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File: 413 KB, 888x460, Chainlink DEFI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19806029 No.19806029 [Reply] [Original]

LINK will melt faces faces when Bancor V2 goes live and ends impermanent loss in AMMs.

>> No.19806048

Kek. Sergey is a fucking defi god.

>> No.19806151


Single stinky staking with 100% stinky exposure with no impermanent loss makes chainlink defi king

>> No.19806183

Liquidity black hole, it’s happening. If you know, you know that you know.

>> No.19806201


Will chainlink provide the oracles for Orion protocol?

>> No.19806209
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BNT’s new tokenomics with super high staking rewards and BancorV2’s new pool design with 0 impermanent loss enabled by Chainlink will cause all liquidity to flow to Bancor's pools, creating a feedback loop of larger liquidity pools --> super lower slippage --> more trade volume --> higher staking rewards and more demand for BNT.

Big fucking win for LINK, BNT and DEFI yield farmers.

>> No.19806233

This is the liquidity black hole redpill. I’m going to frame this pic in the citadel when link & bnt @ $1000 USD

>> No.19806343
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>> No.19806410
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Because Bancor V2 with Chainlink oracles enables 100% single token exposure (staking of any supported token) Bancor liquidity pools will suck up even more assets & liquidity. This and an improved Bancor bonding curve with liquidity amplification will create super low slippage that rivals centralized exchanges.

Liquidity aggregators like 1inch, DEX AG, Kyber and Paraswap will come to source the vast majority of their liquidity from Bancor V2 pools with Chainlink integration.

If you know what this means for BNT price pressure. You just know.

If you know what these means for LINK's increased utility in securing DEFI and LINK supply, you just know.

>> No.19806506

Got any deeper reading on BNT, anon?

>> No.19806556
File: 168 KB, 1280x509, BNT RED PILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes fren. See the original BNT red pill posted by DGD ANON in February (attached). Basically predicts everything that's happening with Bancor right now exactly.

Also recommend reading about the BNT staking rewards that are supposed to come soon after Bancor V2 is live: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-staking-rewards-ad432e5d590d

The pumpenomics for BNT are sperg level. Few understand this, but plebs will wake up after BNT Coinbase listing. Still early... but not for long...

>> No.19806618

I'll look into it, thanks. Really feels like there is a level of traction under these projects we havent seen since 2017.

>> No.19806640

I’m still trying to figure out how they are killing impermanent loss. They said they each AMM’s reserve values will stay constant. But how if market prices of tokens always changing.

Technicals details apparently coming soon.
Any guesses beforehand?

>> No.19806645

So isn't a scam after all?

>> No.19806656

Amateur hour is over. Big boys stepping in to pick up the slack and give some long-awaited credibility back to the cryptosphere.

>> No.19806734


Kek. Agreed. DeFi 2020 has 2017 vibes.

DeFI coins, particularly in the liquidity / AMM space will pump the hardest IMHO.

These projects are actually delivering utility and value to holders and stakers. Very high incentives and yield potential, and with Bancor V2 / Chainlink the biggest risks of staking are killed off.

No impermanent loss, single asset staking and low slippage mean you stake your LINK or any other token and only have exposure to that asset. You collect fees from trades and then when you withdraw you get at least your original stake back, but in vast majority of cases will get back original stake + the accumulated trade fees. ( GAME CHANGER / NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE / MASSIVE IMPLICATIONS FOR DEFI SPACE )

Then when the staking rewards are added on top and lending protocol integration is added (also part of Bancor V2) the yield farming potential is next level kekkery.

Chainlink is very strategically positioned to become the standard oracle service for this whole space and we are lucky enough to be here on the ground floor as these opportunities are arising again.

>> No.19806770


It’s about time.

>> No.19807174
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>Tfw knew about Bancor since 2017
>Missed a x4 because I couldn't be bothered to DMOR
>Only remembered Bancor as the jew coin that got justed
The weird thing is normally after a random coin pumps x00% I feel absolutely no FOMO because I know it will correct anyway and probably even crash (like most pajeet scams do). This however, feels different.

I've been reading up on a few articles and it looks legit. Any reading recommendations? And what's the deal with the white hat hack they performed yesterday?

>> No.19807287

Are you me

>> No.19807469
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Deal with white hat was Bancor discovered a vulnerability in newly released code, even after code audit. They white hacked their own contract to protect user funds. $450k saved and is being sent back to users, but a couple of arbs front ran some of the white hat TXs taking $100k+. Apparently those funds are being returned soon.

interesting reading: https://blog.bancor.network/unlocking-single-token-exposure-in-automated-market-maker-liquidity-pools-40750968b2ee

there’s more out there just look

>> No.19807563

Explain for brainlet

>> No.19807600

Soo how can I start farmer this said yield? brainlet here with only 75k link. do I need some bnt?

>> No.19807779


When Bancor V2 is live you will just stake your LINK in a BancorV2 LINK pool and collect yield from trades fees. You won’t even need to buy BNT to benefit from this.

>> No.19807845


More liquidity in a pool let’s more trades pass through. The more trades the bigger the volume. The higher the volume the higher the yield for staking. It’s a perfect loop.

This, plus added rewards for specifically staking BNT, will lock up majority of BNT supply (like SNX ) and create high demand for BNT. You do the math.

>> No.19807888


.... one more thing, adding liquidity to Bancor pools ( with any token ) has a direct impact on BNT price (drives it up).

It’s a DeFi brah.

>> No.19807961
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x1200, 1501012440591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also have a pitiful small stack of LINK?

Thanks for the information. Any thoughts on the team? I just read Bernard Lietaer died last year, that's a shame.

Ps: Anyone else got 2017 Bancor memes? These were the only 2 I could find in my /biz/ folder

>> No.19808106


>> No.19808108

Good Yahweh I'm excited for you guys.

>> No.19808432

You got to admit, the jews know how to make cash. This is not something that just develops in a goyims brain.

>> No.19808469
File: 59 KB, 640x431, B2C34CFF-0D58-48C3-BD65-F68214BC1AA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how many normies are gonna kill themselves for listening to the news.

>> No.19808534


Old heads, Bancor Jew and crew out of the picture no longer relevant. Current team took over in November last year and hard pivoted focus to developers and defi. they re-did the token model, got rid of eth reserve in bnt and airdropped as a “pool token” (called ethbnt) on bnt holders - basically instantly creating 40k defi users on bancor with stakes in the ethereum pool. now they’re redoing the pool design with v2 that ends impermanent loss and all the other stuff, with staking rewards and dao coming later. overall it’s basically a much stronger project with better more focused heads running it still under the same brand name. has a good shot of making a serious come back if bancor v2 works out. could be competitive with uniswap or maybe take over and become top dex again. time will tell.

>> No.19808554

i knew it was a scam this is 100% proof

>> No.19808645

It doesn't have to be the top DEX. It just has to have the most liquid pools, which it will, and all the volume of aggregator protocols like Kyber and 1inch will go through Bancor. Kyber already did half a billion of volume this year. With tiny slippage because of V2, volume will become ever greater as people won't even need centralized exchanges anymore to make decent trades.

>> No.19808649

Solid shill anon, sounds good. Looking at the articles being pushed out since november and the actual improvements made to the product, it feels like the new team has way better focus and feeling for what the DeFi market needs right now.

I will be doing some more homework on how exactly the AMM works and what the roadmap looks like, but I did buy a small bag of Bancor (1k) just so I don't kms if it starts pumping again. Thanks anon.

>> No.19808930

Gonna buy a bit just in case. I'll look more into it. Thank you, anon.

>> No.19808968


Thanks anon. Your assessment is accurate. You can see the pivot and change in style when looking at what’s happened with Bancor since late last year. The focus is a complete turn around from what it was before and for the first time ever, Bancor ( and BNT ) actually have perfect product market fit.

Whats interesting is that there was so much fud about bancor from oldfags that bnt became extremely undervalued.

those keen enough to see the recent pivot when it happened managed to pick up a lot of cheap bnt at the very bottom before it started getting shilled again. it’s still relatively early though. token still undervalued heavily based on price to earnings ratio ( pe )

hope for your stack and mine that the v2 delivers. my bet is that it will.

>> No.19809000


You’re right.

>> No.19809108

Not to mention they completely dumped their ICO bags and all BNT is currently in circulation. They bought back BNT on binance causing the pump to 82c 2 weeks ago. Tells you what they are expecting regarding BNT price.

>> No.19809255

How much did they buy?

>> No.19809758
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>> No.19809846

tl:dr realistic price estimate within 3months and end of year

>> No.19809918

It's going to repeat the USD ath. After that, who knows.

>> No.19809973

so it's gonna plummet and rise?

>> No.19809993

I think I will cash out at $15 before EOY

>> No.19810021
File: 84 KB, 960x662, DE960E64-9F1C-43CF-ADF5-906940B86627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 months - $3 to $5
EOY - $10+

sooner if coinbase

>> No.19810078

if meme BLM penny stocks can go 30x overnight in today's investing environment then surely it's not a stretch to ask for 100x EOY. Maybe 10x by August.

>> No.19810155
File: 540 KB, 1280x720, bancor boner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19810273


You just win brah. haha

>> No.19810292

What are you talking about mate, it was >$10 in 1/2018

>> No.19810325

it's basically a shell game scam. That's it.

>> No.19810385

so we are members of The Tribe now?

>> No.19810423

spoonfeed me

>> No.19810466

can someone explain me how the liquidity black hole works and how this is going to affect it?

>> No.19810500

Should I sell my aave and comp for bnc?

>> No.19810511

the backed up the truck anon. these guys have millions in their war chest

>> No.19810557
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>> No.19810748

keep have sell comp

>> No.19810844

I'll prob keep a bit of comp. But trade most of it for bnc.

>> No.19811000

800K apparantly


>> No.19811257

Well I got some bnc. Whats a suicide stack?

>> No.19811307
File: 78 KB, 512x512, EDB5B9B3-90A7-45CD-B643-5FA72EE1C8CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All in BNT

>> No.19811738

what is you doing anon

>> No.19811978


>> No.19812208

Comfy as fuck,

Rode LRC
Rode KNC
And now riding BNT


>> No.19812465

I have a few dollars laying around? from here it can do a better increase than link? diversification is a meme or in this case useful? Can BNT still do well even if Link gets in trouble?

>> No.19812495

>ends impermanent loss
too good to be true. inb4 everyone has perment losses from something unexpected happening

>> No.19812521
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No because fat protocol thesis. defis are the application. Link the is the protocol beneath, an application cannot exceed the value of the protocol.

>> No.19812623
File: 1.82 MB, 288x377, 2A86AA28-6437-44EB-9A89-0D52E55CC57B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help them yung bulls

>> No.19812745

He's asking if it will increase more than LINK, which it will.

Bancor itself is also a protocol