scott's nerdy ass tryin to educate you stupid fucks

>For all you Github FUDders . Finally, everyone's ears may yet recover from your screeching.

>Live Sta coinstats


>TG Channels
Statera Price Talk (Unofficial)
Statera Announcement

>What do we do when we hit [insert amazing price milestone here]
Once we hit $1, don't dump your bags like retards, slowly shave off a percent or two once a week, and enjoy the accumulation upwards while reaping benefits along the way.

>> No.19828737



(may be updated every two weeks, still putting it here for good use)


Hello again; we're constantly trying to branch out the ways you can purchase/trade Statera. Today we're happy to announce that we've received confirmation that Statera is now available for trading on Bamboo Relay!

The benefits of using Bamboo Relay include a live order-book, candle-stick charts and more arbitrage opportunities for 'Sthanos'. You can trade STA on Bamboo Relay here:


Thanks guys!


An updated QRD on Statera and its uses

STA is listed on a new exchange that utilizes something called a "Ring Trade". This trades assets across a liquidity pool as opposed to selling each slice in chunks.
Yes, this means the audit is complete, yes this means that Kyberswap is a qualifier for upcoming listings.

>We are now able to be traded through the Gnosis Protocol!
The dapp to trade on Gnosis Protocol is called Mesa.
Currently we are not whitelisted on there, however, you can go to
Upon going to that link you can input the STA contract address to trade:

Statera is now recognized on the Delta app, used to track pricing and returns in your portfolio over time.

>> No.19828774

First comment.

>> No.19828780

Second comment.

>> No.19828783

It's dumping

>> No.19828788

Third comment

>> No.19828795


>> No.19828796
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Erika Face-Steppies soon

>> No.19828803
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Oh really?

>> No.19828830
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Moonboi reporting in.

>> No.19828840
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Who the fuck is selling

>> No.19828858
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When Kyber

>> No.19828881

Someone has to keep burning those coins

>> No.19828912
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top 100 report in!(you can reply even if ur not top 100)
comfy 1-10?
me? 9.6
the audits done but it seems like some people are trying to get off the ride early huh.

>> No.19828919

gonna be yuge

>> No.19828963

>Price dumps
>dumps to near zero
>"Oh God token burn yeeeessssssss I'm so fuuuuckkng rich ahhhhhhhhhhh"

Pathetic. You are gonna get dumped on and you're already liking it. Lmao dumb sheep

>> No.19828972

top 40 here
(wallets are spread I know there is someone else at 40 here but I got more)
comfy af
definitely not selling this year.

>> No.19828982

Top 40
Easy 9

>> No.19828992

this is shitty fud
you can buy in for something that will grow for less than the price of a cup of coffee.

>> No.19829054

Top 30
the FUD is nice.

>> No.19829107

>price dumps a bit, still higher than the day before
Pathetic. Call me when it really goes to 0, I am still 7x

>> No.19829111

Top 50

>> No.19829120
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Going to hold for atleast a year. Not selling.

>> No.19829171

Top 50, 9.8 not selling

>> No.19829193

can you fucking stop you autist? your stupid fucking meme lines don't mean shit especially when you've been doing this for the past two weeks in every thread and ITS BEEN CRABBING

you absolute faggot. you piss me off.

>> No.19829329

Kyber next week

>> No.19829365

I have the same trend line on my chart fren it's been a pretty legit support level so far

>> No.19829384
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>What are you looking for? the next Ethereum?
>The next Bitcoin, of course.
>Shows Statera

>> No.19829386

It just keeps dumping.

>> No.19829392

top 200-ish

>> No.19829488

Token burn causes the STA market cap to go down if this crabs. Kind of fucked.

>> No.19829546

Lower market cap is a good thing you mongoloid

>> No.19829560
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im new to using uniswap, but i have metamask, every time I go to confirm the swap I get this pop up for all of a second but I dont get a metamask pop up to confirm. am I getting bogged?

>> No.19829569

Set slippage to 1.5%

>> No.19829584

thanks bro

>> No.19829585

Well this thing turned out to be a real stinker boys better sell while you can

>> No.19829644


Just as expected, dump it anons

>> No.19829667
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why is it dumping!?

The audit was meant to make a boom, I'm holding but if It doesn't raise to 8c by next week I'm out

>> No.19829701


Next week it's 2-3 cents

>> No.19829752
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All I need it a little pump so I can get out

>> No.19829786

It wont moon untill its on exchanges. Now when audit is complete they can start marketing

>> No.19829823

Bought the dip just now. Have about 30k so at $1 I'll have a nice $30k USD. I can be more than satisfied with that, but I'll buy more if it dips even lower.

>> No.19829825

You guys need to get rid of this lambo in 2 days mentality. If you have weak hands and jumped in hoping for a quick x10 this is not the project for you. Also diversify your investment or keep some free change if you want to play the shitcoin game so you can gamble to your heart's content.

Some of you are fucking crybabies.

>> No.19829930

Weak fudd bro

>> No.19830146

what you gonna do with the 30k anon?

>> No.19830152
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Reminder that Satan is once again laughing at us. I remember that get saying we'd never go below 9cents

>> No.19830191
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Boy sminem says it will happen in the future, anon.
You just have to believe in his magic for it to take effect. Eventually, even lambdadelta will smother you with her juicy thighs.

>> No.19830202

Reinvest in other coins! I don't really want to cash out much in crypto until about $100k or so. At that point I'll use some of it to fund a comfy wealthy neet lifestyle while trading the rest higher and higher.

>> No.19830216
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Thank you Sminemtrice-sama

>> No.19830228

that's my plan too, except I'm not going to sell at $1

>> No.19830320

where is astrologyfag anon, updates??

>> No.19830328

The supply burning could play into it and make it go even higher. If we had like 30 million supply left I could see it going above $1.

>> No.19830369

by the time 30 million is left, market cap could be 600 million by then (a very low estimate), which would put the price at $20

>> No.19830408

That would be nice but I like to keep my estimates a little more conservative. We'll see though. I may also swing for more if we get another parabola.

>> No.19830421
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You better pray that by that time there will be enough liquidity available for people to sell.
In any case, I will never consider selling until then.

>> No.19830448

Had to go, his people needed him (Note - Astrologyfaganon died on his way back to his home planet)

>> No.19830486
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We will all become obscenely rich. I wonder what good I did that the universe would reward me with STA.

>> No.19830500


I wish I bought more at beginning and not half my stack at the top. This thing is going places.

>> No.19830548

You didn't do anything good. no one did. we're all still sinners like everyone else. Not being closed minded to opportunities is what you have done to put yourself in a position to (possibly) profit immensely in due time. Hopefully it works out.

>> No.19830565
File: 235 KB, 750x664, 549116E8-78E2-4129-A5E9-30D4C8E5B4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks down today including bitcoin and eth .

>> No.19830601
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That's rude, Anon. I think I did a lot "good" over the last year (which isn't really hard considering today's absolute state of the West)... But I acknowledge your point regardless. There are many people who instantly discard STA as scam because they don't understand how interesting the idea of it being a deflationary entry ticket to the standard crypto ETF is. That remains interesting to enter even later on simply because it is deflationary and constantly traded. Even if it were to fail, the potential is way too great to pass up on it.

>> No.19830625

Statera (STA) ETF

Managed by protocol
And individuals receive transaction fees instead of paying portfolio managers

>> No.19830674
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instead of paying fees to a fucking jewish manager you only pay fees on withdrawals (and deposits?) that the rest of the holders receive as incentive to keep contributing to the fund. how is that not bullish?

>> No.19830684

I am thinking this is going to be very much a scam, sirs.

>> No.19830698
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>I am thinking this is going to be very much a scam, sirs.

>> No.19830707

I have two top 30 wallets. If combined would be top 10. Comfy level? 9.9

>> No.19830716

It's not very hard to explain why you are thinking that, if you weren't just another troll.
Get out of here low effort FUD

>> No.19830740

Lighten the fuck up you autist.

>> No.19830749

WOAH. Then this >>19828830 is where you are headed good sir.

>> No.19830783

>bamboo sell orders are now at 0.000359eth and up
Looking good

>> No.19830820

Don’t worry not selling anytime soon. Already a millionaire. No rush on my part.

>> No.19830891

I don't care if this takes a year to moon but the sooner it comes the sooner I can fuck of this madhouse where every neighbor is louder than the next, all day every day. I'm going insane, not a single moment of peace ever. Depending on how STA does I might buy myself a house in the countryside and never look back

>> No.19830917
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you couldnt live with all your own shitcoins...
and where did that bring you?
right back to me.

>> No.19831152

Thanks. Bought 100k.

>> No.19831218

Based. For me making it is not lambos or yachts, just comfy country house and enough money that I can chill and do whatever

>> No.19831250

i just wanna be a comfortable and humble neet

>> No.19831263
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gn STAbros

>> No.19831303

Sleep tight, sweet prince x

>> No.19831590

It literally can not stop dumping.

>> No.19831606

What price did you get in anon?

>> No.19831617

I bought yesterday. Fuck me for being a retard.

>> No.19831642


It's one day, hold dude.

>> No.19831652

you are retarded

>> No.19831653

>Fuck me for being a retard
Anon, for something destined to $1 and beyond, what difference does it make if you get it at 0.065 or 0.075? Patience. I know some people who pumped in $10,000 worth of ETH in this at 0.065 last week. Smart money is in.

>> No.19831675

>2m sell wall melted on bamboo
>price goes down after
>More and more fud starts spreading
let's get them a good price to buy back so they can set up a wall again

>> No.19831701
File: 37 KB, 600x576, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Statera has come this far in only 19 days
I'm feeling early Chainlink days anons. I'm so happy for you guys. Hope we all make it. Godspeed.

>> No.19831707

What's your point anon?

>> No.19831859

Fucking crabs need to die in a fire.

>> No.19831890

any anons who can post coins with similar starts to this to compare how they performed? im not sure how much i want to put into this given that altcoins have never been something ive messed with.

>> No.19832017

Here is the graph for this boards favorite alt. Honestly every new coin will have similiar chart at the beggining so you cant really extrapolate anything from it. All it matters here are fundemantals, which are obviously meant for long term. I wouldnt really care for short term price swings, but this board is filled with ADHD zoomers who have to make a shitpost for every +/- 5%

>> No.19832043
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Whoops forgot to add it sorry

>> No.19832088
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I all-in'd at 11 cents, get the fuck over yourself and hold, faggot. It must be your first day in crypto if 5-10% swings make you doubt this hard.

>> No.19832168
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The price should "catch up" to the supply decreasing, it will always lag a bit. Stay strong anon.

>> No.19832171

I'm about to buy this, if this is scam I'm killing myself

>> No.19832211

You can read the security audit if you would like. It quite literally can't scam.

>> No.19832236

Just hold strong and ignore retarded fudders, and you stand to make a lot of money

>> No.19832252


It's trustless and it passed multiple audits. No way it's a scam at this point.

>> No.19832311

I mean price only has to go up 1% per million tokens burnt for mc to remain the same, so this is kinda non-issue

>> No.19832353

>Suicide STAtistic
Didn't buy or sold below 10c, will buy at 100$

>Slow STArters
5k stack or less

Between 5k and 10k

>Suicide STAckers
Between 10k and 20k

Between 20k and 30k

Between 30k and 60k

between 60k and 100k

Between 100k and 250k

Between 250k and 500k

Between 500k and 1mil



Fredrick, Jordan, BOBOS

>> No.19832376

I know Fred is the faggot from early on in the TG, but who is Jordan?

>> No.19832377
File: 88 KB, 712x669, 15B0C48B-8DE7-4AFD-87C5-E158CEA99F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at 15c ATH in about 2 weeks when extrapolating current trend. Chart is incredibly bullish. Patience anons.

>> No.19832440

>every +/- 5%
Try every 1% buddy

>> No.19832511

iirc he sold 130k at some point and was kind of a douche about it. I think it caused the second big dip. I can't remember the details though

>> No.19832817 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 830x629, Screenshot_20200620-185516_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a man.

>> No.19832851

Was that the guy who sold off all he had at like $0.4 for $7,000 profit?

>> No.19832959
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Weren't you stuck at this price yesterday before the audit announcement? I thought that were only were supposed to go up from there.... The whales have been playing games with you all. They are taking profits and people who bought above 3, 5, 6 or even 10 cents will never ever be able to see the gains they are advertising you by just holding. Notice how they resort to the same excuses every single time. That you shouldn't get worried over small fluctuations like this. "It's a three weeks old token and you're expecting it to only go up? Get real and learn to wait you ADHD faggot." The balancer pool is designed to literally prevent this situation, but even when everyone pretends not to sell and hold the price is still going on. It has been proven in the first week that Thanos CANNOT go against the market without enough liquidity, and the current situation is proof that a large portion of the top 100 are silently but surely dumping their bags on you faggots. And they will keep making excuses or trying to reassure you to hold while they get richer on your naive hopes of making it.

Here is the weakness of your foolproof community project, human greed and a lack of communication between the holders to truly make this grow. That, and the painfully obivious lack of new buyers. Let me tell you this : even the exchange listing will not be able to save you from this "crabbing" because there won't be the massive influx you're expecting.
Let me tell you this: tokens being burned do not mean anything in the long run because it's an artificial way of raising the value when a fucking bot is part of the demand for a token produced out of thin air and only held by a few maniacs of the cryptosphere.

Statera is heading nowhere. Because nobody fucking cares and the people who do are getting slowly burned by the whales at the top. Sell now, forget this and move on. Perhaps one day we'll see a true index fund in crypto, but you can forget this one for now. Sell...

>> No.19832990

It was something like that, I don't remember at what price but I remember thinking that he was an idiot. He lost a lot to high slippage too

>> No.19832996

Didn't you say we'd be at 0.03 a week ago?

>> No.19832998

> nobody fucking cares
You seem to care a lot

>> No.19833013

Anons I regret buying I thought we'd never see below 0.06 again

>> No.19833021

What a turd

>> No.19833024
File: 7 KB, 207x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still don't see how there's die hard STArs here. This shit is still speculation, regardless if they are the first or not to make it. I'm holding just to see what happens, but I sold a fat bunch of Statera around 10 cents -- I got in below 1 cent. I cannot believe the gains I made from the first week, I don't know how some are still holding. But who knows. All I know is that this team is ran by some white dude and an african guy, with no linkedin or nothinh. Their website WHOIS leads to an African ISP. Why? What half a million dollar project has a website based in fucking Africa bros?

That aside, I don't understand how this ERC20 Token is booming because of it's deflationary aspects. Who the fuck knew that minting over 100 million tokens, then burning it through transactions + tied to an open source "Balancer" protocol would make it such unique. The problem here that I still don't understand is that: The developers _pre-mined_ a fuck ton of tokens, then they are calling it deflationary because: 1. it burns itself through transactions, 2. the Balancer protocol buys back their tokens, because of the _hard earned money_ that other anons put into the liquidity pool.

How anyone that got in so early and did not sell at the peak, I will never fucking understand. All that statera is a premined token with a burn function + a balancer that buys back the given token that anyone can make on https://balancer.finance/..
Explain to me how this is revolutionary? How can Statera reach $1 if it hasn't broken 15 cents yet?

Inb4 some STA faggot calls me FUD. I've seen genuine questions asked by Anons here, and they get reigned upon STA toxic holders that completely disregard their question and ignore it. Some fucking community this is.

> t. I average sold 300k sta from 10 cents to 8 cents to put into aave last week, am now holding 30k leftovers now to see what happens.

>> No.19833034

>Trevon James
All of the BPT when it's time to exit scam

>> No.19833039

Isn't crypto generally crabbing this week? The 4 other coins have been crabbing, no?

>> No.19833045


>> No.19833049

anons pls advice and don't be mean, ok?
I bought in early and have nice STAstronaut stack. This is incredible money for me (3rd world fag), I've held through the early dips and the crabbing. I have faith in statera but nothing is 100% sure, am I right?

So, I come to ask for advice. I have 2 options. Hold and get rich.
Or cash out and put it into BTC, which we're all expecting to moon.

I know what you will say, if BTC moons, so do the rest of crypto and statera. But I notice still lots of uncertainty, greedy whales, etc. which IMO can prevent the project from going much further.

So, my question is. I cash a big chunk of my STA, maybe 2/3 (we're talking a down payment on a new apartment). and leave the rest for moon mission? or risk it all?

Please try to put yourselves in my place. Any advice will be greatly appreciated

>> No.19833066
File: 15 KB, 300x300, Trevon-James--300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one look at this face and decide if you want to trust it with your money.

>> No.19833082

Then sell 50% if you need the money. I would aleast keep some when it gets released on exchanges. They will start marketing soon.

>> No.19833083

yeah another thing, I don't fall for shitty fud. I want solid advice from rational anons, not low IQ retards

>> No.19833103

50% is rational advice

>> No.19833106

I bought a place in a cabin town... it's in a small subdivision of the cabin town (there's a couple scattered around the lake) and while it does have a decent amount of people around me it's leagues quieter than it was living in the city which was nonstop noise and bullshit. You'd have to pay me alot of money to move back into the city

>> No.19833114
File: 69 KB, 1014x778, 1592695503070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will I do with you guys? Haven't you learned your lesson by now? Look at the cold hard reality for one second here. How many times will you need to be betrayed and lied to before you realize that this token isn't going anywhere? This time around, I'm not baiting or fudding. This is legitimate concern I'm willing to show for fellow /biz/nessmen. I admit that I was myself deeply invested in STA, because the idea, even if poorly implemented could really have shaken cryptocurrency and more specifically the psychological perception people have of it and DeFi in general. STA being an index fund inside this godforsaken and highly volatile market is undoubtedly a strong selling point for seasoned investors.

Selling point that you failed to convey. Why? Because first of all, the dev team is lacking the proper communication skills and network to truly advertise the value behind the project. Otherwise, the generous anon who found out about it wouldn't have had to go so low as to advertise it as a money printing machine. Second, because it doesn't have its place. I'm not saying that there is no use case. It's that the people in crypto aren't looking for guaranteed small gains over time. You are basically trying to convince gamblers to leave their greed behind and contribute to a pool in order to help make the project grow. How many do you think are still holding their tokens and haven't even put 0.0001 STA or ETH in order to maximize their potential gains? Poor Johnathan.
Third, as with all assets in crypto, it does look like a ponzi scheme. On top of that, despite its risk aware investor friendly appearance, you are betting on the success of not one but FIVE cryptocurrencies to pump the value up. And as of right now, the market is not in a good state. But BTC, ETH and Link are, pathetically slowly still, recovering. The same cannot be said for Statera.

For all of you early whales who are still in profit. Make use of the $416k liquidity while there's still time left.

>> No.19833130
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How many statera to make it?

>> No.19833132

It's quite simple really, STA price goes up as long as the pool is funded. You could make another deflationary token with and put it in a pool but you'd have to put as much liquidity as there is for STA to make it a better alternative, so unless you're ready to add 400K to a pool then STA keeps its first mover advantage (which grows stronger as the pool liquidity increases).
Nothing I said here even factors in the potential of a crypto bull run, in which case any pump in BTC / ETH / LINK / SNX would pump STA even more than just the regular trading and burning incurring from the balancer.

>> No.19833158
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x818, Abu-Bakr_and_HEX_creator_are_in_cahoots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons. You might wanna hear about this. I've learned something really dangerous for Statera and its future as a valid investment/token in DeFi. You all remember Trevon James, one of the main figures behind the bitconnect ponzi scheme in 2017-2018? Well, we thought he flied under the radar but here comes an interesting truth : he's still deeply involved with cryptocurrency matters. (Altough, he was reported trying to diversify his investments, looking for properties to buy or rent according to sources.)
The real interesting piece of information in all of this : Trevon James was born from Nigerian parents and has a Nigerian ID with his original name, not the one he currently uses as a US citizen. Clever anons among you have already realized where I'm getting at.
That's right. Trevon James = Abu-Bakr, one of the devs/PR of the current Statera token project. Now I see why the two "projects" share so many similarities, beginning with the magical trading bot (renamed Thanos here for some reason) which apparently guarantees you returns no matter how the market behaves. The fact that you have to lend your money without being able to retrieve it under normal means unless if you're ready to see your profit reduced in half by the slippage is also a strong common point between the two. The signs were there all this time.

Apparently, according to pic related, he's been in cahoots with one of the prominent people behind HEX, who recently exit scammed and left a lot of anons in the red. Seeing as their conversation was held in friendly tone, we can assume that they're working together and have been behind several schemes to rob money out of honest investors trying to make ends meet in this highly volatile market.

This isn't good. Statera looked like a promising project, but it was too good to be true. Exit as soon as you can, before you end up owning enormous bags of a worthless scam token. You've been warned.

>> No.19833184

Please see my first post in this thread. There are tons of greedy STA whales here, don't doubt that, cause they never sold the 13,000% peak 2 weeks ago.

The Statera team still has far ways to go. How the hell they've got half a million in liquidity without proving their Identity is one... These are basic investor worries. How are you going to throw money into something without proof of real non-scammers running the project? You are just going to take their word cause they said so in Telegram? Please. For fuck sakes, the picture of Scott (one of the developers) they keep spreading on 4chan is some white dude in a suit with crosseyes eyes. It sounds to me that this Autistic developer did indeed make a fat come up off a brilliant niche but is not taking the steps further to secure the legitmacy of the project by: Not applying for CEX's as most wants, and not having onions boys shill 4chan/reddit daily threads.

Even if Statera did make it onto a CEX, HOLDERS are just going to DUMP because it's what we all want.

No one wants to buy this shit for a $1, but people want to talk about Statera being worth a dollar. What the fuck is this irony? You won't let people FUD Statera but you want to shill enough so that way bag holders can sell in profit. It's FUCKED UP bros.

Why the fuck should Statera go to a dollar if it can't break 7 cents? Why the fuck should it be worth a dollar if we don't even know who the developers are and what their agenda is?

Prepare for eternal sideways. Statera won't dump now that price discovery seems almost over. With no news coming out, there's no reason for Statera to pump. The only time it does pump is when the market as a whole pumps.

Tell me the fucking incentive to hold a fucking ERC 20 token as a SoV. Do not compare it to Bitcoin or I will automatically assume you are fucking retarded. BTC != ERC20 . Real STA supporters will respond to me with a constructive counter argument, else, this is really just another successful scam.

>> No.19833197

>Their website WHOIS leads to an African ISP. Why? What half a million dollar project has a website based in fucking Africa bros?

Baseless, racist fud.

>> No.19833198


This is what i'm saying. Anyone can create a pool with better tokens, it's just a matter of how well you can advertise or market your pool.

What is it that makes Statera so fucking special that there are hardcore cultist holding this fucking token?

>> No.19833217

This >>19832353 is fairly accurate, although I'd say it's a bit of an exaggeration. I don't see us hitting $100 for years, if ever (of there is another boom like in 2017, sure, but at the current rate it is unlikely). I could be wrong though, I'm not too familiar with how the pricing of this token works, I just believe in the project. Perhaps someone else can chime in and provide additional information.

>> No.19833220

> another salty bag holder that can't counter my argument with a constructive response so you resort to attacking me.

Fuck off idiot, it's people like you in the Statera community that holds it back

>> No.19833223

Fuckin based.

>> No.19833244

Do it then, if you can get a pool going with more liquidity let us know. So far, I've seen people come in stating anybody could create an alternative but no one has done it. Keep in mind as I said that your pool is worthless if you don't have good liquidity, STA has 400K+ liquidity and has been growing consistently over the past few weeks. The token distribution is also quite good, top holder has < 5% of supply so if you were to create an alternative I don't want to see something where few wallets hold > 50% of supply or something ridiculous like that

>> No.19833252

who the fuck cares who the developers are. they made it and it's trustless you stupid idiot.

What part of they launched it and can't tamper with the project anymore is hard to understand? There's not gonna be forks, rugs pulled, liquidity drain. It's not going to come from the devs.

The token is a good idea, for a deflationary one. The pool & the balancing solves the core issue of deflationary tokens. If they're not traded, they don't burn, supply doesn't reduce, and the point is moot. The pool makes it so even if noone is trading statera, it will keep burning.

It's a good bet on crypto, the project works, and devs can't mess with it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.19833258

Implying that Africa as a continent is just one big cesspit. South Africa is Africa, so is Egypt, so is Somalia. These countries are very different, and just because an ISP is based in Africa is a bad thing is racist FUD.

>> No.19833276

>flied under the radar
where do you third worlders come up with this shit?

>> No.19833284
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>> No.19833286
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Reminder that coming to these threads for reasons outside of announcements and shitposting is stupid and a waste of time.

>> No.19833295

1. Not a bag holder.
2. Not part of the Statera community.
3. Not salty.
4. Not trying to counter your argument, purely pointing out how stupid it is to discredit a project because the website is registered by an African.

>> No.19833306
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Ok anon you are talking about it like its one in a life time opportunity and you will never have another one. Jokes on you faggot market wont go away once you cash out it will still do what it does and opportunities still will come. By your post its noticable that this money would change the way you live so why not take some of it? Also dont forget that you need another stack to put on another opportunities that will come in the future. So spend visely, but also dont forget to enjoy.

>> No.19833307

>It's a good bet on crypto, the project works, and devs can't mess with it. That's all there is to it.
good summary
it's betting that all crypto will be pumping

>> No.19833312


Statera holders should feel ashamed of themselves. Just look at these hate responses.

"Who the fuck cares who they are"
Umm, I do. I'm not going to throw 10 racks into an unknown fucking project with anonymous developers you dumb piece of shit. I hope you all lose your money for convincing vulnerable noobs into getting fucking robbed.

There's nothing more SCUM then helping vulnerable anons lose their money by persuading them into a uni scam.

>> No.19833318

At least we are getting high-effort retarded fud now

>> No.19833331

You know their audit was done yesterday and was good right?

>> No.19833347

Why did you quote me? I didn't even mention the developers. If you have any further questions regarding my post let me know

>> No.19833349


This is the thing, anyone could do it. Why should they? So they can scam people of their hard earned monies? Why should I go create a Statera copy, persuade a bunch of 4chan'rs that this is the next big thing and have them market my project for free cause I've helped them pump their bags over 1000%? Exactly...

>> No.19833359

Sorry mate. here's my response towards yours.

>> No.19833370

" High Effort" Are you seriously stupid? This is what's fact you delusional fuck

>> No.19833374

Take out a couple of grand, and let the rest ride. This is brand new, and has tons of potential. It would honestly be idiotic to not keep as much as possible. A down payment on an apartment now, or the entire apartment in a couple of months?

>> No.19833381

>Just look at these hate responses
>all i said was Africa is a diverse country and not necessarily negative in and of itself

Sad to see how hard you are trying to tarnish this coin. I don't know what your motives are but i don't mind - there will always be somebody to take an opposing position

>> No.19833388

You're thinking way too hard about this. This is a simple financial product just like you would find in traditional finance. It has an edge by being deflationary and first mover advantage which has led to the pool growing over 400K in liquidity. This anon explains it well >>19833252

There is no revolutionary tech here, if the pool is funded, price goes up because of its deflationary nature. If crypto pumps, STA pumps. If you want to create an alternative, the difficulty will be in acquiring liquidity that is distributed in the way STA is (i.e. 400K isn't a single whale that could pull its funds out all of a sudden vs. if you were to create a new project where all the liquidity depended on the good will of a single wallet)

>> No.19833394

>muh unknown devs
I guess you really are retarded, so I'll try to spell it out for you:

Devs. Cannot. Tamper. With. The. Project.

There's an audit, the balancer pool has been audited, noone can exit scam. You'd have to worry more abou the community instead of the devs, because that's the only reason the project can die. Not because of unknown devs.

>> No.19833427
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Prepare to get blacked.

>> No.19833428

It's literally bobo posting without the picture

>> No.19833431

he does make a point about the $1.
Let's not kid ourselves, most people will sell at this point, even whales will dump tons of their stack or put up infinite sell walls.

Likely to happen at the current ATH, then at 0.25, 0.50, or any random amont you want to choose. Can STA recover recover from all to actually make it a dollar?

Probably, iwe could see more advertising, more exchange listings, bullish fundamentals of any kind. I will be patient and wait for those things, I have strong hands and just needed to vent a little. If I am considering selling, it is not immediately.

But this anon is not an unreasonable fudder IMO

>> No.19833458

>Can STA recover recover from all to actually make it a dollar?
How would any coin survive? Doesn't every single project have whales? I know you are just fudding, but at least make intelligent arguments

>> No.19833466

boy I hope something cool happens with chainlink tomorrow

>> No.19833477

uhhh, did you read the next line?
>Probably, i we could see more advertising, more exchange listings, bullish fundamentals of any kind. I will be patient and wait for those things
Learn to read or gtfo

>> No.19833490

Okay, calling me sad cause I'm sharing a genuine thought. Fuck yourself you neet.

I'm not thinking to hard about this. I'm saying how it is and counter responding to the fucking idiots who are encouraging dumb anons to buy into a SPECULATIVE PROJECT with ZERO PROOF of identity of the developers.

Now, you can say that Statera is an easy 10x from now...sure.. but that will only attract degen anons, that's hate posting on all my fucking posts.

I get that there is pumpamentals to this token, but to say some dumb shit like "this project is the real deal" when there's ZERO proof of legitment developers is just a fucking dumb. Why help anons lose their money? Fucking scum.

Okay calling me retarded and continuing to believe your jew lies. Who fucking cares for an audit if it's not going to get listed on a CEX that will bring Statera new investors YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT. You believe everything you fucking read on 4chan? I got to admit, the dumb fucks calling abu trevon is retarded as shit, but everything i'm saying is 100% real and questionable. Calling me retarded over genuine questions, literally go fuck your self you fucking scum.

If you can't reason with me, then there's no fucking reason new investors should buy into Statera knowing how fucking retarded these holders are that can't come up with a constructive response.

>> No.19833529

It doesn't matter what the next line was, because the line I addressed was not a valid argument, neither was the fudder you referenced. People have bought btc at $5 and at $20k, it doesn't matter what the price is, so much as it matters what the price WILL be.

>> No.19833532

First you want to know who the devs are cause you're scared it's a scam, now who cares about the audit the problem is CEX.. So what's the problem, the devs, the audit, the scam, CEXes? Gonna keep adding on to that?

Also, they're being taken into consideration, and find me a small project similiar to statera that got CEX listed in 3 weeks from launch.

>> No.19833558

>if it's not going to get listed on a CEX that will bring Statera new investors
Do DEX's not exist?

>> No.19833564
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>> No.19833569

Lol but no one bats an eye at some fat same flannel wearing Russian scammer based out of the Cayman Islands

>> No.19833570

"it doesn't matter what the next line was". Dude, I know you want the best for the project, and wanna make it. I honestly want that too.
But judging from your responses, and the responses from the "fudder" or "bobo without the picture". Sorry to tell ya, he seems way smarter and makes better points than you do.

Still, not selling, not yet at lest :)

>> No.19833576
File: 177 KB, 1920x1080, Renowned-Crypto-Scammer-Trevon-James-Promised-To-Eat-His-Dog’s-Poop-If-Bitcoin-Isn’t-At-10-By-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the auwdit pwooved he's not a dev!

>> No.19833582

Yes, I want to fucking know who the fuck the developers are that's holding HALF A MILLION of ALL OF THE INVESTORS MONEY (including YOURSELF).

Scared of a scam? Who fucking isn't?
How can I not be scared of a fucking SCAM if I don't know who's holding my fucking investments?

Everything you said is a fucking problem. Another problem is that you can't fucking tell me why I should hold Statera as a Store of Value just because they have 3 DeFi tokens in their fucking pool you fucking idiot.

Why the fuck should new investors go on a rainbow unicorn exchange to buy Statera...fucking explain this to me
Fucking explain that shit to me you fucking RETARD


>> No.19833588

>t. fell for a uniswap scam and is mad

>> No.19833594

Honestly I don't know what to tell you, you seem intent on focusing on the identity of the devs although the project is out of their hands at this point since the smart contract has been released. If you want to check the code they added the contract code on Github and also got an audit where no critical vulnerabilities were found.

I never said STA is an easy 10x or that it's the real deal, it's simply a good idea that hasn't been done before and it has found a community which has led to a good distribution of both the token itself and the pool funds. As time passes, STA becomes more and more resilient to market manipulations and if pool liquidity goes to 1M$ it will become significantly more difficult to kill. Provided the project survives long enough, this will be a great way for anybody interested in crypto to invest in what is essentially an index fund tracking the top crypto while benefiting from its deflationary nature vs traditional alternatives.

Hope that clears things up, godspeed anon

>> No.19833595
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Imagine having a low IQ in 2020 bros...

>> No.19833604

Please read my first post. Got in below 1 cent, sold near peek. I've come out successful and now i'm genuinely questioning the project.

>> No.19833612
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>Yes, I want to fucking know who the fuck the developers are that's holding HALF A MILLION of ALL OF THE INVESTORS MONEY (including YOURSELF).
ok so your question is based on not understanding the project at all, good to know.

devs are not holding half a million you goddamn retard it's not their pool, the initial 40k was given in shares to who bought STA v1 and STAC, they held 10$ of that pool, so 4k.

>> No.19833614
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And just like that, the comfy threads are dead. At least this time there seems to be one or two anons asking legit questions instead of fudding blindly, which I appreciate because it leads to actual discussions.

>Who are the devs?
To the people who are doubtful about the devs, the audit basically proved that it wasn't an exit scam. They can't do anything fishy. So even if in the hypothetical scenario when Trevon James of bitconnect was behind it, he wouldn't be able to do anything. Statera is between the hands of the community.

>It's dumping!! It's not going up!! Why should we expect Statera to reach 1$ when we can't even go past 0.07?

Peoole really need to broaden their perspective and look past the short term price fluctuations. I know it's been said constantly but the token is still at a VERY EARLY stage of development. Statera V3 has not been out for more than a month yet, and its starting price was under than 1 penny for god sake. I know we're in crypto, but considering what this token is trying to achieve it would be preposterous to expect this to go through parabolic growth every two weeks or something. Valuable assets tend to take time before being recognized as such, and if you are still doubting over its potential just look at the liquidity pool instead of the price.

>Anybody could do it!
It's too late. Are you ready to produce a project with enough liquidity to topple Statera?

>Greedy people will dump on you as soon as we hit [target price!]
Come on. Every single coin that has made it in the top 50 probably had people afraid of this outcome before they managed to reach this position. It's a moot point because it didn't stop them. Besides,iIf people continue to add liquidity over time, the impact of such dumps will not only reduce but you will save money that you could put back in STA in wait of the next pump when BTC, ETH, LINK and SNX moon.

We're all going to make it. Just wait

>> No.19833615

No, YOU should definitely sell.

Didn't you?

>> No.19833631

Post transaction

>> No.19833635
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>encouraging dumb anons to buy into a SPECULATIVE PROJECT with ZERO PROOF of identity of the developers.

this sentence can also be applied to bitcoin RIGHT NOW

You are trying very hard, i'll give you that

however i'm gonna close this thread and have a spliff, you are not worth my time


>> No.19833654

I meant 10%, fatfingered $ symbol. The pool is trustless. The community provided 415k to it. You get a share by providing to it, and that share is YOURS. Not the devs. Fucking research a project before fudding

>> No.19833661

Thank you for at least answering my concerns without attacking me.

I get that their code is legit, but there's something Statera is missing that's resisting it from breaking 8 cent , and that is why i've come to share my concern. They've got a perfect niche, but needs more transparency and mainly utility.

I say my concern for the identity of the developers is because, maybe if they had a LinkedIn or whatever the fuck, it would show way more credibility and integrity, therefore, pumping price.

>> No.19833666
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don't forget to add coomer doomer

>> No.19833680

>it's another exit scam that'll disappear in a couple of days.
Statera stays alive and well.
>you will get dumped on
price recovers to nearly 50% of ATH and looking bullish
>there's no audit yet
audit happens through hacken
>so what, there is no CEX yet
CEX happens
>this exchange is a joke, it won't moon
moons past the ATH

>> No.19833692

Adam back.


And i've said in earlier post, I was throwing 1 ETH into 4chan scams, and Statera turned out to be the one that turned my 1 eth into a couple hundred, so i'm sharing my concerns for genuine holders by asking genuine questions.

>> No.19833714

>I was throwing 1 ETH into 4chan scams
You clearly aren't very bright if you just throw $200+ at things you believe to be scams. Why would anyone take advice from someone who knowingly puts his money into scams? Your concerns are not genuine, nor valid.
Post transaction.

>> No.19833719

africa is a shit hole country that doesnt have single country thats first world

>> No.19833720
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Price has been growing consistently, in my opinion the chart looks great (pic related)

I understand the point about the devs but it's really not relevant to a project for which the code is already fully released, even if a 6 years old wrote the contract it wouldn't change its validity.

>> No.19833723

>i'm sharing my concerns for genuine holders by asking genuine questions.
First learn how the balancer pool works and that the devs DO NOT own the funds in it, you absolute nigger.

>> No.19833730

You're asking questions based on not understanding the fucking project. The devs do not hold the 415k in the pool. It's not their money.

So now that brings us back to my point. Who cares who the devs are? They cannot pull the 415k out with a button. The code is deployed AND audited. There's no exit scam function inside of Statera's code.

So again, why do you care so much to know the devs face? do you also not invest in BTC because you have no idea who Satoshi is? C'mon dude, if you want to ask legitimate questions that's fine, but there's now a shitton of material to read up on. So read up on it first, then ask questions later, because saying

>Yes, I want to fucking know who the fuck the developers are that's holding HALF A MILLION of ALL OF THE INVESTORS MONEY (including YOURSELF).

Makes it clear you don't understand shit.

>> No.19833747

Tons of exit scams happened in projects led by first world individuals so what's your point?

>> No.19833764

He's just a bad fudder. Simple technique - take a terrible premise (the devs are anon and might be scammers!) ignoring the basic fact that they have zero control anymore and the code is confirmed solid. Then write a bunch of shit based on that premise, the longer, more confusing, more conspiracy-theory the better. Confuse as many anons as possible and win.

>> No.19833769

my point is that it is a fact that africa is a shit hole

>> No.19833775

This. Well said man.

>> No.19833785

South Africa is first world.

>> No.19833791

Can someone explain in very basic terms what this thing does? I like to have a basic understanding before I get a bag.

>> No.19833800

Number go up, but other one down.

>> No.19833803

Please read through the OP, there is lots of information there including videos that break it down in simple terms

>> No.19833808

Yes it is. Also, the Earth revolves around the Sun. How are both of those things relevant to Statera, token that is no longer under dev control but rather the community and the hacken audit corroborates this.

>> No.19833816
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The whole Abu Bakr fud heavily reminds me of the Jason Parson thing with shadow fork rumors and the sybil attacks or something kek well done to whoever had the idea, it seems to be working effectively

>> No.19833822

>the rape capital of the world is first world

>> No.19833834

>I like to have a basic understanding before I get a bag
Don't be lazy anon. I won't tell you to blindly invest. Read the OP. Join the official telegram. If questions, you can ask there as well as on biz. Good luck.

>> No.19833837


I'd say you're bright if you can afford to throw 1 ETH way towards 4chan scams and 100x it.



CREDIBLE projects with REAL developers that has shown their fucking faces. Especially BUIDL. Those nerd fucks even did a Youtube AMA. how the fuck did their 10c token go near a dollar? BECAUSE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. BECAUSE THEY SHOWED THEIR FACES.

DXDAO. Ran by a fuck ton of smart jews, that have a smart contract that does literally everything for them. Why the fuck aren't they hiding their identity?

What is the reason to hide your identity?

Bitcoin is proven to be written by Adam Back in the awakening of the CSW scam.

This is fucking why you need to know who the developers are, so YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE PUTTING YOUR MONEY INTO.

It's not a fucking smart contract, it's the people who WROTE the smart contract. What if the smart contract is written by scammers, but it's guaranteed to pump because the contract says so. Are you fucking serious?

OUR (yes i'm a hodler) is in an unkown smart contract written by UNKNOWN developers. That's who's holding our fucking money

>> No.19833842
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>Jason Parson
Jason Parser*

>> No.19833843

Look it up, retard. First, second, and third world don't actually correlate to living standards

>> No.19833849

Post transaction, or you are a larp

>> No.19833857

I don’t understand anything in the OP.

>> No.19833862

It's designed to pump by unknown devs. By fudding it, you are instantly an indian scammer, apparently.

>> No.19833865


>> No.19833868

Yeah let me share you my tx so you can see my who ledger... no thanks. I don't care if you think i'm larping, I'm speaking to those who are conc

>> No.19833873

Look the people trying to use south africa to discredit statera are fud retards. With that said, let's not call a country where whites are literally being gradually genocided by black thrash, a first world country, okay?

>> No.19833877

Scott Botha's identity is available online fucking retard, along with Abu-Bakr.

>> No.19833881

Post a screenshot and blur it out retard it’s not that fucking hard

>> No.19833882

you're still not addressing the fact that you didn't understand shit about it and you still blabber that devs are holding our fucking money (which they aren't)

sell what's left of your 30k stack and move on with your life my man. it's not just worth it

>> No.19833886

Would it make you feel better if the team publicly planned a video interview with the developer?

>> No.19833900

>so you can see my who ledger
lol wut? You just outed yourself as a retard or a larper. No one should listen to your advice either way. At least speak proper English

>> No.19833904
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Watch this.

>> No.19833937

I agree with what you say about S Africa, but it is defined as a first world country. I didn't decide that, but it is true. It does have shit like web-hosting servers that can host websites.

>> No.19833939

What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't even know what Statera does except pump cause "the balancer buys back statera" or that "the pool tokens are pumping which makes sta pump" you fucking retard. It's not fucking hard to make your own token and spread it over 30 ethereum accounts if you ever decided you want to exit scam.

Take a look who's been adding to the fucking Uniswap pool. They are GHOST holders. The fucking tokens that's in their addresses are literally ALL 4 CHAN SCAMS. These fuckers providing liquidity for STA have stake in all 4 chan scams. How the fuck does that not bother anyone.

(By giving uniswap liquidity, you are giving away YOUR OWN MONEY for the sake of providing to buyers/sellers on uniswap. It's a no win situation, UNLESS YOU ARE THE DEVELOPER.)

yeah let me post a screenshot holder faggots can tell me that's it's edited. True toxicity.

>> No.19833959

FUCK YES. All you had to fucking say.
A video o

Fuck off low-iq responder. Easier to type one line of indeniable bullshit than actually defend your fucking bag you pathetic piece of shit.

How about you answer my fucking questions over my concerns about the very project you baghold?

>> No.19833963

>The fucking tokens that's in their addresses are literally ALL 4 CHAN SCAMS
Said the guy that throws money at scams to see what sticks

Post transaction or you are a larp. No one can steal your money by looking at the tx

>> No.19833991

I don't know what it does but you're the one saying devs hold our money. Also there's 4 exchanges for STA now, so if whoever provided to uniswap pool removes it, boo fucking hoo. We'll move to bamboorelay or saturn which require no liquidity pools, or whatever exchange pops up in the next week.

And again, I am the one who doesn't understand what Statera does. At this point it's just dumb arguing with you, so whatever.

>> No.19833994

You can see my wallet. I hold STA, BPT, and the four coins in the pool. I don't invest in shitcoins. I actually do research and find legitimate projects to invest in before I spend a dime.

Post wallet, lets see what you are investing in

>> No.19834003

So a total of 18 FUD POSTS so far. Keep it up anon. Meanwhile, the price keeps on pumping. Lmfao.

>> No.19834016

1900 Holders!

>> No.19834052
File: 93 KB, 600x612, 1591057756038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders losing control, it's a sight to see!

>> No.19834057

> we're already on multiple exchanges
Those are DEX's. anyone can add a smart contract to those places man, it's not something you actually have to apply for.. _anyone can get on those dex exchanges_.

You said so yourself you don't even know what the fucking fuck it does, and i'm here asking THOSE FUCKING QUESTIONS FOR YOU. Holy fuck....

Please explain to me why STA is a legitment hold then. Please fucking tell me why I should be telling people to go all-in STA as the next big thing like a blabbering mouth transgender faggot as if it's the next big thing, as most say it is.

You say you don't invest in shitcoins yet you're on nigger swap doing the very exact thing you said you don't do.

You say its legitment, then please, tell me fucking why, because the OP posts don't seem to cover this fucking shit other than that it's designed to pump because the unknown devs programmed it to.

>> No.19834062

kek 24 hours ago it was almost at 0.08 and now being at 0.067 is pumping. I'm heavily invested in Statera but this is cope and I'm thinking I should buy comp instead

>> No.19834072

So a total of 19 FUD POSTS so far. Keep it up anon. Meanwhile, the price keeps on pumping. Lmfao.

>> No.19834079

Well they've publicly planned a video interview with the developer, your concerns are valid desu

>> No.19834085

You lack basic reading comprehension too on top of being mentally challenged. I know perfectly what it does, you're the one that does not. You thought the 415k pool was owned by the devs. Now you're saying that's uniswap liquidity pool, and that's also wrong cause it's 2 different ones you idiot.

>And again, I am the one who doesn't understand what Statera does.

I gotta point out sarcasm too now eh? It's sarcasm. There.

>> No.19834086


18 concerned posts by a bag holder. Wow such surprise. I've seen over 20posts of an STA holder that's done nothing but call people fudders and retards without counter arguing any of the bobos like a smart anon would.

Pumping? a $2,000 buy can send STA almost 5% up. Until we break 10 cents, my original fucking sell entry, then this shit is not mooning.

Until STA break 15cents, we won't see a dollar any time soon without my said concerns being addressed: Identity of the developers and a CEX listing.

>> No.19834103


>> No.19834117

i dont think this fudder is very smart - all txs are public and so anybody really can find a wallet that's done a big transaction and claim it was theirs.


its an index bro. Its a long term investment in the idea of the crypto space. Anybody selling now is short sighted imo. Crypto will never die, only get stronger. Many will fall away to the big ones. This one isn't here to compete, it will grow alongside the others

>> No.19834137


You can't comprehend that some fucking white guy and african guy is running this token and successfully raised half a million without showing their identity. They don't need "DEV" wallets cause they have spreaded their STA on multiple accounts fucking obviously.

I bet you fucking bag holders didn't even know that STA is older than 2020 and has been around for awhile. It's literally come back alive out of nowhere as a V3 with STILL an unknown team. You cannot be this naive to think that the top 30 holders are actually some of the devs.

What the fuck do you guys have against me for wanting to know their Identity? You poor delusioned bastards resorting to attacking me than to explain to me why STA is THE ONE.

>> No.19834142

>it's an index bro
>crypto will never die
holy cope yikes
comp is a safer bet

>> No.19834153



Who the fucking cares that Statera is just another index. Unfucking believable that peopl think Statera is the first index fund when AAVE is. STA is just one of the many, but what they do different is that it's deflationary.

>> No.19834154

It doesn't matter where it started at. Projects don't start on Coinbase, retard. The are lots of legitimate tokens trading on uniswap, it isn't the exchange that is the problem. It is a legitimate hold because it does something that no other coin does, and that function will be very valuable. If you are too dumb to understand the value, then I can't help you, but you have been shitting up the /Stag/ threads for a couple of weeks, which tells me that you DO understand the value, you just want other people to sell to increase your bags. If your concerns were organic, you would have left with your profits and we wouldn't see you again until you fomo in at 25c. You won't post the tx that you claim to have sold at 15c, you won't post your wallet either.

>> No.19834158
File: 71 KB, 1588x430, 1592698410172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOU cope you moron. Look at this steadily increasing graph and cope all day long.

>> No.19834169



These are REAL index fund tokens. Not this Statera BULLSHIT with unknown developers.

>> No.19834183

I think you are too dumb to notice the value of STATERA when you did not fucking sell near peak all time high after it jumped over 30,000% you dumb fuck

>> No.19834202

>anybody really can find a wallet that's done a big transaction and claim it was theirs
He gave very specific parameters, so it would take ages to find one that meets his description. He won't post the tx because he can't.

>> No.19834207

0.066 now
you will keep coping

>> No.19834211

bullish as fuck

>> No.19834221

I'm not taking advice from someone who throws money at scams in hopes that one of them isn't lol. Fucking retard

>> No.19834254

That's why you are in here stuck holding STA cause you don't know what the fuck it does but except a bunch of anons told you to buy it, so naturally, you've come to defend your bags that you can't afford to lose. Cope harder poor fag. Sorry you didn't get below 1 cent and sold a 30k% up within a week.

>> No.19834274

Sooo. Where does the extra value come from over just making your own index folio of those crypto’s?

>> No.19834278

your pathetic chart means nothing you fucking piece of shit scammer. The very second it goes below 0.065 and I'll transfer everything into COMP.

>> No.19834281

>23 posts by this ID
Anons, the hidden agenda leaked out eventually.
His first comment - I average sold 300k sta from 10 cents to 8 cents to put into aave last week
Latest comment - AAVE and COMP are REAL index fund tokens.

Summary - please sell your Statera and come pump my bags you retards.

>> No.19834304

I know all about the project and how it works.
I bought at $0.0034 and nobody held my hand to do it. I don't invest in shitcoins. Post transaction larper.

>> No.19834326

Why not do it now?

>> No.19834330


Just read the Hacken audit.... They're one of the best auditors in the business.

>> No.19834340

He won't be able to provide an answer because there's no value. It's a purely speculative asset relying on new buyers to give food to the earliest ones, that's it kek
You're just forced to contribute into the pool if you don't want this to happen to you. Give up this shitcoin and go with COMP instead
Sure. Keep coping more as the price steadily decreases, we're now at 0.060
I did

>> No.19834367

Post transaction

>> No.19834387
File: 71 KB, 620x673, 1574560763859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post transaction

>> No.19834395

Holy shit. 25+ posts. You’re the biggest loser I’ve ever seen on biz. If you really bought in at under one cent and sold the top go enjoy your profits. I know you didn’t because you aren’t. You’re a jealous petty bitter little boy.

>> No.19834404

Oh, you can't?

>> No.19834411
File: 31 KB, 926x642, Screenshot (2328).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're now at 0.060
No, we're at 0.066 you monkey. Also, the graph is bullish as fuck.

>> No.19834422

Lmfao you think my post count is surprising? you obviously weren't here for the 10+ stag threads where 3 dudes with over 15+ posts calling all bobo's retarded and telling them to kill themselves for questioning the legitimacy of Statera you fucking faggot.

You're calling REAL index fund tokens FUD/SCAM yet buying into one without knowing their true intentions. The state of /stag/ holders.

Too fucking bad you didn't get on these true index tokens because you were too busy buying unicorn scams. These true index fund tokens are already pumping to the fucking stars, but yeah go ahead, keep coping that Statera will get their someday when it's fact that no one knows who the fuck the developers are and without a CEX listing to _BRING NEW BIG INVESTORS_ into Statera.

Btw, if anyone thinks throwing 1 eth into 4chan is retarded, then you are obviously a broke fag and will never make it so you have to bash at someone. Look what happened when I threw 1 ETH into POWER and STA weeks ago. Worth more than your fucking pathetic portfolio.

Why haven't you flipped this unicorn scams and put your profits to REAL tokens with REAL value? Cause you're fucking retarded, that's why.

>> No.19834429

I'm reading conflicted opinions ITT. Right now, the price seems to be between 0.06 and 0.07cents. Is it a good entry point or should I risk waiting for it to go below 0.05?

>> No.19834433

Anyone still holding STA after a 30k % pump is the biggest loser i've ever seen.


>> No.19834446

I doubt its going to go below 5c, but I can see it going to 6c maybe, since it's on a downwards trend currently, at least 6.5c.

>> No.19834447

Just don't touch this shit. I made the mistake of doing so and am at a loss now. Buy compound or something that's actually going up.

>> No.19834467

It's flucuating like that cause it only takes a $1,000 market buy or sell to move the price more than 3%. It's fucking illiquid. Then moon boys are surprised over a 20% crab jump cause some RETARD spent over 10 ETH on STA.

>> No.19834486
File: 30 KB, 917x637, Screensht (2328).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this graph and judge yourself where this is headed anon. Good luck. Also, read the OP and DYOR.

>> No.19834494

It's a pretty decent entry point. You could wait to see if it goes down to 6c or so, but it probably won't go below that. Ignore the retarded fudders, they have been doing this since day 2 to increase their stacks

>> No.19834503

Still waiting on that transaction, sweetheart

>> No.19834510


The rest of the crypto market is currently crabbing. LINK went down and slowly going back up. Once BTC and others lift off, STA will also due to the portfolio. Think future.

>> No.19834536

Why do we waste so much time not talking about STA and instead have fun mocking the clearest bait

t. fuck whales and mods poster

>> No.19834555

I’m a millionaire. I don’t need to sell my stack. In fact I’ve already sold for my initial plus. Why not ride it out? Yet you no longer have skin the game and you are utterly obsessed. Wtf dude. Go get a life. Go out. It’s Saturday night. Enjoy life with your profits.

>> No.19834599

I don't think it's going to make a difference in the long run, since we're talking in cents here. I hope the project is worth it. I've been reading and saw the videos made by A great, the idea sounds promising and from what I'm seeing ITT most of the replies against the FUD don't reek of pajeet-tier arguments which is a plus.
If I wanted to buy something else I would have gone into another thread
You're not telling me anything new here. It's often like that with new shitcoins
I did. I don't believe in TA though
>Once BTC and others lift off, STA will also due to the portfolio. Think future.
It's why I was considering buying in the first place, actually. The videos were pretty clear and insistent on this thing. You buy if you hope that the coins in the pool are expected to go up which will prompt the balancer pool to use STA in order to maintain that equilibrium. What's interesting here is that even without any human interaction (well, almost more like, since you have to add into the balancer pool to make it work efficiently) it is still technically possible for the value to go up. And you don't need to put high amounts of money to buy STA compared to BTC or even ETH. Even if it doesn't go far, the idea is worth throwing one or two bills which I'll do as soon as my binance withdrawal is done.

Thanks anons

>> No.19834640

> 37 posts
None with a valid constructive response back to my Statera concerns. Fuck off soiboy.

I don't need to prove shit to a useless loser like your self that's done nothing but help people but call people stupid and retarded for sharing genuine concerns over the project.

We are at the biggest fucking resistance level since the March crash. If BTC dumps here, you guys are genuinely fucked. We'll be seeing $3 link like earlier the other day, and sub $1 SNX, all after BTC drops back to $8,000.

What the fuck are you going to do then when you're STA is bound to ETH price and comes crashing down? Good luck exiting the market through uniswap, it'll be a fucking rat race of a dump. Be sure to set your slippage over %1 cause no one will be buying this shit when BTC dumps.

Imagine being selfish asshole like yourself and not sharing your concerns over the very project that made me you so much money.

How about you fuck off mr millionaire?

>> No.19834657

are you still crying you autistic virgin?
Nobody cares you're autistically obsessed with seeing the faces of the devs so you can wank to them. seriously stfu and stop being such an obnoxious annoying pathetic weepy sniveling whiny coward if this token is so shit to you. sell all your holdings and go play with some other token and stop shitting up the thead cuz your autism is flairing up and you cant handle people investing in things you claim you dont like.

God damn purge of group home retards like you when?

>> No.19834667


How about you stop shitting up the fucking /biz/ board with your daily /STAG/ threads that no one gives a fuck about?
Exactly. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19834673

It sounds like you have a clear understanding of it. Welcome aboard! We should be getting new exchanges soon, and the whitepaper is being finished up, and should be released soon.

>> No.19834693

This didn’t make me a millionaire. Have been for awhile. Sorry commie.

>> No.19834703

>genuine concerns
It isn't genuine, you were doing this same thing with the same arguments last week. If they were legitimate, then you would have left. No one would invest this much energy into a project they are not financially invested in. I'll repeat: Post transaction, or you are a larp.

>> No.19834713

You are seething so hard. Take a break brother.

>> No.19834717

Shift + left click

>> No.19834755

Oh wow the autistic raging virgin cant actually fire back with why he's here being an annoying obnoxious retarded virgin having autistic tantrums over a coin instead he just goes waaaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaaa pls no talk bout token waaaaaa.

Again if you hate this token so much stfu sell what you have and go invest in some shit coin like scamstink or rcr and quit dragging the community down because you're obsessed with the devs looks like a queer obsessed with sucking more cock daily.

Again stfu and stop talk stop replying stop posting stop existing stop anything in this community you're obviously to mentally unstable and stupid to grasp anything about this token and you also refuse to obviosly refuse to do any research into and just obsess over muh devs face muh devs face muh devs dick.
nobody cares about their looks cuz they have no power over the token and cant exit scam. Thats why your' autistic meltdowns and constant tard posting is obnoxious the devs have nothing to do with how the token does and you autistically fixated on it and wont stfu about muh devs dick. Seriously group home retards like you dont deserve to be allowed on the internet because you're obviously to stupid for it

now stfu and go shit up a scamstink thread with your autistic virginal ways

>> No.19834807

Some guy on telegram pmed the balancer team and found out that one asset pooling is coming next week. This will make it much easier to add to the balancer pool

>> No.19834824

weren't you claiming concern about the developers identity? now you want people to stop talking about sta on a hyper obscure rice trading forum?

>> No.19834891

he's an autistic queer obsessed with the devs look so he knows who he's wanking his smol virginal peepee too. just laugh and ignore the troll

>> No.19834966
File: 3.14 MB, 3840x2160, statart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to quell any concerns about the project.

Dev is Scott Botha who frequents /biz/

Dev Wallet is 1,2,14,26

Balancer is the Platform. yes there are other funds(over 100+)

Thanos is just a name given to the burn function in the smart contract.

Statera is a token that burns during transaction.

Statera is also bought and balanced in 1 of the Balancer funds

Exit scam is possible if a coordinated effort was to "liquidate" the pool.

Having researched everything and actually understanding what the project is I now own a comfy stack ~100k STA ($6875) I fully expect to lose this money, that is the menatlity I choose to go in with. But in the back of my mind I have a feeling this is going to Moon, partly because not a lot of people actually understand what Staera and the Balancer do. all there hear is "1st crypto indesx fund" technically and factually that's not true. Scott and others already created another balancer fund using the DZAR stable coin for the other project he is working on about a month prior to Statera. This is where the idea came to life adding the balancer with he's other previous project the burn token.

Fudders can cope ,cry and scream all they want, but some of us will have actual adult high IQ discussions about this project.

Anyway Ask way fudders give me your best fud to dispell.

>> No.19835051

Good post. I think the fudders finally left

>> No.19835085

Thanks Scott

>> No.19835260


>>You buy if you hope that the coins in the pool are expected to go up which will prompt the balancer pool to use STA in order to maintain that equilibrium.

Think of this way, if BTC, LINK, ETH and SNX rises and STA goes down, then it's a big red flag. But STA is crabbing as those big players are crabbing as well. BTC's been hovering around $9300 all the past week (even now) and ETH's been stuck at $230 to $235 yet I don't think anyone (except fudders) are saying those coins are irrelevent in crypto.

Crabbing now as the market crabs is a lot better than tanking. I'm hoping STA captures the momentum upwards when the bullrun starts. Or atleast upward movement. It just hasn't done so yet and I shall wait.

>> No.19835280

This anon fucks

>> No.19835311

This is IF there is any upward movement, to begin with. I'm in anyway, so let's see what happens now.

>> No.19835312

I just burned 2000 sta when I sold 200k last night. You’re welcome.

>> No.19835433


The overall upward movement is the big bet after all. If you thought crypto as a whole isn't going up in the future, I don't honestly think STA could change your mind.

>> No.19835663

It literally can not stop dumping. I regret buying this so god damn much.

>> No.19835721
File: 6 KB, 222x227, 1586504420945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon. We'll be again below 0.06 kek

>> No.19835730
File: 258 KB, 1080x1158, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better sell! Cut your losses! I can tell you how to tie a noose, if you want.

>> No.19835791

Ive got a lot more to dump too. Apologies.

>> No.19835833

if you're for real. May I ask the reason you're dumping?
Not judging, just genuinely curious

>> No.19835931
File: 297 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20200621-130544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STA doesn't seem to be a PnD, but doesn't seem like it will do anything anytime soon...

I already lost 2+ ETH on this, why should I invest in it again?

Also, ledger nano support, when?

>> No.19835955

>Ledger support

You can use a hardware wallet with metamask.

>> No.19835957

Dumps every weekend

>> No.19836054

What the fuck is happening

>> No.19836057
File: 831 KB, 1077x581, 1592095044102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden trend line broke

Only thing Statera is good for the 15-60% eth scalp crabbing.

Good luck soiboys

>> No.19836068

It's burning boys

>> No.19836076

Someone from the top 15-20 exited selling 50K STA at a time, weak hands.

>> No.19836078
File: 614 KB, 4663x4730, Central_Africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did not read, sold everything
this is where statera is from as far as everyone knows. pic related

>> No.19836084

Did you finish jerking off your friends?

>> No.19836089
File: 16 KB, 469x314, 1592096119789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Burning a premined token

Wow such revolutionary tech bro. you guys are fucking idiots. Thank god that you have not missed the LEND train. Please, Sell your scam, buy LEND, and thank me later when LEND gets to $1 before STA does.

>> No.19836095

>buying the latest fad that pumped every day for a week
>selling dips
not gonna make it

>> No.19836105

Balancer has been untouched, and looks like someone is buying up all the dips, actually bullish.

>> No.19836118

also the person who sold bought something called Meridian Token... MDN...

>> No.19836119
File: 49 KB, 728x410, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burning tokens while distributing the supply, softening later dumps. Couldn't be more comfy...

>> No.19836132

Holy shit we are burning so much right now. Whale must be selling

>> No.19836158
File: 142 KB, 1334x717, listen_to_us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still holding sta after it has pumped to mars 30000% within 7 days

a schizo + never going to make it

>> No.19836164

Top 20 literally dipped for this actual scamcoin lmfao >>19834598

>> No.19836167

One is. He sold some about 12 hours ago and some more just now. Probably what held the price down today.

>> No.19836169

Statera won't die because even if it goes to a cent I will buy it all up and hodl forever

>> No.19836173

Just wait until the audit is done then we’ll see some serious gains

>> No.19836186

Still waiting on that transaction, larper

>> No.19836188

Dang. Not smart

>> No.19836192

Someone want to bake?

>> No.19836193

are you using internet exploret? audit was done already

>> No.19836230

Holy fucking kek
> Waiting for ill gains
you've already missed it

>> No.19836249

Post wallet

>> No.19836275

back to 6c again, your bags were bought

>> No.19836276


>> No.19836287


>> No.19836291

Damn. Really thought we might have a great chance at low 5 cent.

>> No.19836298

Thanks, baker

>> No.19836332
File: 91 KB, 512x338, 1566429676405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of cope ITT is getting.... strangely amusing. Burning, buying the dip. And yet we're still going lower and lower.
I suppose the cult mentality is now active in full force. Who said that we'd never be below 0.06 cents again? Sell now before you lose everything.

Putting the gay bobo posting aside for one second. Have you realized how much more whales need to sell now to impact the price by that much? I unironically can't believe what I'm seeing with my very eyes. Three weeks ago it only took 14k US dollars to tank the price, now even sell orders of 60k US dollars are easily brushed off and make the accumulation phase shorter and shorter because the dips aren't as strong. I guess that's another whale biting the dust. For all the people waiting on the sidelines, do what you will with this information but let me say this : I WILL KEEP BUYING EVERY SINGLE DIP and make my STACK GROW no matter what.
I fucking can't believe it anons, what it'll be like in one month from now I wonder.

>tfw I'm guaranteed to make it from this point on, may it take months or years
>the supply keeps decreasing and the liquidity keeps increasing
>kyber soon
>people becoming more and more aware

See you on the moon anons and don't ever think about selling. People falling for the FUD don't deserve to make it

>> No.19836385

Based fudder