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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19824091 No.19824091 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19824110

swap it for EPIC if you want a new moonable privacy coin

>> No.19824119

based... This shit is crashing to 0 and to be honest the bag holders deserve it. I've never come across a more arrogant, dislikable and outright stupid community.

>> No.19824186

Fuck trannies

>> No.19824914


>> No.19825147

So you've never heard about linkies, gotcha

>> No.19825523


>> No.19825650

man link is way way worse, jesus christ. i fucking hate their lies.

>> No.19825670

Rent free

>> No.19825724

at least link is near ath

>> No.19825938

Why is this happening?

>> No.19826063

It's the weekend before mainnet, people don't trust Mcafee or the Ghost team because of their multiple shenanigans; many holders fear mainnet may be post-poned or worse that it will be treated as bad as the previous airdrop, and that could cause a huge crash

>> No.19826085

How is the airdrop going to work? Same as last time? I just gotta be holding the ghost in my ETH wallet?

>> No.19826101

exactly the same. I'd advise you to either sell now and buy tomorrow, or just buy more these last days if you don'thave the balls for swinging

>> No.19826499


so much seething

See you dumbasses in 3 days when my ghosties are worth $20

>> No.19826520

>so much seething
It's down -13.82%
Was you dropped head first on the floor at birth?

>> No.19826528
File: 8 KB, 255x198, Ghost_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know so much fud on this


>> No.19826531


Ghosties will have the last laugh!

Everyone will FOMO and seethe.


>> No.19826541
File: 45 KB, 950x170, Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 11.13.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcafee has no plans to use Ghost..

Enjoy your bag's dumbasses

>> No.19826583 [DELETED] 


LOL Obviously he uses those now.

When the ghost phone arrives every drug dealer in the world will own GHOSTIES!!!

And John will be able to snort mountains from his Ghost bags.

So much upward potential price movement!!!!!

Stay poor wagie!!!! LOL

>> No.19826593


LOL Obviously he uses those now.

When the ghost phone arrives every drug dealer in the world will own GHOSTIES!!!

And John will be able to snort mountains from his Ghost bags.

So much upward potential price movement!!!!!

Stay poor wagie!!!! LOL

>> No.19826628

>When the ghost phone arrives every drug dealer in the world will own GHOSTIES!!!

BTFO from January 2018

>> No.19826639

>ghost phone

This isn't the first time Mcafee has released an "untraceable phone"

When announcing the ‘John McAfee Privacy Phone’ in 2017, it was claimed that the phone would be untraceable and un-hackable because it allowed the user to physically disconnect or disable various telltale components, including the battery, Wi-Fi antennas, Bluetooth and geolocation services, the camera, and even the microphone. Clearly, it was marketed as the perfect device for shady black-market cryptocurrency transactions, terrorists, or just your everyday conspiracy theorists. But if John McAfee’s own privacy phone was hacked – clearly, it’s not living up to his own hype

>> No.19826692


This is from 2018 idiot. It is simple logic, you buy a phone with GHOST and you pay for your plan with GHOST then there is no real connection between your identity and the phone.

$100 EOY idiot TRY HARDER

>> No.19826696

Who's gonna buy?

>> No.19826715
File: 231 KB, 848x1200, C-RAA-9XYAE1op7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost phone

John McAfee’s ‘hack-proof’ phone is doomed to fail
Apr 28, 2017


The McAfee Privacy Phone, My fucking sides

He got you with the same trick twice

>> No.19826722

John McAfee unveiled the plans for his “first truly private smartphone” in Newsweek yesterday. He believes his device is the “most hack-proof phone” ever created. The $1,100 Android phone, called the McAfee Privacy Phone, was created through a partnership with cybersecurity firm MGT

- Apr 28, 2017

My fucking sides

>> No.19826764


with GHOST he got it right!

it is so simple to understand that even a brain dead idiot like you can manage to spark two braincells togeher to understand it.

If everything is done in the GHOST ecosystem there is no real connection between your ID and the phone.

What great products didn't have initial failures?

The GHOST phone will succeed where other privacy phone's failed!


sorry (not sorry) losers :)

>> No.19826774


Every other crypto bagholder will FOMO into GHOST the superior privacy coin!

>> No.19826783

It'll crash post main net but it'll recover just like the erc 20 token did, then the actual speculative moves happen

>> No.19826799


You are so angry you didn't buy ESH at $0.30

Ghost only goes up from here, there will never be a time ever again to get it below $1

Hurry up, because right now you can get it for sub $2, once it hits $5 it will never look back. You will never be able to get GHOSTIES at these prices ever again!

>> No.19826802

>there is no real connection between your ID and the phone.


The moment an eSIM-enabled smartphone is switched on it will have connectivity and could be instantly traced by the authorities.

>> No.19826819


Every FOMO idiot is hoping for a crash opportunity, this is the reason after mainnet it will only skyrocket when people realize no discount is available.

>> No.19826822

You realize the ghost ecosystem being a Honeypot is massively bullish for project success, right?

>> No.19826839

You might be right. If they made enough money to develop the rest of the ecosystem what you say might go smoothly, but they'll probably run another few / several pnd cycles to raise capital for the ghost projects. It's never easy making 100x, they'll make you sweat for it

>> No.19826848


you can trace all you want. but if you have no clue who you are tracing there is no point... dumb dumb, is there a brain in that empty skull?

GHOST will be top 5 market cap within 2 years

>> No.19826877
File: 152 KB, 380x376, Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 16.02.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GHOST will be top 5 market cap within 2 years

>> No.19826902

In 2 years if ghost was #5 its market cap would be 4.4 billion and worth around 300 per. There would be an IRS ghost task force hunting us down if that happened

>> No.19826924
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Pic related is you

Who would not have ghost, and dedicate this much energy to FUD if you weren't hoping for a chance at a discount?

You fuckers won't get it. you better buy now or FOMO forever! because it is only going UP! UP! UP!

>> No.19826941


IRS will be disbanded after USD collapse.

In 2 years USA will not be able to world police like they do today.

>> No.19826946
File: 176 KB, 1400x1400, Ghost_jmacwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone who can reverse-engineer and write anti-virus software

but plebs think they can't reverse an esim


Its exactly what he's been waiting for

>> No.19826963

You might be right anon

>> No.19827936

Luckily john hates the irs and they can't do shit to him

This will be no different. See you on the moon

>> No.19827976
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why people still trust this motherfucker after mcafeecoin and safex?