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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19814488 No.19814488 [Reply] [Original]

>work had and save money
>joos print more money to support their gambling habits
>as they pump more money in the value of my money decreases

>> No.19814513

wow, you have totally figured it out

mind: blown

>> No.19814526

The Fed should be destroyed.. as a first step. Why don’t all these retarded protesters understand who’s knee is REALLY on their neck?

>> No.19814581

they are coached and/or directed by paid agitators, as soon as the crowd seems to move in an unwanted direction, all of a sudden everything dies down or gets redirected elsewhere to fit the narrative and goals.

A great example of a proper protest is the Yellow vests in France - totally ignored by the mass media.

>> No.19814869

>work hard yet still don't know how to spell hard
>don't diversify into other assets and hold 100% of your net worth in (((cash)))
>complain like a nigger
most people deserve to stay poor

>> No.19814892

That's why you invest your money and profit from "joo gambling". Having most of your money in cash is beyond retarded.

>> No.19814933

And what’s to stop them? Governments are bought and paid for puppets

>> No.19814960

Fiat is a way of ripping off regular ppl

>> No.19815412
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>jews sell all their shit at all time highs and crash the market
>wageslaves left holding the bag
Found the jews

>> No.19815435

dont keep you money under the mattress boomer

>> No.19815549
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I'm so lost at what I'm supposed to be doing right now. People tell me putting money in the stock market now is reckless, then my high yield savings account is down to 1% - so not even outpacing inflation.

>> No.19815598 [DELETED] 

It's called holding long term. Don't day trade. OVer the long term you can expect 6-10%/ year. That's a lot better than the NEGATIVE return of 1.5-3% you get by holding cash.

>> No.19815626

That's why you invest and hold long term. Don't day trade, you're not smarter than the markets. Over the long term you can expect 6-10%/ year. That's a lot better than the guaranteed return of 0% you get from cash (and negative 1.5-3% when you factor in inflation).

>> No.19815628
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>regurgitating tired, common sense bullshit to seem "smart"
as bad as søiboys

>> No.19815648

Yes, all the world's problems boil down to the Jews, extreme sarcasm btw. Stop vilifying a group of people who not too long ago endured what was the single most hellish experience imaginable, that being the Holocaust

>> No.19815652

I'm so scared to buy right now with everyone saying how expensive the market is. I've read about dollar cost averaging but i donno.

>> No.19815697

This, Jews are the real oppressed minority

>> No.19815740


>> No.19815751 [DELETED] 
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Oyy veyyyy remember the 6 gorillion goy! Suck my goyim ass taint you privileged fucking cunts.

>> No.19815764

So ur telling me you leave your money in a bank and let it depreciate?

>> No.19815773

If you want to be safe buy pms

>> No.19815804

Guess the holodomor never happened

>> No.19815918
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>> No.19815977 [DELETED] 

serious question: can I just rename my last name to "Goldberg" fake my 23andme data and infiltrate jew crowds?

Will they accept me or will they be able to tell I'm not a jew by my non-jew nose?

It's not even a joke, being a jew is a serious advantage.

>> No.19816030

this, hong kong is still going to the fucking day because it fits the 'china man bad' in some obscure attempt to flood the country with more non whites

>> No.19816032

You’ll need to learn some hebrew. Converting to Judaism isn’t like converting to Christianity or Islam, they won’t let you in unless you work for it

>> No.19816042

not even google new what pms was. what are you talking about? ._.

>> No.19816063
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Faking your last name and 23andme data, and learning Hebrew only gets you so far. You have to attend regular meetings where you circumcise babies with your teeth.

>> No.19816212

Precious Metals
You hide them somehow, tell nobody u have them and nobody can take them away

>> No.19816257

how is it possible to run a country and permanently remain in debt? this has been going on for fucking 60 years. they sacrifice economic stability for infinite growth

>> No.19816289

Seeing as I save in crypto and gold I don't care.

>> No.19816335 [DELETED] 

Why? Did all those people in power in Hollywood and all those jew CEOs learn hebrew?

I doubt it.

I think jews just know you are a jew by your last name and facial appearance.

My facial appearance is 100% Norwegian looking, so that is a problem, but I could always fake the jew name by choosing something like "Friedmann"... why not?

When I present my self in venues all jews will sub-consciously think "Oh, he is one of us, must help this guy out", no?

>> No.19816657

>People tell me putting money in the stock market now is reckless
id somewhat agree, its can go both ways at this point but they missed the crash recovery

>> No.19816720

Fucking buy shit that won't decrease in value.
>Houses and shit
Also take out the biggest loan you can because fuck it the price will be inflated away untill you can pay it off with an afternoons work.

>> No.19816745

>totally ignored by the mass media
Maybe in america - here in the UK yellow vests got a fair bit of coverage

>> No.19816819

>houses don't decrease in value
are you stupid? Just because real estate is in a bubble and it beats inflation doesn't mean home won't decrease in value. Those walls and windows don't compound, they get older, break down and suffer maintenance costs.

>> No.19816851

gold and silver. How do you not know this browsing /biz/?

>> No.19816919

Prime Ministers.

>> No.19817161

>20% capital jew tax
>left with 3-5%
>barely breaking even
>unless the jew market crashes and you're left with half of what you started with

>> No.19817204

Pussy Magnets

>> No.19817222
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Kek that guy readjusted his punch twice mid swing, didn't even have a stable footing AND was already over balanced and he still knocked the antifa soiboi out immediately kek

>> No.19817265

They were born into it retard. The question was how to pass/convert

>> No.19817294

>as they pump more money in the value of my money decreases
Nice 4th grade observation there fag
it doesn't decrease in value if there is already deflation going on in the economy, spurred by decreased spending
Everyone's spending is someone else's income

>> No.19817346

>literally every faggot and their grandmother is price gouging because they want to make up for the decreased number of customers
Try going outside fag. The price of goods and services has increased. The jewconomy is a lie

>> No.19817385 [DELETED] 

it's 20% over the gains, not 20% over everything brainlet

>> No.19817411

The basket of good traditionally used to measure inflation/deflation is trash and out of touch from the real world. For most goods us commoners use there is massive inflation.

>> No.19817793

They will force you into the stock market once they do negative interest rates. Boomers 401ks must go up, the rich need more consumers, no one is allowed acquire capital to compete with "them" anymore, saving is not allowed serf boi.

>> No.19818142

Not hellish enough.
Compelling proof says it never happened.
Alot of "absolute truths" have been exposed as lies.
More often than not jewish sources that are less honest than usual are to blame.

>> No.19818163

Don't let the people around you continue to exist in fiat hell

>> No.19818369


>> No.19819307

What can I do?