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File: 606 KB, 1330x724, Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 6.27.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19818002 No.19818002 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is becoming the new XRP

>> No.19818025

Massive sell signal

>> No.19818053

This was what sergeys presentation was about.
That’s why we shadow forked in early ‘18.

>> No.19818091
File: 414 KB, 2280x1080, TheNeedful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr tyler already made my hole village rich

>> No.19818182


>> No.19818227

Is Chico based or cringe?

>> No.19818240

sell signal

>> No.19818273
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1565569467008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even describe how much joy it brings me to think of all the people who are buying above $4 when I bought 10k LINK at 18c on etherdelta

It feels unreal. Everybody who buys now is virtually on their knees in front of me. Bowing down and saying "you were right"
I hope more youtube fags make videos and everybody and their cousin buys LINK over $4. What an absolute tragedy it is that they didn't get in sooner.

>> No.19818345

and thats a bad thing how? lmfao

>> No.19818374

Both. He’s a stoner fuckboy but he does some decent research.

>> No.19818375

while sergey is dumping his fat hairy ass bag on your face, imagine the smell

>> No.19818378

You have to go back

>> No.19818383

you seem to be of the impression that all us linklets said you were wrong. I didn't even know it existed until about 9 months ago and I have been spending every penny on it since that day.

>> No.19818400

I think you should be happy for each and everyone of them. It's not every day you get an investment opportunity with guaranteed 250x returns.

>> No.19818408

good. I need one last pump so I can dump this dead project before I go to university.

I dont know why the fuck I ever thought anything but buttcoin was worthwhile.

>> No.19818427

>guaranteed 250x returns
Jesus Christ

>> No.19818454

Sure, these normies can't handle a 20% dip without selling. They don't fucking get it

>> No.19818456

even the Lord of chained links has tweeted aboot it.

>> No.19818464

swings and roundabouts why are you still holding

>> No.19818469

Kys redditor

>> No.19818472

(You) must be new here.

>> No.19818475

i sold off 90% of my LINK to fill bags on RSR
i dont think LINK is going to go as high as most fags are saying
and RSR has way better chances in a shorter period of time to /makeit/

>> No.19818479 [DELETED] 

ok I only have one question


>> No.19818489

>What an absolute tragedy it is that they didn't get in sooner.
crypto is all about the greater fools.
without them no one who bought early can exit the positions into stables or cash out.

>> No.19818498

Nobody cares about your paid shills you degenerate schizo

>> No.19818518


I've made more than you in the past month with STA and it's still at 6m MK...

Linkies are gonna an hero when they realize they slept on this as they kept praying for a completely pumped out coin to pump again.

>> No.19818538


>> No.19818541

How big is your rsr stack? I am currently on 2m. Will i make it?

>> No.19818542

token not needed, so keep your bags retard

>> No.19818585


>> No.19818720

if it gets mainstream hype you retards might finally at least get $10. shit i might buy just for the meme, and because i locked my RH cashing in on BLM

>> No.19818766


>> No.19818856


Please don't buy.

>> No.19818936

if you dont have $1000 for the meme shit what's the point

>> No.19818946

>chain link became a normalfag coin
kek sell now before you get left holding the fucking bag linkies

>> No.19818953

i thought XRP would make me rich but i sold for Link link will go to 10,000 dollars, thats massive gains, link to moooon

>> No.19819004

Lol imagine falling for a scam. You can’t actually be that retarded anon.

>> No.19819037

i bought this shit at an average price of 25 cents and havent sold one link

These videos and other twitter shills are really making me consider selling my stack. I remember when even reddit was kept out of the loop but now it is way beyond reddit

>> No.19819068

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.19819116


Same mate, had 56,000 link at the peak DCA'd from 2017 to mid 2018. I sold at 4.17. It has too much normie hype and can't break 5 dollars meanwhile so much awesome shit is going on with DAOs and DeFi. I'll buy back in a 10k suicide stack of they actually ever release staking to the public but meh.

>> No.19819142

This is some really shit fud.
We're on the home stretch and you're selling because some faggot on youtube made a video. A likely story.

>> No.19819174
File: 5 KB, 416x30, Screenshot at 2020-05-11 23-09-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19819209

yes that is what is called a sell signal. this is how you make money.

>> No.19819224

it's a good thing. We need the blind hope of normies to pump and dump like 2017. I'm dumping as soon as it hits $100.

>> No.19819242

If staking were never released to the public, this would have the effect of increasing the token value, as less tokens would be available to drive the network. Is this the best fud you have? If so, keep talking. I'm looking at large houses and cars in other tabs, but I'll pop back in 5 mins

>> No.19819251

>this is how you make money.
Nigger I've literally never lost money with Chainlink and I'm not about to start now. If you think this is a sell signal, go ahead, sell everything, I get paid soon. I will buy all of it.

>> No.19819258


Dude there is literally 1 million additional link entering circulation per month from one of the Dev wallets. I've likely owned this shitcoin literally multiple YEARS longer than you have. I've heard it all before.

>> No.19819287

I really want to hate him but yeah, he actually does his research. Picks up some good stuff that isn't here.

>> No.19819298

>I get paid soon

If you are living paycheck to paycheck and buy $1k worth of CL when you get paid dont talk to me.

>> No.19819322

wait.. so is that fud that the devs control too much of the supply or that they are corruptly 'subsidising' their chosen node operators

>> No.19819339

>paycheck to paycheck
Nice reading comprehension, faggot. When did I say that? I spend MY ENTIRE CHEQUE, every month, on Chainlink. I don't need to but my only regret will be not buying more.
Don't even fucking (you) me you're too stupid to be spoken to.

>> No.19819351

also you only earn $1k a month? Pathetic.

>> No.19819366

No shit retard, the sell signals are crazy. The greater fools are left

>> No.19819370

he'a nutjob conman and an utter pussy. great to watch if you want to be stupid and flooded with moronic conspiracy-newsletter-tier fluff

>> No.19819417
File: 27 KB, 600x400, 343C9A41-AA13-4BBA-A19C-081F249F1E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend MY ENTIRE CHEQUE, every month, on Chainlink

>> No.19819425

What do you think, retard?

>> No.19819450

I have made over a quarter of a million profit. Why are you laughing at me, nolinker? Are you jealous?
I said don't fucking (you) me. Fuck this shit I'm out of here.

>> No.19819451
File: 80 KB, 969x918, MKDavid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confused, Manmeat. Smoked too much cow dung today. Shh. Shhhh.

>> No.19819487

I bought in at the ICO in september 2017, less than 3 years ago. Not sure about you, what year did you start buying CL, which would make you multiple years ahead of me?

>> No.19819499

if you want to boast about how much LINK you own, post your wallet. I will post a wallet at least 5x your stack

>> No.19819501
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 32E23D10-CC75-40AF-AAC1-D34D673EAB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem to be of the impression that all us linklets said you were wrong. I didn't even know it existed until about 9 months ago and I have been spending every penny on it since that day.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA looks like you forgot to change IDs before larping you degenerate poorfag linklet. WHAT A LOSER.

>> No.19819509

i dunno, not smart enough to figure it out

>> No.19819532


>> No.19819621
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1421731111945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i really hope you dont post in this thread again with this ID

>> No.19819642

Thx for the signal. SOLD

>> No.19819678
File: 84 KB, 720x684, the real ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he just invested millions 9 months ago

>> No.19819902

Are “link marines” nothing but newfag larpers these days?

>> No.19819999

Yes. All of the oldfags who had whale stacks dumped their bags on the newfags and left this shit board. Now the newfags cope by circle jerking each other daily about "making it" with a peaked erc20 token in this worthless echo chamber.

>> No.19820014


>> No.19820066

Quads of wisdom

>> No.19820192

They are all copying Tyler..

>> No.19820207

Hi bitboy. You're a cuck

>> No.19820230

Yeah that's facts and not a bad idea but link is an elite long term hold. I'm accumulating fat bags of both

>> No.19820242
File: 25 KB, 583x557, 1528769852021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link homos blown the FUCK out

>> No.19820436
File: 919 KB, 473x262, Based Messi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your power level is over 9M

>> No.19820478

Both. He's a antifa looking stoner cuckboi, but he is semi high iq when it comes to crypto, and normie enough to read the trends

>> No.19820563
File: 380 KB, 988x565, Based Smith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820588

100 billion dollar mcap incoming