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19826889 No.19826889 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth dropping $250 on the diamond membership for a month to brag about my btc stack and hit up women?alot of these thots seem like genuine girls I can respect no bullshit even if it is all transactional

Would I be a minnow among whales by only having a 70k income and 100k net worth?

>> No.19826907
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>mfw it doesnt matter what i do, ill never get a bird

>> No.19827126


>> No.19827134

Is the word

>> No.19827147

Everyone's talking about the bird

>> No.19827151

But you can have this (you)

>> No.19827182

I actually had a membership last year. It's essentially an escort service. 99% of the women are either single moms or post wall single mothers. The actual high quality sugar babies expect a lot more money and are very rare.

If you just want to plow through hundreds of hot twenty something single mothers for one to two hundred bucks a pop, then it's easy mode and definitely worth the price. Some of these women are so stupid you can just leave them in and not even pay then.

SA is not a dating site though. Keep that in mind at all times.

>> No.19827283

I’ve seen a lot of fit college ladies but don’t live in nyc or anything so I don’t know how expensive they are can’t do 10k a month though haven’t seen many single moms in my area dont want to buy and waste 250 if its a scam

>> No.19827346

It's an expensive scan with 99 percent fake profiles and the rest completely retarded ugly single mums. Just go out and talk to girls, it's works way better.

>> No.19827383

the site is legit (as in, there’s thots there to fuck for money). move the conversation to ig where you can to assess if the profile is real

>> No.19827523


Majority of the really hot ones are scammers that want you immediately send them money by a cash app.

>> No.19827584

girls on there will try to extort you and threaten to notify your family, friends and workplace. AVOID

>> No.19827622

That sounds hot as fuck.

>> No.19827677

>If you just want to plow through hundreds of hot twenty something single mothers

throw in some college babes and you have tinder. Why not get a tinder? Do you faggots have any game? Or are you guys ugly? lmao. I smash on tinder all the time 7's through 10's

>> No.19827708

Based coombrain

>> No.19827805

Hinge in my area (ATL) has the highest quality girls. Just be in shape and have a social life, pretend to want to date and ask them to meet for drinks. I get like 10-15 girls numbers a week and I barely put in any effort.

>> No.19828047


The issue with chasing short term pleasures is that one day you'll wake up and it won't satisfy you anymore.

>> No.19828721

>implying OPs image has a bird in it
Just two gay men looking at a third

>> No.19828824
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> SA is not a dating site though.

>> No.19828991

Used to know one girl who did this site
She was a heroin/coke junky with a child from an unknown negro father
She was white trash btw

>> No.19829019

>paying in order to book an escort

just go directly to the escorting website loser

>> No.19829088

Real talk; fuck this shit. My dad uses this website and has spent so much money on this one hot bitch that he met on there. The fucked up thing about it is that if she admitted she was a prostitute I could respect it somewhat, but both he and her just pretend that she isn't, despite that being exactly what she is. People go into debt taking care of these dumb whores and yeah that's their problem and choice but damn if the whole thing isn't sad and pathetic. My dad had a family once, now he has a woman with nothing to offer the world but her looks.

>> No.19829099

And encouraging this hedonistic culture ruins it for people who want to be serious. I have money and I just want to jump out of a building chase it can’t fix my problems.

>> No.19829112


>> No.19829116

Do you like shallow, narcissistic gold digging whores?

>> No.19829663

Don't worry anon, soon her beauty will fade and she will have nothing to offer at all.

>> No.19830561

The majority are not escorts. More like women who are open to being mistresses. It's okay to go on dates and enjoy each other's company.

In my experience in NY there are a mix of hookers, escorts, college students who need money, college students who are there "because everyone on tinder only wants to fuck anyway, I might as well get some money", women who have boyfriends but need money, etc. Someone who is looking for a traditional boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is very rare.

I met just one girl who wanted a genuine boyfriend who could also pay her rent and living expenses. She was far hotter than anyone else I saw on that site, anyone else I've ever met in real life, and even most Instagram models, so she won't have trouble finding that.

The common thing? All of them want or need money. So you need to be able to provide that. If a woman is hot she already has tons of guys offering her fancy dates without the site so you're not doing her a favor if you buy her dinner.

Be polite, dont be explicit (it comes across as super creepy). Be clear that you're looking for something "mutually beneficial". Maybe you want to find someone to meet you at a hotel for an hour once a week, or maybe you want someone to try new restaurants with and then go to a hotel once a week. Tell them that. If you want to do something specific sexually then tell them that like you'd tell any girlfriend. If it's something you must have then tell them up front but still don't be creepy about it- act like you're talking to a girlfriend not ordering a meal.

Read the sugar lifestyle forum on reddit to get a guide on expectations, what are typical amounts of financial assistance, and so on.

>> No.19830711

>The actual high quality sugar babies expect a lot more money and are very rare.
Where do you live? In NYC it's more like 60% unattractive women, 30% decent ones you'd meet on tinder, 9% hot enough you would be excited to meet on tinder because they'd never swipe you back, and 1% so hot that you'd never even see them on tinder and it would be rare to ever see or meet someone as hot as them in person.

> Some of these women are so stupid you can just leave them in and not even pay then.

People do stupid and naive things when they are desperate. Please don't do this to people anon.

I use it like sort of a dating site myself but I'm up front that I want dates and romance and a true friendship but no commitment or expectations of it lasting forever or longer than a year. If you told people that on tinder you'd never meet them but some are open to it on SA.

Again, though, there are lots of women looking for different things so finding out how they imagine an arrangement looking is important.

A number really are escorts and they really do just want to meet in a hotel for an hour for $500 to $1500 so make sure both sides know what to expect.

If you want a girlfriend you probably won't find it unless you are up front about it, are willing to look for a long time, and are still willing to offer the kind of financial assistance she's looking for.

For me, the hottest one asked to move forward with an arrangement with me and then told me after I agreed that she wants an actual serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, not friends with benefits or a mistress situation.

>> No.19830814

>can’t do 10k a month though
Even in NYC $10k a month would be a lot

The hottest lady I met agreed to $3500 a month but she also wanted a serious relationship. I talked to someone almost as hot who wanted $1000 per meet or $6000 a month for NSA stuff.

I met a college student who just wanted to use it as a tinder replacement to find a fwb where she also got $500 each time she met him.

I met someone who was both working and going to grad school and needed $700 a month to fit her budget.

There is a wide range and even some who come across as escorts might be willing to accept something like $500-1000 per meet. The reddit forum I mentioned has a spreadsheet of average reported allowances by region.

>> No.19830871

There's tons of young and pretty women on tinder but I don't want to wait weeks to get a date with someone who is in the top 1% of the hottest.

SA lets you skip straight to the people who look like models.

>> No.19831065
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>> No.19831089

>you will get bored of pursuing your prime biological purpose to the fullest extent

>> No.19831153
File: 20 KB, 220x303, 220px-White_House_Press_Briefing_(49866894636)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the current dating scene in America bunch of single mom adults who never learned how to talk and seduce whores so they have to pay an arm and a leg a month to ride the town's bicycle

Dude seriously, all of you, just fucking stop, walk down the street and just ask random women if they're down to fuck I can guarantee you within the first week you'll slay 3 whores that are probably sexier and their pussies can actually be eaten unlike any of this prostitutes you fucking idiots are paying bundles sometimes just for their bath water.

Seriously, just fucking stop already, nut up and act like a fucking human being the only time you pay women is to do the dirtiest most degrading shit only cash can buy like ass to the other girls mouth and shit like that.