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File: 33 KB, 1024x683, r-insights-PayID-02-1024x683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19821412 No.19821412 [Reply] [Original]

People are saying with PayID some functions of chainlink will be obsolete. Pls explain

no link shills

>> No.19821433

Bump out of curiosity

t. LINK maxi who knows nothing about Pay ID

>> No.19821829

Payid is meant to be the bridge for personal payments, so if you want to give someone money, you don't have to find out what service they use, sign up for it, load funds into it, and transfer. You just send.

>> No.19821858

but what does this have to do with what chainlink is doing/

>> No.19821879

Tell me more about this chain-link token?

>> No.19821913

Just got downgraded to an ERC-5 token. You don't wanna know about it

>> No.19822590

Payid is a phone book for looking up peoples crypto addresses using a recognisable name like retard$alert.com
It’s not an oracle you stupid ripple fucks

>> No.19822602
File: 436 KB, 610x872, pay id.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but linkies claim not to be oracles. just network of decentralized oracles

>> No.19822822

PayID gives cryptocurrency companies a way to meet regulatory requirements such as the travel rule.

PayID can provide cryptographic proof that payment was delivered to the correct destination.

PayID provides a single destination address for multiple cryptocurrency and fiat payment systems.

PayID provides human-readable payment addresses for cryptocurrency payment systems.

>> No.19822893

>PayID can provide cryptographic proof that payment was delivered to the correct destination.
No, it can relay a receipt from a blockchain that you provide, to another party, much as I can relay a photograph of my asshole to you via the post
>PayID provides a single destination address for multiple cryptocurrency and fiat payment systems.
That's like saying a phonebook provides a single name to lookup multiple phone numbers. Great, who gives a shit?

>> No.19823161

After half a day of research, it seems Pay ID is quite literally a middleman just as >>19822893 seemed to have pointed out.

>> No.19823266

please don't tell me after literally years of broken and empty promises you're shocked to find this one is yet another empty promise that cost millions upon millions of dollars produced out of thin air by dumping ripples onto the market

>> No.19823277

youre fudding PayId the same way people fud Link.....

>> No.19823410

How are you even going to fucking use it
Suppose I have a payid connected to my bank account and you have one connected to your ethereum address
It looks like I can pay you but when I try enter your payid it’s going to be like “can’t pay that payid”
Abstracting away the payment details here doesn’t improve user experience it actually makes it worse. The confusion caused will be enormous

>> No.19823600
File: 498 KB, 798x920, 1592201856756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically how people fudded chainlink. PayId really does do what chainlinks trying to accompolish

>> No.19823639

>PayId really does do what chainlinks trying to accompolish
In what way? Have you read the source?

>> No.19823682

i can tell by your butthurtness

>> No.19823733

Here's the source https://github.com/payid-org/payid
Explain to me how this is an oracle that can feed data to my ethereum contract. I'll wait.

>> No.19823740

I dont know but what I do know is that Ripple is a jew scam and it never goes up because they eternally print more

>> No.19823749

>crying this hard
ripple did say a few months ago theyre building a bridge to ethereum

>> No.19823823

Already speculations of it possibly become an er-3 token by November. It's ashame what this token has become. I guess they were right regarding the constant 700k dumps. Just another pump and dump

>> No.19824475

>building a bridge to ethereum
Oh wait ur serious let me laugh even harder
Let me ask you a question: Once I get to ethereum from the ripple database why would I go back?

>> No.19824487

so... paypal....?

>> No.19824778

Kek no
PayPal actually works
This is a fucking phone book, it operates exactly like one.
Imagine I tell you to look me up in the phonebook and it has a SIP voice over IP URL instead of a phone number but you have a dumb phone. That’s how payid works. It just looks up your details it doesn’t bridge payments, it has no way to move money between ledgers

>> No.19825407

Completely different projects aiming different things. Chainlink is a decentralized framework for the creation of decentralized oracle networks that connects blockchains, legacy systems and every backend in the world. It's used to feed secure and reliable data into smart contracts in a decentralized manner.

>> No.19825584

I thought the dump limit for erc 10 tokens was 70k, maybe they got downgraded because they exceeded that rate?

>> No.19826378


>> No.19826403

it's already been explained why payid is not an oracle...why are you bumping