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19822545 No.19822545 [Reply] [Original]

When does life get better?

>> No.19822567
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>> No.19822570 [DELETED] 


>> No.19822917


after death lol

any Muslim will tell ya

>> No.19822948

be happy faggot, at least you're not dying from cancer.
get some whores, cocaine and live a little

>> No.19822959

When you have enough money for necessities and moderate luxuries without having to work.

>> No.19822991

When u cut out sugar and go carnivore diet

>> No.19822993
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When seppuku senpai

>> No.19823010

when you get a house

>be rentcuck
>5 years pass
>nothing new

>be Mortgagechad™
>5 years pass
>"hey, I have tens of thousands of dollars in equity. I could do a cash-out re-finance and buy a boat/car/invest for simply being alive and paying "rent"

>> No.19823245

you're in for a nasty surprise anon

>> No.19823257

When you have a lot of money

>> No.19823278
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>> No.19823289
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when you make it better

start lifting and start saving anon

>> No.19823293
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When you go back to church and remember that Jesus loves you and will always be there for you.

>> No.19823297
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Once you realize the full power of AAVE
You don't even have to cash out, ever.

>> No.19823303

Good question.

>> No.19823313


>> No.19823316

>9 offspring

>> No.19823321
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When you start being grateful for all we built for you young zoomer.
Oh, and take control of your life, stop making excuses and start doing what you want to do. Just get started.

>> No.19823362
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>> No.19823379

It doesn’t
I think I’m gonna kill myself in a few months

>> No.19823431

>start doing what you want to do.
has there ever been worse advice from boomers than this

>> No.19823656
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Back in our day, I guess we aspired to fill great roles in society: astronaut, oil explorer, soldiers, marine biologist, fantasy author, policeman, skyscraper builder.
Zoomers aspire to be YouTubers or Game Streamers. So I guess you're right, it is bad advice. Until zoomers stop desiring short-term wish fulfilment, and start desiring to do useful, lasting work for all humanity, then they will never feel purpose in life.

>> No.19823685

are you scared of dying?

>> No.19823686

rolling for the baby

>> No.19823693

i guess i could work with that

>> No.19823752

Are you saved, /biz/?

>> No.19823758


>> No.19824535

They're all brown eyed

>> No.19824552

I just found out my wife is having a miscarriage 2 days ago. It was our first pregnancy. I was SO excited to be a dad. One of the worst feelings ever. 2020 can go fuck itself.

>> No.19824592

So was Hitler.
No problem there.

>> No.19824601

Because brown eyes are the dominant gene or whatever

>> No.19824602

based and red meat-pilled

>> No.19824603
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All pregnancies have a 30% chance of miscarrying, which is why women should never mention being pregnant to friends/family until the second trimester. That's just how it is fren.

>> No.19824648

That’s only with inferior white/western women. My triad gook wife got pregnant 10 times and all of them were delivered to full term and we did it out in the jungles surrounded by nature and positive ions, not any of that garbage westernized medical industrial complex that
Profits off killing and injuring babies and stealing the stem cells in the umbilical cord and placenta. We delayed chord clamping and all our kids are climbing trees barefoot and catching fish with their bare hands. Too bad white fucks can never experience true freedom jungle life.

>> No.19824689

I'm Christian and still want to kill myself.

>> No.19824754

Could just be genetic.

>> No.19824795

This. Also buy link.

>> No.19824903

Must be Catholic or some liberal denomination

>> No.19824913

No I'm not Catholic or liberal at all.

>> No.19825749

It will be ok mate, mine miscarried early last year but right now she's 22 weeks pregnant. It was bad for a month or so after, then we got back into our lives, and then the joy of her carrying this one is more amazing. Every day is an achievement.

>> No.19825774

The girl I was fucking in Thailand got pregnant in December. It was the best feeling in the world when she told me she miscarried a few weeks later.

>> No.19825807

Lmao someone called him a nigger lover for marrying a black and white person.

>> No.19825811

"2020 can go fuck itself" is the most Reddit expression ever. Fuck you and your fetus.

>> No.19825890

sorry for your loss fren, i pray that you will be succesfull in your next time.

>> No.19826152

When you realize that no one is going to help you, stop caring about what others think, stop comparing yourself with others, and start owning up to your own life.

>> No.19826275


it happens, friend. now you realise how precious life is, and you'll treasure the next one even more.

go get 'em tiger

>> No.19826281
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>get better

>> No.19826292

When you make any meaningful changes to how you spend your day

>> No.19826311

Stfu edgy zoomer

>> No.19826332

It seems to only get worse my friend...

>> No.19826382

>great roles
Fuck society.

>> No.19826402

You will notice one day. Nostalgia turns to multiple series of 'things were better then' and 'I used to be happy'.

>> No.19826430

When you have your first child. Nothing else gets better in life, you will probably always work full time doing a job you don't like (or worse, be a NEET). Even if you make it, you'll need some meaning in your life and kids provide it easily.

The rest of your life may be unchanged, but everything is more tolerable because you do it for them. Existential questions like yours (and other troublesome ones like "what's the point?") will simply never trouble you again.

>> No.19826449

when self realization occurs

>> No.19826456

25 is peak imo

>> No.19826463

is that supposed to be a good thing?
how is that different from just taking anti-depressants to numb the pain?

>> No.19826500

>how is that different from just taking anti-depressants to numb the pain?
>How is pumping yourself full of chemicals different to following your natural directives to give yourself a more purposeful and fulfilling life

There is no helping some people.

>> No.19826535

So you're telling me that you brought someone into this world to satisfy a selfish need for meaning? What are you going to tell your kids if they ask you what's the point, "have kids"?

>> No.19826554

Our natural directive literally is pumping ourselves full of chemicals. There's nothing more to it. If you're trying to sound smart make sure not to say something extremely retarded. Saying retarded things does not make people think you're smart.

>> No.19826576

It doesn't. Life is and always will be suffering. Anyone who sells you anything different is a liar or psychopath.

You might as well kill yourself if you can't handle it now. Eventually (and by that I mean probably within the next decade) your mind will markedly slow down, your body will begin to ache in places consistently, and slowly but surely one by one you will watch potentials drift away (never gonna be astronaut if you're a nobody at 28, never gonna be an author if you can't construct a decent paragraph by 35, never gonna be an athlete if you're 40 with no prospects, etc. etc.)

The only good thing about remaining alive is becoming so damaged by life that you wind up completely delusional and take pleasure in watching your enemies (aka equally troubled, suffering individual spirits who were probably grossly misguided or abused) get old, lose their strength and beauty, and eventually die.

>> No.19826597

Lots of brilliant guys out there who subscribe to the "muh natural biological drives" bullshit, it's weird.

>> No.19826612

30 for me

>> No.19826619

Find something you love that the Jews cannot take from you.

I like to hike and go on bike rides.

>> No.19826659

super heavy bro but maybe look into the world we live in and where its headed and realise that maybe its best if you don't bring new people into this existence

>> No.19826663

>The only good thing about remaining alive is becoming so damaged by life that you wind up completely delusional and take pleasure in watching your enemies (aka equally troubled, suffering individual spirits who were probably grossly misguided or abused) get old, lose their strength and beauty, and eventually die.
Wow you have a really shit take of life. Disgusting.

>> No.19826666
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La creatura...

>> No.19826682

Ok boomer

>> No.19826726
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it's all so tiresome idk if i can take this anymore

>> No.19826792

Dude just get top tier escorts once a week and make sure to cum in their mouth

>> No.19826809

>I like to hike and go on bike rides
>something the jews cannot take from you
Anon, I... I don't know how to tell you but... Nevermind Anon, don't worry

>> No.19826825

You can't really enact Martial Law in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.19826927

you need to be good looking too, and luxiries must not be moderate only.

>> No.19826959
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its a waste of money when you have premature ejaculation
>inb4 meme advice like kegels, no fap, drink beer, edging

i already did all of that, the only thing that works is fortacin spray but it's still not enough and also gives me red spots for some reason

already tried priligy which is like any crappy ssri you could mention but better

my dick has too many nerve density, sex feels to good. if you are able to last long is because you are a chad that has fucked a million stacies or because you have a dried out dick

>> No.19826992

When you start trying and make it better.

>> No.19827041
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Seethe satan and hitler

>> No.19827090

We brought them in because we wanted kids. That all existential anxiety disappeared when they were born was an unexpected bonus.

I'm the one trying to sound smart? When you're spouting off Reddit tier materialist nihilism?

When the meds stop or in a moment of clarity the antidepressant addict realises they have nothing. Someone with a fulfilling family life wouldn't even have those moments, and even if they did they could be proud and bask in the love they feel and receive. I suppose that's all just chemicals though.

>> No.19827093

>positive ions

>> No.19827111

Based, baby didn't wanna be born into this shit world and decided to nope the fuck out of there.

>> No.19827136
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at this point, my hopes and dream relies on my crypto investments
i cannot see myself slaving for 40 years

>> No.19827155

my life got better at around 300k saved and invested. my bank gave me a basically free mortgage for a ridiculous apartment, and i don't need to work ever in my life anymore

>> No.19827187

Life gets better when you get better.

>> No.19827250

That’s unironically a man, all of them

>> No.19827485


>cash out refinance
>converting all your equity to cash and buying a boat


>> No.19827499

when you make it better
unless you're very lucky things don't get better if you don't do anything

>> No.19827576
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has it ever occured to you that you could simply get an illness tomorrow and not be able to hike ever again?
healthfags are the worst form of normies, you can not have a soul without at least 1 chronical illness.

>> No.19827586

have you had sex with her before?

>> No.19827796

fucking disgusting breeders bound to the great chain that pulls, the wheel turns and crushes their bodies underneath forever. His progeny are fuel for the machine of suffering, nothing more. Pathetic.

>> No.19827994

AI Singularity

>> No.19828549

> you will probably always work full time
not if you avoid women or ever having kids dummy

>> No.19828584

>muh equity
congrats after you paid the broker commission the value of the house appreciated with inflation and not one penny more but you're too fucking stupid to calculate annualized return anyway

>> No.19828614

none of you is going to make it

>> No.19828634

when you accept.

>> No.19828645
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It will always get worse Anon.

>> No.19828658

If you're a male with poor parents, in your mid twenties to early thirties if you've been putting in the work.

>> No.19828692
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Seethe, genetic dead end

>> No.19828745

I wish I could be there to laugh at your inevitable suicide in your 40s.